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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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Also how come Kay has only posted once since shes been back? She was inactive according to her post that her power was out and that she's inactive on weekends. Well it's defintely weekdays now and she still has yet to post.

Kay - Zagi - Warpstabbed Night 1

she was killed(good thing too

who do you think killed her?

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Number of nitwits who didn't read my PM: 2

Number of nitwits who did and are most likely doin' this intentionally, but I no longer care: 1

~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

First: If you're curious about my lack of posting, I didn't feel enough had accumulated to be worth discussing, it's difficult for me to post and I've been working on getting a job (which I apparently succeeded at).

If you would like to make it LESS difficult for me to post, suggest some things you'd like to know about mafia (if you catch my drift) so I can get ideas.

For the moment I'll make something up so I can actually get started posting this phase.

You've heard me throw the word around a while now, so I might as well explain it (even though you already know what it means v_V)!

A scumtell is a clue that the mafia community has learned to recognize as a sign that the person committing the scumtell is in fact scum. "Scum" in this context refers to members of the (or a) informed minority faction, typically referred to as the (or a) "mafia" (sometimes the name is dependent upon the game's flavor).

In accordance the individuals typically charged with identifying scumtells are those of the (or an) uninformed majority faction, which is usually the one referred to as the (or perhaps a?) "town". That would include most of us I'd imagine.

Exhaustively listing all the types of scumtells is futile but for your pleasure I will describe a few that immediately come to my incredibly intelligent mind.

Many are in the form of inconsistencies. The inconsistency in Strawman's behaviour indeed brought about his end.

As I have mentioned in the past, it is unusual for a player to appear to know something they prabably shouldn't as well. Given that the mafia are more informed, one can usually accurately associate uncommon knowledge about the game as an indication that the player exhibiting it is prabably mafia, which forces town allied players fortunate enough to come across sensitive and uncommon information into an undesirable position of wanting to share information that, upon sharing, will make them appear suspicous and potentially lead to accidental betrayals.

To finish, another but certainly not the last way a scumtell may manifest is in the form of emotion. Psychological weaknesses of humans cause them to behave in ways inappropriate to respond to something as benign as a simple forum game with.

If you want a more clear demonstration, think of all the times someone who appeared "butthurt" about being voted for turned out to be mafia.

So Sho was was suspicious of Lord, Psych and Kay. I'm a little suspicious of Psych and Lord myself.

Raymond was suspicious of Shinori and I'm not really liking his posts either.

Showing results for imminently

You need to relax. I've had the impression you're town for a while. I even supported you by drawing the line from Raymond's vote to his death and justifying your switch.

We're cleared now anyway (apparently? This is irksome as I will explain later in this post).

Important to note: I witnessed Lord viewing the thread as well; I was unsure what to say about the matter and attempting to spy on who was viewing the thread, hence my loitering. I didn't catch the others you did though and Lord showed up about as late to the party as I did (I had been playing on XBL for a few hours during the event and missed the moment it happened).

Now that we are aware of hidden players being in the game (so it would seem) these names (including the strange out of place ones) will be more important.

Now HERE is the kind of scumtell I'm talking about. What the hell man? How much more mafia can you be?

You know what? I've been thinking "Ether or Raymond is prabably mafia" for a while now. I stopped thinking Raymond was when he died (duh) but the reason is because the two of you seemed too ordinary. You're both pretty great players and nothing interesting seemed to be coming from either of you.

Especially YOU Ether. Someone mentioned earlier that they noticed you were one of the people they felt was "posting a lot without really trying to contribute anything". Well I whole heartedly agree. What are you doing? Your posts are all as heavy as clouds and I'm not comfortable around you anymore.

You know I actually have had the same feeling about you as I do about Ether for a long while now, and seeing you miscount your ally's vote has caused me to have no surprise when seeing you revealed as mafia.

##Vote: eclipse

I felt Bal had every right to be suspicious of Kay, but I didn't feel we really had a strong enough lead on her for someone to go and actually target her with a killing action, which is probably not repeatable.

I appreciate that whoever took her out got a mafia member, but that seemed really risky. Perhaps you knew something we didn't, and if that's the case then great, but yeah...really risky.

Actually, the fact that the guess (assuming it was one) was correct AND supposedly 3 townies were cleared all at once...everything's going so smooth, it's like some kind of calm before the storm. What the hell? We've only had 3 phases so far so how is it possible this much has happened in favor of the town already?

It isn't impossible for the mafia to kill one of their own to make themselves look innocent...I've prabably done it myself or at least attempted it in the past.

Nobody HAS to die. Except for actual random elements like who gets which role and randomized role abilities, deaths are a result of ability or inability of the players. We prabably could have saved them. There is no such thing as a sacrifice, only amendments of failures.

Having recognized your sarcasm yet again I must say the thing you actually meant is an EXCELLENT point and precisely why I kept my mouth shut fingers off the keyboard for most of the night phase.

To the rest of you, don't make yourself a target if you don't have to. I had actually anticipated having to pretend I was suspicious of Balcerzak down the road to keep the mafia from targeting him so that the doctor would only need to protect me.

Speaking of which, apparently there's a town allied jailer. I don't have a night action and I think your jailing only lasts overnight. Protect me maybe?

I guess that clears up the Broto issue. Sorry Broto? Maybe, maybe not.

I used PowerPoint from Office 2010, though Visio may be better and given that these are MicroShit products there are assuredly things even better than that, perhaps with "graph untangling" functionality which I would love...

I had contemplated uploading the original file but EH.

A lot more than that! I don't like the cut of your jib.

Speaking of people Sho was suspicious of,

Why wasn't this bold? I don't believe it was an accident.

This question just seems unusual to me, like you're trying to get some information from the town you don't deserve, like you know something you shouldn't and also like you're trying too hard to sound like you're helping.

Eventful post as always, Shinori.

What am I, Balcerzak? That post was garbo.

I don't believe you're groggy so I'll just continue with my belief that you're benign

I suppose that's all I have for the moment.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

No, Rita. Though so help me, if I see this kind of "I'm town, SEE how much I'm town" in the next few mafias, and you guys don't do crap about it, I will rip all of you a new one in postgame.

Burn this life, to punish my enemies!

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Schwann knew it was only a matter of time now. Someone had managed to acquire his role PM and began to parade it throughout the town, arousing the fury of the Terca Lumerians. But he wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Burn this life, to punish my enemies," he said, as he released his blastia heart's power and knocked the Misfits all to the ground.


The blast from Schwann's artificial organ sent everyone flying, but after a few minutes, everyone got up... Except for Obviam. That poor soul caught the brunt of the energy, and died.

Over at the center of the blast, Schwann smiled, as he closed his eyes for the last time. It was time for a nap...

Eclipse has died.[spoiler=Eclipse's role.]

Dear Eclipse,

You are Schwann Oltorain, ADVERSARY Lookout.


You are a Captain of the Imperial Knights, and Alexei's right hand man. You possess an alternate persona known as Raven, and use him to spy on the Guilds. You are here by Alexei's request, to put down the Misfits once and for all.

Years of experience have allowed you to spy on people without fear. During the Night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Watching USER." You will watch USER throughout the night, and will know by morning who has visited him.

Your artifical heart allows you to use the Mystic Arte Blast Heart. Once per game, in response to a post containing "death", "life", or synonyms of at least one of those two words, you may respond to this user in the main thread with "Burn this life, to punish my enemies!". The user you reply to will be instantly killed, but you will die in the process. This is as instant as when a host sees it, so do yourself a favor and draw our attention.

Posting Restriction: Use slang. Talking formally would raise suspicions, after all.

You are allied with the Adversaries. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

Obviam has died.

[spoiler=Obviam's role.]

Dear Obviam,

You are Rita Mordio, MISFIT Genius.


The smartest Blastia researcher around, you are right most of the time and have an incredibly low frustration threshold. You are here to continue your research into the various blastia of Terca Lumeris.

From your vast library of knowledge, you have found out that there are 12 whole Misfits in this game.

You have learned the mighty thunder magic Indignation. Starting Day 1 you can post part of the incantation in the main thread. Each day phase you can post a new part of the incantation, in bold. The incantation follows: "I who stand in the full light of the heavens", "call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell", and "Come forth, divine lightning!". When you post "Come forth, divine lightning!" in bold, the player immediately preceding your post will be instantly killed. This does not count edits. Due to the strain of the spell on your mana, you can only use it once. This is as instant as when an ADMIN sees it, so do yourself a favor and message one of us about it (SF or IRC).

Posting Restriction: Because you're the resident know-it-all, you must explain at least one mafia term per phase. The explanation must be at least 150 words in length.

You are allied with the Misfits. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive.

Phase continues.

Edited by Snike
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You know what? I've been thinking "Ether or Raymond is prabably mafia" for a while now. I stopped thinking Raymond was when he died (duh) but the reason is because the two of you seemed too ordinary. You're both pretty great players and nothing interesting seemed to be coming from either of you.

Especially YOU Ether. Someone mentioned earlier that they noticed you were one of the people they felt was "posting a lot without really trying to contribute anything". Well I whole heartedly agree. What are you doing? Your posts are all as heavy as clouds and I'm not comfortable around you anymore.

"I suppose it would be best to address this, despite Sir Obviam's demise..." The girl began speaking, quivering from the shock of the explosive event just prior.

"All I can say towards the thought I'm not contributing is that I've not much to contribute at this point. Most of what I had felt the need to say had already been said, and you'll have to excuse my speech, as I have been told that at times, I can be rather long-winded. Either way, we should attempt to put together what we know. Of those still with us, Sirs Hikarusa and Balcerzak have been claimed innocent by our apparent hidden announcer. As well, since the only death last night was one of the adversaries, and the death did not occur at the end of the night, but rather the middle, it can be assumed that last night, the work of a savior took place, bringing life back to a broken body." The girl continued, smiling at the thought of a death prevented.

"I do hope I have cleared that up, but if you have any more questions for me, feel free to ask, I have nothing to hide from my allied misfits."

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This was completely unexpected.

Alright guys, we need to rally around a new lynch, posthaste. Doing the math, there were 15 revealed players from the start, and Obviam's role and the announcer both have indicated 12 misfits. 3 scum are currently dead. 3 misfits are currently dead. 9 of us are still obviously alive. This means that there are either hidden misfits, or all the remaining scum are hidden. I somehow doubt the second option. (Announcer has also speculated a 5-anti contingent, this is not necessarily reliable yet.)

As before, my current vote is for

#Vote: Proto

so that he starts to actually talk. Obviously there have been some pretty scummy moves from some others, but I'm waiting to address those, for the moment.

As for a daily questionnaire, hmm.

If you were:

1) Cop: Who would you investigate and why?

2) Town Roleblocker: Who would you hook and why?

3) Viligante: Who would you shoot and why?

Note I have specifically left off Doctor, because I don't fucking want any hints whatsoever to be assembled and put into a spreadsheet by the mafia about potential saves. DO NOT ADD IN AN ANSWER FOR THAT ROLE YOURSELF. That would be the most town-sided thing you could possibly do. :facepalm:

This is basically giving a different grade of "how much do you (distrust) people" than usual, and I'm curious to see how it will turn out.

My answers:

1) I would likely investigate IEatTables. He is a well-reputed mafia player, has a history of doing well with wolf roles, is not on the player list, and there do exist hidden players.

2) I might consider Roleblocking Psych. Mostly because I don't really know what to expect next from him, and my town read might be vaguely off.

3) I would probably shoot Life. I can only imagine that if a vig were limited, he wouldn't waste a bullet if he didn't find a target. I don't know that I am deadly suspicious of any of the named players just at the moment, so I'd litereally be firing in the dark at players I know have played, and have been hidden in the past.

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2) I might consider Roleblocking Psych. Mostly because I don't really know what to expect next from him, and my town read might be vaguely off.

If you honestly want to know, I'm simply town doublevote. It's easy to check too, if we have a lynch target today.

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[spoiler=My Host PM]

Let's roll.

I just realized this is also modkillable in the same post you modkilled me in


Dhaos, ADMIN Cameo was modkilled. Barbatos Goetia, ADMIN Killer of Heroes has won a third time.

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Everybody who still have a vote on eclipse, just remember you're all being extremely useful right now.

Please, people. Actually talk and play the game.

Why of course! After all, people have an entire day to reply to the topic and no lives to be busy with. I'm not sure if you want to get as much information as you want, or if you're just acting arrogantly.

1) Cop: Who would you investigate and why?

2) Town Roleblocker: Who would you hook and why?

3) Viligante: Who would you shoot and why?

1) Shinori. I just got the impression that he's trying to evade the topic at all costs, maybe it's just me.

2) Psych, he voted Balcerzak just because he doesn't like his face. :Ç

3) Shinori. Nothing to lose, nothing to gain.

And wtf hidden players.

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I am confusing games at the moment and forgot he was clear. :/ Go see agent if you don't believe me.

I am honestly in too many games at once. Note to Psych: never play 3 games and host at the same time.

##Unvote, Vote Ether

He's not clear is he? I'm getting a bit tired of his semi-PR too.

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Oh wow, I can't believe this. You guys are actually voting for me because I wasn't talking much??? So there's like, nobody here who actually noticed that I was kidnapped last night and couldn't post? And apparently, none of the players from the other Mafia games bothered to mention over here that I was really busy this week and also had a midterm to worry about.

Regardless, this game seems seems to be going really well. I mean, three Mafia killed before Night 2 begins??? THAT IS JUST AWESOME!!! With 15 total players, I am guessing that there is only one Mafia member left. Which means we can like, GET RID OF THE ENTIRE MAFIA IF WE JUST FIND THAT LAST GUY!!!!!


1) Cop: Who would you investigate and why?

Kay zak. Because he's really smart and comes up with a lot of good ideas. Confirming him as innocent would reassure me that his highly logical posts aren't actually designed to make fools out of all of us LIKE THEY DID SO MANY TIMES BEFORE!!! Plus, if he's Mafia, I'd want him gone as soon as possible, because he's too dangerous when he is.

2) Town Roleblocker: Who would you hook and why?

Probably Blitzy, because even if he's Town, I don't want him to screw anything up.

3) Viligante: Who would you shoot and why?

I would idle if I were a Vigilante. Though, if I were overeager or something, I'd probably shoot... Shinori

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Ah, impressive effort you did as your final attempt eclipse taking down the one so many of us place our trust in. It saddens me that a very strong player like Obviam has fallen, but we shall have to carry on. Maan...if only I could've se him cast that Indignation...what ever it is.

1) Cop: Who would you investigate and why?

2) Town Roleblocker: Who would you hook and why?

3) Viligante: Who would you shoot and why?

1) I would investigate Lordormu. Because I'll trust what the announcer said for now and assume Bal and Hika are town. Obviam pointed out Lordormu's play wasn't very good, but if he's clean, then we have one less to worry about. If not then we'd have an extra lynch target. Although Psych also presents an interesting choice since he keeps claiming he's mayor...I'd want to know if it were true or not.

2) If I could hook, I'd rather not since no one has claimed their roles...trustworthily yet and thus I'd run the risk of hooking someone doing something useful

3) 2 more mafia and 9 known town...with the information I have, there's a 7/9 chance I'd just hit a town. Not very nice odds. Although randomly shooting at names like IEatTables seem interesting. It might net us something. Maybe... :/:

Hmm...if we get a tie and Psych's vote wins...we'll know if Psych being honest or no...

##ForceReadGenericFantasy: Kiku Ichimonji

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Sorry i kinda forgot that Kay had been killed. >.<

1) Lorddormu, he's someone multiple were suspicious of earlier in the game and hasn't really done anything that i've seen as of yet that would have ruled him as clear. Unless a cop cleared him.

2) I am not all entirely who i would hook. No one has claimed any roles so it would most likely be a hit or miss. It could end up bad if i hooked someone helpful on accident. Most likely someone who's quiet or inactive though such as proto.

3) Hell if i wasn't my self I'd probably shoot me if i was a vigilante. Not really helping either side at the moment noting to lose or gain.

And i think i should probably go ahead and just role claim to attempt to clear myself since people are thinking im sketchy. Frankly it would help me.

Dear Shinori,

You are Gauche, MISFIT Twin.


You are twin orphans raised by Yeager, and serve as his escape assistants. You are the girl on the left, and Droite is the girl on the right. You are here because you are trying to find your dear sister.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X: Is USER Droite?". You will look at USER, and determine if they are your sister. If they are, you both will gain a special ability between you.

Posting Restriction: You're the hothead, so you must constantly act hostile.

You are allied with the Misfits. You win if all hostile factions are eliminated.

Now get off my back before i cut some people up!

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Several questions were posed to the group at large, and the girl gave herself some time to think them over before responding.

"If I had the ability to investigate one's abilities, I suppose my likely choice would be Sir... Err... Mistress Shinori. Gauche was... not exactly an ally in the past, and has associations with Yeager... if you have indeed changed for the better, that is wonderful, but I have my doubts." The girl replied to the first question, before moving to the second.

"If I instead had the ability to stop one's movements... I suppose I would not have a specific target in mind, so much as ensuring to avoid effecting Sirs Balcerzak and Hikarusa. If I had to make a definite choice, I suppose that again, it would be Shinori... as I said, in the past, Gauche was an adversary of ours." The girl continued, before hitting the final question.

"Huh?! K-kill someone... I... I could never, not without greater reason... even with such an ability... I don't think I could bring myself to take action at this point..." The girl finished, shivering at the thought. Once again, it seemed the integrity of her speech was once again under suspicion.

"I assure you, I am not hiding my manner of speech. This is simply how I speak. I apologize if that is inconvenient for you."

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