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Tales of Vesperia Mafia - GAME OVER


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Oh wow started while i was working. RAAAAGEE.

And it's okay Proto no one likes you anyway.

I suppose you too assume this makes people think you contribute

I need to start remembering what kind of idiots Im dealing with


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Hopefully we do not get bogged down with suspicion and paranoia when we actually start 'playing the game'...

Game? This can hardly be called a game, my friend. You may want to stay out of this if you cannot properly assess what situation you are in.

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Ah well, it's still a game of sorts. Mayhaps I have misassessed what this is. I assumed it was a game for being in the forum game subsection...

Will still stay in this no matter how poor my capabilities might seem. Thanks for your concern anyway.

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"Would you make folly of our very lives?" The anxious voice asked the newcomer. The alias Rothene hid the true face... just who was he?

"To do so would be foolish. Were I to, as we stand now, draw a blade and run to you, poised to kill, would you dismiss it as naught but a game? Would you stand by with a simple smile as I ran you through? If so, then what use are you to us, we who wish to survive? If you will not fight for your own life, what will you bring to an endeavor for life?" This person clearly underestimated the adversaries. Could he be one? Perhaps they saw the slaughter of innocents as a game... but that was not enough for a conviction, was it?

"All I want is to see as few deaths as possible. If you are against that premise, then you and I have nothing to say to one another."

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It is not death I seek my good friend. It's to discern facts from fiction and seek truth in everything. Besides, if you attacked me, nothing's stopping me from fighting back. Life's but a game, and we are all it's players. Hence we should all sit back and enjoy the wonders it presents.

I presume you have a certain dislike of me, and I respect your decision, for one should always be wary in this game, or so I've read. This maybe the last time I respond to you if that is what you desire.

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When asked about something called 'Post Restrictions', the figure tensed up. Suddenly, some sort of voice aside from the speaker's own welled up in their throat.

"First rule of Post restrictions! You do not talk about post restrictions! Second rule of post restrictions! You DO NOT talk about post restrictions!"The apparent rules or instructions were blurted from the shivering lips of the possessed speaker, who quickly whimpered and dropped to their knees.

"What... what just happened? Why is all of this happening? Is this really just a game? Is there anyone truly so twisted as to use our lives as pieces on a chessboard, sacrificing our hopes, our dreams... our futures? For entertainment?!" Standing upright, an enraged scowl covered the speaker's face.

"Who would come up with this sort of... this stupid game!?"

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Finally, a cheerful occasion. Another trapped within this folly seemed to have come to an enlightenment, and a sense of joy swept over the formerly downtrodden guest. Deciding that at the very least, hiding her gender would do no good, the girl rushed over to the new comrade and scooped them up into a tight hug. The alias of this one took the shape of a slender woman, a bit older than herself. Squeezing her tightly, the now enthused girl began to weep joyfully.

"That's wonderful 'Clipsey~" The cheery voice rang out, using the only name she knew for the other, holding the somehow familiar presence ever tighter.

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It pains me to see this game actually has mafia. 2 towns would truly make this game experimental. Then again, such simpletons as anyone but me wouldn't figure to make such interesting turn of events.

The reason nobody has done it before is because it's a terrible terrible terrible idea.

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

Here kiddies, have some more knaledge.

If you have played mafia at Serenes Forest often enough, chances are you have played with a mastermind. These are players who are ridiculously good and cause everyone to focus on killing them first because of how bad they make others feel with their skill.

The best tactic and the one most often used to prevent them from killing literally everyone in the game is to annihilate them night 0, which unfortunately is not an option in this game. Fortunately lynching begins next phase, so you still have a chance!

To help you make the right decision, here are some characteristics common among masterminds.

- Sho isn't one. Don't listen to him

- They're probably irritating.

- They are usually named Obviam.

- They win just about any game that doesn't have half the players targeting them, but sometimes even that isn't enough.

So does anyone know who in Vesperia talks the way eclipse is talking? This one should be easy to figure out

Ether and Sho and me too apparently have pretty obvious restrictions as well.

I am of the opinion the mafia have more subtle post restrictions...assuming they even have them.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

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Just like everybody else here except me, Obviam is clearly far too lowly form of life to reconize true geniousness (that being me). Now if you sad excuses of players would just let me do all the "work" included in winning this game and kindly do as I tell you to.

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Almost 24 hours and some people have yet to even make their first post here. This is shaping up fantastic. Obviously they have the right idea; Night 0 is a stupid time, for stupid people, and there isn't going to be any good conversations or revelations going on. So why is there so much posting already?

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~~ I who stand in the full light of the heavens... ~~

You mean Hell

If you have played mafia at Serenes Forest often enough, chances are you have played with a mastermind

Who do you mean, Eclipse, Paperblade or Bal?(these are the best ones I can think of for now, but on the bright side I am sure you will never be on this list)

The best tactic and the one most often used to prevent them from killing literally everyone in the game is to annihilate them night 0

Hey good news guys, there is someone actually stupider than me.

~~ ...call upon thee who openeth the gates of hell... ~~

I figured you must be at the bottom of Everyone's kill/lynch target,so you get to live in this Hell for a while longer, isn't this great?

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Ah well, it's still a game of sorts. Mayhaps I have misassessed what this is. I assumed it was a game for being in the forum game subsection...

Will still stay in this no matter how poor my capabilities might seem. Thanks for your concern anyway.

That is the spirit, now keep it up and don't hold.You already had a MUCH better start than I did.

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Almost 24 hours and some people have yet to even make their first post here. This is shaping up fantastic. Obviously they have the right idea; Night 0 is a stupid time, for stupid people, and there isn't going to be any good conversations or revelations going on. So why is there so much posting already?

Because we are all stupid( I know I am ). Isn't that GREAT?

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Lol, Night 0.

Also, what is up with these post restrictions you guys have(unless you're faking)? They seem so ridiculous.

Anyways, I have to say I am super excited for this game. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Great party STSS.

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