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Fe4 help for a novice player


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If you decide to use him, he also has an event in Chapter 5 which gives him... I think +5 skill.

Yeah, +5. Worth noting that it's only if he's paired. And only if he goes out of the way to the event location, when he has enough trouble keeping up as is. If he gets the bonus, you're going to have to slow down a lot to get him to use it in a real battle even once.

But it affects passing down base stats, so that's something. It turns into an extra +1 base Skl for his son and +0.5 for his daughter... which would be a nice bonus in other stats, but not so significant for Skl.

Edited by Othin
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Kills given to Cuan are wasted just as much, even if for different reasons: because Cuan leaves at the end of Chapter 3. In both cases, they are a "waste" of the kills given to them... in fact, Cuan is even more of a waste since while Cuan gives no benefit for letting him kill things, Jagen does.

Technically, giving Cuan level-ups aren't totally wasted. When in the 2nd generation, his stats do play a role in determining Leaf's starting stats

Edited by SlainWolve101
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Likewise, whatever weapon he uses for the kill gets another kill tally, making his weapon closer to becoming endowed with the Critical skill.

Giving Cuan kills can also be part of a technical strategy for specific instances. And even then--if you like using Cuan, it's not a waste.

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I guess I will go and ask this question here.

I decided to go with these pairings.

Ira x Holyn

Lachesis x Beowolf

Fury x Claude

Slyvia (None)

Briggid x Jamka

Tiltyu x Levin

Diaora x Sigurd

Ethlin x Cuan

Adean x Midayle

And I was wondering what type of inheritances I should aim for there kids. The only one I know for sure is giving Fury the +5 str to offset Fee's horrible strength growth/base stat.

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Lakche will be ok if you give her Ayra's Hero Sword, Skasaher with Silver Blade is good too. When Lakche will be promote exchange the two weapon because Continue don't work with Hero Weapon.

For Fee, you should give to her (via Fury) Sylvia's Defence sword and the wind sword (very usefull with her hight magic in this couple), and Fin's Hero Lance if he doesn't already leave and a slim lance.

Give Jamuka's Killer Bow to his wife, if will be Faval's back up weapon.

Let Lester have Midayle Hero Bow.

Give Staff to Adean and Claude as much as you can! (Reserve on Claude is very usefull with Sety... He heal you for free until you recruit him, moreover Rana can't inherite it). And one magic for Sety (Wind is the Best)

Tiltyu/Levin, Give Arthur Holsety and Fire (and when Tinny is recruit give him her Elthunder) and Tinny Elwind and Thunder (and Fire). Give the Pursuit ring to one of them (I choose Arthur because of Holsety)

Let Celice inherite his father Silver sword, it's the best Weapon until chapter 10 (if you give his Chapter 7-Hero Sword to someone else)

If you don't do the chapter 3, kill the first boss with Jamuka, so Patty could inherite the thunder sword. You can also give her a return ring, it's really usefull in the beginning of chapter 7.

For Lachesis/Beowulf, I can't help since I never do those couple but I think that Silver sword and Armor Cut should be good. For Lachesis, give her a Magic Ring, It's really usefull to give Nanna a decent magic (+ Prayer Sword and Gaia Sword, she already have). I give also the Return Staff and the second Return Ring to her, so she can go back with Leaf in the beginning of chapter 7)

Ethlin with her slim sword and Light sword, Cuan need nothing (perhaps a Javelin and a Backup Steel (or Silver) Lance)

To finish don't forgot to pass down the Knight Ring and Leg Ring, there's very usefull for a Dancer.

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I decided to go with these pairings.

Ira x Holyn

Lachesis x Beowolf

Fury x Claude

Slyvia (None)

Briggid x Jamka

Tiltyu x Levin

Diaora x Sigurd

Ethlin x Cuan

Adean x Midayle

And I was wondering what type of inheritances I should aim for there kids. The only one I know for sure is giving Fury the +5 str to offset Fee's horrible strength growth/base stat.

Those pairings are generally quite good. You'll want to make sure Levin has the Pursuit Ring and Sigurd the Elite and Leg rings. Generally, as long as a child can use an item, it doesn't matter too much who gets what. Getting items earlier is helpful. You'll probably be able to get most of your swords down on Ayra's kids. The Hero Lance should offset Fee's bad strength too.

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Alternatively, give Fee the Hero Sword, because Fury should do some massive damage to it, and it should have some kills on it by the time Fee rolls around. She also makes better use of it with her higher move, especially because Celice wants the Leg Ring. Also, Sigurd should try and get the Power, Defense, and Barrier rings as well. Alternatively, give the Defense and Barrier rings to Jamka, he's got low defenses and so will Patty.

Also, since you're doing AyraxHolyn, Lakche and Skasaher will be able to use the Balmung. :3

Edited by Octavian
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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I will go and ask this question here.

I decided to go with these pairings.

Ira x Holyn

Lachesis x Beowolf

Fury x Claude

Slyvia (None)

Briggid x Jamka

Tiltyu x Levin

Diaora x Sigurd

Ethlin x Cuan

Adean x Midayle

No Lex? I guess it's because he can't pass down any weapons( Try killing chapter 3 Shagaal for the Silver Blade to pass down to Lex's sword-using child, LOL)

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Apology for hijacking thread

but I just defeated the boss of chapter 4, & so now need to know what to put on my people to pass on to their spawns

Sigurd!Celice: Silver sword; speed, elite, leg, & barrier rings

Midir!Rana: all Aideen has are warp, restore, & libro staves

Lex!Nanna: only got prayer & earth swords on Lache

Claude!Sety: reserve, silence & valkyre staves, & the magic ring

Claude!Fee: only got a hero lance on Fury

Holin!Patti: Only the return & life rings on her, dunno what weapon to give her

Alec!Leen:only has a defender sword on Sylvia

So who do I give:

lances: a silver one, a slim one, & a horseslayer

swords: 2 steel ones, a silver one, a slim one, a steel blade, a thief sword, a wind sword, a thunder sword, an Armorcutter, & a Wingclipper

(both NoishxAyra's kids are still unoutfitted)

staves: 2 live staves, a relive staff, a return staff, & a recover staff

tomes: wind, & elwind

rings: a return ring & a knight ring

Tyvm in advance.

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Stuff as many swords as you can on to Lakche since guarateed sword inheritance at an rank and super availability. Lakche doesn't really care what she uses. If she's gonna hit something, most likely it'll die. Same with Ska. Just whatever swords you have left, Stuff as many as Ayra can possibly hold, and Noish too, but only up to B on him.

Slim sword on either one of them is nice, though, only 1 AS loss, and better mt than Iron Sword anyway. +Meteor + Critical so things die.

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Most stuff (Steel weapons, etc) isn't even worth passing down unless they have 50+ kills.

Fee NEEDS one of the magic swords if Claude's her dad.

Ayra's kids each need a decent sword and a great sword - like an iron/steel and a silver/hero.

Lana would like a simple 50-use Relive/Recover staff.

Return Ring is meh. You can pass it down to Leen for money, or whoever gets it doesn't matter.

If you're going for turns, Celice wants the Knight Ring. Otherwise, really, put it on somebody whose mother you like. Me, I'd say Celice anyway because I love the guy, but you could go for Lakche or Leen or - hell - even Lana would love it.

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Actually, if the Tyrfing is broken at the end of C5 Celice gets it back broken.

If the Tyrfing has even one use left at the end of C5, Celice gets it in perfect 50/50 condition.

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Arden, Dew and Tiltyu may struggle

You give Tiltyu too much credit; she's plain horrible, have fun trying to get her promoted

She needs BOTH the pursuit & magic rings on her just to be usable

The wrong character got the Wrath skill; Dew, heck even Sylvia can make better use of it

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The wrong character got the Wrath skill; Dew, heck even Sylvia can make better use of it

Do you not understand what Wrath does? Tiltyu is still really bad, but Wrath is the one thing she does well, with her (relatively) high power and ease at avoiding counters.

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Actually, if the Tyrfing is broken at the end of C5 Celice gets it back broken.

If the Tyrfing has even one use left at the end of C5, Celice gets it in perfect 50/50 condition.

Well, everybody learns something new every day.

On the Wrath Topic, Sylvia and Dew are utility units, and Wrath would not help their combat at all. Neither have pursuit, and have bad offence.

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On the Wrath Topic, Sylvia and Dew are utility units, and Wrath would not help their combat at all. Neither have pursuit, and have bad offence.

Indeed. However, Dew is capable of combat, just with a little help in chapter 3.

Tiltyu's more for her kids than anything else. Arthur and Tinny can make good use of Wrath with the right father.

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Well, everybody learns something new every day.

On the Wrath Topic, Sylvia and Dew are utility units, and Wrath would not help their combat at all. Neither have pursuit, and have bad offence.

And Wrath would help fix that aforementioned bad offense.

Edited by Anouleth
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And Wrath would help fix that aforementioned bad offense.

Not notably. Double 9 Atk and you've still just got 18, which isn't enough to make it a good idea to use a melee unit with already bad durability, now at half HP.

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Indeed. However, Dew is capable of combat, just with a little help in chapter 3.

Tiltyu's more for her kids than anything else. Arthur and Tinny can make good use of Wrath with the right father.

But Arden is such a terrible unit.

And Wrath would help fix that aforementioned bad offense.

But Wrath's effectiveness depends on offense in the first place. And unless you OHKO, you'll most likely end up with a dead unit.

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