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FE7 Tier List


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So, where did you get this idea that I am lying? Did you pull it out of your ass?

You must have low standards or something, if you think posting macros means getting 'pwned'. You must be new to the internet.

I dunno, it's pretty obvious where he got this idea.

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Also wtf is Theory Emblem? You guys and yer silliness.

Y'know, Theory Emblem, the game that a lot of people like to play where they theorize how good characters are, and how games will play out ' x'

It's all super silly because the game's based on an RNG, so it doesn't really matter in the end~

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lol, rng.

You're all delusional. A player who wins with his favourite units is a better player than a player who wins with the best units. If your favourites are the best then fuck you too.

Rebecca for "Sitting on Raven's Cock" tier.

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A player who wins with his favourite units is a better player than a player who wins with the best units.

Does that mean I'm objectively the best.

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Allow me to rephrase:

If your units are your favourite units because they are the best units, then fuck you too.

*looks at sig*

Most of them are in there because they're good-looking, and do whatever I need them to. So nyeh.

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I find it kind of funny. For most of the time where the tier lists were really active here, there didn't seem to be much hate towards them. Now that they've been really slow for a while, haters are popping up more often.

Calm down, people.

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But but but Seth is so hot

And like he'd never cheat


...okay I'm done fangirling.

He is hot. Very hot. Seth gets a free pass. ;) I like using Soren because i like looking at him. So there.

And i always lol'd at tier lists.

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Can I continue with the cutie of my choice?

Haha! No! You think I'd let you do that? Use a unit because you...like them? What the hell kind of reason is that? From now on I'm going to make sure people only play Fire Emblem using the best units as decided by the almighty tier lists. No more of this babying bullcrap, no "fun" unless efficient play is what you find fun (which you all should, anyway, because it's the only fun way to play). Yes, efficient play is the only play that will be acceptable. You will all play for low turns to the best of your ability, and you will like it. Mark my words, on my honor as a veteran efficient player of Theory Emblem and expert tier debater, I will enforce this law.

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Heath right? It better be Heath.


Sedgar's such a cutie, especially when he smiles in FE12!

And his growths are totally insane in SD~!

And did I mention I like green? TEE-HEE~!

*prepares for RFoF's punishment*

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Haha! No! You think I'd let you do that? Use a unit because you...like them? What the hell kind of reason is that? From now on I'm going to make sure people only play Fire Emblem using the best units as decided by the almighty tier lists. No more of this babying bullcrap, no "fun" unless efficient play is what you find fun (which you all should, anyway, because it's the only fun way to play). Yes, efficient play is the only play that will be acceptable. You will all play for low turns to the best of your ability, and you will like it. Mark my words, on my honor as a veteran efficient player of Theory Emblem and expert tier debater, I will enforce this law.



I'm serious.

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lol, rng.

You're all delusional. A player who wins with his favourite units is a better player than a player who wins with the best units. If your favourites are the best then fuck you too.

Rebecca for "Sitting on Raven's Cock" tier.

Wallace forever!

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