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Fire Emblem 12 Hack: Rebirth 2

Crimson Red

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@eclipse 64x64 is my limit (I think the actual limit is like 72x72 but I haven't tested it so I want to stay safe)

should just be a cropped version of the portrait. if you're reusing an FE12 portrait, one already exists

@cynthia characters aren't having much backstory and whatnot, it's mainly for the new classes/inventories/stats/names/portraits. the rest isn't being changed very much. thus yes the recruitment will stay the same. XP

@deranger so Karne = Carn as in "Carnival", right?

@arachnidsGrip naw changing that is fine I think, so overall looks good to me.

@sagginPhobia indeed the original post should be edited or things will get even more confusing, and it looks good so far, thanks

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Username: Hikarusa

Character Name: Valencia

Replacing Character: Katarina

2nd Choice: Sheema

3rd Choice: Minerva

Starting Class: Dragon Knight

Starting Level: 7-2=5

Starting Inventory: Silver Axe, Hammer

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Axe: A, Lance: C

Stats/Growths: (57-(3*2)=51), (395+10=405)

HP: 0/90%

Str: 9/20%

Mag: 0/50%

Skl: 9/75%

Spd: 9/50%

Luck: 10/50%

Def: 9/0%

Res: 5/70%

Portrait: Use a cute NPC girl's portrait or something

Mini-Portrait: umm no idea

Notes: Former princess, kidnapped by assassins and raised as one whatever who cares

This is acceptable right?

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Those growths are crazy, and 0 starting HP? O_O Where did you get the growths, they aren't the base growths are they? >_> They should be but those numbers are so high (even for total character growths)

Also I need a name of a portrait or the portrait itself, just being generic is not going to cut-it. And if you use an FE12 portrait the mini-portrait comes with it. ._.

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man you are so uguu but yeah those were the total growths whoops!!

and katarina's a late game pre-promote what do you expect

Username: Hikarusa

Character Name: Valencia

Replacing Character: Katarina

2nd Choice: Sheema

3rd Choice: Minerva

Starting Class: Dragon Knight

Starting Level: 7-2=5

Starting Inventory: Silver Axe, Hammer

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Axe: A, Lance: C

Stats/Growths: (57-(3*2)=51), (310+10=320)

HP: 0/40%

Str: 9/0%

Mag: 0/50%

Skl: 9/50%

Spd: 9/50%

Luck: 10/50%

Def: 9/0%

Res: 5/70%

Portrait: how about sheema

Mini-Portrait: ~

Notes: Former princess, kidnapped by assassins and raised as one whatever who cares

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LOL "uguu", had to look that one up on google :P

I might seem like a bit of a jerk here and there, I'm just doing my job easier, it's a pain in the ass to sound nice all the time and make everything sound sweet and kind >_> more importantly it's a waste of my time, it's so much easier to just say whatever the **** is on my mind

Regardless it looks okay now, thanks.

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Username: Dark Sage

Character Name: Jeremy

Replacing Character: Caesar

2nd Choice: Barst

3rd Choice: Gordon

Starting Class: Pirate

Starting Level: 7+2=9

Starting Inventory: Poleaxe, Handaxe, Vulnerary

Starting Weapon Skill Level: Axe C

Stats/Growths: (26+(3*2)=32), (190%+10%=200%)

HP: 6/40%

Str: 7/35%

Mag: 0/0%

Skl: 4/20%

Spd: 7/40%

Luck: 2/25%

Def: 6/30%

Res: 0/10%

Portrait: Barst

Mini-Portrait: Also Barst

Let me know if there are any errors on here.

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Why are most people polarising on either Str or Mag...Those two stats need to have the love spread between them guys and girls! Reclass feature doesn't exist for nothing. 8]

@Luffy: Definately RAYN :XD:

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Earlygame Jeigan, basically. Makes the game possible on H3.

Username: Anouleth

Character Name: Anouleth

Replacing Character: Arran

2nd Choice: Ogma

3rd Choice: Sirius

Starting Class: Swordmaster

Starting Level: 5

Starting Inventory: Brave Sword, Vulnerary

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: A Swords


HP: 26 (4) / 60% (20%)

Str: 10 (5) / 35% (25%)

Mag: 1 (0) / -10% (0%)

Skl: 18 (7) / 45% (25%)

Spd: 19 (6) / 65% (35%)

Luck: 6 (6) / 40% (40%)

Def: 8 (2) / 15% (10%)

Res: 5 (2) / 15% (20%)

You can pick whichever one you want, I guess it will depend on how many magic or sword user applications you get.

Notes:Typical Marth and MU supports, but I might ask about putting in another support another time. If noone else wants to be the Hammerne user, I'd be happy for the Sage to be able to use Hammerne.

Portrait: Anything blonde and a guy I don't care.

Mini-Portrait: ^

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[spoiler=Matise]Username: Furetchen

Character Name: Matise

Replacing Character: Matthis

2nd Choice: Julian

3rd Choice: Ogma

Starting Class: Cavalier

Starting Level: 7

Starting Inventory: Steel Lance, Clothes Pole

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: D Lnc, D Swd


HP: 5/60 (23/100)

Str: 4/30 (9/45)

Mag: 0/5 (0/-5)

Skl: 5/25 (7/50)

Spd: 1/25 (7/35)

Luck: 2/25 (2/25)

Def: 2/30 (9/45)

Res: 0/5 (0/0)

Portrait: Some rip of this MU.

Mini-Portrait: Some rip of that MU.

Notes: He is amazing, and nothing at all like Matthis.

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Let's see if I can wiggle my way into here.

Username: Blasied

Character Name: Leon

Replacing Character: Castor

2nd Choice: Navarre

3rd Choice: Frey

Starting Class: Knight

Starting Level: 8

Starting Inventory: Iron Lance, Flycatcher, Pure water

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Lance C


HP: 7/40 (25/100)

Str: 2/15 (8/30)

Mag: 0/10 (0/0)

Skl: 6/35 (8/55)

Spd: 4/30 (4/30)

Luck: 2/15 (2/15)

Def: 5/30 (16/60)

Res: 1/10 (1/0)

Portrait: Back to Arran. I'm indecisive, sue me.

Mini-Portrait: As above

Notes: A deserter from the Akaneian army. Cynical and apathetic.

(Why yes, he is a shameless self-insert. How did you know?)

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I'd like to be in this game too. Sign me up.


Username: darkandroid125(DA125 for short)

Character Name: James

Replacing Character: Ogma

2nd Choice: Barst

3rd Choice: Nabarl

Starting Class: Knight

Starting Level: 8

Starting Inventory: Steel Lance, Javelin, Vulnerary

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Lance C


HP: 27(11)/110(50)

Str: 11(5)/55(40)

Mag: 0(0)/0(0)

Skl: 8(6)/50(30)

Spd: 6(6)40(40)

Luck: 3(3)/40(40)

Def: 14(3)/55(25)

Res: 1(1)/5(15)

Portrait: A rip of my MU. If that's not possible, Dolph.

Mini-Portrait: A rip of that MU. Again, if that isn't possible, Dolph.

Notes: I balanced myself out using Ogma's original bases(I raised base str and spd a little) and growth spread. If there's anything you want me to change, feel free to either post it her or PM me.

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@Anouleth if you could either give me the name of a person from FE12 or an actual portrait that would be nice, otherwise I'd gladly add in the well-thought out Sage. Also supports are a bit of a pain in the butt to do so no guarantees on anything there ._.

@Matise LOL@notes. gahahaha. giving me the work of ripping a portrait for you = not cool though. I'm lazy. >:( The rest looks fine.

@Blasied seems okay to me so far...

@James seems okay, but also seems like I'm going to have a job to rip another MU... >_>

@deranger okay lol

glad to see some interest in this though no one has offered to step up and help or even try to help :P

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@Anouleth if you could either give me the name of a person from FE12 or an actual portrait that would be nice, otherwise I'd gladly add in the well-thought out Sage.

Actually, you can just give me a typical "old bishop" picture, like Frost.

And thank you. I only realised later your requirements on base stats and growths, but Sage has horrendous base stats anyway, and Arran's growths... well, whatever.

Also supports are a bit of a pain in the butt to do so no guarantees on anything there ._.

That's fine.

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@Dark Sage Whoops, sorry dude, your profile was so good I skipped right over it. XD

@Epic Fail you did it wrong, you have to use absolute base stats and base growths for your character, you can't just wing the %'s or base them off the final %'s. I'm doing this 1) for balancing purposes and 2) for hacking purposes so it is totally necessary you follow the example. XP

@Furetchen yeah peeps should use spoiler tags...

@Anouleth alright, Frost or Boah, whichever one isn't used I guess ._.

@Fawful best character in the game so far, I'm really tempted to add in a theme song for him now. though I'm not sure which song it would replace...

@Rothene alright thanks


On a side note, anyone want to help me organize this, like which characters are taken, and which portraits are being used (since many people aren't using the same portrait as their replacement)? Maybe someone else help with stat editing and another person help with portrait formatting... oh wait portrait formatting is super easy though

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Hey blazer, I am honestly busy today so I can't really make my character now; That being said, I really just wanted to post here my intended homage character(Plan on taking Thief class, maybe swordmaster or the like):




Gonna make a hack-insertable version when time is less rare. :) (Hopefully with hat)

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On a side note, anyone want to help me organize this, like which characters are taken, and which portraits are being used (since many people aren't using the same portrait as their replacement)? Maybe someone else help with stat editing and another person help with portrait formatting... oh wait portrait formatting is super easy though

Didn't feel like doing the portrait thing but

First name(s) are people with that character as first choice, slashes indicate second and then third choice

Dashes represent multiple people with a choice in the same slot in order of signing up

Characters are in order of appearance from memory, didn't bother to fact check

Character names are for the most part whoever mentioned them first's preference so

Not the best organization but I guess it should help???

Edit: Also I haven't included Epic Fail's because he has yet to do it properly

Luke: Acacia Sgt//

Rody: Rothene/Acacia Sgt/

Cecil: Fawful//Acacia Sgt

Aran: Anouleth/Aura Wolf/

Gordin: //Fawful-Dark Sage

Ryan: /Fawful/

Draug: Darros//

Mallesia: //Psych

Catria: Overlord Zetta//Eclipse-Kopfjager

Warren: Octavian//

Cord: /Deranger-Octavian/

Linde: Psych/Kopfjager/

Palla: Kopfjager//

Bord: //

Julian: /Psych-Furetchen/

Matthis: Furetchen/SagginPhobia/Octavian

Wrys: //SagginPhobia-Cynthia

Ogma: DA125/Rothene-Darros-Anouleth/Furetchen

Yumina: //Dokutayuu

Yubello: /Dokutayuu/

Sirius: Aura Wolf//Anouleth

Castor: Blasied//

Caeda: /Eclipse-Overlord Zetta/

Barst: SagginPhobia/Dark Sage-DA125/

Rickard: //

Frey: //Deranger-Blasied-Izzak

Norne: Eclipse//

Samto: Dokutayuu//

Wendell: /Kai/

Caesar: Dark Sage//

Radd: //

Navarre: /Blasied/DA125

Feena: //

Cain: /Izzak/Darros-Aura Wolf-Overlord Zetta

Bantu: //

Roger: //Rothene

Jeorge: //

Minerva: //Hikarusa

Etzel: //

Merric: Deranger/Cynthia/

Ellerean: //

Dice: //

Malice: //

Horace: //

Jake: //Kai

Darros: //

Robert: //

Belf: /General Horace/

Leiden: General Horace//

Beck: //

Athena: Cynthia//General Horace

Xane: //

Tiki: //

Est: //

Dolph: //

Abel: Izzak//

Macellan: //

Astram: Kai//

Katarina: Hikarusa//

Tomas: //

Sheema: /Hikarusa/

Samson: //

Frost: //

Roshea: //

Vyland: //

Sedgar: //

Wolf: //

Midia: //

Ymir: //Radiant Shadow

Michalis: Radiant Shadow//

Nagi: //

Lena: //

Nyna: /Radiant Shadow/

Maria: //

Elice: //

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[spoiler=Portraits Chosen]

Rothene: Ryan

Komatsu: Darros

Acacia Sgt: Rody

Aura Wolf: Sirius

Fawful: Rick Astley

SagginPhobia: Luminous Arc Character

eclipse: Maria

deranger: Radd

Psych: Etzel

Hikarusa: Sheema

Dark Sage: Barst

Anouleth: Frost

Furetchen: A MU (Hair 10/Color 4/Eyes 1)

Biased: Arran

DA125: A MU (Hair 3/Color 2/Eyes 8)

Epic Fail: Ymir

Ryrumeli: Michael Jackson

Glad to be of service.

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