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Fire Emblem 12 Hack: Rebirth 2

Crimson Red

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Oooh, that's definitely useful. If you could keep updating that slowly that'd be nice, otherwise I'll just pick up where you left-off, I do like the organization system. :O thanks yo

I'll just go ahead and update it as people join.

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This looks really cool! I'm going to make a submission ASAP.

Also, I would be willing to help out with the hack, unfortunately, my experience with hacking doesn't really extend beyond using Nightmare Modules, but if I can assist in any way I certainly will.

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^Awesome. DS hacking is a bit different from GBA hacking but it's not hard to learn :P and you'd be using NMM's that I made that's the plan anyway

@Furetchen yes there is, and I am checking the profiles before I actually insert them, so if you don't fix it your character won't get in. :(

@Dark Sage & Hikarusa -- thanks!

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Was torn between a few character ideas, but since there's like 2 female characters out of the whole cast submitted so far, I decided to make a female submission.

Username: Overlord Zetta

Character Name: Sophie

Replacing Character: Catria

2nd Choice: Sheeda

3rd Choice: Cain

Starting Class: Mage (F)

Starting Level: 8 (+2)

Starting Inventory: Swarm, Thunder

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: C Tomes

Stats/Growths: (Class Base + Char. Base = Final Base/ Class Growths + Char. Growths = Final Growths)

Catria's growth total=295+10/Base total=31+6

HP:(16+4=20 /20+50=70)

Str:(0+0=0 /-10+0=0)

Mag:(3+6=9 /30+40=70)

Skl:(1+7=8 /20+30=50)

Spd:(3+7=10 /15+65=80)

Luck:(0+4=4 /0+35=35)

Def:(2+5=7 /-15+55=40)

Res:(3+4=7 /10+30=40)

Portrait: Eremiya

Mini-Portrait: Eremiya

Notes: If bases and growths are hard to read, I can remove the calculations. Meteor would be awesome: this was my attempt at making a useable mage character despite the massive nerf they got in DSFE. (Increase sage speed cap?)

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@OZ everything seems okay except for a level 8 mage to have a B rank in tomes and Meteor is a bit... op, and unrealistic at that. Weapon levels tend to be lower in FE12 compared to past games, I really don't think any unpromoted unit should have a weapon rank higher than C. :\

But then again you said you'd help me, so... I'll make an exception assuming you actually help me. Bonus for being part of the hack :P :D

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If you think that's OP, I will remove it, but I think Meteor/Swarm/Glower should be available at some point.

I would also be happy to settle for Swarm and a C rank if you know how to reduce required rank for weapons. (As it stands, Meteor>Swarm in every possible way and both sit at B rank.)

Edited by Overlord Zetta
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Meh, I might as well make things more interesting. Sure. You can have Swarm, and I'll change it to C rank, assuming I find out how, though it can't be TOO hard.

Or you could have just gone with Meteor regardless. ._.

@Komatsu I'll either post here or if I'm in a good mood PM the person. If I post and no one responds I'll probably PM, if after a PM someone doesn't respond and doesn't fix it, then I'm not going to wait for them or chase them, I will either change the stats or whatever or just throw away the profile if it's not something under my jurisdiction to change, such as the name (though I'm not sure why I'd change that), replacing character, portrait, or backstory. :\

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Meteor in Chapter 2 seems a bit... fast. I put Bolganone on my character because Jeigans typically appear with a high ranked weapon, and I stopped myself from giving him Thoron. Rescue was there because as of yet, there is no staff user in the game and Rescue comes in someone's inventory rather than being found.

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Meteor in Chapter 2 seems a bit... fast. I put Bolganone on my character because Jeigans typically appear with a high ranked weapon, and I stopped myself from giving him Thoron. Rescue was there because as of yet, there is no staff user in the game and Rescue comes in someone's inventory rather than being found.

It's been dully changed, from Meteor and Thunder to Swarm and Resire, and weapon rank is down to a C. Hopefully people are okay with that. Out of curiosity, does anyone know how exactly Merric and Linde's abilities to use tomes at rank E works? Is it tied directly to the character or could it in theory be moved around?

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I could take Rescue Anouleth, but I would probably have to up my staff rank. Linde only had D tomes though, so I don't know, and there wasn't much I thought was useful besides Barrier. I just took a Bullion cause I could.

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I could take Rescue Anouleth, but I would probably have to up my staff rank. Linde only had D tomes though, so I don't know, and there wasn't much I thought was useful besides Barrier. I just took a Bullion cause I could.

Take warp you know you want to. FYI rescue is E-ranked and usable by anyone.

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Rescue is E rank and IIRC, there is no staff rank lower than E.

E is the lowest rank.

I think Rescue is E Ranked because in FE3 it was a Prf.

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This... sounds cool. Of course I don't have a portrait yet... I /hopefully/ will get on that soon.

Username: Octavian

Character Name: Alissa

Replacing Character: Warren

2nd Choice: Cord

3rd Choice: Matthis

Starting Class: Mage

Starting Level: 2 + 2 = 4

Starting Inventory: Thunder, Vulnerary

Starting Weapon Skill Levels: Tome (D)

Stats / Growths: (10 + (2 x 3)) = 16 / (215 + 10) = 225

HP: 2 / 45%

Str: 0 / 5%

Mag: 4 / 50%

Skl: 2 / 30%

Spd: 2 / 35%

Luck: 2 / 30%

Def: 2 / 15%

Res: 2 / 15%

Portrait: For now, just use Kleine KLEINE.PNGand hopefully I can get a better portrait.

Mini-Portrait: Same as above

Notes: She's quite the rebellious person, hence why I would prefer she start as an enemy.

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Man...everyone and their polarised Str/Mag... :XD:

Well, even in Vanilla it's kinda polarized as well. Just look at the class bases and growths. Most of the Physical Classes have negative Mag and Res growths for example, with 0 bases.

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Emphasizing what other people said, it's only natural to have strong magic or strong strength but not a hybrid. Hybrids are generally not beneficial unless well-thought out.

That and I may be taking out the re-class system to make this much more interesting IMO. :P

Anyhow, @Octavian, looks good so far.

It's been dully changed, from Meteor and Thunder to Swarm and Resire, and weapon rank is down to a C. Hopefully people are okay with that. Out of curiosity, does anyone know how exactly Merric and Linde's abilities to use tomes at rank E works? Is it tied directly to the character or could it in theory be moved around?

Disapproved, Resire is a rather good tome IMO (P.S. it's called Nosferatu now a days, at least on SF last I checked, despite Nosferatu being the dark tome in GBAFE's...). I'm already giving you swarm which should be B rank and not given so early, adding in Resire would just be like saying "permission to tank" IMO. How about Swarm and Thunder? Well-balanced, unique, and your character will get plenty of chances for new tomes.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who hacks FE12 okay VincentASM does too but he only does whatever he needs to do to find data for SF and help with the FE12 translation so that question kinda gets slammed onto me >_>, uh, I think that it's tied to the character; however, I have no idea if it's...

okay actually while typing this post I checked and I found a byte that amy control that. However 1) I'm not sure 2) I don't have time to test if it's character related 3) it could be hardcoded in which case you can forget about it 4) you can forget about it anyway because I don't plan to change those abilities ATM and I just don't want to think about it and 5) I'm tired so I'm going to sleep

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Disapproved, Resire is a rather good tome IMO (P.S. it's called Nosferatu now a days, at least on SF last I checked, despite Nosferatu being the dark tome in GBAFE's...). I'm already giving you swarm which should be B rank and not given so early, adding in Resire would just be like saying "permission to tank" IMO. How about Swarm and Thunder? Well-balanced, unique, and your character will get plenty of chances for new tomes.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who hacks FE12 okay VincentASM does too but he only does whatever he needs to do to find data for SF and help with the FE12 translation so that question kinda gets slammed onto me >_>, uh, I think that it's tied to the character; however, I have no idea if it's...

okay actually while typing this post I checked and I found a byte that amy control that. However 1) I'm not sure 2) I don't have time to test if it's character related 3) it could be hardcoded in which case you can forget about it 4) you can forget about it anyway because I don't plan to change those abilities ATM and I just don't want to think about it and 5) I'm tired so I'm going to sleep

Fair enough. About my question, it was more of a curiosity than anything and I don't have any ideas relating to it, but it presents unqiue possiblities if it can be reassigned to other characters and weapons. And now, bed. Stupid lab reports.

Edited by Overlord Zetta
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Disapproved, Resire is a rather good tome IMO (P.S. it's called Nosferatu now a days, at least on SF last I checked, despite Nosferatu being the dark tome in GBAFE's...). I'm already giving you swarm which should be B rank and not given so early, adding in Resire would just be like saying "permission to tank" IMO. How about Swarm and Thunder? Well-balanced, unique, and your character will get plenty of chances for new tomes.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who hacks FE12 okay VincentASM does too but he only does whatever he needs to do to find data for SF and help with the FE12 translation so that question kinda gets slammed onto me >_>, uh, I think that it's tied to the character; however, I have no idea if it's...

okay actually while typing this post I checked and I found a byte that amy control that. However 1) I'm not sure 2) I don't have time to test if it's character related 3) it could be hardcoded in which case you can forget about it 4) you can forget about it anyway because I don't plan to change those abilities ATM and I just don't want to think about it and 5) I'm tired so I'm going to sleep

Alrighty, it's been fixed. Makes sense, I wondered why it had such a low weapon rank in this game.

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