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Sony announces their Super Smash Bros. clone


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I don't have a PS3 and I don't really intend on getting one any time soon either, so I doubt I'm ever going to play it.


Who do you think will be in it?

I'm pretty neutral to be honest, although I'm not sure if it will work as well as the Super Smash Bros. series does. And I can't really imagine some of Sony's own character creations fitting into a game like this. Maybe it'll work, or maybe not. If it's very good it might push me to get a PS3, so then I can finally play the likes of MGS4 and GT5 as well.

I'm not big on Sony characters to be honest. Crash? Cortex? Spyro? Jak? Daxter? Snake? Liquid? NakedNinja Raiden? Grey Fox?

I don't think the choice of characters will be as varied or amazing as what the Super Smash Bros. series has turned into, and could still become. I'm skeptical, but it might just be good. But I doubt it will beat Nintendo's own breed of Smash Bros.

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It's about time someone decided to copy Smash Bros. instead of Street Fighter or whatever was the first anime fighting game with universal airdash etc for once. I don't know how I feel about them copying it so thoroughly, though, even going as far as to having a bunch of different characters from different things. I also unironically hope there are ~FATALITIES~ in place of final smashes.

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I see some potential to it, but i can't see being as cartoony as SSBB. Perhaps i'm just thinking of games like Metal gear and such... but its kind of hard to look at it anyother way honestly... :/ I just confused myself for some reason... I don't even know what i'm saybing... you know what, back to work on my abstract

Edited by SlayerX
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Sony doesn't really have a character roster. There's a few (very) failed mascots once in a while, especially early on, but it didn't really do much. It was a vessel for developers to make content, however.

Smash Brothers is a little different, because it's compiled by nostalgia and running series. It's all of the same homozone. It's "Nintendo." Sony doesn't have this sort of roster. They're going to either create their own product (like that awesome Dreamcast fighter), or make a compendium of stuff.

No brawl-genre games have really nailed down a large, single-player environment. If sony were to act on this niche, they could come away with something pretty interesting.

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Nintendo plays around too much when it comes to giving the fans what they want. Good to see another company is finally trying rival one of Nintendo's supposed 'best' series. I don't see the game having tons of content like SSB does, but here's hoping they can somehow get someone, like maybe a certain blue robot for instance. Depending on who they can get the rights to use, we might even see some FF or maybe even Castlevania. I'm no expert on the inner workings of the gaming industry, but I think there's more potential here than people want to believe.

You know what? This is sounding better by the second. Let Sony get the rights to use MM and CV characters, and Nintendo can suck it.

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I don't have a PS3 and I don't really intend on getting one any time soon either, so I doubt I'm ever going to play it.


Who do you think will be in it?

I'm pretty neutral to be honest, although I'm not sure if it will work as well as the Super Smash Bros. series does. And I can't really imagine some of Sony's own character creations fitting into a game like this. Maybe it'll work, or maybe not. If it's very good it might push me to get a PS3, so then I can finally play the likes of MGS4 and GT5 as well.

I'm not big on Sony characters to be honest. Crash? Cortex? Spyro? Jak? Daxter? Snake? Liquid? NakedNinja Raiden? Grey Fox?

I believe that they own Kratos from God of War as well. And that guy from those Uncharted games.

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Sony doesn't really have a character roster. There's a few (very) failed mascots once in a while, especially early on, but it didn't really do much. It was a vessel for developers to make content, however.

Smash Brothers is a little different, because it's compiled by nostalgia and running series. It's all of the same homozone. It's "Nintendo." Sony doesn't have this sort of roster. They're going to either create their own product (like that awesome Dreamcast fighter), or make a compendium of stuff.

No brawl-genre games have really nailed down a large, single-player environment. If sony were to act on this niche, they could come away with something pretty interesting.

I actually disagree a little bit. Sony had some great mascots back in the day - Crash Bandicoot may have been ruined when ND sold him, but he used to be the PS1 mascot. At his peak under Naughty Dog/Sony Crash was able to sell 8 million copies without console bundling. Toro and Kuro are popular in Japan to this day, though they'll probably never have the success of Crash or a Nintendo mascot.

Maybe they don't have characters as popular as Mario & Link (Crash Bandicoot came very close), but they've got some cool mascots and representatives that you can expect to see :P:.

Anyway, I thought I'd come up with a list of characters that have a chance to be in the game that are not already guaranteed - listing only characters currently owned by Sony or a child company, for the sake of them being guaranteed a spot if the company wants them there. I'll also list a couple third party games who will most likely get a rep if Sony wants them to. According to that link most of the popular ones are already being added, some not even directly owned by Sony. Basically to give an idea to people on what to expect.

Toro (& Kuro?) - Toro may even be assured, AT LEAST as some kind of cameo. He's gotten a lot of love in games lately. Unless they decide to make them a pair I doubt Kuro will make it. With Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter inevitably being pairs it seems even less likely.

Polygon Man (anyone remember him..:P?) - This is iffy, but he would essentially be SSB's Game & Watch as far as obscurity goes. A throwback to the PS1 and Sony's first ever mascot, whether or not Sony does it is up in the air. They could literally do whatever they want with him, he'd have an interesting skillset at least >_>.

Sackboy - Not sure why he wasn't listed on the site, 100% assured. Would love for him to be a Kirby clone with all of those cute little costumes >_> <_<. He can already dress up as basically any Sony character, do iiiiiit.

Wander - I figured he would be the representative of the ICO series as he is most combat-able of the three main characters.

Nariko - From Heavenly Sword. Sony does own the rights to this character, despite Ninja Theory being the core developer of the game. I dunno if we'll see her, but her game was relatively popular and she'd be a great fit.

Disgaea series - Most likely Laharl, Valvatorez or Etna. Sony and Nippon Ichi are quite close, due in part to Sony helping them when they were starting out. I would be surprised if there was not a Disgaea rep.

Out of these it's obvious which one has the least chance of getting in as a PC, but the rest of them all have pretty solid chances I'd say, depending on how large they intend for the roster to be.

What I want to know is who is going to develop the game. If Sony is developing it in-house I'd *really* prefer that Japan Studio do it, their quality is nearly unrivaled in the games industry and I'd like to see what they do with a fighter.

I really don't expect to see Crash or Spyro in the game, sadly. Sony doesn't own them anymore and I just don't think it's worth having them in in the state they're in now. I expect Sony to use this game for marketing and advertising purposes, including characters from outright bad games is kinda unlikely. If Crash and Spyro get in, they're doing it purely for the PlayStation fans.

secret character - Kevin Butler

edit: also I am willing to bet right now that Ratchet & Clank and Kratos are going to be broken depending on how far they go keeping their range in scale >_>.

edit2: also interesting to note, Toro and Kuro are both going to be playable fighters in Street Fighter X Tekken Vita. Looks like the Sony Cats are being turned into combatants, I imagine they will most definitely get in this game now.

Edited by Tangerine
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PS1 and PS2 were my favourite consoles back in the day. But I have never heard of anything you just mentioned there. Except Crash and Spyro.

Toro and Kuro (The Sony Cats). They're Sony's mascots in Japan and quite popular.


Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet)


Wander shouldn't need a pic if you were a PS2 fan. He's the main character of Shadow of the Colossus. (Speaking of, imagine how awesome a moving Colossus stage would be..)

Probably won't recognize Nariko even with a pic. Heavenly Sword came out in like..2007. If you don't have a PS3 I doubt you recognize her :P:.

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Sony doesn't really have a character roster. There's a few (very) failed mascots once in a while, especially early on, but it didn't really do much. It was a vessel for developers to make content, however.

Smash Brothers is a little different, because it's compiled by nostalgia and running series. It's all of the same homozone. It's "Nintendo." Sony doesn't have this sort of roster. They're going to either create their own product (like that awesome Dreamcast fighter), or make a compendium of stuff.

No brawl-genre games have really nailed down a large, single-player environment. If sony were to act on this niche, they could come away with something pretty interesting.

Sony certainly has a character roster of nostalgia, they just don't rely on a continual rehash of first-party titles, so implementation would be more difficult. There are plenty of series that players could chiefly identify with such as (already stated) Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Rayman, Twisted Metal, Tekken, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Onimusha, Jak, Devil May Cry, and Ratchet & Clank. And that's all off the top of my head.

I think they could very easily put together a brawler, it would just lack as much cohesiveness as Nintendo's title, which might actually work to their benefit since players would be hit by characters they until such a point hadn't even thought of in years. I think it might make the nostalgia more impacting.

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Sony certainly has a character roster of nostalgia, they just don't rely on a continual rehash of first-party titles, so implementation would be more difficult. There are plenty of series that players could chiefly identify with such as (already stated) Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Rayman, Twisted Metal, Tekken, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Onimusha, Jak, Devil May Cry, and Ratchet & Clank. And that's all off the top of my head.

I think they could very easily put together a brawler, it would just lack as much cohesiveness as Nintendo's title, which might actually work to their benefit since players would be hit by characters they until such a point hadn't even thought of in years. I think it might make the nostalgia more impacting.

Now how many of those characters are owned by Sony exclusively. And then, how much money would it cost to secure some of these characters for use, since they aren't Sony's intellectual property?

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Now how many of those characters are owned by Sony exclusively. And then, how much money would it cost to secure some of these characters for use, since they aren't Sony's intellectual property?

I don't know. The point of my post wasn't to debate whether or not they could buy the characters for their use, but whether a Brawl-style game with PS characters could survive. Which it could.

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Now how many of those characters are owned by Sony exclusively. And then, how much money would it cost to secure some of these characters for use, since they aren't Sony's intellectual property?

They own Twisted Metal, God of War, Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank out of that list. Naughty Dog is directly owned by Sony and R&C is 2nd party I believe.

The Final Fantasy characters would cost a looot to use most likely, but I could see Lightning getting a rep if they wanted it, since there would be mutual benefits.

Sony owns a lot of characters that would be great in a game like this.

edit: My bad, it seems that soon Insomniac may be owned by Sony in the near future as well.

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I wouldn't really count on any Metal Gear appearances, outside of Kojima pulling a Smash Bros. Main reason is that those games lack "Sony Computer Entertainment" anywhere in their publisher/developer info. They're Konami franchises. Ditto for anything Final Fantasy because Square hates sharing.

Kratos is a given. Stuff like Jak, Spyro, Sly Cooper, Cole McGrath etc. is predictable. Wander (Shadow of the Colossus) would be a stretch, since the dude can barely fight. Demon's Souls representation would be hilarious. It's probably going to be a super-small roster all around, though.

Kratos and Nathan is the entire roster, watch

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I wouldn't really count on any Metal Gear appearances, outside of Kojima pulling a Smash Bros. Main reason is that those games lack "Sony Computer Entertainment" anywhere in their publisher/developer info. They're Konami franchises. Ditto for anything Final Fantasy because Square hates sharing.

Kratos is a given. Stuff like Jak, Spyro, Sly Cooper, Cole McGrath etc. is predictable. Wander (Shadow of the Colossus) would be a stretch, since the dude can barely fight. Demon's Souls representation would be hilarious. It's probably going to be a super-small roster all around, though.

Kratos and Nathan is the entire roster, watch

Wander can barely fight, but didn't he fight 16 colossi with nothing but a sword, a bow and a horse :P:? If Link can fight, Wander sure can!

also if Toro and Kuro can get into SF x Tekken (and probably even end up in this), Wander can be in a party brawler >__>. They don't even have attacks to base ideas off of! They're just kitties.

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If this game turns out to be real, then I HOPE that I'll be able to play as those cool-looking shrouded guys from Journey.

omgomgomg I'll have such a fangasm! :DDD

Also, Flower need to be an Assist Trophy/whateversonyisgoingtocallit.

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This certainly sounds interesting! But I think I'll wait for gameplay demonstrations before I invest myself in the concept. It doesn't matter to me too much what mascot lore they'd use to make the game, as long it's good and playable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If Final Fantasy gets a rep, you can count on Cloud or Lightning appearing. Not because they're the best ones (neither are since I'd love to see Bartz or anyone from VI) but because Cloud's so popular and Lightning is from the newest non-spinoff FF game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has anyone heard of the new Smash Bros-like game for PS3 that has Sony characters?

Posted Image

Yeah, there hasn't really been much proof of the game actually existing. In fact, the only pictures that directly have to do with the game is the logo above me and this picture of Sweet Tooth.

Details can be found here.

Playable characters (there'll be around 20) include Colonel Mael Radec, Kratos, Parappa, Nathan Drake, Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth, and Fat Princess currently.

So assuming this isn't fake (which it might be, seeing how only that site has new info on it), what do you think so far?

I'm pretty interested in the specials system that they have, seeing how it consists of a three part meter and "Final Smashes" are only usable when all three sections of the meter are full. Having a 20 character roster is a bit, small. I'm hoping that Jak, Ratchet, and Sackboy will be included. I'm hoping that they'll include Crash Bandicoot as well, since he was practically the mascot for Sony back in the day, but given his situation now it'll be hard. They also said that the staff themselves don't know the full roster, since they need to negotiate with the different character owners to see if they can use them in Title Fight.

On a side note, I'm really hoping that they don't stick with Title Fight as the final title. They should at least put Sony somewhere in the title.

It's a-comin

About using joysticks for this- I wonder if it'll have Street Fighter-style controls or more smashlike? If they mentioned it, I missed it on first glance.

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