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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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Can I be an informed observer?

PM me.

Stop. Hammertime.

Why is your favorite role completely and utterly awful.

Maybe, maybe that'd make a good scum alt wincon but that is the most anti-town townie ever.

If that's your favorite, well...

I don't believe this. . .


(still waiting for a lot of night actions)

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Also, zak, I can't understand exactly why you were voting for me, and what it was that I was supposed to be "counter"-ing. In any case, my internet was really slow when I came online and I couldn't post anything.

As I think I said, or if I didn't at least I should have, or maybe somebody else did and I agreed with the sentiment, during your long exchange with Sho you came off as seeming very, perhaps overly, assertive, almost as if you were trying to cover-up something or to make-sure you had the ground prepared for if you actually are the thief and you were forced to claim later in the day (at that point you did have a couple of votes on you). As for what you were supposed to "counter back" with I didn't have any firm ideas, but it was more the fact that you could say something if so needed. When I'm not sure of the guilt/innocence of a player, I prefer not to ninja into them if I can help it and the sudden extension of 3 hours provided a buffer I felt comfortable voting you on in event that I was mistaken.

1. Did not

2. Balzy started to think about me as not scum. that could have been trigger

3. Too bad I didn't try to warn town about possible SK oh right I did and got modkilled for it

4. blatant hints? oh please DID YOU EVEN READ DT END GAME YOURSELF!? There were 2 Flamevells, 2 Genex, 4 Ice-Barriers (SK shehanigans), 2 X-Sabers, 2 Mist Valleys, 2 Fableds and 4 Worm (mafia). The income of such hint is so low that no scum would risk their life for it.

Wow, don't drag me into a discussion about how Vesperia got fucked up in Duel Terminal. If we all want to bitch about things, please let's save that for the proper time and place and not distract from the matter at hand.

Being a complete Yu-Gi-Oh nublet, I'm not sure why you keep pressing the issue. By this point you've made yourself clear. If you're some Twin of the Ice Barrier or whatever bullshit, I'm sure the other party will just take it upon themselves to confirm the connection from their end, somehow. Still, much like the gaffe Gauche/Droite made in Vesperia, you're going about this 100% too obviously, and undoubtedly have painted yourself a huge target for the mafia (on the assumption you are not one). I guess you wanted to make sure you died early, and didn't care if it was to the town or to the mafia. If you survive, good luck; if you manage to somehow sabotage the mafia because you know something I do not, good play; if you die like a dog, you should have seen it coming.

Granted, once again, that all relies off a series of bad assumptions, since I don't really know anything more than what I've read, but jegus, I hope you know what you're doing.

NB: I think I'm getting a chest cold, I predict this is going to suck. Wen, if you gave me this cold, I have all of the hate. All of it.

That said, it was probably Ether, as he's been coughing up lungs for weeks.

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1. Did not

2. Balzy started to think about me as not scum. that could have been trigger

3. Too bad I didn't try to warn town about possible SK oh right I did and got modkilled for it

4. blatant hints? oh please DID YOU EVEN READ DT END GAME YOURSELF!? There were 2 Flamevells, 2 Genex, 4 Ice-Barriers (SK shehanigans), 2 X-Sabers, 2 Mist Valleys, 2 Fableds and 4 Worm (mafia). The income of such hint is so low that no scum would risk their life for it.

1. I'd go get quotes with timestamps proving you did, but this isn't the time.

2. Wow, one guy.

3. Missing the point, and had you actually just said "HEY IF I DIE THERE WILL BE AN SK" you'd have just made yourself even more of a target.

4. Again, missing the point entirely, the numbers are irrelevent to what I'm saying, the hell if I'm going to sit here and let you potentially screw town by giving the mafia more information than they need.

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3. Too bad I didn't try to warn town about possible SK oh right I did and got modkilled for it
If we're going to talk about Vesperia, I might as well point out this is complete and utter bullshit and you said absolutely nothing about Haze being a possible SK.

Boasting about things you've never done when people clearly know you never did it is questionable at best.

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If we're going to talk about Vesperia, I might as well point out this is complete and utter bullshit and you said absolutely nothing about Haze being a possible SK.

Boasting about things you've never done when people clearly know you never did it is questionable at best.

Backing this up. All the way. You basically said that he was a hidden. That's about it.

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Action status: Complete. . .but Raykitty really wants a chance to do an update, so I'm gonna defer to him.

this is also a note that Snike/Rein and Kaoz need to do their respective postgames, or I start blasting

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Backing this up. All the way. You basically said that he was a hidden. That's about it.

And that he wins if I survive. I assumed town could connect the dots. AND I clearly stated it for you in Irc.


What info are mafia getting again? few archtype names thats what they get my friend. What is that going to affect? Sure archtypes generally have same type of roles BUT the amounts of player per archtype is so low it barely matters.


F you.


That was easy. Hey Haze does this tell my role? Yeah it doesn't

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Sho, you just don't get it

Let's say that in DT, Kaoz hadn't died N1 and we didn't know about the archetypes. We had Airbellum or w/e I claimed as a safe, plus RD's godfather. This leaves JB high and dry, he has no idea there are specific archetypes in the game, so maybe he picks a Flamevel or whatever the fuck RD was or he picks an X-Saber to go along with me.

Or maybe he picks some random thing that's not an archetype and gets lynched instantly.

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What info are mafia getting again? few archtype names thats what they get my friend. What is that going to affect? Sure archtypes generally have same type of roles BUT the amounts of player per archtype is so low it barely matters.

Yes it bloody well does. I don't -care- if there are only two or three of a specific archetype, if one died, the mafia could safely presume that others had similar roles, by having people needlessly out archetypes, you'd be helping them organize their hitlist better.

And no, Sho, it doesn't, but the second another Ice Barrier dies/has their role outed, I can probably hazard a guess at what it is.

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I never said I knew exactly what kind of roles the Ice Barriers had, stop putting words in my mouth because you can't make a decent argument.

Point is that it doesn't pay to advertise roles IN AN NOC GAME, Sho.

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And once again, the sun rises. Everyone seems to be present; it appears that no one died.

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends on Saturday, November 19 at 1:00 pm GMT.

If you feel that you should have gotten a result, but didn't, let us know~

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Thanks doc. and no SK in sight. Amusing.

@haze the point is there might be reason why ice barries should out their archtype. maybe i know bit more about it given my card. Maybe I had damn good reason to have Item that gives you the attribute of the target that in the case of Ice Barrier is essentially the same as archtype

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