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Someone should totally make a FE hack for


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Lol I actually liked them and even thought about it, but.... There's not really enough characters in the story to make a Fire Emblem game out of, or at least not ones who are important enough in the story to be playable :(

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It would be a terrible hack. No game balance whatsoever if you based it off abilities in the books, the main character would have ridiculously overpowered stats and the rest of the cast would be useless. Lousy writing too.

Show me a hack based on the Protector of the Small books, then we'll talk.

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It would be a terrible hack. No game balance whatsoever if you based it off abilities in the books, the main character would have ridiculously overpowered stats and the rest of the cast would be useless. Lousy writing too.

Show me a hack based on the Protector of the Small books, then we'll talk.

Isn't Protector of the Small a bit too individually focused for the most part? It's been a long time...I'm not knocking the books, but I feel like they'd be weird for FE style gaming.

Also I liked the Wild Magic series best. It was the most ramble aroundy.

I doubt anyone's read it, which means it would be up to me, and I don't got talent, but while people are fan-dreaming, the Bazil Broketail books would be awesome for a FE style hack. There are absolutely tons of multi-unit battles in the books, especially #s 1-4 (5-7 are less party-focused). Only problem is that you'd have good artistic talent "from the ground up" to do the grounded wyvern dragons, trolls, ogres, extra-dimensional serpents and so forth justice.

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Out of all the Tortall books I've read, Protector of the Small seems like it would have the most potential for having an actual player party that could be used for a hack, as well as a more strategic view of a war campaign as soon as the events with Scanra start up. Song of the Lioness is right out because Alanna does almost everything in those, the Immortals is also pretty Daine-centric, the Trickster books were a lot more political intrigue than battles, and Beka's story isn't at all suited to a strategy game either, but PotS frequently has Keladry working with people (frequently the other [pages/squires/knights], then army units, then a mix of army and civilians). So a hack would have Kel as the lord, and the party would end up composed of her friends, some of the King's Own, and probably a few of the stronger refugees by the end.

Man, I kind of want to try this now, but I've never done any hacking before. Ah well, better for my GPA that way I guess.

I think any of the Tortall subseries could probably make pretty good games, but most of them would be action-adventure or RPGs, rather than strategy.

Edited by Kiryn
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Wait, what's with the Eragon hate? Sure, it's not the most unique thing ever (first book is pretty much a Star Wars ripoff), but it's a good read and the quality of writing (and creativity) shows a vast improvement in the second and third books (fourth is out but I haven't read it yet).

I'm definitely not the kind of person who thinks all adaptations are doomed to be bad, etc., but I hope people aren't judging the books on the Eragon movie because that really was terribly done.

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Wait, what's with the Eragon hate? Sure, it's not the most unique thing ever (first book is pretty much a Star Wars ripoff), but it's a good read and the quality of writing (and creativity) shows a vast improvement in the second and third books (fourth is out but I haven't read it yet).

I'm definitely not the kind of person who thinks all adaptations are doomed to be bad, etc., but I hope people aren't judging the books on the Eragon movie because that really was terribly done.

But you like pretty much everything

also I like how my post was deleted when I didn't even say anything bad. Sure, I heavily implied things, but.

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Responding more seriously, Eragon is one of the most forgettable set of books I've ever read. If you feel it was a good read, I'm happy you enjoyed it, but I can only wonder at your sentiments. I don't actually have a vested hatred in the books, so I don't know how I would bother explaining it. I only enjoy blabbering about things I like.

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Wait, what's with the Eragon hate? Sure, it's not the most unique thing ever (first book is pretty much a Star Wars ripoff), but it's a good read and the quality of writing (and creativity) shows a vast improvement in the second and third books (fourth is out but I haven't read it yet).

Only read the first two, but they really were just hopelessly mediocre. Not only did he lift massively from Star Wars as you pointed out (good ol' Obi-Brom-Kenobi), but he drew inspiration bordering on the absurd from Tolkien. Now, to be fair, Tolkien basically created the genre, but most good fantasy at least has some stuff to make it better. The difference between Eragon and Lord of the Rings is basically that the elves are even better and more ridiculously powerful in Eragon, and that good guys ride dragons too in Eragon (though unless I'm forgetting some crucial part of the Silmarillion, nobody at all rode a dragon in anything by Tolkien).

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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The Eragon books started off pretty eh and got increasingly questionable as they went on. "Killing the shit out of things is bad, but you can get away with it if you're a hero" is not an uncommon accidental moral in fantasy fiction, but it started to get a bit absurd in Eragon. Not to mention the being awesome at everything. And that bit where he stayed with the elves, that just got weird.

If we're going to make flailing attempts at keeping up the subject of "books what would make awesome games", I would also submit the Earthsea books as adapted by Team Ico (IF and only if they read the entire series first. Otherwise I could see some pretty bad fail happening.)

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And that bit where he stayed with the elves, that just got weird.

Oh god yes, that part. Also, I felt like a lot of the time (like with that elf guy who was an asshole to Eragon) the books sort of build up some guy as an asshole just so he can be taken down and we can be like "nyeh, that's what you get for doubting our hero" or some shit like that.

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Only read the first two, but they really were just hopelessly mediocre. Not only did he lift massively from Star Wars as you pointed out (good ol' Obi-Brom-Kenobi), but he drew inspiration bordering on the absurd from Tolkien. Now, to be fair, Tolkien basically created the genre, but most good fantasy at least has some stuff to make it better. The difference between Eragon and Lord of the Rings is basically that the elves are even better and more ridiculously powerful in Eragon, and that good guys ride dragons too in Eragon (though unless I'm forgetting some crucial part of the Silmarillion, nobody at all rode a dragon in anything by Tolkien).

Tolkien is hardly the genre's creator in chronological terms. The Epic of Gilgamesh? People even read that in high school here in the states...The Fairie Queene? Even in Tolkien's own era, The Worm Ouroboros (*swoons over lord gro, the greatest traitor that never lived*) proceeds him by more than a decade. Now if you were to say he transformed the genre, I would be inclined to agree with you. But a transformation of something already extant is not creation.

But dammnit you said basically so none of this really matters.

As for dragonriding by the "good guys," that's been done in Anne McCaffrey, another pretty well known author, so I don't think he even gets originality points there either.

Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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nah aSoIaF

Ned: Hero

Jaime: Paladin

Arya: Myrmidon


Renly: Queen

*spits water onto monitor* Yes.

Also Bronn for Vanguard and Syrio for Trueblade. So much.

A chance to kill {dear god the censoring for spoilers}, and maybe to

[spoiler=MAJOR Book 3-2 spoiler][spoiler='no seriously cannot emphasise this enough - if you have not completed both Book 3s, do not pass][spoiler=Not even if you just think you'll never get around to reading them][spoiler=No, this doesn't mean Episode 3 of the TV series] control the Freys during the Red Wedding, just for that bitch Catelyn.

Edited by Furetchen
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