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[FE10] Radiant Dawn, Hard Mode Style


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Um, I have a question. Is Sanaki free? Because I don't see her in the drafteds list. And, OMG 11 units, I'll have to throw someone to the Recycle Bin :lol: . What do you think, Kyza or Lethe?

Sanaki is free man.

Also you could probably throw Lethe into the bin. Kyza has better durability and with BEXP can be quite good.

EDIT: Then again, I dont like either, so i dunno.

Edited by Marth
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Let the battle begin!

Quintessence's Team - Boyd, Aran, Ilyana, Soren, Mordecai, Caineghis, Sigrun, Stefan, Lethe, Pelleas, Kyza.

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden


A challenging chapter, Micaiah sacrificed her level up and gave it to Eddie to clear this chapter. Eddie got Hp, Sp, Lck and Def; he survived Pugo's attack and a nearby bandit's. Biorhythm is getting decisive in HM.

Turns: 6



Miccy gets to the last tile of the first alley, Nolan protects her from the bandits, hits and hits. Miccy kills the fighter with highest bio and gets a level up as Nolan recovers with a vuln. Nolan dodges an attack in EP and kills and hurts another fighters. Miccy kills and Nolan attacks the trolldier, miss, kills and hits the other soldier as Micaiah dodges a low bio fighter. Miccy kills the soldier and Nolan recovers in front of the fighter blocking path. The archer hits Nolan because Miccy's Hp and def were high. Miccy kills and Nolan recovers/waits in front of the hand axe bro. Micaiah is hit as well as Nolan. The fighter is killed and Miccy escapes. Such repetition :facepalm: .

Turns: 6/12



Miccy hits the soldier and blocks while Nolan climbs up the ledge and hits the fighter. Hits and kills at EP. Miccy herbs, Nolan vulns. Hits and kills, Miccy is def blessed and spd screwed: 5/7 respectively. Sothe crts soldiers and fighters and archers. Bla bla bla and finally got Thani and the Drop. Spent an extra turn due to no hand axe. Derp.

Turns: 7/19


Aran and Ilyana are coming soon!

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Nvm, log is messed up. Turncount so far = 53 as of 1-8

Micaiah's suckage in HM really hurts my LTC strategies :(. She couldnt even survive an attack in 1-6 to be put in resolve.

Do you mean before or after starting? If after, that's amazing mellow.gif. I'm at 55 turns on 1-9 right now. I thought surely some of my strategies would be unable to be replicated without Jill and Leonardo. Though I feel cheated out of turns on both 1-6-1 and 1-8.

Edited by Thisisjaye
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I dont know anymore lol. I erased this draft's file for the NM drafts. This is lowish on my priority list. Ill get to it after the NM SFDTT FE10. IIrc, it was before 1-8. So it was pretty bad xD.

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Ilyana blocks the path to the DB members, killing in EP the fighter and chipping the armor sword, actually she missed one of them. Miccy sucks heavily. Turn count downfall cause Miccy is not resisting a single blow. Honestly I'm not so focused on low turns but in not being trolled in-game...so...ok. Miccy Thani'd the boss, Aran and Ilyana take some kills. Aran sucks :facepalm: but whatever. Sothe gets Discipline.

Turns: 7/26

BEXP: 159P


BEXP'd Micaiah to .99, I'm not tolerating her no-sp level ups., so lv. up as well as Aran who got the Drop and the Shield. Aran and Ilyana go west while Sothe solos east, Miccy spent three turns for the seal and two turns for the tiger that approached her...total derp, but I got both the 3000G and the Robe, the first one thanks to the chest key dropped by the 1-2 myrmidon and the latter from Sothe. Ilyana surprisingly killed Agony and got Hp, Mag, Skill, Sp and Res :awesome: . Aran also got sp!!!

Turns: 7/33

BEXP: 225P


Sothe is also getting nice level ups and Micaiah has 7 def by lv. 8-9 o.O!! Ily and Miccy up to the ledge and taking kills. Sothe steals the Seal and wanders with Aran.

Turns: 6/39

BEXP: 260P

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On 1-E now, and before I continue, what's a good turncount for part 1 on HM?

BK's free, so it shouldnt really matter.

I'm guessing 12-13 turns without some treasures. Soothe has survivability problems.

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My Micaiah had nice spd in that map. IIRC, she proc'd spd in all but 1 level up. Her problem was not being able to take a single hit to get in resolve. lol The seraph robe is kinda hard to get in 1-4 in 7 turns because Sothe sucks and always gets hit and dies.

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I got it by turn 5 because Aran and Ilyana were in the western part but, omg, Ilyana is OHKO'd by steel axe fighters although she got pretty good level ups, getting mag and sp in all those three, but Micaiah is :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: . I'll need to strongly abuse biorhythm in reinforcements.

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On 1-E now, and before I continue, what's a good turncount for part 1 on HM?


1-P is a 7 turn safely. 6 turn if you are feeling risky...

1-1 is like 5.

1-2 is 6-7.

1-3 is 7-8 in HM. Unless you have Micaiah dodge everything...you are likely to get 8.

1-4 is 7. The robe is risky as hell to get but possible.

1-5 is 6.

1-6-1 is 4-5.

1-6-2 is 2.

1-7 is likely a 6 turn or a 5 if you have someone to snipe the mage in the ledge or that can shove Sothe and kill the boss.

1-8 is a 5 turn most likely in HM but should be doable in 4 like in NM. Sothe just has a lot more chance of death and will likely need the 1-4 pure water.

1-9 is 8. Yes, 8. I will be extremely dubious of any of you who get 4 turns there in HM.

1-E is 6 because Micaiah cant resolve tank there either.

Summing that up. Part 1 looks like a 68-70.

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1. PKL: Titania, Marcia, Zihark, Elincia, Muarim, Rolf, Lucia, Skrimir, Heather, Bastian, Renning

Tht team is ridiculous. Whats wrong with you people....


If I didn't leave that [censored] list.


He's gonna win.

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Special Notes: I forgot to mention that Micaiah used the 1-4 Seraph Robe, Ilyana used the 1-5 Spirit Dust and Aran got a max mt/crt Iron Lance by 1-4, :P Big Detail for HM lol.


Stage 1

Miccy had some problems due to bad sp, so Ilyana comes and ORKOs a steel sword armor, so she could dodge the hammer/steel wpn armr and be hit by the archer. 27 Hp/7 def Miccy is good but lol 10 sp. Sp problems affected my turn count. Aran lulz around with his forged lance. Adept Cancel Sothe rushes and vulns two times.

Turns: 5/44

Stage 2

The same as NM, well not so the same. Miccy gets out of range of the ballistician and the fighter and enters in range of the wind/steel swd knight, she absorbs heavy dmg and survives. Aran shoves Sothe and Ilyana hits a steel fighter. EP Sothe and Aran absorb dmg. Ily dodges the fighter and kills. Sothe gets in range and Adepts the boss while Aran and Ilyana got other kills and Micaiah vulns to survive the attack of a steel lance knight.

Turns: 2/46



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1-P is a 7 turn safely. 6 turn if you are feeling risky...

1-1 is like 5.

1-2 is 6-7.

1-3 is 7-8 in HM. Unless you have Micaiah dodge everything...you are likely to get 8.

1-4 is 7. The robe is risky as hell to get but possible.

1-5 is 6.

1-6-1 is 4-5.

1-6-2 is 2.

1-7 is likely a 6 turn or a 5 if you have someone to snipe the mage in the ledge or that can shove Sothe and kill the boss.

1-8 is a 5 turn most likely in HM but should be doable in 4 like in NM. Sothe just has a lot more chance of death and will likely need the 1-4 pure water.

1-9 is 8. Yes, 8. I will be extremely dubious of any of you who get 4 turns there in HM.

1-E is 6 because Micaiah cant resolve tank there either.

Summing that up. Part 1 looks like a 68-70.

How do you propose to 6 turn 1-E in a draft on HM?

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You have Jill and Nailah. One of them can ferry the BK up to the top and drop him on the magic tile to have him kill everything and the other one can ferry Micaiah or Rafiel, preferably Rafiel. Sothe can ferry Micaiah up to the top to have her seize after the BK does his thing.

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BEXP'd Micaiah and gained sp :o: , BEXP'd Aran one level and straight to .99.

Aran shoves Miccy north, then Ilyana shoves her east, Miccy moves, Sothe moves and Saviours her. Aran and Ilyana got good level ups, Sothe Adepts the 2 armors in EP1. Sothe moves until the gap and kills the Elwind Mage by EP3. Climbs it up and drops Micaiah. Aran and Ilyana kill some lance armors and free a couple of loldiers, Aran's defense is :O. Sothe recovers in range of Djur and the two steel bow archers cause he was dying, Miccy gets in front of Djur and Thanis him, he recovers by EP5. PP6: Sothe Double Adepts Djur, what a shameful armor, lol storm swd, Miccy seizes.

Turns: 6/52

BEXP: 971P


BEXP'd Aran and Ilyana a level and sealed them (lv.14/17 respectively). This was a chapter that kept me nervous o.O. Miccy got important dodges as well as Sothe and Ilyana who were recovering at every time, derp :facepalm: . Yet, Miccy got +2 sp :awesome: and +1 def XD, Aran got a perfect level up 8D and Ilyana got HP, Skl, Sp, Def and Res XD. Those levels are more important than the turns, lol. One prisioner survived X(.

Turns: 7/59

BEXP: 1037P

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RFOF's strategy. 13 sp, 30Hp, 8def Resolve Micaiah. Jarod appears by EP3 and BK slashes him. Miccy got a coin...wtf?!

Turns: 4/63

BEXP: 1500P


:newyears: CONVICTION :newyears:

I had to rely on BK because Sothe/Micaiah weren't able to do it as in NM, so...Miccy moves and hits the fighter, Aran pushes her, then Ilyana shoves Sothe, the space is clear so BK finishes the fighter, Sothe moves and rescues Miccy, Rafiel vigors so Saviour Pass Sothe climbs the ledge and kills the archer with max mt/hit/crt +5crt (coin bonus) forged knife, BK moves and kills the other archer. The ascension continues: Sothe/Micaiah and BK rush to Jarod's throne room while Celerity Discipline Ilyana and Paragon Cancel Aran lol around downstairs. The speedwings were stolen and I couldn't get them :(::facepalm:

Turns: 8/71

BEXP: 1875P

Coming soon.... :awesome: ON GLORY'S WINGS :awesome:

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1-P is a 7 turn safely. 6 turn if you are feeling risky...

1-1 is like 5.

1-2 is 6-7.

1-3 is 7-8 in HM. Unless you have Micaiah dodge everything...you are likely to get 8.

1-4 is 7. The robe is risky as hell to get but possible.

1-5 is 6.

1-6-1 is 4-5.

1-6-2 is 2.

1-7 is likely a 6 turn or a 5 if you have someone to snipe the mage in the ledge or that can shove Sothe and kill the boss.

1-8 is a 5 turn most likely in HM but should be doable in 4 like in NM. Sothe just has a lot more chance of death and will likely need the 1-4 pure water.

1-9 is 8. Yes, 8. I will be extremely dubious of any of you who get 4 turns there in HM.

1-E is 6 because Micaiah cant resolve tank there either.

Summing that up. Part 1 looks like a 68-70.

PK, I don't know why you say so since I 4 turn it as in NM?

However, in one of my tries, Miccy got to the northwestern corner with one soldier (reinforcement) not killed, and Jarod didn't appear. It was turn 6 and no Jarod, but I couldn't find it at all cause Miccy was killed by EP6 :mellow: so I don't know if you have to kill every unit with Micaiah or so. :unsure:

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