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...did I just fight a guy?


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Anyway, we basically PMed eachother and decided that we agreed and that our discussion was silly. Just in case anyone is still wondering :P.

you liar you admitted that you were actually a serial rapist and then I arrested you

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Did you know that if you rape a couch it doesn't matter because its just a couch? i once heard someone say that in a youtube video!

couches, much like humans, are objects. Is it truly right for a mere object to act as if it's superior to another as lowly as itself?

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I have it on good authority that Phoenix raped a baby in 1997.

What are you, Michael Crichton?

As it turns out, Michael Crowley is a Yale graduate and a political reporter, although probably not a sex criminal. Crowley is taking it all in stride, though: “I find myself strangely flattered… If someone offers substantive criticism of an author, and the author responds by hitting below the belt, as it were, then he’s conceding that the critic has won.”
Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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I will end this.

The definition of SEXUAL ASSAULT in England and Wales, under S.3 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003:

When a person (A):

> Intentionally touches another person (B),

> the touching is sexual,

> person B does not consent to the touching, and

> person A does not reasonably believe that person B consents to the touching.

ALL 4 of the above points MUST be fulfilled for it to be considered SEXUAL ASSAULT.

Hence; It is NOT sexual assault if the person committing the touching reasonably believes they are ALLOWED to do so. If a person does get arrested for touching someone in a sexual manner, they need to prove:

> They didn't in fact touch the person, or

> The person they were touching consented to it.

A person's choice of skimpy clothing DOES NOT equate to "TOUCH ME". However, a person may say in their defence: "I reasonably believed she consented to the touching because she was dressed provocatively". However, if there's evidence that the person touching was verbally told "No" or physically pushed away by the person they were touching but continued to sexually touch anyway, that would blow their defence out of the water, and they would be guilty of sexual assault.


Laws between countries differ slightly, but it's basically the same wherever.

Edit: I don't care if it's already over, I just re-over'd it.

Edited by V-Raven
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I will end this.

I mean, come on, if you actually read the last few pages I think you can see that it's already over. I mean, COME ON. COME ON.

However, a person may say in their defence: "I reasonably believed she consented to the touching because she was dressed provocatively".

Whether this defense is reasonable or not was a great deal of what the argument that went on consisted of, which is why you're not really contributing that much to ending an argument that has already been discarded.

Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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However, a person may say in their defence: "I reasonably believed she consented to the touching because she was dressed provocatively".

"Oh hey she's showing a bit of skin THAT MUST MEAN SHE WANTS ME, SPECIFICALLY ME, TO GROPE HER"

if someone defends themself like that they're pretty much definitely retarded and should be put on a mental hospital

and if they're believed whoever believes them should be put there as well

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I mean, come on, if you actually read the last few pages I think you can see that it's already over. I mean, COME ON. COME ON.

I skimmed through, didn't actually read proper. But I saw "sexual assault" get thrown around, so here I am.

Whether this defense is reasonable or not was a great deal of what the argument that went on consisted of, which is why you're not really contributing that much to ending an argument that has already been discarded.

"Oh hey she's showing a bit of skin THAT MUST MEAN SHE WANTS ME, SPECIFICALLY ME, TO GROPE HER"

if someone defends themself like that they're pretty much definitely retarded and should be put on a mental hospital

and if they're believed whoever believes them should be put there as well

It is a shitty defence, but that's all they've got, other than "who is this crazy bitch, accusing me of groping her? Never seen her before."

Edit: Or: "Yeah I know her. But I didn't touch her. What proof's she got? She just wants to get me into shit."

Worth a try.

Edited by V-Raven
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