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one-hit unit deaths


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I don't know how the hell can DB be overleveled

I mean the highest level guys in 3E when I played on the DB side was 20/20/2 Jill, 20/14/4 Tauroneo, 20/10 Zihark and Eddie, and everyone else are lol. And Jill ate the last of my bexp JUST to promote.

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I don't know how the hell can DB be overleveled

I mean the highest level guys in 3E when I played on the DB side was 20/20/2 Jill, 20/14/4 Tauroneo, 20/10 Zihark and Eddie, and everyone else are lol. And Jill ate the last of my bexp JUST to promote.

I mean, as in 1 or 2 members being ridiculous.

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Actually there's a video on Youtube that has shows a 1-E boss abused DB fighting against the greil mercenaries and ACTUALLY killing Ike

they were all 3rd tier (Even Fiona), and made 3-13 a cakewalk

I would show the video, but I don't know how to post a link without it being hot linked:(


This is why I play FE: So I don't have to grind.

I mean, as in 1 or 2 members being ridiculous.

I can see at most one being ridiculous. Two is pushing it unless you grind like crazy.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I can see at most one being ridiculous. Two is pushing it unless you grind like crazy.

Chapter 3-13:

Unit    Lvl    HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support
Nolan   14.00  47 23 5  26 22 21 19 13  C Jill
Jill 	1.00  53 29 9  26 27 30 27 18  C Nolan

Turns (chapter/total): 6/226

BEXP (chapter/current): 4307/4438

Funds: 14,443

Unit    Lvl    HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Support

Micaiah  3.89  23 8  19 13 11 22 10 18  A Sothe
Nolan   18.94  51 24 5  26 24 24 22 13  C Jill
Jill 	2.38  54 30 9  26 28 30 27 19  C Nolan

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Miccy-Sue. On Hard Mode.

I play on Easy and she still gets one-shotted by everything...

everyone facing effective bonus

Unless you are playing PoR, where effective damage totally blows...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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@CPP: ...doop. k then.

At least my 3-E was a hilarious curbstomp having only Tau and Jill being T3s, Tau having been earlycrowned and stuff and he doesn't move. 'twas amusing.

Anything else...uh... can't think of much, really----OH





missed an 86 aka final kill

got oneshot by her

Roy you suck

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Sadly IS decided to create the god forsaken arena and take the fun out of the rest of the game>_<


Edited by Refa
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Try over leveling the DB in EM, then try fighting a 3rd Tier Nolan,Jill,Zihark,Edward,and Aran.

Without Haar.

It becomes ridiculous in 3-E.

(Nolan+colossus+Tarvos=dead 20/20/15 Haar.)

Switch Nihil to Ike's team...I usually do that anyway for the BK.

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