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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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What the heck? WHY RAYMOND?

I guess I need to continue my train of thought as I work...

Well, my next question is interesting.

Where the hell is everyone?

I kind of expected a masterpiece of posts in the last 2 hours, when I had to be AFK.

JB/clipsey. How much time is left in the phase?

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gg town

> @__@ Thank you for those words of encouragement, Joshy... Now, it'd be much more helpful if you could put the phase end time there instead----just a suggestion~! :3

Sorry y'all, I get back home late from school, and then I proceed to do homework before getting online. Wow you guys, all these posts~ reading through all that took some time.

> So. We just lost the cop. Oh, 'em power-roles. Wow. We rock.

> What's with all the subs, why RAYMOND?


Darros - Doctor

Prims - Town


13th: Passive role~?

Raymond Balcerzak: Town Persuader

Psych: Town Tracker

>> N0

>>>Psych: Snike does nothing.


>>>Psych: Nightmare visits Snike

Um, right, thoughts... Core's either playing dumb, or just naturally confusing... I dunno if I'd be calling it scummy, though. I'm not too suspicious of anyone else to vote for them, though...so...

Strawman/Furetchen/Kay/Proto post more~! Really.

##Vote: Nightmare

Nighty, you know ilu and your lols, and don't take this to offense, but I'd like to see more of your thoughts~~!

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Yeah, I happen to be able to post A LOT between 2 and 6 today.

Tomorrow I will be pressed for time to find time to post again, but I will find some. This Mafia is too good to miss.

Now for useful information

Current claims seem good. Currently, with full mafia, I don't feel safe claiming fully.

Core seems clean

Those 4 plus the other half the players. POST DANGIT

But I don't think voting NM is a good idea. Yet.

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I see you Prims, hnnnnng, why did they kill you... T__T Oh my gosh so much lurkers.

Why did I think of NinjaMonkey when you said NM?

Right, Nightmare. Why not a good idea? I'm not necessarily voting for a lynch, 13th, just a pressure vote.

While it it obvious that I am one of his due followers outside mafia (oh wise Nightmare), I'd like to see more analysis----if he has time to post irrelevant things, why not some relevant ones?

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Anyways, reading back over the part of Day 1 that I missed, ##Vote: Furetchen, because I just don't really like the fact that you swooped in near phase end to get Darros lynched. Now, that doesn't automatically make you scum of course, but it seems rather suspicious. Also I didn't find your reasoning for voting him necessarily compelling or sound so yeah.

I got Darros lynched because at the time it was the best option. Did I really expect him to be the DOCTOR of all things? Of course not!

Also, aside from the current Core wagon (what are the current votals, anyway? Official ones would be good to have), I want everyone to answer the following questions.

1. Please explain your reasoning for your votes (or lack thereof) this phase.

2. Whom are you most suspicious of (other than whomever you voted for, if applicable), and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. What do you think would be the best course of action right now?

1) ##Vote: Proto. He needs to, I dunno, say something.

2) My suspicions are on kirsche, but aren't THAT overpowering. More that he's just a potential target if Proto doesn't talk all that much.

3) Raymond/Bal and Psych. Psych's probably clear, Raymond did a lot of work for the town... and is now Balcerzak.

4) Put pressure on Proto, maybe on Kay. Establishing kirsche's alignment would aid us a lot, so taking steps towards that somehow... I don't think a massclaim would do much for our cause, however.

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1. First off. . .this is EXACTLY what I want to see when I get home from work. Keep it up, guys!

2. Attempted votals:

[2] Core - Nightmare, Psych

[2] Proto - Core, 13th

[1] Furet - StSS

[1] Kay - Rein

[1] Kirsche - Ether

[1] Nightmare - Iris

3. Roughly 16 hours left in the phase. It ends for me at 10 AM HST tomorrow (thanks JB, I'll be at work).

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1) ##Vote: Proto.

1. First off. . .this is EXACTLY what I want to see when I get home from work. Keep it up, guys!

2. Attempted votals:

[3] Proto - Core, 13th, Furetchen

[2] Core - Nightmare, Psych

[1] Furet - StSS

[1] Kay - Rein

[1] Kirsche - Ether

[1] Nightmare - Iris

3. Roughly 16 hours left in the phase. It ends for me at 10 AM HST tomorrow (thanks JB, I'll be at work).

Proto is leading by one...? Since Furet voted for him, right?

Huh, thanks Joshy, I'll probably still be at school~<3

Blast, forgot to mention; Iris, remember Nightmare's internet is playing up on him. I wouldn't bet on him being able to post all that often.

It's not that I don't think he doesn't posts often---frankly he posts more than me and many others combined, but just what he does post should help the discussion just a bit more. But yeah, since phase ends while I'm at school (unless Joshy decides to extend by an hour), and I'm going to bed now, I'll just try to check thread in the morning.

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My fault for missing that. Told ya I suck at votals.

[3] Proto - Core, 13th, Furetchen

[2] Core - Nightmare, Psych

[1] Furet - StSS

[1] Kay - Rein

[1] Kirsche - Ether

[1] Nightmare - Iris

Now, as for the phase end time. . .it's 10 PM HST tomorrow. JB wanted to know why he'd end the phase at 4 AM his time, and I told him he'd do that because I can't math.

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I'm a Touhou player. Obviously I'll dodge shit thrown at me. :mellow:


Regarding Psych's claim, I'm inclined to believe that he's telling the truth. As RAYKITTY~ pointed out, it would be dangerous to claim a role as common as Tracker when there could have been a counter-claim, which would be quite bad for the Mafia so early in the game. As for the possibility of a Mafia Tracker, I find that very unlikely, considering that the best results from a Tracker's ability involve identifying a killer (sees X visiting Y on the same night Y died), or learning something which contradicts a false claim (sees X visiting Y when X claims to have successfully targeted Z or claims a passive role). Neither of these are very useful for the Mafia. Unlike the Watcher (which isn't so great as Town), the Tracker is not very useful as a Mafia role.

Also, aside from the current Core wagon (what are the current votals, anyway? Official ones would be good to have), I want everyone to answer the following questions.

1. Please explain your reasoning for your votes (or lack thereof) this phase.

##Vote: Strawman. He seems way too quiet...

2. Whom are you most suspicious of (other than whomever you voted for, if applicable), and why?

I'm suspicious of Kirsche because he's against the idea of mass-claiming. Mafia will have a lot of trouble fake-claiming at this stage, since there are a lot of good living power roles that are here at the moment that may end up exposing their lies. And it's really not such a bad idea for everyone to claim, because the Mafia can't shoot more than one person per night anyway, so we're not in such a bad position.

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

...Psych. Because he claimed Tracker. Even if he wasn't expecting a counter-claim, it's too risky for a Mafia to do something like this.

4. What do you think would be the best course of action right now?

To get people to talk. As in, the people who aren't talking much should post their thoughts on whatever is going on.

Also, unrelated, but I doubt there's a Serial Killer in this game. Or even if there is, I don't think they can fire at the same night as the Mafia, so it doesn't change the "one-death-per-phase" situation for us.

And yes, Corey, I was sleeping for a long time, and then I was teaching my friend some calculus. And I'll be busy for the next 6 hours or so.

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I KNOW I'll miss that vote, so I'll log it now.

[3] Proto - Core, 13th, Furetchen

[2] Core - Nightmare, Psych

[1] Furet - StSS

[1] Kay - Rein

[1] Kirsche - Ether

[1] Nightmare - Iris

[1] StSS - Proto

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1. Please explain your reasoning for your votes (or lack thereof) this phase.

2. Whom are you most suspicious of (other than whomever you voted for, if applicable), and why?

3. Whom would you currently trust the most, and why?

4. What do you think would be the best course of action right now?

1: At the moment i have no votes on anyone. Not sure what to think of the situation. I voted psych previously and explained my reasoning but with his reasons i removed it.

2: At the moment im not entirely sure. Im thinking maybe proto or StSS.

3: Psych most likely because of his claim.

4: Right now? Most likely push some sort of lynch and get more info. Mass claiming may be a good idea if it worked out well. We would be giving mafia alot of info though.

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Well proto, if you're so willing to give up your role, why don't you start off?

##Vote: Proto

Mafia will have a lot of trouble fake-claiming at this stage, since there are a lot of good living power roles that are here at the moment that may end up exposing their lies

What power roles? Cop is dead, doc is dead, and tracker is outed and a huge target. That's a lot of investigative power lost right there. And again, the mafia should've drafted role claims way back in N0, and there are so many types of roles, the chance that one of

which isn't so great as Town

I would disagree, considering he/she might be the only thing that keeps our tracker from being killed/perma hooked.

And it's really not such a bad idea for everyone to claim, because the Mafia can't shoot more than one person per night anyway, so we're not in such a bad position.

Yes but instead of killing our persuader/bomb/lynch proof they're going to kill/hook our watcher/tracker/safeguard first.

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What power roles? Cop is dead, doc is dead, and tracker is outed and a huge target. That's a lot of investigative power lost right there. And again, the mafia should've drafted role claims way back in N0, and there are so many types of roles, the chance that one of

... our roles are the same as one that they claimed is unlikely and not worth the trade off in the killing of our major power roles.

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Great, another vote I'll probably miss.

[4] Proto - Core, 13th, Furetchen, kirsche

[2] Core - Nightmare, Psych

[1] Furet - StSS

[1] Kay - Rein

[1] Kirsche - Ether

[1] Nightmare - Iris

[1] StSS - Proto

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I'm still catching up, but so far I do have a few observations:

Core really is acting very... noncommittal. He's jumping from idea to idea, which is understandable, but then he'll have waffled about so many things that no one say he was definitely trying to do any one thing. It's all just "I think this and this and this, but in case any of those are scummy, I'm not really confident about them".

Nightmare having an excuse for lurking doesn't mean he's not lurking. Just saying.

So far, Iris seems to be the most pro-town. Psych's claim also makes it pretty unlikely that he would be mafia. I'd say Core is most suspicious.

I don't really think a massclaim is a good idea just yet, but it looks like Proto should definitely claim. If nothing else, because there's no way for him to not get lynched otherwise.

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Well proto, if you're so willing to give up your role, why don't you start off?

##Vote: Proto

Um, what? I said I found you suspicious BECAUSE you were opposed to a mass claim. Now, you're suddenly changing your mind about that and want me to claim?

What power roles? Cop is dead, doc is dead, and tracker is outed and a huge target. That's a lot of investigative power lost right there. And again, the mafia should've drafted role claims way back in N0, and there are so many types of roles, the chance that one of

I do not believe Clipsey! would put any Vanilla or worse. The loss of only a Cop and Doc does not mean the Town is really weak and can't do anything. There are still good roles remaining.

Or, if you think that the Town doesn't have much power roles remaining, then why are you opposed to having the Town claim?

... our roles are the same as one that they claimed is unlikely and not worth the trade off in the killing of our major power roles.

Even if every claim is different, the problem for the Mafia is that once they fake a claim, they have to stick with it for the rest of the game. And if they're forced to keep lying, then it would be easier for us to catch them, as opposed to them not saying anything right now, allowing them to easily modify their planned fakeclaim to fit well with whatever might force them to claim in the future.

I would disagree, considering he/she might be the only thing that keeps our tracker from being killed/perma hooked.

I didn't say Watcher is useless. I said it isn't so great. It isn't as useful as a Cop, or a Doctor, or a Tracker. Tracker lets you gain info about someone you're suspicious about. Watcher will only tell you about players that chose the same target as you.

Yes but instead of killing our persuader/bomb/lynch proof they're going to kill/hook our watcher/tracker/safeguard first.

They can't do everything at once.

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Alright, fine. I'm going to roleclaim. Town Bulletproof. Roleblocks don't apply to passive roles, so I could end up posing a very big problem for the Mafia since they'll need to use up TWO of their nightkills just to get rid of someone who doesn't even have any abilities to threaten them with. But if you guys lynch me, well, then my entire ability will go to waste and you'll be doing exactly what the Mafia need.

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Um, what? I said I found you suspicious BECAUSE you were opposed to a mass claim. Now, you're suddenly changing your mind about that and want me to claim?

Mass claim =/= you claim. If I find someone scummy I will try to get a claim from them and then lynch them if they continue to do otherwise.

I do not believe Clipsey! would put any Vanilla or worse. The loss of only a Cop and Doc does not mean the Town is really weak and can't do anything. There are still good roles remaining.

Or, if you think that the Town doesn't have much power roles remaining, then why are you opposed to having the Town claim?

Because then the few good roles we have left (driver/watcher/tracker/safeguard) will all be killed one by one.

Even if every claim is different, the problem for the Mafia is that once they fake a claim, they have to stick with it for the rest of the game. And if they're forced to keep lying, then it would be easier for us to catch them, as opposed to them not saying anything right now, allowing them to easily modify their planned fakeclaim to fit well with whatever might force them to claim in the future.

You're making it sound like a harder task than it actually is. It's most definitely not worth the trade off of essentially outing our few remaining good roles.

I didn't say Watcher is useless. I said it isn't so great. It isn't as useful as a Cop, or a Doctor, or a Tracker. Tracker lets you gain info about someone you're suspicious about. Watcher will only tell you about players that chose the same target as you.

Which could be just as valuable as a tracker.

They can't do everything at once.
But if you guys lynch me, well, then my entire ability will go to waste and you'll be doing exactly what the Mafia need.

tbh the mafia are never going to target you now anyway.

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You're still the best lynch.

-Either you're town and you're useless because the mafia will now never target you because of your role or you're lying and therefore are scum.

-You are one of the scummiest player alive.

Claiming is not a get-out-of-jail free card.

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