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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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Sloppy, but worked out in the end. I really wasn't comfortable with this group of mafia, I'm used to having someone experienced to get advice from, which I lacked.

Sorry Kay. We considered teaming up with you, but we didn't know for sure that you were independent. I was afraid you were bluffing in order to get us to out ourselves. Seemed like an unnecessary risk, considering the way things were going.

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As for our actions....

Night 1 - Kill Prims

Night 1 – Attacking Snike

Night 1 – Blowing Rein away to Kay

Night 1 – Stealing Proto’s information

Night 2 - Kill Balcerzak

Night 2 – Attacking Slayer

Night 2 – Blowing Strawman away to Iris

Night 2 – Stealing Strawman's information

Night 3 - Kill Strawman

Night 3 – Attacking Strawman

I don't know the N0 actions, other than I did Rein->Darros

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Sorry Kay. We considered teaming up with you, but we didn't know for sure that you were independent. I was afraid you were bluffing in order to get us to out ourselves. Seemed like an unnecessary risk, considering the way things were going.

Eh, makes sense.

I know I know lol. I just doubted myself too much.

This is the whole reason you're not playing that well. You don't do things with confidence. You need to be more sure of yourself. Maybe you'll lead your team to disaster sometimes. It happens. Maybe you'll do something really amazing. Just once, try acting on your ideas with as much certainty as you can muster, and see whether it works better. I'm pretty sure you can be a really great mafia player if you just learn to trust yourself.

EDIT: Also, Core, I suspected you for a while, but clearing Iris was what really convinced me you were mafia. At that point, she looked really pro-town, IMO, while still being someone it wouldn't be too crazy to inspect. Your actions made perfect sense when I considered what you would want to do as mafia.

Edited by Kay
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but I really did guess all of them but I suck at mafia, so nothing happened

And the Liberation Army celebrated their victory by resurrecting Celice, because fucking Valkyrie staff.

Bullshit, there's no Cor----------NO DON'T TELL ME CLAUDE/FURY HAPPENED.

Postgame comes up on Thursday, at the earliest, because I have a chalet to get to :B):

Scrub. @___@

Not because you're not posting it now but because I want to go to Switzerland

Eh, Kay did the best she could, I guess. Well, at the time of her confession, only Strawman, Core, and I were on... And even if Strawman switched, Kay still would have loss.

Actually I'm still facepalming myself for D1 lynch, which I talked about with Joshy, since Darros's death I could have prevented since I was on a few hours before the deadline, and was tempted to vote for Core because of his scumminess on D1, but then I realized Darros was on and not defending himself which was a biggie and I figured people would yell at me for no lynch, oh well. Damn, the whole game is wallbanger worthy... all of the mafia was pretty scummy in their actions. And I should have been more vigilant in staying my ground when accusing say, Nightmare (who apparently was clear on some people's lists...)---- I saw him several times lurking when he claimed to have bad connection, and Kirsche got me suspicious when he voted for me in favor of Shinori.... Like, really, voting the CC instead of the claim. Shinori was easily very suspicious when I took into account my role and should have been lynched today instead of Kay, but. . . it's hard to believe a bomb claim, and even a bomb CC-- maybe I should have claimed but I dunno how people would take kindly to me being bomb for lynch and death. Probably some forlorn home that the mafia would kill me next round stopped me.

I'll have thoughts that are less ramble-y when it is not night, and after post-game.


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This is the whole reason you're not playing that well. You don't do things with confidence. You need to be more sure of yourself. Maybe you'll lead your team to disaster sometimes. It happens. Maybe you'll do something really amazing. Just once, try acting on your ideas with as much certainty as you can muster, and see whether it works better. I'm pretty sure you can be a really great mafia player if you just learn to trust yourself.

You are my new hero, Kay. wub.gif In future endeavors I shall follow this advice instead of doubting myself...These words of wisdom should be posted somewhere.

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Yeah, it should have been more obvious to us... the mafia had some really farfetched ideas when trying to cover up their scumminess... I mean, Nightmare thinking that Kay could be..... Alien? Out of all third-party roles, really.... Or Kirsche, the whole "bulletproof mole"; in context and flavor, I doubt that Eliu, Fetra, I can't remember the other one's name would every betray another to the liberation army. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Night 2 – Blowing Strawman away to Iris

Man, this could have been disastrous should Strawman have decided to use his shot on that day... like I would have exploded, and two more townies, dead...

Mkay, now, good night, for real.

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If people dont mind could people say how they thought i played in this mafia? I know i messed up quite a few times but i would like to know what people think, as this one was really the only mafia i felt i was active in anywhere near enough to do anything.

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Yeah, it should have been more obvious to us... the mafia had some really farfetched ideas when trying to cover up their scumminess... I mean, Nightmare thinking that Kay could be..... Alien? Out of all third-party roles, really.... Or Kirsche, the whole "bulletproof mole"; in context and flavor, I doubt that Eliu, Fetra, I can't remember the other one's name would every betray another to the liberation army. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Man, this could have been disastrous should Strawman have decided to use his shot on that day... like I would have exploded, and two more townies, dead...

Mkay, now, good night, for real.

I did use a shot on Night 2...

Man I can't wait to see all the night actions because I still do not understand what happened to my kills.

Apparently I editted the post with our actions after JB had already seen them, and he didn't check again so he never saw my edit. The only lucky thing that happened for the town, I guess.

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A little bitter on being hounded on for doing something that I genuinely would've felt was the best action as town. Regretful I couldn't finish, or defend myself.

Edited by Furetchen
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And I should have been more vigilant in staying my ground when accusing say, Nightmare (who apparently was clear on some people's lists...)---- I saw him several times lurking when he claimed to have bad connection

Yes, you should have been more firm...though, I'm a lurker anyway, town or mafia. I was actually honest when I said that I don't post a lot, and not just trying to cover up any scumminess.

I really did have connection problems those days, though. Just that, viewing the topic was easier than posting in it.

I mean, Nightmare thinking that Kay could be..... Alien? Out of all third-party roles, really....

Kaoz suggested that possibility, not me. I just made a facetious post about it.

Anyway, game was too easy, etc. and next time, I'll probably not agree to killing Prims. Though, there probably won't be a next time, because I found out why I don't play mafia: I have to lie to and deceive people! I feel so bad about it.

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