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[FE11+12] Yet another superdraft.

Wen Yang

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1. This draft is for 6 players.

2.Units free for everyone: Marth, Jeigan, Feena, Arran (FE12 only), MU(See Twist, point 4), Xane, Julian, Rickard, Nagi. Palla is free for Chapter 3 FE12. Ogma/Sirius/Yubello/Yumina are free for Chapter 4 FE12. Navarre is free for Chapter 7 FE12. Merric is free for Chapter 10 FE12. Sisters are free for Chapter 24 FE12, Julian/Minerva/Merric/Sirius are free for Chapter 24 ONLY for recruiting the sisters. You can use whoever you want in the Prologue, but if you drafted any usable prologue units, you MUST use them.

3. The game will be played on H2 in FE11 and H1 in FE12.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, find hidden items, and shop. (FE11 only) They may also meatshield without weapons and die.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. True ending must be acquired.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. Prologue Turn counts do not count into your total turn count.

6. All Gaidens are mandatory. (FE11) Gaiden turn count is free up to 20 turns. (FE12) Gaiden turn counts are counted.

7. Usage of Base Arena is ALLOWED... as long as your money holds that is.


1. Wi-Fi Shop/Rainbow Potions/Maturity Drop/Clock Bonus/Lunatic Stat Boosters are strictly prohibited.

2. Forges are only allowed of Iron weapons, throwing weapons (FE12 only) and the Fire and Thunder tome and to +/- 3 MT, +/-15 Hit , +/- 3 Wt, and +/-9 Crit. Please indicate when and how much you forge a weapon (Ex. Forged a lance for Vyland called Awful with +3 MT and -3 WT).


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. NOT recruiting a recruitable unit has a 44 turn penalty (as in, get them all).

3. Losing drafted unit (death in combat) has a 22 turn penalty. You may however keep undesired drafted units on the bench. Free units are considered drafted for these rules.

4. Warp-Skipping is NOT allowed. The Warp staff may be used for other purposes though. This means that the Warp staff may not be used for: 1. Warping Marth. 2. Warping a unit that can use Rescue Staff to rescue Marth. 3. Be used as part of a Rescue-chain. 4. Warping Feena to Dance Marth/a Rescue staff user who will rescue Marth. 5. Warping ANYONE in FE11 Endgame. Break this rule and take a 400 turn penalty.

5. (FE12 only) Death of ANY undrafted unit is penalized by a 22 turn penalty.


1. When you get a turn to pick, you will first pick a unit for yourself, and then pick a second unit for the person next in line. In essence, half of each person's team will be determined by SOYO-style drafts while the other half are that person's own picks. (Since we use the usual snake-style 1234554321 picking order, the people who picks twice in a row will first pick a unit for the person on the other end of the order, then the one going after them. So for example player 5 will first pick a unit for him/herself, then a unit for player 1, then another for him/herself, then another for player 4.) The last round of picks will be a regular draft however, due to the number of draftable characters available. *The order for the SOYO picks is 23451 and then 43215 on the other direction. The drafting is the usual snake style of 1234554321.

2. MU is allowed for use, but is limited to Curate/Cleric/Bishop/Mage/Sage/Archer/Sniper classes only.

3. EVERY playable unit in the game MUST be recruited. Exception: You MUST recruit Samson in FE11, unless you have drafted Arran.

4. Arran and Samson may not be drafted/be given to a person who already has one of them.

In case you are still confused by the rules, here is a sample round of drafting in this method:

P1 picks Catria, gives P2 Michalis

P2 picks Palla, gives P3 Ymir

P3 picks Luke, Gives P4 Sheema

P4 picks Rody, gives P5 Bantu

P5 picks Caeda, gives P1 Leiden, picks Cecil, gives P4 Belf.

Player List:

1. Kopfjager

2. General horace

3. 13thShadow

4. PKL

5. Eclipse

6. Elieson


1. General Horace: Cain, Jeorge, Samson, Luke, Mallesia, Frost, Horace, Bord, Minerva, Robert, Boah, Darros

2. Kopfjager: Bantu, Caeda, Maria, Castor, Yubello, Rody, Katarina, Navarre, Wrys, Sedgar, Dice, Norne

3. Eclipse: Roshea, Ogma, Tomas, Catria, Radd, Cecille, Caesar, Roger, Astram, Athena, Elice, Yumina

4. 13thShadow: Ymir, Barst, Sheema, Gordin, Lena, Sirius, Leiden, Merric, Ellerean, Matthis, Dolph, Arran

5. PKL: Lorenz, Abel, Est, Palla, Vyland, Ryan, Beck, Linde, Malice, Wolf, Belf, Warren

6. Elieson: Tiki, Draug, Cord, Michalis, Midia, Hardin, Wendell, Macellan, Samto, Frey, Jake, Etzel

Edited by Kopfjager
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With Elieson in, re-randomized pick order:

1. General Horace

2. Kopfjager

3. Eclipse

4. 13thShadow

5. PKL

6. Elieson

General horace, your pick.

Edited by Kopfjager
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Dammit. You stole Catria again.

And double dammit. Est's gone.

Hard choice... but I decided to try out Castor. Horace may have Samson.

Oh, and elie, in this draft you MUST recruit EVERYONE, so tiki don't have any turn costs to be worried about. Also, since you have her as drafted, you just got a free use of Elice for Aum staffing her because 24x is mandatory.

Edited by Kopfjager
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