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So I saw the latest SSBB tier list


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I notice there's alot less variety in the names:

God Tier

S: Meta Knight

Top Tier

A: Diddy Kong, Snake, Falco

B: Marth, Wario, Ice Climbers, Olimar, Pikachu

High Tier

C: Lucario, King Dedede, Zero Suit Samus, Mr. Game & Watch, Toon Link

Mid Tier

D: Fox, Wolf, Peach

E: Donkey Kong, Kirby, R.O.B., Pit, Sonic

F: Ike, Sheik/Zelda, Luigi, Sheik, Ness, Yoshi, Pokémon Trainer

Low Tier

G: Lucas, Mario, Bowser, Samus, Captain Falcon

Hyrule++ Tier

H: Link, Jigglypuff, Zelda, Ganondorf

What I mean to say is, for example, the C tier shouldn't be placed as "High Tier". It seems much more like "Upper Middle". With that said, I think it should be like this:

Top Tier: S

High Tier: A, B

Upper Middle: C

Middle: D

Lower Middle: E, F

Low: G

Bottom: H

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He started off a lot stronger during early Brawl; now, his "inescapable" aerial combos are no longer inescapable, it's far easier to slam him on his main weaknesses (slow, floaty, very light)... most other characters' metagames have advanced, but Kirby's is fairly stagnant.

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In case anyone cares, here's the EU version:


SS: Meta Knight

S: Diddy Kong

A: Snake, Marth, Falco, Ice Climbers, Wario, Captain Olimar


B: Pikachu, King Dedede, Zero Suit Samus, Lucario

C: Mr. Game & Watch, Fox, Toon Link, Peach


D: Wolf, Pit, R.O.B., Donkey Kong, Kirby

E: Sheilda, Ike, Sheik, Sonic

F: Luigi, Ness, Yoshi, Pokémon Trainer


G: Lucas, Mario, Bowser, Samus, Captain Falcon, Zelda, Link, Jigglypuff


H: Ganondorf

I'd post the JP one too, but afaik they haven't made a new one in over a year, so...

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Soul, god tier is reserved for Metaknight. God tier means no bad matchups, really really dominant character usually. Top tier is for those who are the best after said OP character. Which are now the real top characters now that metaknight is gone, I guess. It would be wrong to call snake diddy kong only high tier and metaknight top tier. There's a fine line between diddy kong snake falco and the high tiers.

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Well, okay, but that's not my point. :( Despite having Bowser as my secondary, I don't honestly see him as Mid Tier material. There shouldn't be so many characters in one tier, unless the game's actually pretty well-balanced. Maybe I just got used to FE's system of tiering.

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Bowser is mid tier because he is too good for low tier tournaments. See Grab release shenanigans, claw (side b) and upb for more on how bowser is too OP for low tiers.

Are we looking at the same list? Bowser is clearly in Low from what I can see.

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Bowser is mid tier because he is too good for low tier tournaments. See Grab release shenanigans, claw (side b) and upb for more on how bowser is too OP for low tiers.

If that were true, shouldn't he be higher?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nvm about bowser, I thought he wouldve gotten out of low tier by now. :facepalm:

Sorry for replying to this (nonexistant question) almost 1 month too late. I saw this message and I felt like I should contribute somehow to educate those in need of it.

The thing with Bowser is, that simply being heavy and surviving long is not good enough in todays metagame. Bowser has his grab-release and Koopa claw gimmicks, but those are not good enough to compete with middle tiers or even high tiers to that matter. Bowser is slow, extremely vulnurable to chaingrabs, has a very linnear recovery and he lacks the options that many better characters have. Bowsers range, heavy weight and kill power are all excellent for him, but like I said, that is simply not enough to compete with better characters. Although those 3 positive attributes make him better than those low tiers below him on the tier list. This exact same problem is also shared with characters such as DK and Ike, but unlike Bowser, both of these 2 have a bigger bag of gimmicks and tricks to exploit. DK and Ike have also had significantly more succesfull tournament results with top level players such as San for Ike and Will for DK.

I'll gradly attempt to answer questions related to the current Brawl metagame/tier list since I absolutely love this game and I like creating discussion about it outside of Smashboards as well. (lol im not a no-life, I got other hobbies as well just saying). I play Brawl competitively fairly often in tournaments.

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I'd post the JP one too, but afaik they haven't made a new one in over a year, so...

Found it...


S+  Metaknight

S   Ice Climbers

A+  Olimar Diddy Falco Snake Fox

A   Pit Wario Marth Dedede Zero Suit Samus

B   Toon Link Robot Lucario Zelda and Sheik Game and Watch

C   Donkey Kong Peach Wolf Kirby Pikachu Ike

D   Lucas Mario Sonic

E   Luigi Bowser Yoshi Ness

F   Ganondorf Pokemon Trainer

G   Captain Falcon Link Samus

H   Jigglypuff

EDIT: If I'm seeing this right, G&W isn't on the list... ;/

EDIT2: Fixed.

Edited by Kaoz
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Look at that PT drop :o

And Zelda/Sheik aren't separate at all?

That looks quite legit although still pretty influenced by their big-name-players imo. Then again they play in a different style as well, and Japanese gamers have these amazing reflexes o__o

Edited by KALLLucas
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And Zelda/Sheik aren't separate at all?

That looks quite legit although still pretty influenced by their big-name-players imo. Then again they play in a different style as well, and Japanese gamers have these amazing reflexes o__o

Nope, I don't recall any previous installments seperating them either for that matter.

Hard to say. Of course there'll always be some region bias, but that's natural and you could say the same about the US or EU lists. But when you take into account their stagelist, things like ICs at 2 or Olimar at 3 (though Nietono's performance certainly influenced that too) are understandable. It's most definitly not solely based on results as I would imagine Zelda/Sheik to be even higher if that was the case.

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Yeah, ruleset things came to mind as well. 95% of matches played on the "three most neutral" stages definitely caters to Olimar/IC/MK quite well. Then again, there's not a definitive "best" ruleset or tierlist and won't ever be. Obviously there will be bias with any tier list - after all, the good players are the ones who find the maximum potential of characters.

Still, some things like Olimar and Sheilda, along with Fox/Pit/Marth seem sorta dubious as always with the Japanese lists. I can't say for sure whether it's because of players or rules or playing style, but they don't seem to be in place with any reasoning. Then again I haven't heard of good Japanese Pikachus, which probably would hit that Fox down by quite a bunch. (and looking at Pika, he's below Kirby - that's probably the reason) It happens with things like fighting games - due to almost zero communication between the large scene of US where weird things are discovered and the very concentrated Japanese players with their different mindsets.

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