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DORIN: I'm the information monger, Grandfather Dorin. What exactly do

you want to ask? Is it about the secret of refining Titanium?

(If YES, Dorin says, "I see. It is referred to as a 'secret' and it

really is a secret!" If NO,)

DORIN: You want to know why the path to this village is blocked

by a rock?

(If YES, Dorin says, "In preparation of a possible assault by Zio

we've closed ourselves off." If NO,)

DORIN: Then do you want the measurements of that famous and beautiful

hunter Alys Brangwin, also known as the 'Eight Stroke Warrior?'

(If NO, Dorin says, "Then if you don't have any business here, stop

talking to me. I'm real busy." If YES,)

DORIN: Now you're talking. Starting from the top, thirty-six, twenty...

(Alys punches Dorin out of his chair.)

DORIN: Yeow! Ouch!! Wh...what are you doing! How dare you strike me

without warning! Huh? Yikes! Alys Brangwin!

ALYS: You blabbing old fart! Do you tell every single fool who comes

here my measurements!?

(Alys moves to punch Dorin again.)

DORIN: Ahhh! Oh...Help me! Ah, Rune! It's you, Rune. Please help me!

RUNE: You don't change, do you, old man!

... I guess you have to have played it.

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I figured it would really only have the full meaning to people who knew where it's from. The corresponding graphics and animation help a lot.

It's from Phantasy Star 4. 1994 IIRC. Charming retro graphics of Dorin getting his lights fucking punched out. Wind-up and POW.

(This is fairly near the start of the game and Alys is currently the leader of the party. She's kind of the RPG equivalent of a Jeigan, except the lack of growth actually matters because it's a long game and, without spoiling too much, she gets forcibly removed from the party not all that far in.)

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Rather than an accomplishment, more something I found interesting: As a kid I'd always thought the concept of Black & White was awesome, and throughout the game when you interact with other gods the way that you physically saw them was kind of neat to me. Every god had their own personal symbol, which they saw through, which means at any moment you could see at least the general idea of where someone was looking. And the hand that they used to interact with the world, like you, was more or less invisible to you.

Anyways, the first time a pal and I booted up a LAN game, I just thought it was incredibly awesome that I could cruise on over to his area of influence and literally watch his camera thing move around as he picked up trees and people and whatnot. It was truly a moment.

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stands out from recent memory, at least. Pretty fun by QTE standards.

My happiest ever was probably the day I 100%'ed Skies of Arcadia. Only took some 100 hours, not counting earlier playthroughs <_> Edited by Rehab
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I wonder if getting to Sigma's 3rd form and only losing to it on Megaman X4 without any E-Tanks, Hearts, Armors or W-Tanks is an accomplishment by itself. If only my PS2 wasn't broken, I'd love to try beating him.

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I got another one. Half-Life 2 is known for its incredibly tight gameplay and level design. I finally gave the FakeFactory Cinematic Mod a try, and now the game is incredibly frosted with delight. I'm not sure it could get much better than this.

Anyone who hasn't tried it yet definitely should. A shame synergy isn't compatible with it :(

Edited by Celice
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