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Under The Misletoe with an SF Member


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I will kiss everyone

...except Crash.

And his lover... most of the guys in Forum games...


I have no lover.

Why do people wait 'till marriage to get laid? After you get married, the sex stops.

It's often a religious thing. I personally refuse to have sex before marriage as I'm a Christian.

Anyway, probably nobody, none of the women here would consent.

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I'd rather be putting other people under the mistletoe. I'd follow people around from the rafters, dangling mistletoe on a fishing rod.

That said, I wouldn't mind a peck from -REDACTED-

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Hey, me too. wub.gif

Maybe we should become one of those dumb internet couples. It will be a good excuse to avoid physical and emotional intimacy in real life, we'll get to pretend like someone actually cares about us and get to indulge in irrational bouts of jealousy. And all without having to deal with the ugly reality that we're incapable of having a real relationship because we're terrified of being rejected.

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