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Your worst fears?


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I sympathize with a lot of the fears in this thread, but what really kills me is railings, high up. I feel paranoid that somebody is going to tackle me and send me flying over. Even fictional characters leaning on railings in movies or games make me think "Oh shit what are you doing get away from there"

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The cruelest solution would be to use fire.


Awwwww ;~;

I sympathize with a lot of the fears in this thread, but what really kills me is railings, high up. I feel paranoid that somebody is going to tackle me and send me flying over. Even fictional characters leaning on railings in movies or games make me think "Oh shit what are you doing get away from there"

Yeah I get nervous with that too. I try to brave it though because if there's a view I really wanna see.... XD Then I'm gonna see it.

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Well, plenty of fears, but most I would think are pretty common.

To start, specific ways of dying:

(Top 3)

Burned alive (this would also include acids, not just some murderer's fire shenanigans)

Respiratory Failure (this includes all methods of respiratory death; drowning, suffocating, etc)


Next we follow up with things I would fear having to live through:

(Top 3)

Instrument Based Torture



Beyond death and survival related things it's a bit tricky. I'd rather stick to things that I'm just purely afraid of, and not things I can link to other emotions like anger(a lot of my fears lead to anger so I want to avoid those). I've only got one true fear in this category, and by true fear, I mean something that can keep me up at night if I let it.

It's 'eternal stagnation'. An everlasting and unchanging 'environment', specifically one where nothing new or progressive can ever take place. Just dwelling on something like this too long or trying to comprehend it will mess me up for several minutes at a time.

Fortunately for me it's almost impossible to get this kind of reaction unless I'm completely undistracted, so it only ever happens if I'm thinking about it while trying to sleep ... then it takes me an extra hour to get to sleep, stupid me :facepalm:

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I went to a theme park in LA called Six Flags a couple of days ago and I realized that I'm afraid of roller coasters. It was horrible, especially the ones with the loops. I'm pretty much sure that I hated all of the ones I rode in.

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Oh! I've known people who were uncomfortable with bees like me, but I've never seen anybody else who's been wigged out enough to run away from them. Sometime during middle school while outside, I was lined up and supposed to be sitting cross-legged listening to a gym teacher, but this bumblebee got all up in my face and just stayed there for a moment. Things have never ended well when I touched a bee either intentionally or accidentally, so I basically ran off right there. And it seemed like it was following me! They can say I'm crazy, but I'm on to them.

yes I realize it was probably just looking for something to pollinate and likely barely noticed me and that bees are tragically misunderstood and a vital part of nature and so on, but even at that they are friggin nosy

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I honestly don't have any fears, but I tend to kill all spiders and snakes I come across.

This is mostly because I have no idea which are poisonous, and which are not.

Also to those who are afraid of being buried alive in a box:

I guess I'm afraid of what dying feels like though.

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I absolutely cannot abide any sort of gore that involves the eyes. I remember having to leave my English class when we were watching a production of King Lear because of a certain scene.

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I absolutely cannot abide any sort of gore that involves the eyes. I remember having to leave my English class when we were watching a production of King Lear because of a certain scene.

*shudders* Yeah that is horrible... So much that I wouldn't be able to understand it at all if anybody could >_<

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My worst fears?

Loneliness, heights, cockroaches, scorpions, spiders, mice, rats, bats, excess bleeding (like deep wounds)... >.<

I don't remember more but I'm a person who is not known for being brave...

Edited by LadyEmblem
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I absolutely cannot abide any sort of gore that involves the eyes. I remember having to leave my English class when we were watching a production of King Lear because of a certain scene.

*shudders* Yeah that is horrible... So much that I wouldn't be able to understand it at all if anybody could >_<

Guys, don't play Dead Space 2.

But play #1!

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How about the fact that I cannot look at deformed people, for fear thhat they will try to **** me.

Fuck? Rape? I wonder how that association developed.

I think the combination of mentions of deformed people and eye damage reminded me of the times I've seen completely cross-eyed people in person. It was much more sad than funny.

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