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[FE10] The 7 Draftees of Christmas


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Honestly guys, I can't say I really like the idea of trading. It seems pretty random and it goes against the spirit of the SOYO. I don't really want to get involved in that at this point. Sorry, CR-S01.

Anyway, part 1 is up!


The Team

Ike- Hp, Str, Skill, Spe, Def, Res

Geoffrey- Spe, Def

Jill- Str, Skill, Spe, Def

Mia- Str, Skill, Spe, Def

Sothe- 39 HP, 28 Luck, Max everything else.

Might be useful

Nephenee- Str, Skill, Spe, Def

Shinon- Str, Skill, Spe, Def


After all those hard mode playthroughs, it feels great to have battlesaving back. Pretty much a standard 5-turn clear w/Micaiah and Eddy, with Micaiah getting kills whenever possible. 5-Turning this chapter is stupid, it's either wrath destruction or a complete failure.

Turns: 5/5


This was a great improvement from my first try, as I not only managed 6 turns but got the hand axe for Nolan along the way. One of the keystones of the strategy was the fact that the archer will prioritize Nolan over a full HP Micaiah, allow her to block the west chokepoint while Nolan takes on the soldier to the north. I only realized much later I could have made Leo and Eddy visit the houses. Oh well, a solitary vulnerary missed.



Originally, I had a 5-turn for this chapter, but decided it wasn't worth missing all the treasure. Leo ferries Laura. Uber Sothe arrives and starts the pwnage. Nolan kills the soldier blocking the ledge, then gets Thani. Sothe gets the drop on the last turn as Laura arrives. Misses the boss kill and the wind edge, but I could care less.



Micaiah and Sothe clear on the left hand side without issue. Aran recruited for his weapons, I guess. No discipline for me.



Wow, transfer Sothe cleanly ORKOs the first tiger without the beastkiller. Micaiah and Sothe go south and clockwise around. Sothe is amazingly godlike, 1-shotting some tigers with beastkiller and ORKOing cats with bronze. Sothe's beastkiller still has 7 uses, which is pretty good considering Micaiah killed a whole 2 enemies on the map. Missed the 3K, but got the robe. Sothe got a max iron knife forge.



Blah blah blah, mandatory 6 turns, Micaiah kills some stuff and Sothe nabs a light rune and master seal. Turn 1, 1 range enemies suicide onto Volug, while Micaiah feeds on the leftovers. Sothe destroys the right. Micaiah doesn't really do anything until the last turn, where she wraths a myrm on the EP and another on the player phase.



Jill, Z and Taur joined. Sothe takes adept, Micaiah takes resolve, Jill takes nothing because she's a T1 scrub. Except with transfers and eating a robe, shield and drop, her bases are insane, plus she gets a forged iron axe. Micaiah takes the right side enemies with resolve, Sothe and Jill mow down the center with Sothe taking the enemies in the northwest.



Turn 1, Jill moves onto the bridge and kills stuff on the EP. Turn 2, she moves into Laverton's area. She got missed by the mage and cleanly KOed Laverton with a forge. I failed on one of my attempts on this chapter earlier due to Laverton using freaking cancel.



Gee, Fiona, that's a nice savior you have there, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it. *swipes for Sothe* Jill gets bexped 1 level to 20 and gets sealed, taking paragon afterward. Jill rescues Micaiah on turn 1 before Sothe takes her, allowing him to move his full move. The armors suicide into Jill. Turn 2 and 3 everyone advances, with Sothe killing a ledge mage. Sothe drops off Micaiah next turn, and on turn 5 Jill hammers the boss and Micaiah seizes.



Hoo boy. This one took a lot of figuring out the AI's movement. Celerity goes to Sothe while Micaiah continues to enjoy resolve. Sothe also gets another max forged knife. Nailah and Rafiel are more then up to the task of the left side. Micaiah goes south. Sothe goes north and around to the boss. The bandit AI is interesting, sometimes a weakened bandit will suicide, sometimes it won't. Muriam and Vika rescue NPCs so the dracoknight suicides on Micaiah.



Copied RFOF's strategy down to the letter. *shameless* Also, this in the only time I've ever used up thani prior to 1-E.



Ilyana takes: Ashera Icon, Red + Blue Gems, Fortune, Resolve, Celerity, Brave Sword. She won't be able to keep up, so I don't even bother trying to ship the speedwing. Sothe takes savior and adept. Micaiah is capped with bexp, Sothe gets his 95 exp topped off as well.

Turn 1, Sothe Rescues Micaiah, Jill kills a soldier and Rafiel diamonds. BK kills the mook on the ledge, Jill rescues Rafiel and everyone prepares to move up next turn. Turn 2, everyone moves up, Rafiel gets dropped. Turn 3, Jill rescues Rafiel again after he climbs up the ledge, Sothe and Nailah continue to advance. The BK is pretty much left behind. Turn 4, everyone gets dropped in front of the stairs. Turn 5, Jill breaks the door, Micaiah kills the first armor, everyone else moves into position and rafiel diamonds. Jill hammers the next armor, Nailah gets the wing with a chest key. Sothe kills Jarod with a beastkiller + adept and Micaiah seizes.


Turn for part 1: 61

Stats: (Hp/Str/Mag/Skill/Spe/Luck/Def/Res)

Micaiah- Level 20 Light Mage 28/4/20/15/19/26/7/20

Sothe- Level 7 Rogue 40/22/6/26/24/32/20/15

Jill- Level 4 Dragonmaster 38/23/3/18/23/22/23/6

Nailah- lol base

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Do we get a penalty for using Lucia in 2-2? :|

Uh, 2-2: 12 + 4(for usage of Mordecai) If Lucia gets a penalty too, then 20 turns. >.<

Lucia charges forward and smashes stuff while Brom and Mordy guard everybody else. Sigh, I had to rescue leanne for that. >.<

Chapter 2-3: 6 turns

Geoffrey and Kieran bust everyone. JUST MISSED THE SPEEDWING!

Edited by Marth
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Oh my god, I just did 3-3 without realizing I could have freaking deployed Brom! Damn, I don't think it slowed me down any, but I could have gotten blossom at least. Part 2 will get posted soon!

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2-E: 3+4(Elincia)= 7 turns

Parked Elincia safely with Leanne's help to then sweep down on the crossbow Sniper quite easily . Then it was sheer luck that she managed to survive all blows made on her. Oh yeah, BEXP'd her to lvl 4.

Total turn count- 161 turns. I suck so bad at these drafts...

Part 3:

3-P: 9/170 turns

Screw it, tried rigging for an Ike critical on the boss( 21 isn't that bad now.) decided to give up on it. Not worth it. >.<

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1-P - 5/5 Eddie dodges the boss and doesn't get into wrath range until turn 5 enemy phase :dry:

1-1 - 5/10 Holy fuck, I take back everything bad I've ever said about you, Ed. He crit the hell out of everything and Micaiah killed things that Nolan chipped. My face was basically like o___o" after the chapter ended. Would've been 6 turns but Eddie is awesome.

1-2 - 6/16 I got myself a shiny thani using Nolan/Micaiah and Eddie + Sothe took the top. Leo and Laura made sure to stay away from enemies and Laura sat on the arrive square just for a turn so I could get the thani and the drop.

1-3 - 6/22 I got Aran, so now I have two speed deficient units to worry about. Miccy should be managable though. I need to have her speed decent so she can resolvesolo part of the desert.

1-4 - 5/27 Aran got two perfect level ups minus magic and speed. ...yeah. But Miccy got a lot of speed, so I'm willing to let it pass this time, Aran. Also, Miccy crit the last cat on enemy phase :awesome: Sothe went around to the right hand side, everyone else went to the left. Eddie also crit Agony ;3 It wasn't really necessary since Micaiah could've finished him off, but it was still awesome.

Edited by CR-S01
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1-5 - 6/33 Defense chapter. Derp. Are you counting defense chapters as displayed turns+1 or what the game says?

1-6-1 - 4/37 Overkilled this chapter. Gave Sothe adept so that he can kill Laverton on turn 2, if he doesn't cancel. RESOLVECAIAH takes the top and thanibombs armors. I love resolve ;D

1-6-2 - 2/39 Laverton didn't cancel. Good, good. Everyone else played "let's shove Sothe".

1-7 - 6/45 Everyone goes around the building and Sothe snipes a mage from below so my units can go up.

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1-8 - 4/49 - Micaiah goes <--- with resolve, Eddie and Aran go V, and Sothe goes ---> with celerity.

1-9 - 4/53 - Micaiah does her thing here.

Does savior in 3-4 help much? If not I'll just let Sothe ferry Micaiah up to the top and let her resolve!kill everything on the top platform.

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1-E - 6/59 I forgot to deploy Rafiel on my first try and then wondered why it took so long to get up there. Derp. Second try, pass&savior!Sothe goes straight to the top and kills everything with his wonderful knife forges. He kills Jarod and then ends up with 1 HP and one knife use at the start of the next phase. It was glorious. Eddie crits an armor with a wind edge that was blocking Miccy, and then is rescued by Aran because Miccy was a tile short of seizing, so Sothe can go through to shove her. I decided to ship resolve over with Ilyana, so no resolve for you until 4-P, Miccy. Or you, Eddy. She also took adept and various sellables over.

Name       Level  Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Sp  Lck  Def  Res    

Micaiah    20.00  30    6   20   16  17   27    5   20  
Sothe      10.80  37   22    7   26  25   16   15   12      
Eddie       5.75  35   23    3   24  24   16   18    5
Aran        3.08  35   22    2   22  22   12   21    6

Lol @ Aran having higher speed than defense. I used BEXP to bring his speed up but ended up not proccing any def after promotion. Sucks.

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Part 2 and Stuff


See the video "Getting Nealuchi to S strike in 2P". He got a strength point on the first level, which was counteracted by getting only speed on the second…



So… Brom. Anyway, my Neph has transfers, making her amazing here. They take the south route, recruiting Heather and killing the boss turn 5.



Not too bad. Lucia dumps her stuff, Nealuchi is traded grass on the first turn and uses it to fill his gauge. Neph is my free unit. I take the north route and head to the arrive square. Nealuchi transforms on turn 2 after gaining a level untransformed. As much as I dislike Brom, he was pretty essential to clear the level. On turn 4, Nephenee ORKOs the crossbow warrior, Nealuchi cripples a general in front of the boss, then Leanne refreshes Brom and Nealuchi, allowing Brom the finish the general and Nealuchi to KO the boss. Mordy smites Lucia and she arrives.



Geoffrey and Kieran rush it. I give 70 bexp to Geoffrey beforehand, ensuring he gets a level and the strength to ORKO the boss with the brave lance. Brave lance and Speedwings are sent to the convoy during the chapter.



Put pretty much everything good on Brom, Neph or Heather to transfer. Nealuchi uses a stone and gets vigored to engage Ludveck on the EP. Turn two, he finishes his stone and gets vigored again, KOing Ludveck. I thought I had to get him 2 bexp levels of str for the KO, but realized later it was only 1. Oh well. He needs to hit 30 in 4-P for tear anyway, so nothing wasted. That energy drop I didn't get is making me sad indeed, but I have no way to get it without costing a ton of turns.


Turns for part 2: 24


Nealuchi: 55/14/4/11/19/28/12/11

Kieran: Base

Geoffery: don't remember...

Brom: SCRUB!

Parts 1 + 2: 85 Turns

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But aren't undrafted units allowed to shove/smite undrafted units? He doesn't have Lucia or Mordecai drafted, so he doesn't take a penalty.

1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, visit villages, Escape, and transfer items/skills between teams.
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As far as I can tell, yes. Mordy can smite an undrafted Lucia regardless of whether he was drafted or not. The only situation in which you would incur a penalty would be when an undrafted Mordy smites a drafted Lucia. Honestly, it doesn't seem like a great execution (For the same reason, it's a lot harder to get a drafted Laura to the arrive point in 1-2) but that's how the rules are written.

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[spoiler=Part 1]1-P - 5/5 Eddie dodges the boss and doesn't get into wrath range until turn 5 enemy phase :dry:

1-1 - 5/10 Holy fuck, I take back everything bad I've ever said about you, Ed. He crit the hell out of everything and Micaiah killed things that Nolan chipped. My face was basically like o___o" after the chapter ended. Would've been 6 turns but Eddie is awesome.

1-2 - 6/16 I got myself a shiny thani using Nolan/Micaiah and Eddie + Sothe took the top. Leo and Laura made sure to stay away from enemies and Laura sat on the arrive square just for a turn so I could get the thani and the drop.

1-3 - 6/22 I got Aran, so now I have two speed deficient units to worry about. Miccy should be managable though. I need to have her speed decent so she can resolvesolo part of the desert.

1-4 - 5/27 Aran got two perfect level ups minus magic and speed. ...yeah. But Miccy got a lot of speed, so I'm willing to let it pass this time, Aran. Also, Miccy crit the last cat on enemy phase :awesome: Sothe went around to the right hand side, everyone else went to the left. Eddie also crit Agony ;3 It wasn't really necessary since Micaiah could've finished him off, but it was still awesome.

1-5 - 6/33 Defense chapter. Derp. Are you counting defense chapters as displayed turns+1 or what the game says?

1-6-1 - 4/37 Overkilled this chapter. Gave Sothe adept so that he can kill Laverton on turn 2, if he doesn't cancel. RESOLVECAIAH takes the top and thanibombs armors. I love resolve ;D

1-6-2 - 2/39 Laverton didn't cancel. Good, good. Everyone else played "let's shove Sothe".

1-7 - 6/45 Everyone goes around the building and Sothe snipes a mage from below so my units can go up.

1-E - 6/59 I forgot to deploy Rafiel on my first try and then wondered why it took so long to get up there. Derp. Second try, pass&savior!Sothe goes straight to the top and kills everything with his wonderful knife forges. He kills Jarod and then ends up with 1 HP and one knife use at the start of the next phase. It was glorious. Eddie crits an armor with a wind edge that was blocking Miccy, and then is rescued by Aran because Miccy was a tile short of seizing, so Sothe can go through to shove her. I decided to ship resolve over with Ilyana, so no resolve for you until 4-P, Miccy. Or you, Eddy. She also took adept and various sellables over.

Name       Level  Hp  Str  Mag  Skl  Sp  Lck  Def  Res    

Micaiah    20.00  30    6   20   16  17   27    5   20  
Sothe      10.80  37   22    7   26  25   16   15   12      
Eddie       5.75  35   23    3   24  24   16   18    5
Aran        3.08  35   22    2   22  22   12   21    6

Lol @ Aran having higher speed than defense. I used BEXP to bring his speed up but ended up not proccing any def after promotion. Sucks.

[spoiler=Part 2]2-P - 9/68 Elincia got the bosskill :newyears: She tinks him if he's on a cloud but he wasn't and Marcia + Nealuchi got him down to 1HP for Elincia to kill.

2-1 - 5/73 Bosskill was delayed because I wanted to get Heather. I think pass would help me in 3-3 and some other chapters...

2-2 - 5/78 Lol overkill. I BEXP'd Mordy one level and then some so he could double some stuff and BEXP'd Neph to .99. Free unit was Neal. He used one of my laguz stone uses but he flew around and wrathcritted things and also cleared a path, so it was worth the use. Neph in wrath range destroys everything. It took a while to get her to wrath range though since she has def transfers and also procced def in the last chapter. I needed to make sure that she had less res than Lucia though so mages will target Neph instead of Lucia. Mordy's strike is looking decent so far. I take an extra turn so Mordy can feed on an armor and level up instead of smiting Lucia. Plus more strike for him. I also messed up when I put Leanne against the corner near the torch. :facepalm: I couldn't shove her the next turn so she couldn't reach where she needed to go.

2-3 - 5/83 Kieran and Geoffrey charged through shit and got the speedwing, which was given to Mordy the next chapter.

2-E - 1/84 Gogogo Elincia. I pumped a shit ton of BEXP into Neph and she came out at level 12 with skill, speed and res capped. Def and speed were at 21 and 22, respectively.

So, my total turns so far is 84, or 83 if you count 2-P as the displayed turns.

[spoiler=Part 3]3-P - 8/92 Because Skrimir is a dumbass. I had Oscar rescue an untranformed dumbass cat that blocked the 1-range tile to the boss. It was fucking untransformed and it just waltzed up right to the boss. What. An. Idiot.

3-1 - 6/98 Transfer Oscar is like Tits Jr. minus axes. It's a shame the only 1-2 range he has at the moment is a short spear. Free unit was Mia. Lethe and Lyre actually did shit here. They stayed on halt until the reinforcements showed up and they helped get rid of them. Blargh I tried to get this done faster but L&L kinda suck ass and didn't clear out the bottom in time. So it took an extra turn.

3-2 - 3/101 Funny thing is, Oscar actually double crit the boss. But he was still too weak to kill him.

3-3 - 8/109 Woop woop celerity Oscar and pass Ike made this a semi-cakewalk. I used Soren as my free unit. Mist grabbed blossom and burned a supply down there. Soren burned the other one. Mist broke down the stable door on the last turn so I can get an extra 1600 BEXP. Oscar promotes naturally and Neph gets crowned after this.

3-4 - 7/116 Ike gets celerity and goes up to the top. Neph and everyone else clears out a path for Ike and Ranulf.

3-5 - 2/118 Oscar gets celerity and he sols the boss when he had 6 hp left. Haha. Mist's durability is ass.

3-6 - 7/129 Eddie and Aran have a B support so Aran is basically undamagable. He's 8HKOed by tigers and his speed is awesome. Miccy and Sothe go up top and Miccy massacres the tigers since she doubles them all. She can 2HKO the cats derp. Sothe stays on the beastkiller throughout the chapter since this isn't HM and his dodging and durability isn't completely ass. This ended on turn 7 player phase.

3-7 - 13/140 Derp defense chapter. Ike tanks a hit from the BK and then everything suicides into him, doing pitiful damage. I deploy Haar so he can get Jill and all the stuff I shoved on her. Mordy recruits Zihark and gets all the other stuff like savior I put on him.

3-8 - 5/145 Celerity Oscar gets the job done pretty damn well. He goes down as far as possible each turn and Mordy/Neph clear out what he missed. Ike and Mist go up top together and clear out everything with Reyson's help. I can't 4 turn this because Oscar can't ORKO generals without a crit or adept, which he doesn't have for this chapter. S STRIKE FOR MORDY :awesome: I also have to make a note about Mist's amazing crittingness. She double crit two enemies in a row standing next to Ike. Fuck yeah?

3-9 - 5/150 Is 4 turns possible with only Geoffrey/Kieran? Eh, whatever. I bought adept from bargains and crowned Kieran after BEXPing because I need him for Hawk army in 4-2. He killed the boss with adept and Geoffrey got the speedwing. Didn't get the dust and Geoffrey sent his brave lance to the convoy.

3-10 - 5/155 Oscar gets adept for this chapter so he can actually kill the stationary generals guarding the boss area. Nephenee solos the south area. Mist trails behind everyone and occasionally cleaning up kills that people missed. Then she headed south to help/heal Neph. Reyson pushes Oscar as far as he can go and he uses a short spear to kill the bow paladins and other stuff. Mist double crits more things, just without Ike this time.

3-11 - 7/162 I drew a map showing where the pitfalls are for this. And even then I still fell into a damn hole. And I got untransformed Mordy stuck in it on accident. He almost died in that hole, but fuck it, Ike was across thanks to Oscar (and Kieran) and Leanne. They did rescue drops throughout so that Ike could get to the boss area faster. I also manipulated Tibarn and co to cover up the pitfalls. I also put Tanith over one pitfall but then she ran back so she wasn't attacked. Ike equips the slim sword, seize.

3-12 - 3/165 Lol overkill. Eddie almost promoted naturally here. I'll just top him off with BEXP and crown Aran. They were like a four-person wall of destruction and they almost made it to the middle of the map before the chapter ended. Tauroneo killed things near the ledge after I got all the ally units to huddle on top of the slope.

3-13 - 2/167 Everyone rushes down. Aran kills the tiger blocking Ike, Tauroneo shoves Eddy, Sothe kills something else in the way, Eddie wrathcrits Ike. Micaiah is a little behind level wise so I gave her paragon and she got two levels from physicing.

3-E - 4/171 Mist finds me the rescue staff :newyears: Neph, Kieran, Oscar, and Ike charge up toting their forged 1-2 range weapons + Ragnell with Reyson to vigor them and decimated the enemies until they reached Edward. Agh, he astra'd Neph but then she critkilled him back. :awesome: The sleep bishop is a bitch, so Mist restores all who get afflicted. Mordy helps out down below. He's a third of the way to SS strike now. I'm not sure if he'll be able to hit it in time for endgame, but we'll see. He has a lot to do in the desert, anyhow.

171 turns as of part 3. 169 if you count 2-P and 3-7 as 8 and 12.


Silver: Micaiah, Sothe, Skrimir, Mordecai, Leanne

Greil: Ike, Oscar, Edward, Nephenee, Mist, Rafiel

Hawk: Elincia, Kieran, Aran, Tauroneo, Reyson

[spoiler=Part 4]

4-P - 4/175 Go Micaiah. I love this girl, she's awesome. With Leanne's help and a smite from Sothe (I think smite off of Mordy) and another shove from Skrimir, she got to nearly the middle of the map on turn 1. She took Skrimir's resolve and she solo'd the upper half of the map. Mordecai goes across and Sothe helps him with forged knives. Mordy had a bit of trouble with the bow paladins but it worked out in the end. Skrimir gets a speedwing and he roflstomps shit. He goes back up on turn 4 to clear out the pallies that spawn up top.

4-1 - 5/180 My team splits up, Oscar to one side, Neph to the other, Ike and Mist going down together, and Eddie helping out wherever needs help.

4-2 - 6/186 Kieran + BEXP + a forged hand axe is hilarious. ORKOing everything and at range too. Tauroneo hangs back and deals with reinforcements. Elincia goes where there's less 2-rangers and quads things with her wtfpwn sword. Aran destroys everything as well, but his less move hinders him somewhat. Not really, but whatever.

4-3 - 6/192 Mordy goes to recruit Stefan and Sothe gets provoke so that those elbitches don't target the units that are actually useful this chapter. Skrimir was awesome and Miccy murdered everything in resolve range. The problem was the enemies getting to her because they have lolmove in the desert. Purge bishop is a bitch, so I had Miccy purge his ass back at him. Then Leanne trades her purge for a light forge and vigors her and Skrimir. All of my laguz stones are now eaten. They must now smoke crackgrass until the laguz gem. Mordy finds it! :newyears: Fuck everything else. Well, except dragonfoe but that's close by so w/e.

4-4 - 6/198 Oscar clears out the bottom floor. Ike and Neph go upstairs and destroy fucking everything with Rafiel making them kill twice as much. Mist tanks the sleepstaff asshole with provoke and then she clears out one of the east rooms by herself. Eddie goes up initially, but then goes back down to kill shit. Screw fortify, who needs it when you can have Lehran ashera staffbot? I didn't get any of the treasure, because I don't care.

4-5 - 1/199 Elincia + rescue staff. Aran ORKOs Izuka. The end.


4-E-1 - 3/202 Skrimir = Giffca Jr. His stats were more or less on par with his and Cain's. Laguz gem ensures he won't ever untransform. Mordy was also pretty good here with his wtfhuge defense and strength. He was only held back by his speed cap, but he at least was able to double some things. All of my beorc units were awesomesauce. Except for Mist, who broke her second Florete and her offense was kind of lacking after that. Eddie claimed a tempest blade and the other one I got broke. But Mist kills the bolting sage. That's a plus. Micaiah takes resolve and thanibombs the hell out of the armors. Kurth kills one general and that's all he did.

4-E-2 - 1/203 Ike HAMMERS. Nuff said. I get my wishblade for Nephy :newyears: Aran sticks with a max mt forge with the axe card used on it and Tauro blesses the brave lance. Same idea for Oscar. Geez so many lance units. Mordy hits SS strike!

4-E-3 - 1/204 Mist blessed the wyrmslayer for me. Then rescue chaining with Elincia and Mist was hilarious. Skrimir takes a hueg chunk out of Dheggy. Mordy does too, except without doubling. Nephenee chips with Wishblade. Then Ike finishes Dheg.

4-E-4 - 1/205 Same idea, except I had Mist hammerne rescue and then I had people shove auras out of the way, except for the last one. Skrimir just attacked Lehran and killed that one. Then with no spirits surrounding him, I go in for the kill.

4-E-5 - 3/208 Derp, final chapter. Kurth was useful because black tide prevents Rafiel from being OHKOed by Ashera's AOE. Rafiel was BEXP'd with my remaining BEXP for some durability, and he survived with 2 HP iirc. Kurth also hung back and got provoke so the spirits would target him instead of some of my other low res badass units.

208! Fuck yeah. Or 206 because of the screwy defense chapter thing.

[spoiler=Unit Thoughts]

Micaiah: I couldn't do this without her. She's nothing as a combatant without resolve, but with, she kicks massive amounts of ass.

Sothe: Essential for part 1, useful in part 3, and chips in for the irritating routs for part 4. Couldn't do this without him either.

Eddie: Would draft again, but I'd like to try out someone like Jill first. Still, he was a great unit. His helpfulness was hindered by the fact that I had two DB units though.

Aran: For a SOYO pick, he was great. Normally I definitely wouldn't get him if I already had Eddie. He was redundant for most part 1 chapters and I didn't really need him for part 3 either. He did his fair share in endgame though and did lighten Eddie's burden so it was worth it. Especially since he was a round 2 SOYO pick :awesome:

Nephenee: Transfer Nephenee is fucking amazing. This allows her to ORKO more things and giving her more EXP in the process and helped my part 2 a lot. She did a lot for part 3, especially the routs. Her durability was also damn good.

Mordy: Awesome. I had no transfers for him, but he roflstomped regardless. He helped me by proccing speed on BEXP level ups that I didn't even reset for and a speedwing on him is hilarious. I don't really like laguz gauge though :(

Mist: I probably wouldn't draft her again unless she was available really late, but she did really well and a mounted staffer in endgame = lol. Her support affinity is great and she supports Ike really fast.

Oscar: Transfer Oscar is like Tits Jr. minus axes. His mov really helped a lot and basically performed like Titania, but worse. Still, he's free.

Kieran: He helped in 2-3 and 3-9 and the Hawk army. Pretty good, and he was free.

Ike: Ike

Tauroneo: He was a baws in the chapters that he existed in.

Skrimir: Would definitely draft again. His performance in Silver is awesome, but I'm gonna dock points for his stupidity in 3-P. Seriously, what the fuck. Hit him with a speedwing, insta-doubling, and cleans up things Miccy missed in the desert. His endgame is basically like the other beast royals.

Kurth: What the fuck.

I think I could've shaved some turns off of part 1, especially now that I know that I could've 4-turned 1-4 and I probably also could've 5-turned 1-3 and 1-7. I'm overall pretty happy with this though.

Now just waiting for PKL to wtfpwn my record.

Edited by CR-S01
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