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You know. It's actually rich snobs like you who present the problem. That doesn't even have anything to do with how you hold Fire Emblem to a higher standard where you get pissed at the smallest things. No, it's because you _encourage and indulge in the sort of behavior that has led to mockery of lust-induced murder victims like Matthew Pyke._ Oh, I'm calling you out for the shit of another community? Sorry, but you have done NOTHING to help when you could have done anything at all, and instead everything to bolster that same shitty behavior you're claiming to call out.
Stop anger shaming. It makes it clear you don't give a damn about good standards. If you think those aren't important, then why the hell does this video exist in the first place? It can't be because either side is blameless; that would imply EITHER side to have enough decent people, which would require some halfway workable sense of standards. A level of standards that don't try to catch sociopaths or grossly incompetent power hoarders are innately shit.
I'm not GipBitch; I recognize that forcing people to "git gud" is a farce, not least because of the notion of variety. I can buy the existence of Casual Mode and easier difficulties. What I don't buy is when there's deliberate effort to turn the game into a glorified Visual Novel without understanding how a series like Ace Attorney gets the Visual Novel point to work. Phoenix Mode is a representation of that entire farce. And you can bring up FE4's Battle Saves, but I'll just point out how they become a necessary evil because of FE4's scale involving ~60x60 maps, which were already far bigger than Advance Wars 2's Final Front, something that was more massive than it should have been in its own right. In fact, you mentioned savestates even though the games were not built with emulators in mind. That's a show that you are willing to ignore the domino effect or otherwise justify unintended design points that have their own clear problems as an excuse to ignore bad design.
And all bets are off anyway when you tell me I just suck at games when you ignore videos like this:

Not much, I wager. Because it's clear you WANT girls to be treated like fucking property, and you WANT real life to be fucking Twilight. I may want my Chessmaster Sidekick to be very pleasant, but at least I would definitely not want a fucking doormat. I would want somebody with clear bravery, creativity, and patience. An all powerful wish item with its only limits being only one wish granted and no ability to pull some infinite wishes loophole wouldn't get to have a chance of providing that in place of restoring anybody lost to obtaining the damn thing to begin with. You, however, just want puppets.
The problem isn't who is or isn't a fan, but that nobody in the fanbase is willing to take responsibility for their own shit that's at the root of the entire mess, not some argument about whether modern or non-modern Fire Emblem is better. But hey, keep proving that a group is its own worst enemy by proving that the rules don't apply to snobs like GipBitch, that's sure to improve things.

Ya know, I had left a lengthy response to your comment on RPG Monger's video itself to call out your hypocrisy, but I think I'll make another one anyway, because I am noticing new things from this. For starters, I called you on anger shaming and now I see that, what a surprise, you use the term "salt." Is that what gaming should be about: that talent at any cost should apparently be rewarded and be supported by drunk power trips? Because that's exactly what I call out here:
Oh, and speaking of Advance Wars, MarioMastar pointed out to me how Advance Wars is supposed to have the moral that we're our own biggest villains, hence why the player is not supposed to sympathize with Olaf or Eagle early into Advance Wars 1 even with hindsight involved. So here's my question: why is it people like you want to act like fucking Waylon from Days of Ruin, even though Days of Ruin is even more blatant about the inner enemy point? I know how GipBitch doesn't give a damn about the morality to celebrate the balance of a game that's rather off about its design. What, are you intent on proving it takes all types? I know MY position on the Technician VS Performer spectrum wouldn't change just because I have seething hate towards this Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice character named Roger Retinz, even if Retinz is such a sadist to begin with that he _RICHLY_ deserves it. What's your excuse? Some case of Happiness Is Mandatory bullshit? So just ignore the negative ostensibly wanting no problems and then have the gall to accentuate it because you wanted problems to build up? Because that's exactly what you've been doing.
I call out your usage of the term "salty" as a starting point to talking about how if you really do want change, then may I point to a saying that would be telling you to BE the change you want. Oh, but wait, you might call me a hypocrite. Sorry, not buying it. People like you are intent from the start to crap all over me. People like you, who abuse your own popularity to be pieces of shit who do NOTHING to help the gaming industry as I had exhibited happened to Shattered Throne, make sure that being the change and having a dollar would get people like me a cup of coffee, and I don't even drink coffee, thank you very much. Oh, that's "(my) fault"? So it's my fault you obsess over JP!Olivia and bash on EN!Olivia. It's my fault you celebrate people like GipBitch who openly mock lust-induced murder victims. And it's my fault you want to egg on the same toxic environment you claim to be against. Seriously, stop looking for a scapegoat.
Really, I find it funny that you and your friends would even consider calling me the devil. I sure as hell am not the devil, especially just because of a few emotion-driven missteps, missteps I'll say something about if it means making points that would make sure these damned communities will fucking improve their sense of morality, and even if I was the devil, take a good, long look at how the devil works in biblical stories or other such things. Do you notice how the devil only gains much more power because of under-the-table deals or other indications of the evils of men? That's right: if I am or even was the devil as you claim, then that would make people like you and GipBitch and Mangs, in your nasty behavior, my fuel source, and that would never change for as long as you refuse to genuinely take responsibility for YOUR shit.
If you really want things to improve, _WORK AT IT._ No more hiding. No more abusing conveniences. And no more fucking spurring ego trips and any reasons behind them because you want to sate your own. Be a genuinely better man, or just keep supporting that same shitty behavior you talk about. Your choice.
Oh, and your response will basically be, "Shut the fuck up, nobody cares." GO!


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1 hour ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Pretty much the same for me.


Oh dang, I missed the Touhou talk.

I guess I should revive the thread...

I'd probably play the Touhou games, Except I don't live in Japan, So I'd have to pirate them. Also I'm not sure if my junky computer could handle the bullets

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7 minutes ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

Fair enough

Mine is bad too, but can handle them. Only recording doesn't work well.

There has been Touhou game(s) released for console(s) lately (thinking about one for the Switch), but they're no main games and I can't say about their quality.

Where did you obtain any of the main games? (And also how legal even is that)

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Ugh, new poll. Bolsonaro 28%, Haddad 19%, third place is at 11%.

Second round: Bolsonaro 40%, Haddad 40%.

Not only I'll have to vote for PT on the second round, I'll have to do it with a smile on my face and convince other people to do it as well.

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A very good day to you everyone. Today I want to tell you about a video game I recently played by the name of Persona 4. It’s a very good game!
I was very lonely because I have no friends in real-life, but Persona 4 has finally allowed me to live in a world of my own kawaii Japanese high-school and reach out to the truth!
I'd also like to state that Chee is objectively the best girl! And I’ll feed her many steaks with love if she was real.
On the other hand I must sadly say that people who like Risette have absolutely poor taste in women!


I miss persona

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