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I get the feeling that nobody likes their country, but everybody thinks everybody else's country is better. Why can't we just all agree that the entire world is stupid and there's no point being sad bout it when you can be happy about nothing instead?

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Things is, bubba, I actually like Brazil. What I don't like is the obviously racist history it had and still has to this day, and the fact that most turn a blind eye to it, instead opting to fight against Quixotean windmills.

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We may be shit hole country politically right now, but that will pass. We just need to make more babies than the right, and we are succeeding in that regard. Once Texas turns blue in 10 or 20 years, America's future will be more or less secure.

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Brazil only had two actual emperors. Pedro I wasn't cool, but I've heard Pedro II was at least moderately cool. This means that half of Brazilian Emperors were cool, which is a record percentage in the history of global politics.

On 12/27/2018 at 2:31 PM, Acacia Sgt said:

Must be quite the thing to have the former royal family still having a prescence in the country.

Best I can tell, the modern day descendants of our former royal family are in Australia. Then again, Iturbide was only Emperor for like... nine or so months. And then that brief time Maximilian tried to make two of Iturbide's grandsons as his heirs. It's practically a non-factor all in all...

I think to royal family of Albania is off doing stuff in Australia or England as well. They're doing alright for being run out of a country. Was the royal family of Mexico run out of the country?

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46 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Brazil only had two actual emperors. Pedro I wasn't cool, but I've heard Pedro II was at least moderately cool. This means that half of Brazilian Emperors were cool, which is a record percentage in the history of global politics.

Pedro II was a cunt, too. He was friends with one Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, who is one of the first guys to write about eugenics. Not a good sign.

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2 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I think to royal family of Albania is off doing stuff in Australia or England as well. They're doing alright for being run out of a country. Was the royal family of Mexico run out of the country?

More or less. Iturbide himself fled. He came back... and was promptly executed. Far as I know, the rest of the family simply moved out with him, then stayed out. Heck, the republic in fact paid a widow's pension to Iturbide's wife after they killed him. And as I mentioned, Maximilian then declared two of Iturbide's grandsons as heirs. That would require them coming back. Then again, The second Empire was also a failure, so eh...

In the grand scheme of things, the Iturbide family simply distanced themselves on their own violition.

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I don't like leadership government in my country, but I can at least say there's some goals to aspire to. I like countries like Norway and Denmark and how they conduct their societies. Perhaps it is a coincidence, but they also happen to be happiest countries reported in the world.

Funnily enough, I do prefer how Scotland governs its own parliament and places economic priorities far more than the rest of the UK.

4 hours ago, XRay said:

We may be shit hole country politically right now, but that will pass. We just need to make more babies than the right, and we are succeeding in that regard. Once Texas turns blue in 10 or 20 years, America's future will be more or less secure.

America may be blue majority in future, but if there's no change to the Democrat party, that's essentially the same as having Republicans in power with less extreme views on abortion, gay marriage and less pandering to religious zealots. Still not a good outcome for the country that will still be intervening in other countries around the world for corporate interests. Having neoliberal (or at least how it is used in America) Democrats in power is such a low bar. Much preferable, yes, but not going to be anywhere close to ideal.

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After I saw liberals saying that a woman getting named general or something was progress, I gave up.

I guess they want women to be war criminals too?

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Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia, mass shooting/terrorism apologism, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, support for white supremacists, support for literal fascists: Whatever.

Posting the link to the picture of a FAKE fetus soup in a post full of warns saying its NSFW: 5 days ban and 45 warning points.


Lmao this forum.

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if i was to play devil's advocate I would make some argument that the code of conduct directly states you can't post pornography or inappropriate content, but is very vague about "prejudicial comments based on race, sexual orientation" etc because most people don't come out and say "i hate faggots" even if they are dropping major cognitive dissonance bombs


I'm kinda thinking of replacing my signature quote with this old one


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4 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

say "i hate faggots" even if they are dropping major cognitive dissonance bombs

I mean, there's a certain israeli soldier who posts here who said with all leters and no hyperbole that palestinians are sub humans who only deserve death and nothing happened to him. Yeah, he was grieving over the death of a comrade, but still. 


There was also another guy who said french people were "little bitches" after the terrorist attack to that newspaper. Nothing happened either.

it's puzzling to say the least.

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i wouldn't be so sure of that. he's been in and out of warns and suspensions for a long time. he also said the same about transgender people, which... was not provoked.

just not permanently banned. they probably cut him slack due to an emotional moment in the former case, but you're right in that I really rolled my eyes at that one.

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that one sick fuck legit kept making some really absurd posts in the california shooting thread and people kept saying "no i defende free speech let him go on"

fuck this man this is centrist crap

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i kinda always find it funny how it's torn between 

a) companies or platforms that allow you to be on there can ban you for any reason that they like (generally the way things work), even if they have a set CoC

b) companies or platforms should be held to the same first ammendment laws as a government agency (which seems to be what many New Conservatives want, despite that requiring nationalising which I don't think Conservatism is generally in favour of)

personally, I'm fine with letting boards like 4chan or whatever have the monopoly on "you can post whatever you want anonymously as long as it's not illegal". it just keeps those people generally away from anything else.

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Anyway changing subjects, this is legit the first time travelling abroad that i don't really feel like going back home. Everything here is so great. =/

well i do miss my room, my pets, and my routine (including my gym and bike rides), but other than that, everything about home feels so underwhelming compared to here.

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