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6 minutes ago, Pull My Devil Trigger said:

Nobody play granblue

No, i can only play one mobile game at a time

4 hours ago, Pull My Devil Trigger said:

you're not really in a position to talk

but you still havent answered what you meant by this

i'm curious

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9 minutes ago, Nobody said:

No, i can only play one mobile game at a time

but you still havent answered what you meant by this

i'm curious

Being flooded by the incessant switch port begging can be really intense for any semi popular indie game not there


Also why don't you play Indies on switch

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14 minutes ago, Pull My Devil Trigger said:

Being flooded by the incessant switch port begging can be really intense for any semi popular indie game not there


Also why don't you play Indies on switch

Oh, i thought you meant "you" as in me, not as in the developer.

They're mostly sprite based 2D platformers, not really my sort of thing =/

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1 hour ago, Nobody said:

Do you have to be in the party of the MVP, or just have some hits on him?

You don't have to be in the party that kills the MVP. you just have to get a hit in and sit the whole thing out.

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3 hours ago, Nobody said:

Jesus Christ the Maduro defense force in this thread. "Bolsonaro and Trump are terrible so Maduro mustn't be that bad". How can anyone be such an idiot?

It really worries me that people think on such a black white mentality that someone bad being agaisnt another bad person means the second bad person must be good. Venezuelan weren't starving, facing the same shortages or fleeing their countries by millions before Chavez and Maduro, and people on this forum defend him just because he identifies as left wing. Disgusting

it's just such a awful mentality that you can see everywhere, anyone against bolsonaro must love lula and the PT

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3 hours ago, Nobody said:

Jesus Christ the Maduro defense force in this thread. "Bolsonaro and Trump are terrible so Maduro mustn't be that bad". How can anyone be such an idiot?

It really worries me that people think on such a black white mentality that someone bad being agaisnt another bad person means the second bad person must be good. Venezuelan weren't starving, facing the same shortages or fleeing their countries by millions before Chavez and Maduro, and people on this forum defend him just because he identifies as left wing. Disgusting.

i don't know why you're surprised.

i hate to say it, but resetera and its progenitor are where you're more likely to find harder left people that subscribe to socialist, communist or anarchist ideology more than any other gaming site i know of.

Edited by Tryhard
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i can't argue against people who get facts wrong and won't back down

it's one thing to argue subjective political positions but it's another to simply plug your fingers in your ears and sing la la la

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Maduro fucking sucks but history shows us time and time again that an US-backed government can be even worse than the regime they replace.

Considering how Guaidó has no real tangible plan yet, nor the support of the army, it is hard to say what will happen. It can become a new Syria, Libya, Ukraine or Zimbabwe. Just the absolute pits.

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It's funny how every post you made about Venezuela, you put a "but" after criticising Maduro. Wonder if you'd do that in front of the dozen of thousands of venezuelans who'd rather life in the streets of fucking roraima rather than there

might want to start posting on resetera as well, buddy.

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I know your confrontational self can be a bit hard headed and sometimes you miss the point entirely, but all I am saying is that considering the USA's track record, it is disingenuous to think that the country is going to be a democracy or that there's going to be any improvement, just because Maduro is gone. More often than not, when that sort of intervention took place, things got worse - which is not to say the current situation is good, far from it.

But if it makes you feel better, let me say that Maduro just fucking sucks and is a horrible, horrible human being. No charisma, way more violent than the already authoritarian Chavez, and only made a collapsing economy get worse. There is absolutely zero things I find praiseworthy of his regimen, and from the day he was in charge you could see he would be  massive failure. 

Must say, though, for someone who complained about black/white world views you surely were fast to group me with the Resetera crowd.

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It's like sometime i feel like i have to piss people off

honest apologies.

i don't even know why i spent the entire night invested on this shit when i could be doing something better.

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2 hours ago, Tryhard said:

like playing RO mobile?

Touche XD It doesn't grate on the nerves...most of the time

Edited by Karimlan
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Jean Wyllys stepped down from his role as federal deputy, due to constant death threats.

Worth noting that the same militias who murdered Marielle Franco nearly a full year ago, are the same ones heavily linked to the Bolsonaro family, who are now celebrating on Twitter.

Fuck this.

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Meanwhile in Manila, a bunch of old farts in the Lower House of Representatives are lowering the age that kids could be arrested to NINE

Young crooks do time while the old ones in suits run free. Good, right?

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