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14 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

That game is actually pretty long, I was surprised by that. When all was said and done, I believe it took me 100+ hours to actually finish it.

Huh, I was not thinking this would be the case. Considering the fairly emotional (I liked it) joining of the last two characters was followed immediately by what seems like an obvious plan forward, one wherein I've already got 2 out of 6 of the magic items I had to collect. So I thought Enix was streamlining the entire typical DQ journey and trimming a little fat. Not that I mind a long game, I'll be impatiently patiently waiting to see my Luminary and his six comrades grow powerful.

Speaking of which, even though I know Rectification lets me rebuild my characters at a cost at any time, my current no spending plans are:

  • Luminary- Zap has been great, magic is definitely better off in this game than it has been in the past offensively. Is a level or two from Falcon Slash at the moment, and will then save up for Pep Up afterwards.
  • Erik- I went Guile b/c I couldn't decide which weapon type to invest in. I got Divide, which I probably didn't need yet. For his weapon, Swords look good, but I picked Boomerangs, even if that proves to be an expensive Rectification later. Knives looked awesome in the opening, but I'm skeptical of ailment viability on bosses, given Etrian Odyssey is the only franchise I know to be kind to player ailments infliction. His Boulderbore spell gives him so far a nice damage source regardless of whether Boomerangs are good or not so good.
  • Veronica- So very simple, she's sticking to magic for me, no Whips, so I got her the Anger buff and Sage's Breath, and now she is working on the Heavy Rods.
  • Serena- Again, simple. She got Alma Mater and Snap, Crackle, Poof to counteract nasty stuff. Now, I'll go for some Auras instead of Dual-Wielding and its possible Magical Mending boost. When is she going to get Moreheal and maybe Multiheal though? Rab already has Moreheal and Sylvando has Hustle Dance. 
  • Sylvando- Priority 1 was Hustle Dance, but now I haven't a clue what to do with him. Maybe this "Have a Ball" if it gives him some offense, since I'm already deep in the Litheness branch.
  • Rab- Zing Stick came quick, so I guess Meditation to get Agility +20 now. Someone who heals wants to be faster. 
  • Jade- Geez she is strong! Sorry Erik and Sylvando, you've been outdone. I nabbed Thunder Thrust juuuuuust in case for Metal Slimes. But now it's all about the Claws and getting their good attacks. After that comes those three Pep-related boosts.



I tried some of the Langrisser demo now that it's in the eShop. I started with the Langrisser 1 portion, not exactly great. No forced tutorial stuff leaves one feeling lost and intimidated. Chapter 2 wasn't exactly nice either, and 3 required two tries. Limiting you to just two characters, one a Jagen, wasn't the best thing for a demo.

But, the L1 portion did make the first fight of L2, which is actually its fourth battle, much more digestible than had I skipped it. So many units, ally and enemy alike. I got it done and on my first try and it was kinda fun, I failed to kill the evil retreating mage just barely, but was it a good thing I didn't? I stopped after this because I playing in handheld mode and juice was running low, maybe I'll finish it tomorrow.

$49.99 for two SNES games with a mobile-esque graphic update and little extra seems a tad pricey. But if there is a sale, it's going in my pail. The approach to battalions in a Strategy RPG here- a disposable, fragile, healable, and not replaceable mid-fight group of units, makes this very different from FE3H, with a good reminder of Advance Wars to an extent. 20 Chapters per game sounds fine if a little short, and the quantity of different routes/endings I saw I could get raises my curiosity as to how different they are.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I've been meaning to get into more Godzilla stuff recently. I also have yet to see a non-anime foreign film. So i'm killing two birds with one stones and watching Shin Godzilla tonight. All i know is that it won Best Picture in Japan.

Finally, now I’ll have someone to make Godzilla jokes with.

There hasn’t been a complete collection release of every movie outside Japan, so you’ll have to look around various places if you want to see them all. The Criterion Collection release of the Showa films might be a good place to start if physical releases interest you, and if not you can probably find places to watch them online.

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40 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

There hasn’t been a complete collection release of every movie outside Japan, so you’ll have to look around various places if you want to see them all. The Criterion Collection release of the Showa films might be a good place to start if physical releases interest you, and if not you can probably find places to watch them online.

I'll keep that in mind next time i watch a Godzilla film, though i do think the older the movie, the more i have to be in the mood to watch them, so while i do have plans to watch the original Godzilla, it won't be for a while. The same thing happens whenever i watch Classic Doctor Who episodes, anything from the 60s really requires me to be in the mood. Not because it's bad but because it's not in color (then again, Doctor Who was a bit slow in getting color in it's episodes). 

I would like, of course, to say that i've watched every Godzilla film. Except 98. We dont speak of Godzilla 98. It's not even Godzilla lmao, it's just Zilla.


Anyways, i finished Shin Godzilla so here's my thoughts, copied from my Twitter thread


Finished Shin Godzilla. First off, i want to get out of the way that the version i watched may have had some missing scenes. There were some abrupt cuts and the run time was shorter than what what Wikipedia said. I basically spent like an hour looking for the English subbed version so even though i watched a slightly altered version, at this point i just said fuck it. With that out of the way...

...As someone who's only real experience with Godzilla films are the two Legendary films (2014 and King of the Monsters), this was a refreshing take on the franchise. From my knowledge, Godzilla is usually depicted as a misunderstood ally to humanity so seeing him take the role of the antagonist (like he did in the first ever Godzilla film) was pretty interesting for someone who's used to him being a former. Like 2014, Shin Godzilla had more of a focus on the humans than Godzilla himself but unlike 2014, i didn't think the humans in Shin Godzilla were boring. I mean, i wouldn't call any of them memorable but the human side of this story was much more interesting than the human side in 2014 (and tbh, KotM's human side wasn't that interesting either). Godzilla's design in this movie is also pretty unique. It's CG but it's still got those classic Godzilla traits (the googly eyes, for instance) from the older movies. Looks kinda goofy but i didn't mind it. Though i wish the roar wasn't the same stock effect from the older movies. Like yeah, it's the classic roar but given Godzilla's design in this movie, i think something akin to Legendary Godzilla's roar would've made it more intimidating.Now i've only seen three Godzilla movies so where do i rank Shin Godzilla? It's definietly better than 2014 but i think i'd place King of the Monsters higher than Shin Godzilla.Shin had an infintely better human side to the story but i think i prefer it more when Godzilla isn't the antagonist. But Godzilla being the antagonist isn't a strike against the film, it's simply a preference. 7/10.


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52 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Huh, I was not thinking this would be the case. Considering the fairly emotional (I liked it) joining of the last two characters was followed immediately by what seems like an obvious plan forward, one wherein I've already got 2 out of 6 of the magic items I had to collect. So I thought Enix was streamlining the entire typical DQ journey and trimming a little fat. Not that I mind a long game, I'll be impatiently patiently waiting to see my Luminary and his six comrades grow powerful.

Speaking of which, even though I know Rectification lets me rebuild my characters at a cost at any time, my current no spending plans are:

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  • Luminary- Zap has been great, magic is definitely better off in this game than it has been in the past offensively. Is a level or two from Falcon Slash at the moment, and will then save up for Pep Up afterwards.
  • Erik- I went Guile b/c I couldn't decide which weapon type to invest in. I got Divide, which I probably didn't need yet. For his weapon, Swords look good, but I picked Boomerangs, even if that proves to be an expensive Rectification later. Knives looked awesome in the opening, but I'm skeptical of ailment viability on bosses, given Etrian Odyssey is the only franchise I know to be kind to player ailments infliction. His Boulderbore spell gives him so far a nice damage source regardless of whether Boomerangs are good or not so good.
  • Veronica- So very simple, she's sticking to magic for me, no Whips, so I got her the Anger buff and Sage's Breath, and now she is working on the Heavy Rods.
  • Serena- Again, simple. She got Alma Mater and Snap, Crackle, Poof to counteract nasty stuff. Now, I'll go for some Auras instead of Dual-Wielding and its possible Magical Mending boost. When is she going to get Moreheal and maybe Multiheal though? Rab already has Moreheal and Sylvando has Hustle Dance. 
  • Sylvando- Priority 1 was Hustle Dance, but now I haven't a clue what to do with him. Maybe this "Have a Ball" if it gives him some offense, since I'm already deep in the Litheness branch.
  • Rab- Zing Stick came quick, so I guess Meditation to get Agility +20 now. Someone who heals wants to be faster. 
  • Jade- Geez she is strong! Sorry Erik and Sylvando, you've been outdone. I nabbed Thunder Thrust juuuuuust in case for Metal Slimes. But now it's all about the Claws and getting their good attacks. After that comes those three Pep-related boosts.


It is long for reasons that I dont want to spoil.

It seems like your plan is well set up to me! 

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Now we have the same scenario as the US had after the Charlotte and Christchurch massacre.

Exploiting it to damn the right parties. 

It's not that something like this has not happened before (-> NSU).

The parties rather shall take their shit together instead of making the AFD for everything responsible!

The big parties are responsible on their very own with their failed integration politics in the past years that AFD grew more and more and the big parties are going to die.

When I go through so called no-go-areas and get attacked by an east-european as it happened last Sunday, then literally no one has to wonder anymore, why people wish (more) national safety and a better integration of immigrants.


PS: I hope no one understands me that I am right or endorse these attacks, but it is undoubtful that something must be done to stabilize the society to take people (including me) the fear of feeling unsafe. This would also lower the right-thoughts of the world's society.

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4 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Exploiting it to damn the right parties. 

It's not that something like this has not happened before (-> NSU).

The parties rather shall take their shit together instead of making the AFD for everything responsible!

The AFD is a pretty big part of the blame though, what's with all their hate mongering and victim blaming. Not to mention they do give voice to people who would have shut up otherwise and not 'brave' enough to do terrorist attacks like this.

AFD is a nazi party, and should be called out as such.

4 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

why people wish (more) national safety and a better integration of immigrants.

To AFD peeps 'integration' doesn't matter. You look different, you should gtfo or get killed. Period.

Before the terrorist attack, a few months ago, a CDU politician was killed just because he said we should help those seeking help. And he got killed for that.

We should not play down the danger of right extremism or them having a party in the Bundestag.

4 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

This would also lower the right-thoughts of the world's society.

It wouldn't. People have been trying all over the world for years, and bring up facts and numbers about how right extremists are wrong, but they (by that, i mean people who vote for them) don't care, and usually go all ''Fake news''.

The AFD, in multipe states, every few months, tried to get some kind of statistic to make migrants and/or leftists look bad, and they are rebunked almost every single time, by official police documents. The same police that is super blind to the right-extremism problem in the country atm.

Honestly, i am more afraid of extreme right parties than anything. Then again, l live in Berlin, the probably most multi-culti city in the country, with people from all around the world, and life is going pretty well. Sure there are bad apples here and there (like the guy who attacked you), but what group doesn't have those?

10 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

What happen?

Ballista, long range magic, etc.


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36 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The AFD is a pretty big part of the blame though, what's with all their hate mongering and victim blaming. Not to mention they do give voice to people who would have shut up otherwise and not 'brave' enough to do terrorist attacks like this.

AFD is a nazi party, and should be called out as such.

To AFD peeps 'integration' doesn't matter. You look different, you should gtfo or get killed. Period.

Before the terrorist attack, a few months ago, a CDU politician was killed just because he said we should help those seeking help. And he got killed for that.

We should not play down the danger of right extremism or them having a party in the Bundestag.

It wouldn't. People have been trying all over the world for years, and bring up facts and numbers about how right extremists are wrong, but they (by that, i mean people who vote for them) don't care, and usually go all ''Fake news''.

The AFD, in multipe states, every few months, tried to get some kind of statistic to make migrants and/or leftists look bad, and they are rebunked almost every single time, by official police documents. The same police that is super blind to the right-extremism problem in the country atm.

Honestly, i am more afraid of extreme right parties than anything. Then again, l live in Berlin, the probably most multi-culti city in the country, with people from all around the world, and life is going pretty well. Sure there are bad apples here and there (like the guy who attacked you), but what group doesn't have those?

I would have my little issues to call as AFD a nazi party as a whole since it was suppossed to be a protest party, but people like Gauland or especially Hoecke with their polemic and "outside activites" drag this party in a right-extreme spotlight, so I can't really deny that either. They made the party what it is right now.

The most worrisome is that the AFD is most (right) extreme and also the most succesful in the economically "weakest" states aka the states which belonged to the DDR. 

I am certain this party will only vanish - besides being forbidden by the Verfassungsschutz (if ever) - if this party takes the government in a state (which will never ever happen). Then all protest voters realize what scum these people really are. As long it does not happen, some states will share the same fate as Thueringen has right now: no political majorites for the wished coalitions.

Besides of that I grew up less than 1000 m away of one of the worst places in Germany regarding crime and failed multi-culti-society (it is exactly where I had been attacked), so I might sound a bit prejudiced, but whenever I come to this place, I hardly can see Germany in this place, not gonna lie! It's like an own world with their own rules and laws. I never could walk through ever again...... for whatever reasons........ if gang wars or right-extreme terror.

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20 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I am certain this party will only vanish - besides being forbidden by the Verfassungsschutz (if ever) - if this party takes the government in a state (which will never ever happen). Then all protest voters realize what scum these people really are. As long it does not happen, some states will share the same fate as Thueringen has right now: no political majorites for the wished coalitions.

Problem with is, we have seen in other countries that right extremists gaining some power will lead to them getting even more power and/or becoming more stubborn and dangerous. It will just empower them. Not to mention we have our own history to consider.


23 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Besides of that I grew up less than 1000 m away of one of the worst places in Germany regarding crime and failed multi-culti-society (it is exactly where I had been attacked), so I might sound a bit prejudiced, but whenever I come to this place, I hardly can see Germany in this place, not gonna lie! It's like an own world with their own rules and laws.

I can see where you are coming from, and while i live in one of the better parts in Berlin, i do visit areas like that you mention from time to time (mostly to eat oriental food lol), and it does feel pretty different (=/=bad. I can see the 'this isn't germany' thing comes from though.). However while there's alot that definetly needs fixing there (especially schools), hate, prejudice and intolerance isn't really the answer, it will just make everything worse.

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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I tried some of the Langrisser demo now that it's in the eShop. I started with the Langrisser 1 portion, not exactly great. No forced tutorial stuff leaves one feeling lost and intimidated. Chapter 2 wasn't exactly nice either, and 3 required two tries. Limiting you to just two characters, one a Jagen, wasn't the best thing for a demo.

But, the L1 portion did make the first fight of L2, which is actually its fourth battle, much more digestible than had I skipped it. So many units, ally and enemy alike. I got it done and on my first try and it was kinda fun, I failed to kill the evil retreating mage just barely, but was it a good thing I didn't? I stopped after this because I playing in handheld mode and juice was running low, maybe I'll finish it tomorrow.

$49.99 for two SNES games with a mobile-esque graphic update and little extra seems a tad pricey. But if there is a sale, it's going in my pail. The approach to battalions in a Strategy RPG here- a disposable, fragile, healable, and not replaceable mid-fight group of units, makes this very different from FE3H, with a good reminder of Advance Wars to an extent. 20 Chapters per game sounds fine if a little short, and the quantity of different routes/endings I saw I could get raises my curiosity as to how different they are.

I tried the first battle earlier. They changed a lot of the BS and the map layout. I felt the original one was better at showing you the mechanics, because gren and red units where arranged in a way that allowed you to grasp many concepts by watching them fight. I only realized how useful it was when i saw that the remade map lack those things. A good thing is that they put the evil emperor on the map. In the original the enemies where a bit too lame for a playable "kingdom fall". 

Another thing is that in the original the warrior girl(i am not going to remember the new names for a while) was just defeated whit everyone else. What is the point into having her accompany you for the escape if she still join in the fourt map?

Not going to comment much on the change of how stats and classes works, but they are 99% going to be for the better because in the original combat was often a diceroll.


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12 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

Not going to comment much on the change of how stats and classes works, but they are 99% going to be for the better because in the original combat was often a diceroll.

Duuno about that. While i didn't try L2 demo yet, i agree with Armagon's statement  about L1 demo, i am also playing L4 atm, and the combat was usually AT - DF + critical hits that insta take 1 HP. In the remake we have big numbers and i can't calculate anything anymore...

The Combat forecast in the remake doesn't seem accurate, either

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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Duuno about that. While i didn't try L2 demo yet, i agree with Armagon's statement  about L1 demo, i am also playing L4 atm, and the combat was usually AT - DF + critical hits that insta take 1 HP. In the remake we have big numbers and i can't calculate anything anymore...

The Combat forecast in the remake doesn't seem accurate, either

I tested whit save states and saw a lot of swings.

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36 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Duuno about that. While i didn't try L2 demo yet, i agree with Armagon's statement

Uhhh, I have never touched Langrisser in my life. I think you mean Interdimensional Observer.

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29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Uhhh, I have never touched Langrisser in my life. I think you mean Interdimensional Observer.

Ah yes, sorry xD

53 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

I tested whit save states and saw a lot of swings.

The reason for that is that in battle while you have 10 vs. 10 ( both at full hp), each of the 10 guys in a unit has a chance to insta kill one. Or atleast a guide i read said as much. Usually AT-Def should be the usual case though

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Ah yes, sorry xD

The reason for that is that in battle while you have 10 vs. 10 ( both at full hp), each of the 10 guys in a unit has a chance to insta kill one. Or atleast a guide i read said as much. Usually AT-Def should be the usual case though

I always assumed that was the case, but sometimes weird thing happen. There is that map, chapter 8 i think, where a green unit is under siege and can either get killed before you can save him or kill most of the assaliant whitout much trouble. I have seen both scenarios happening. 

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Problem with is, we have seen in other countries that right extremists gaining some power will lead to them getting even more power and/or becoming more stubborn and dangerous. It will just empower them. Not to mention we have our own history to consider.

But how to encounter them?

If even the Verfassungsschutz cannot anything, who or what else?

Germany needs a stable government, but the big parties tear to pieces each other.

If this doesn't stop soon, it will become only worse.

I think the situation has become better in Netherlands (remember Wildeers got a massive defeat in the last election) and Austria the past years, but we are so far away to getting rid of right extreme parties, it's disgraceful!

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1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:

But how to encounter them?

Honestly, i don't know. A few years ago, before the whole refugee fiasco thing, i thought talking and coming to an understanding could be a thing, but the years showed that that just doesn't work, and that those peeps find violence and hate mongering ok.

Best solution is just to shun, ignore and not give them any space, and call out their lies. They shouldn't be given any platform if all they do it hurt people.

And no, i am not saying to censor them, they can say what they want (as long as it isn't hate speech), but we also have the right to call them out (and to them, that's apparently censoring.).

1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:

but the big parties tear to pieces each other.

And that's honestly normal in a democracy. They all have different ideas and ideals, and they need tear each other apart and compromise. Both.


1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:

but we are so far away to getting rid of right extreme parties, it's disgraceful!

Austria has it much worse then us. Even after the Scandal, the right extreme party  only last like 5% iirc. Also, their conservatives are much much more right leaning then ours, what's with them willing to work with right extremists and all, and even adopting some of their positions.

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@Falcom Knight I like that Lulua Avatar.


Been playing some CS3 today, as I'm currently alternating between this and XBC2. And I just wanted to say this:

Did someone pick up the phone?
Because I F***ING CALLED IT!!!
(Spoilers for CS3, obviously).



While fishing, this happened:
A shark. Because why not? XD

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:
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Super Old Legal Loli, i mean xD


Ah, that! Yeah... as far as I'm aware, no explanation is given as to why she looks like she does. I'd like to think she did it just to f*** with people. It wouldn't be too farfetched, considering what Emma and Celine tell you about her prior to that scene and how she herself is characterized.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i don't remember if there are sharks, but there are somg BIG fish

Speaking of which, the fishing minigame is much improved from CS and CS2. You get actual upgrades to your fishing rod that do different things, and the entire thing is streamlined to just using one button somewhat strategically instead of hammering away at multiple buttons at random, i.e. killing your controller.


The upcoming boss fight got a hell of a lot of hype. Let's see how the writers ruin Class VII's next big moment, shall we?

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

as far as I'm aware, no explanation is given as to why she looks like she does.



It's a very very very very very old anime trope

older than Rhea


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

The upcoming boss fight got a hell of a lot of hype


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Let's see how the writers ruin Class VII's next big moment, shall we?


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Just now, Shrimperor said:
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It's a very very very very very old anime trope

older than Rhea


I actually was not aware of this. My first encounter with this particular trope was Nowi. Well, if we want to get technical, it was Yune, but I didn't really register it with her at that point.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



That's CS3 in a nutshell.
Or rather, every time you think Class VII (especially new Class VII, because why the heck are they even here anymore?) is about to do something cool, get one moment where they can shine and it's "NOPE! Here are some NPCs that we want to shill right now! Enjoy!". If CS3 succeeded in showing me anything, it's that Class VII, both old and new, are the most pathetic weaklings in all of Erebonia.
I could go on, but you're probably sick of hearing about it, so I'm just going to leave it at that.

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