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38 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

She is a definite best girl candidate, that's for sure.

Umu umu.

Imo, Old class 7 can be split in two. Those that are super very good, and those that shouldn't have existed xD

I wonder though


The Witch family genetics are pretty weird, aren't they? I mean, look at Emma and her Sister, and that old loli over there xD


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45 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I wonder though

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The Witch family genetics are pretty weird, aren't they? I mean, look at Emma and her Sister, and that old loli over there xD


Well, there is an explanation for this, actually. It's a rather simple one, too, but it's rather spoiler-y, so proceed at your own risk:


Emma and Vita have actually been taken in by Roselia and raised as siblings. They're not related by blood.

45 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Umu umu.

Imo, Old class 7 can be split in two. Those that are super very good, and those that shouldn't have existed xD

I'm at the very least fine with all of them. I could take or leave at least half of them, too, like Machias and Jusis, who aren't terribly interesting after their character arcs concluded way back in CS1. Or Elliot, who isn't very interesting in general (he's a better version of Ignatz, basically). And Alisa, whose character's existence as Rean's implied canon romance is chiefly responsible for the bonding stuff being bad. And prior to Cold Steel III revealing her backstory, I wasn't exactly fond of Sara, either. I don't exactly hate any of them, however.
The others are cool in my book, though it took me until CS3 to finally warm up to Mr. Protag.

I know I've said this before, but overall, I vastly prefer New Class VII. Juna, Kurt, Ash, Musse, and Altina are all pretty awesome.

My actual "I hate you" characters are outside of Class VII:


Angelica, Crow, Aurelia, Lechter, Rufus, General Bardias, Prince Cedric, and Osbourne.

Edited by DragonFlames
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I remember Blue Destination is played in CSIII.

Not many tracks from the prequels made it in - technically almost none - the more I am happy my favorite theme of Erebonia made it in.



Anyways Lulua tends to be more a collecting game.

Grabbable stuff literally EVERYWHERE!

Anyways started with chapter 2.

Game is really enjoyable despite the game does not quite tell me where to go next.

At least I can see it on the world map.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

I remeber Blue Destination is played in CSIII.

Not many tracks made it back there - technically almost none - the more I am happy my favorite theme of Erebonia made it in.

Though I am not a fan of the character that theme is associated with, I will admit that it was a pretty awesome moment where it played.

2 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways Lulua tends to be more a collecting game.

Grabbable stuff literally EVERYWHERE!

That's Atelier for you! The more stuff you pick up, the more you can play around with using alchemy.
You're not on a time limit in Lulua, so you can go ahead and just try out different things.

Glad you're enjoying yourself!

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Of course. Why am i not surprised xD

Anime pls.

I mean, at least they're not making some weird yuri-incest angle out of it. ... I need to stop giving them ideas, don't I?

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Please. Jusis is best Cold Steel.

He's a cool guy, for sure. He's just not that interesting to me. He was until the end of CS1 with him overcoming his prejudices against commoners in tandem to Machias overcoming his aversion to nobles somewhat, and that was an interesting and compelling character arc, but after that, he kind of faded away into the background. Which is a shame, since him and his brother being on different sides of a conflict is a potentially interesting plot point... one neither CS2 nor 3 do much with.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


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I mean, at least they're not making some weird yuri-incest angle out of it. ... I need to stop giving them ideas, don't I?


He's a cool guy, for sure. He's just not that interesting to me. He was until the end of CS1 with him overcoming his prejudices against commoners in tandem to Machias overcoming his aversion to nobles somewhat, and that was an interesting and compelling character arc, but after that, he kind of faded away into the background. Which is a shame, since him and his brother being on different sides of a conflict is a potentially interesting plot point... one neither CS2 nor 3 do much with.

The thing eith Jusis though is that he was never prejudced against commoners, since his mother is a commoner, but how he is a noble but not really, due to his mother.

There's also his conflict with his father in CS2, which is like 1 of the 3 or 4 things that game did well

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Speaking of conflict, the Nobles vs Commoners conflict of CS1 and 2 could've been good but it boiled down to "Nobles bad, Commoners good". Because everything the Noble Alliance did was objectively bad. Especially in CS2, I'm pretty sure they committed a few war crimes.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of conflict, the Nobles vs Commoners conflict of CS1 and 2 could've been good but it boiled down to "Nobles bad, Commoners good". Because everything the Noble Alliance did was objectively bad. Especially in CS2, I'm pretty sure they committed a few war crimes.

Edelgard would be proud

That reminds me of the whole 'neutrality' thing LOL

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Synthesizing is super fun.

I could do it all the time.


BTW I find the experience gain ridiculous.

2-3 regular enemies give a level up.

Even overleveled units gain a ton of experience.

I am just in chapter 2, and my team already got more than ten levels.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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52 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

edgy Machias.

Wh-what? If Machias was edgy, I definitely missed that.

34 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

BTW I find the experience gain ridiculous.

2-3 regular enemies give a level up.

Even overleveled units gain a ton of experience.

I am just in chapter 2, and my team already got more than ten levels.

Yeah, it's pretty easy to level up in Atelier. Although keep in mind later on, your success will be determined by the quality of your items, armor and weapons and less by your level.

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What game has ever done Noble vs. Commoner well? I can't think of one that has.

At best, it's "Good Nobles" as an exceptional bunch allied to the good-on-the-whole Commoners, set against the mass of Bad Nobles. Or, the game makes most/all your characters nobles, but the game doesn't have class warfare.

I blame this on the fact, that while most nobles were not necessarily the intentionally evil people games make them out to be, their value system is ultimately incompatible with ours in the modern world. How do you argue in favor of bloodlines being the primary determinant as to who exercises socio-political and economic power and who is excluded from that power?

I do think it might be possible to make nobles not quite so unreasonable. On the grounds of:

"My family has slaved for generations in the bureaucracy and military, our moments of excessive pleasure are found only between 72 hour stints of crunching dry, dry numbers to assure this country is ran well. Those extreme joys too are only savored when we come back alive from the battlefield, where for our country, our families, god, king and people, we plunge into the most harrowing of straits without the slightest fear of death. Honor my family so, people of the majority, allow us to continue to match our decadence with self-flagellation, for only then do we have our worth and balance in lives. Our gift to you is freedom, freedom from so heavy a burden, lives even and usually devoid of our extremes; mild happiness, mild sorrow, how boring it may seem, how boring I wish mine life could be!"

-Of course this soliloquy described above would require a nobility that doesn't overtax its peasants, misspends what it takes, steals their young ladies for rape and its young men for sacrifice in war. This doth require a nobility that treats the commoners it oversees well, quite well. If it does not give them bliss, then they suffer, and suffering under a Bad Noble is very likely equal or worse than any suffering to be gained if the Bad Noble was overthrown. Noblesse oblige of the highest standard is required, genuine self-sacrifice par excellence.




The other two fights of the Langrisser demo were fine. L2 Chapter 5 was good, and Chapter 6 leaned a tad too easy. I can start seeing how mercenary costs can wear become expensive in time, though I am noticing I probably could've trimmed a few units, particularly Archers. The Lich I noticed was a weak commander, but its Skeleton minions were strong, a clear instance of where it's better to go for the leader over their mercs. But I'm trying to chop down the mercenaries whilst not compromising my units or the map objective, because it seems like a lot experience and gold would otherwise be missed.

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And done with Chapter 1. Certainly not a long one.

Though I had to fight the boss battle twice, pft. The first time around, the accompanying Winky got into its complexion change and did a desperation attack, which took down Healie. Then when I was about to use a Medicinal Herb, the Psaro's Pawn acted first, cast Sizzle, and took down Ragnar. Second time went much better.

Just a short run this time. WIll begin Chapter 2 tomorrow.

For now, I'll switch to Crusader Kings 2 since they finally updated the Monarch's Journey. Got a date at Stamford Bridge. Though not right now. Likely on the afternoon. Although it's likely I'd instead be at the Varangian Guard.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Just something that popped in my head again and wanted to watch and share it :3

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But I'm trying to chop down the mercenaries whilst not compromising my units or the map objective, because it seems like a lot experience and gold would otherwise be missed.

I don't know if that's how it works in the remakes, but Langrisser 4 (and the other originals, i guess) it works like this:

If you kill a commander, but not all troops, you get 1/2 exp of the surviving troops. Aoe spells that take out everyone gives full exp, of course. And you always get full gold, wether you kill troops or not.

Honeslty, me at late game L4 atm, i usually head for the commanders because troop bonuses are massive. It's much much easier to kill the commander, and sometimes necessary, as alot of maps have some kind of turn limit (kill before boss escapes, protect green unit, sometimes literal turn limits), that i just head for the commander instead.

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I do not know either..... but honestly I do not want to know.

It sounds creepy.


For everyone who is going to celebrate Carnival, it will become a wet and windy matter...

Worst possible weather right now for this....... BUT best possible weather to lie in the bed and continue my games. 

Edited by Falcom Knight
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Damn, this Aurora Rosalina is so adorable.

Wished it had been added to regular Mario Kart since I do not like this gacha.

I am wondering why this game does not have DLCs anyways.

But then again it would have been offered only as a Pass, and I would not have paid about 50% of the full game's price just for a costume.

Please make a figure or doll of it, please!

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