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15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Damn it, the Music is legendary in this game.

That it is indeed. If Atelier is great with anything, it's the music.
Atelier Lulua has what I would consider one of my absolute favorite pieces of music in any game. We're talking at least top 5.

How's the Alchemy system working out for you?

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Atelier Lulua has what I would consider one of my absolute favorite pieces of music in any game. We're talking at least top 5.



>BGM from almost all other games, which are also great

4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

How's the Alchemy system working out for you?

it's doing fine. Just annoyed that when mass-creating i can't carry over traits

that, and the fact that i always run out of space while exploring lmao



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Just now, Shrimperor said:


>BGM from almost all other games, which are also great

I recommend checking out the different versions of Nefertiti, if available and if you haven't done so already.
One of these was in Atelier Meruru (the theme for the final boss of the ending I got, in fact) and it was glorious!

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that, and the fact that i always run out of space while exploring lmao

That's Atelier for you. XD
Luckily, there'll be stuff later that helps mitigate this a bit.
My biggest problem in Lulua was that I eventually ran out of storage space in the freaking container at home.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

One of these was in Atelier Meruru

I set 

as the normal boss theme xD (with Crosswinds being the event/chapter boss theme)

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

My biggest problem in Lulua was that I eventually ran out of storage space in the freaking container at home.

...yeah, i can see that happening...

I probably filled 20% of it now.... 

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I set 

as the normal boss theme xD (with Crosswinds being the event/chapter boss theme)

That was the theme of the semi-final boss on that ending I mentioned.
But yeah, that track's a banger for sure! They both are!

The more pending question, however, is: why is Meruru wearing a wedding dress in that picture? and why is it making me feel weird?

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...yeah, i can see that happening...

I probably filled 20% of it now.... 

Well, look at it this way: you're not likely to run out of materials for synthesis.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

The more pending question, however, is: why is Meruru wearing a wedding dress in that picture?

...don't let the wedding dress distract you from the fact that the track is a banger xD

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well, look at it this way: you're not likely to run out of materials for synthesis.

...i already can't carry any more bombs lol.

Btw, i will get the chance soon to craft stronger equipment, right?


Also, every game needs a Change BGM feature.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

...don't let the wedding dress distract you from the fact that the track is a banger xD

I won't, don't worry!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Btw, i will get the chance soon to craft stronger equipment, right?

You definitely will be able to at one point, yes. Depending on how far you are in the story, it might take a while to get there, though.
Regardless, if you have the recipes already unlocked, I'd suggest making a few Ingots and Cloth. Those are the items you'll need for new equipment.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

You definitely will be able to at one point, yes. Depending on how far you are in the story, it might take a while to get there, though.

I am now heading to Arland. To solve Rorona's mess

The legendary Rorona, who can split the ocean and cut mountains in half...

is bad at paperwork xD

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I am now heading to Arland. To solve Rorona's mess

The legendary Rorona, who can split the ocean and cut mountains in half...

is bad at paperwork xD

Oh believe me, Rorona is bad at many things. It's what makes her so great!
And if you're heading to Arland, that means that "soon" will be "as soon as you reach the town".

Also, hilariously enough, renewing the license for the workshop was the entire plot of Rorona's game.

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6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Exit said labyrinth-like area, enemies levels 28-33. Turn a little bit to the left, though and... enemies (emphasis on the plural there) level 80-85. Of which three spot me while I'm fighting the level 30 mooks. My reaction:
I'm not actually that angry, though. I just wanted an excuse to use this meme, because for whatever reason, the Nepgya-face is one of the most hilarious things to come out of Neptunia for me.



6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, it's raining purple, which, interestingly enough, doesn't look as weird as it sounds.

I'm actually not sure what this weather is supposed to be. I know More Ardain also has sandstorms but purple rain......maybe it's ash? I mean, Not Ardain is very geothermically active.

35 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Damn it, the Music is legendary in this game.


Atelier soundtracks in general surprised me. I wasn't expecting Atelier soundtracks to make that much of a mark but it did. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

9 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

honestly like Ryza's alchemy system more, especially removing that dechiper thing from Lulua.

Ryza's alchemy system is definitely the best one in the series imo. The material loop system allows you to recreate your items to make them better without starting from scratch. 

The only thing I don't like about Lulua's Alchemyriddle is that it caps your Quality levels until you unlock them but other than that, I didn't really mind it. 

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

it's doing fine. Just annoyed that when mass-creating i can't carry over traits

You can make one with good traits, register it for wholesale and buy it back. Though if you want there to be more in stock, just rest for a week.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:


Truly the words of a wise young fellow. XD

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I'm actually not sure what this weather is supposed to be. I know More Ardain also has sandstorms but purple rain......maybe it's ash? I mean, Not Ardain is very geothermically active.

Active enough to have hot springs and weird green goop lakes which instantly kill you if you try to swim in them. No I did not jump into one just to see if I could! What are you talking about?
Also, something tells me that the fact that Mor Ardain is as barren as it is (which was brought up many times prior to traveling there) will turn out to be the fault of the people living on it making all those factories. I wouldn't put it past this game to have this kind of environmental message (and good on it if it does). After all, they did philosophize about how right and wrong don't exist in war and all (and good on them that they did).

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Atelier soundtracks in general surprised me. I wasn't expecting Atelier soundtracks to make that much of a mark but it did. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

This was my reaction to them, too. The first time I heard Sophie's music, I was like "hey, this is pretty awesome."
Now the series is among some of my absolute favorite game OSTs.

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You can make one with good traits, register it for wholesale and buy it back. Though if you want there to be more in stock, just rest for a week.

Adding on to this: money is relatively easy to come by as quests are practically infinitely repeatable. Just do some that are very easy for you and the cash will come flowing in in no time at all.
This goes for Sophie, too, by the way.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm actually not sure what this weather is supposed to be. I know More Ardain also has sandstorms but purple rain......maybe it's ash? I mean, Not Ardain is very geothermically active.

Hmm... Bionis had lava caves in Valak, but would such a thing possibly exist in Alrest's Titans? Or would volcanoes spew Ether? Since that seems to be the lifeblood of the Titans- albeit Ether was the vital essence of Bionis too as the Mechonis's sword sapping it indicates. Now that I think about it, maybe magma shouldn't exist in Titans, or only above a layer of an unmeltable substance that protects the Ether of the Titan. Can Ether and magma intermix? Would magma damage the Titan? Would magma + Ether = Fire Ether? Does that intermixing make it bearable? Actually, is Ether inherently elemental, or does pure neutral Ether gain elemental properties based on what it reacts with?


12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm actually not sure what this weather is supposed to be. I know More Ardain also has sandstorms but purple rain......maybe it's ash? I mean, Not Ardain is very geothermically active.

According to the wiki, take it with a grain of salt, but it might be accurate:

XC2-weather-smog Geothermal Haze
An unnatural weather condition found only on Mor Ardain. Ash and fire spew out of geothermal factories on Mor Ardain's back, covering the land in a purple haze.
1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, something tells me that the fact that Mor Ardain is as barren as it is (which was brought up many times prior to traveling there) will turn out to be the fault of the people living on it making all those factories. I wouldn't put it past this game to have this kind of environmental message (and good on it if it does). After all, they did philosophize about how right and wrong don't exist in war and all (and good on them that they did).

Mor Ardain is an old Titan it is stated, Titans are born, mature, age, and die. Apparently, 500 years ago the Ardainian Titan was only getting up there in age, but in the present day it is old.

NPCs offhand I think explain how as the Titan ages, its Ether, lifeblood, gets hotter. Which actually improves the efficiency of Ardainian industry, but the additional heat isn't good for the surface, hence it becoming barren. Agriculture 📉 factories 📈.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
XC2-weather-smog Geothermal Haze
An unnatural weather condition found only on Mor Ardain. Ash and fire spew out of geothermal factories on Mor Ardain's back, covering the land in a purple haze.

Mor Ardain is an old Titan it is stated, Titans are born, mature, age, and die. Apparently, 500 years ago the Ardainian Titan was only getting up there in age, but in the present day it is old.

NPCs offhand I think explain how as the Titan ages, its Ether, lifeblood, gets hotter. Which actually improves the efficiency of Ardainian industry, but the additional heat isn't good for the surface, hence it becoming barren. Agriculture 📉 factories 📈.

Thanks for the explanation!
I either forgot to talk to the NPCs that mention this or I simply forgot about this.

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39 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, every game needs a Change BGM feature.

Agreed. Granted, I'd still appreciate the original OST first but after a while, let me fuck around. 

31 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The legendary Rorona, who can split the ocean and cut mountains in half...

is bad at paperwork xD

Rorolina Frixell 🤝 Escha Mailer

Being legendary alchemists who are bad at paperwork.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I wouldn't put it past this game to have this kind of environmental message (and good on it if it does).

Well there's already an environmental message in the game about the slow loss of land and how it will affect everyone, which is a problem we're facing today.

There is a form of Titan exploitation that also ties into enviornmental stuff which you'll see later (and it's not Mor Ardain, More Ardain is just very old, that's why it's so barren).

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...i guess that's a feature that will be unlocked later, huh?

Yeah. This was a feature in the Arland trilogy as well as Ayesha. Basically, you make items and you put them in the market. This saves you time from having to make it as you can just buy it. 

Lulua doesn't have a time-limit so wholesale is more of a convinience thing now.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hmm... Bionis had lava caves in Valak, but would such a thing possibly exist in Alrest's Titans? Or would volcanoes spew Ether? Since that seems to be the lifeblood of the Titans- albeit Ether was the vital essence of Bionis too as the Mechonis's sword sapping it indicates. Now that I think about it, maybe magma shouldn't exist in Titans, or only above a layer of an unmeltable substance that protects the Ether of the Titan. Can Ether and magma intermix? Would magma damage the Titan? Would magma + Ether = Fire Ether? Does that intermixing make it bearable? Actually, is Ether inherently elemental, or does pure neutral Ether gain elemental properties based on what it reacts with?

I think you might be on to something here and it would explain why Alrest lacks any volcanic areas. The Bionis has those lava caves, sure, but the Bionis is a whole different beast compared to Alrestian Titans (Mor Ardain, the biggest Titan probably isn't even half as big as Bionis and Mechonis). And even then, Bionis' volcanic activity is limited to just one portion of it's right arm. Mira has a whole continent's worth of volcanos but it's also a planet so of course.

But that green substance in Mor Ardain could be the Alrestian equivalent of magma. Where there's geothermal energy, there's magma somewhere.

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2 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

I honestly like Ryza's alchemy system more, especially removing that dechiper thing from Lulua.



Why do I get the feeling this screenshot is Les Yay-tastic?

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Also, I watched part 1 of Mangs' Conquest Lunatic ironman stream yesterday. I legit thought that he was either going to end the stream without a death or (somehow) lose without any casualties thanks to overextending during the invasion. But then... he lets hubris get the better of him, with a dead Effie being the result. Granted, he still won, but that doesn't change the fact that that's a Pyrrhic victory; not only did he lose Effie, but now chapter 10 is next and he has no Freeze staff to bail him out. And right before chapter 10, too...  That being said, I still think he's liable to lose Arthur and/or Nyx assuming chapter 10 does not break him, which is that much more likely because he lost Effie.

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8 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Why do I get the feeling this screenshot is Les Yay-tastic?

Because Gust has embraced the yuri. They just never confirm it outright is all.
Unless of course the game has Nights of Azure in the title, but that's a different story.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

But that green substance in Mor Ardain could be the Alrestian equivalent of magma. Where there's geothermal energy, there's magma somewhere.

I assumed that was Ether. Given that... XC1 SPOILERS


...the Ether Mines had that very corrosive vat of blue stuff at the very bottom, which Otharon outright called an "ether river" when he shoved Xord into it.

Next, we have Galahad Fortress, with green liquid at the bottom. What is it? Speaking of Mechonis, how did it originally live if it now saps Ether from Bionis? Does mechanical life require Ether or not? Can Mechonis make its own? Meyneth obviously could manipulate Ether via her Monado. Was the giant sword sapping Bionis just a gradual action Egil was undertaking not for powering Mechonis, but rather to deny the Ether to evil should Zanza ever return?

And, there was the Bionis Interior 2nd Visit with yet more deadly green liquid. Bionis doesn't eat stuff, so it can't be digestive acid, and why would stomach acid be in the heart?

Titans do have to eat IIRC, the little ones at least, not sure about the titanic TItans. But is the green stuff near the mouth of Uraya digestive acid, Ether, or plain old acid? Not every fluid on a Titan has to be Ether, freshwater obviously isn't. Uraya has a "Stomach" region, but is that just what humans and Nopon call the place, or does it actually perform the functions of a stomach? What and how do Titans eat? Atmospheric Ether, tiny plankton/krill-like organisms drifting through the Cloud Sea? Some IRL fish have photosynthetic organisms living symbiotically on them, and I think they can extract energy from them. Does every tree on Gormott nourish it in some little way?

And, although Ether might be somewhat different in XCX from its XC1 and 2 counterparts, it does exist. Pharsis the Everqueen the Yggralith resides in the Noctilucent Sphere, which glows a light green at night and at all times has a stream of the same light green liquid pooling beneath the Yggralith. This liquid is harmful on foot IIRC, and since Ether is mentioned in the Yggralith bio, and Pharsis the Everqueen's additional note says it is absorbing Ether from the atmosphere, this lone green pool may be the only liquified Ether seen on Mira. 


So yeah, I think that was Ether at the bottom of the pit in Mor Ardain. The substance of life in its concentrated liquid form can become harmful to smaller/unadapted organisms, who otherwise depend on it in a gaseous state. I guess you need thick or properly adapted skin to survive it or crush some insect-flower parts with a radioactive crystal and some Miranium, something humans lack.


Another thought about Mor Ardain, later XC2 Titan SPOILERS.:


We have a later Titan that is also being extracted from- Tantal. Yet Tantal is the opposite of Mor Ardain, extracting energy from it has cooled the Titan to near inhospitable conditions. Once people lived at the bottom, now they had to flee to the very top, maybe because cool air sinks and warm air rises, so the bottom of Tantal froze first. 

Although, perhaps the difference is owed to how Mor Ardain's industry functions.

  • Tantal, maybe, is extracting the Ether itself to make Core Chips, while Mor Ardain isn't doing that for its factories. Remove Ether, and you have less heat generated?
  • Power plants, be they nuclear, coal, natural gas, oil, or geothermal don't actually extract energy directly from the substances being used. Rather, the heat being emitted nuclear fission, burning fossil fuels, or the earth itself, turns water into steam that turns turbines, generating the power that humans have used in machines and when it was later invented, electricity.
  • Mor Ardain then isn't doing anything to cool the Titan down, other than possibly exposing the hot regions of the Titan to cooler air, but it is not enough to actually drop its body temperature, that isn't easy when it's a giant. Ardainian industrial bores to reach the inner heat are but pinpricks then.


And, then there is the Morythan Titan. This is presumably as dying if not even more than the Ardainian Titan, to the point it has been long abandoned. And yet, we see no signs of geothermal activity like with Mor Ardain, unless it is subtle and not important because nobody lives there anymore.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Bionis has those lava caves, sure, but the Bionis is a whole different beast compared to Alrestian Titans (Mor Ardain, the biggest Titan probably isn't even half as big as Bionis and Mechonis).

How large are the Alrestian Titans? I remember the XC1 duo was stated in an old interview to be the size of Japan, although the interview didn't explain whether this means both Mechonis and Bionis combined, or each individually is one Japan. And size itself is an ambiguous term, in what way does the duo compare in size to Japan? Japan is a "2D" country, Bionis and Mechonis are "3D" with a lot more surface area, people can live on its back and its front. 

And for us Amerikuns, Japan's square mileage I recall is slightly smaller than California when you add all the islands together, with a population in the modern day of ~140 million, or a bit under half of the total US population presently.

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