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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

though there are a few games were regular damaging skills of those elements exist, for example SMTIV: Apocalypse and Persona 5.

Curiously, a Kyuyaku Megami Tensei LP I saw, a Super Famicom remake of the very first game in the franchise on the Famicom, had a "Hamadyne" spell. The conversion to insta-kill must've been SMT1's work.

Digital Devil Saga was kind enough to weaken Expel to reducing current HP by a percentage, only Death stayed instakill. Nocturne had "Violet Flash" and "Radiance" spells the Demi-Fiend could get for Expel damage, and Digital Devil Saga had "Xanadu" for damage, except every boss in those games are immune to Expel, so they're practically worthless.


4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Horse vs. horse. One is a regular horse, one is every Fire Emblem elitist's wet dream a giant rock (?) monster.

You make a jesting barb, but it comes to me that having crossover DLC in 3H where Demon Beasts coincidentally took on Colossi forms, but weren't actually the Colossi, would be cool. Throw in a nice sword, bow, and a black horse battalion as rewards for vanquishing them.

Though, Team Ico I could see opposing use of their Colossi in such a way, on grounds that it'd degrade the artistic sanctity of SotC or something.

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@Interdimensional Observer now this might be very interesting if true. The Xeno games have always adapted some parts of Perfect Works.

  • Xenogears, Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade 2 were all "Episode 5" (with Xenogears being an actual Episode 5)
  • The Xenosaga trilogy is "Episode 1"
  • Xenoblade X is......also Episode 1? Or maybe "Episode 2"? Both?
  • Torna ~ The Golden Country is "Epiosde 4".

Given how natural Xenoblade 1's ending is, Future Connected probably will be the first actually realized version of Perfect Works Episode 6, which would be really interesting since nobody knows what Episode 6 was supposed to be besides Takahashi and i don't think he's ever talked about it. The only thing we knew about Episode 6 originally was that it was meant to be the final Xenogears game but obviously that part won't factor in here. 


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I wonder how long Future Connected will be. I would guess it will have about as much content as Torna, give or take if there's mandatory sidequesting. It being playable from the start is probably for the sake of those who played the game already and don't want to play it again just for the epilogue. Maybe there will be a disclaimer before playing that it will have spoilers for the main game.

Reyn's Japanese VA didn't know about the Definitive Edition until it was announced (he says "I didn't know about this at all!"), so it seems there won't be any new voice acting outside Future Connected. Unless... (ending spoilers)


they decide to adjust Alvis's dialogue after the final battle to take you-know-what's developments into account, though it's basically already confirmed that Alvis is you-know-who so they might not feel the need to change anything.

Maybe when Alvis brings Shulk back to life, he can say "Now place your hand on my chest."

I also noticed that Definitive Edition is rated C (15+) by CERO, while the Wii and 3DS versions were rated B (12+). For comparison, XCX and XC2 both got C ratings as well. ESRB's content disclaimers are the same as the previous versions, so it might just be that CERO is stricter now than it was before.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:
  • Xenogears, Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade 2 were all "Episode 5" (with Xenogears being an actual Episode 5)
  • The Xenosaga trilogy is "Episode 1"
  • Xenoblade X is......also Episode 1? Or maybe "Episode 2"? Both?
  • Torna ~ The Golden Country is "Epiosde 4".

I always thought the Xenogasa trilogy was Episodes 1 through 3. In any case, that's an interesting development if finally something will be done regarding the still unaccounted for Episode 6.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I wonder how long Future Connected will be. I would guess it will have about as much content as Torna, give or take if there's mandatory sidequesting.

Yeah, that's what i'm expecting too. Though it was cut, the Bionis' Shoulder was meant to be the biggest in area in the whole game. Like, by a significant margin. And XenoblaDE is adding more to it. There's one shot in the trailer where a Telethia flies over a river and that river isn't in the original Bionis' Shoulder. Hell, even the first shot we got of the place from the first XenoblaDE trailer isn't in the original Bionis' Shoulder.

Monolith Soft could've just made Torna like 5 hours and called it a day like most devs do with their expansion packs nowadays. But they basically made it a full game. I don't know if Future Connected would reach full game status (the Shoulder may be the only part that's visited apart from Alcamoth obviously) but i'm still expecting like at least a good 15 hours here. The artbook showing new equipment may suggest that there's enough content in Future Connected for character progression.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Reyn's Japanese VA didn't know about the Definitive Edition until it was announced (he says "I didn't know about this at all!"), so it seems there won't be any new voice acting outside Future Connected. Unless... (ending spoilers)


Well even going by the English trailer, all the dialouge seems to be the same. So that part doesn't surprise me.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Unless... (ending spoilers)

  Reveal hidden contents

Now that i do see being changed, even if just a little bit. We'll get the new version of The Experiment and Alvis will say that he's one of three processors instead of just the processor. May also mention that he's Ontos.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I always thought the Xenogasa trilogy was Episodes 1 through 3. In any case, that's an interesting development if finally something will be done regarding the still unaccounted for Episode 6.

The Xenosaga trilogy is three Episodes, yes, but that entire trilogy only accounts for Episode 1 of Perfect Works. Without getting into spoilers, this is what Perfect Works was like

  • Episode 1: Conflict in space 10,000 years before Episode 5. Incredibly powerful weapon built buy human hands eventually crashes on uncharted planet.
  • Episode 2: Life develops as the result of that crash. Episode 2 covers the first few years of a new civilization.
  • Episode 3: Civilization eventually reaches a point similar to that of modern Earth. This would not last.
  • Episode 4: 500 years before Episode 5, a major war takes place that affects some of the characters who would appear in the next Epiosde.
  • Episode 5: Xenogears.
  • Episode 6: The end. Nobody actually knows what it was meant to be.

All of this applies specifically to Xenogears but all the other Xeno games adapt elements from Perfect Works, likely a result of Takahashi never actually being able to complete his original vision due to Square screwing him over. But as of right now, nothing has adapted elements from Episode 6. Future Connected might be the first to do so, which leaves me excited.

Fuck it. I'm playing Future Connected before the main game. I need to know.

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Sounds very interesting. Hmm, too bad I could never get any Xeno game.

Well, with the PSN I suppose I could get Gears and Saga if they are there (haven't checked, or currently don't remember). Always had the desire to get the first Blade Chronicles before learning about the entire thing; but I never got the chance to. Now with no Switch, I can't get anything recent.

It's telling that XCX is the only one I have and had the chance to have.

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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, with the PSN I suppose I could get Gears and Saga if they are there (haven't checked, or currently don't remember).

Assuming it's the PS3/Vita PSN, Gears is on there for like $20. Saga though, you're out of luck. Those games have never been re-released, despite how much Namco loves putting KOS-MOS in other games.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:


@Interdimensional Observer now this might be very interesting if true. The Xeno games have always adapted some parts of Perfect Works.

  • Xenogears, Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade 2 were all "Episode 5" (with Xenogears being an actual Episode 5)
  • The Xenosaga trilogy is "Episode 1"
  • Xenoblade X is......also Episode 1? Or maybe "Episode 2"? Both?
  • Torna ~ The Golden Country is "Epiosde 4".

Given how natural Xenoblade 1's ending is, Future Connected probably will be the first actually realized version of Perfect Works Episode 6, which would be really interesting since nobody knows what Episode 6 was supposed to be besides Takahashi and i don't think he's ever talked about it. The only thing we knew about Episode 6 originally was that it was meant to be the final Xenogears game but obviously that part won't factor in here. 


Why haven't we gotten an Episode 3 yet? Too boring a premise? Too bleak? Or are they holding off for XC3: Druj The Nation of Plastic?

I would assign a 2% chance to XCX2 being Episode 3 because (SPOILERS)...


it'd be one way to resolve the mimeosomes- problem. Humans can't reproduce just as the end-stage Zeboimians could not, albeit for very different reasons.

Kim believed nanotechnology could at least create a successor to humanity. Is it possible the unknown forces that be of XCX are pushing humanity towards an evolution in their form? 

Takahashi ends XG and all XCs on a happy note, which is why this an utter crackpot theory. Forcing humanity to forever be parted from their original forms is not the happiest of outcomes, even if the new bodies were to be awesome and capable of everything the old bodies could do +more. By the end of X2, I assume everyone will be returned to normal- unchanged human consciousnesses in ordinary human bodies.


As for Episode 6, I'm not even sure what Takahashi could've done in XG without some deus ex machinas in play...


All the Episodes of Xenogears in some way involve Deus, with the exception of Episode 1, all are centered around the Contact.

At the end of Episode 5, Deus is destroyed forever. And unless Episode 6 did not take place very long after 5, or Fei nanomachined himself some immortality, there would be no more Contact.

Either Deus and Miang are discovered to have survived in some capacity, which sounds very unsatisfying for the player of XG- I destroyed that infernal Terminal Weapon Interface System and its Ouroburos who, like this Trails one I hear of, could never be truly killed until it had achieved its ultimate goal. Or, Krelian comes back from his higher dimensional enlightenment very disappointed and angry, or having gained some foresight about humanity's future and finds himself forced to become an outward antagonist to save it.

Xenogears wraps up its 10000+ years of backstory too well. So how would Episode 6 have been relevant to everything to have come before it? And if it wasn't, why bother making it Episode 6 of XG and not something wholly independent?


I would like to envision Episode 6 XG being humanity of the XG planet reuniting with the rest of intergalactic humanity. This would work with Future Connected, post-Bionis & Mechonis Pocket Dimension becomes reunited with planet Earth.

But, this is merely a sci-fi concept I wouldn't mind seeing. No evidence of any kind to support it.


I was going to sell Future Connected short on length, 10 hours maybe. But then again (SPOILERS just in case)... 


maybe they can fit an area equivalent to the Tornan Titan in the Left Shoulder. And for a Gormott, we have Alcamoth as a second locale. 

And you know what would be really amazing? Letting us use those teleporters in Alcamoth to visit all of those discs containing everything that isn't the palace and public plaza. That is a lot of real estate there to add.

Lastly, a dimensional portal to somewhere new? To a bridge between Earth and the pocket dimension?


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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why haven't we gotten an Episode 3 yet? Too boring a premise? Too bleak?

I don't know if that's the reason but it could be the fact that it probably works better as part of a story rather than the story, if you get what i mean.


Important parts, sure. Zeboim is important to the lore of Xenogears and Morytha is important to the lore of Xenoblade 2. 

Although i see what you mean about the endings. The "Episode 3s" will always end on a pretty bad note and even though you know it'll all turn out well in the end, the time gap between Episodes 3 and 4 is pretty huge.

Then again, Torna's ending isn't exactly the happiest ending either so while i do see your point, i don't think that's the reason. 


22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for Episode 6, I'm not even sure what Takahashi could've done in XG without some deus ex machinas in play...

Yeah, i'm on the same boat. Xenogears had such a natrual ending, that i can't see what came after it. 


Although i do like your idea of reuiniting with the rest of inter-galactic humanity. Would make for an interesting story.


25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And you know what would be really amazing? Letting us use those teleporters in Alcamoth to visit all of those discs containing everything that isn't the palace and public plaza. That is a lot of real estate there to add.

Yeah, please. Honestly, Alcamoth just feels bland to me. Like yeah, it's pretty but it feels like it was too big (which is weird saying that in the context of Xenoblade). Indol in Xenoblade 2 doesn't have much to it either but at least it feels appropriately sized.

29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

maybe they can fit an area equivalent to the Tornan Titan in the Left Shoulder.

I personally would like to see the Right Shoulder area extend all the way to the top of the horn. Cause i feel like that would just make for a really good viewpoint.

Spoilers for the end of the game.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lastly, a dimensional portal to somewhere new? To a bridge between Earth and the pocket dimension?


Oh yeah, i have a feeling Future Connected will have Shulk and Melia travel through that portal. There's a screenshot i want to show


Alcamoth is pretty beat up as you can see but as you can also see, there is a clear pathway to the portal (or one of the portals).


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Okay, I got Alena and Kiryl back on the party. Now, with the ship, many places have opened up to explore and visit, sometimes revisit. However, I think I'll go pick up Ragnar first. Who is now at the Palais de Léon. Before that, there was another trip to Gupta Gupha, this time for the Magic Key to open the doors of the castle. Hmm, perhaps this time I should grind a little, since I know I'll have to fight the Marquis again... and this time win. Well, we'll see, we'll see. That will be for another day.

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Downloading Mary Skelter right now. Hype!
Now if only my internet was just a little bit faster...

18 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You make a jesting barb, but it comes to me that having crossover DLC in 3H where Demon Beasts coincidentally took on Colossi forms, but weren't actually the Colossi, would be cool. Throw in a nice sword, bow, and a black horse battalion as rewards for vanquishing them.

Not gonna lie, that would be really awesome.

15 hours ago, Reisalin Stout said:

Beaten Atelier Ryza!

At least main story.


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28 minutes ago, Bastionb56 said:

I feel like DragonFlames is taking the topic of this thread, and applying it to all of the forum games.


But I'm not letting him win.

If it's a fight you want, a fight you shall get!

And by fight, I mean I will do the usual and post in the Forum Games I currently feel "creative" enough for to participate in, whenever I have something to say that might be relevant to more people other than myself, when I want to engage in a (hopefully) friendly discussion with someone, or when someone replied to something I said and expects a reply in turn.
Stuff like that.

andthenIwilltakeoverthisForumandthenmyruleshallbecompleteandtheentireworldwillbowdowntomeandonlyme! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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I played the first two hours of Mary Skelter: Nightmares earlier. You know what that means: I have a new game to annoy you guys with! *evil laughter*

From what I played so far, the game is really fun (the gameplay truly is like Etrian Odyssey only without the character creation) and the story is really, really interesting.
The basic setup is as follows:
A very, very long time ago, the biggest Japanese city (probably Tokyo, but the game makes a big secret out of it) got swallowed up by a dark world that became known as "Jail" (cue lolicon jokes). There, creatures known as "Marchens" (prounounced like the German word for fairy tale - Märchen, if the Japanese VO is anything to go by) capture and tortue humans for a yet unknown purpose. In the middle of this "Jail", there is a dark tower that seems to be growing taller every day. Oh, and also, the Jail seems to be alive somehow.
The only people who can fight these "Marchens" are the Blood Maidens, girls with supernatural powers, who are at constant risk falling to darkness themselves, losing their sanity and going on a rampage until their life burns out (a state known as Blood Skelter in the game). During battle, if they get splattered with enough enemy blood, Blood Maidens will enter a state called Massacre state, which increases their stats and gives them access to a special skill. Dragon Star Varnir reused this concept.

And the story opens up to the blood-curdling screams of people getting tortured and a boy and a girl (protagonists Jack and Alice, who are childhood friends (and maybe more, maybe not. We'll see)) in a jail cell desperately trying their best to keep hope alive by providing mental support to each other. In other words: Fun!
Luckily, they get busted out by one of the Blood Maidens, Red Riding Hood, and it is discovered that Alice is a Blood Maiden herself, which Red Riding Hood knew for... some reason.

Here are some screencaps:
Inside a dungeon.

In battle.


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4 hours ago, Bastionb56 said:

I feel like DragonFlames is taking the topic of this thread, and applying it to all of the forum games.


But I'm not letting him win.

"This is his home and we're just guests in it" - Marlow, Kong: Skull Island (2017)

23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Here are some screencaps:
Inside a dungeon.

The dungeons have an SMT aesthetic to it, which seems neat. I can see the Alice in Wonderland elements here, which makes sense given that (from what i know) the series draws from fairy tales but like, not the Disney kind.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

"This is his home and we're just guests in it" - Marlow, Kong: Skull Island (2017)

Welp, I guess we're now taking turns owning the place

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The dungeons have an SMT aesthetic to it, which seems neat. I can see the Alice in Wonderland elements here, which makes sense given that (from what i know) the series draws from fairy tales but like, not the Disney kind.

I like how they look as well, this is a kind of artstyle I really like though sadly never find

Also, about Alice in Wonderland, you did see this on the Screenshot right? 


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13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The dungeons have an SMT aesthetic to it, which seems neat. I can see the Alice in Wonderland elements here, which makes sense given that (from what i know) the series draws from fairy tales but like, not the Disney kind.

That it does. The Blood Maidens are named after fairy tales, too. And the monsters you're fighting are named after the German word for fairy tale, as well.
And I can assure you that this is not the Disney kind of fairy tale... One of the first lines in the game is Jack offering his own blood to Alice so she can calm down after a particularly horrific round of torture (which was foreshadowing both her actually being a Blood Maiden and his blood having special properties to it).

Come to think of it, SMT is a pretty accurate comparison when it comes to the overall tone and setting, as well.

One note about the protagonists, Jack and Alice, while we're at it: You see the world through Jack's eyes, but it is very much Alice' story. So far, at the very least.
Though it is significant that you don't get to see Jack like you do the other characters. Whenever he speaks, his face just shows up in the corner.
This gets lampshaded to hell, of course. It's still Compile Heart after all:

8 minutes ago, Bastionb56 said:

Welp, I guess we're now taking turns owning the place

But I don't wanna own anything here...

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And the monsters you're fighting are named after the German word for fairy tale, as well.

Wait, so they are called Märchen? (As a german this sounds so weird for an enemy name xd)

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

But I don't wanna own anything here...

Neither do I, but someone has to pay the rent

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