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7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver

Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Shouldn't these be in the Unfinished Tier? I'm sure you haven't finished them, because the Tackles from your first rival battles haven't finished dropping the HP bars yet. 😛 

*Is, well, actually I like all of Gens 1-4. And I stopped at Gen 5 whose plot I didn't enjoy but I IDK if there is any PokeGen I actually dislike.*

Childhood bias says the slower the game is the better it was for me so it seems- Tellius and PokeGen 4 were both very fun for me.


7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:


Quite high, I wasn't expecting this. Capcom needs to get out a sequel one distant day. Perhaps with a split-story, serious stuff for Amaterasu, more lighthearted stuff to wrap up the unfinished stuff from Okamiden. Although I'd rather Okamiden simply vanish out of existence.

An Okami sequel would want to make the combat flow better and easier into the surrounding environment, those walls of smoke kinda sucked you out of the beautiful world. Considering Clover-now-Platinum was partly responsible for Okami, if Capcom teamed up with it again, they could up the fighting quality but keeping it on a Zelda combat difficulty level- not truly hard.

Should dungeons really exist in a hypothetical sequel either? The dungeons felt a little out of it compared to the surrounding world.


6 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I love how we all have some FEs we absolutely can't stand xD

Not for me. I wouldn't be inclined to instantly return to some games, but I don't actively dislike any of them with a burning passion. I try not to go that way.

Instead, I'm an ossified FE fan. Anything after 13 I entirely ignore the story and characters of and focus solely on gameplay, with me trying to forget about the details of 13 as well. I'm not against modern FE, I take a purely neutral stance on it, I won't throw negativity towards it or anyone who likes it. But, considering how I'm a little regretful of buying 3H (and Rev, but not CQ and BR), I question how much longer I can extract fun from modern FE playing this way. Though drop that pesky calendar and I'd be having more fun again.


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Are you forcing yourself to put this here? My impression was this would be much lower. -I won't judge.



Tiering games is difficult for me, I'm too indecisive to sort things out very well. That, and I won't try to objectively-subjectively try to rank things clouded by childhood bias or other issues. My opinions exist, just as an unorganized sea of thoughts, congealing temporarily when experiencing pressure.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (A-tier)


totally forgot that one (since i didn't play it on steam)

probably A-rank for me as well

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

The first and foremost reason is that I can't stand half the playable cast (which is usually guaranteed to kill off any interest I have in the story of a game)

yup. Maybe it's me, but i prefer a predictable story with a good cast over a 'unique' Story with a cast i despise.

Good cast + unique is better though


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Me when I see a fellow Love is War fan



2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Also, I didn't rank the Mario Party games because I just don't know how. They're like pizza, even the worst ones can still be fun with friends.

yeah, same with Mario Kart and smash for me. They are amazing games, but mostly because of the chaps element they bring.


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Are you forcing yourself to put this here? My impression was this would be much lower. -I won't judge.

Just because I think the game has poor competitive game design, doesnt mean it isnt great casually. And besides, I wasn't really considering game balance since that's something every game fails at.

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24 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yup. Maybe it's me, but i prefer a predictable story with a good cast over a 'unique' Story with a cast i despise.

Good cast + unique is better though

Glad to see I'm not the only one in the same boat.

24 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


As good as the song is, I really wish they went with a different title haha.

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I guess I'll try the game tiwr list.



Mario kart Wii

Binding blade (fight me)

Radiant Dawn

Skyward sword

Sonic and all-stars racing transformed



Sacred Stones

Twilight princess

Wind waker

Kirby' epic Yarn



Kirby's return to dreamland

Smash 4


Sonic colors

Mario kart 8



How to train your dragon

Sonic and the secret rings

Minish cap



Bratz: The movie. (But it is game. And it is awful.)



Brave: a warrior's tale

Nights: Journey of dreams

Genealogy of the holy war

Some others I can't remember


... I think I have bad taste.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Sidequests and Rex (and German localization of Nopon speech) aside, your impressions seemed pretty positive to Xenoblade 2 so putting it in a preliminary D-tier is surprising. Unless your perception of D-tier is very different from mine.

D-Tier to me means a good and enjoyable game that gets hampered by some major gripes I can't overlook, which fits my current thoughts on Xenoblade 2 perfectly. The only "bad game" tiers are E (which means a game I didn't really enjoy but still could find positive things about) and F (which means games I didn't enjoy playing at all).
Maybe I should have added an explanation as to what each tier means, now that I think about it.

As far as Pokémon Black2/White 2's inclusion in the D-tier goes, its mainline games, even at their peak, have never gone beyond what D-tier means to me in my personal opinion. Pokémon's strength lies with the spin-off titles.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Shouldn't these be in the Unfinished Tier? I'm sure you haven't finished them, because the Tackles from your first rival battles haven't finished dropping the HP bars yet. 😛 

Good one! XD
Seriously, though, I played them all to completion exactly once, but Gen IV nearly singlehandedly destroyed all childhood sentimentalities I harbored towards Pokémon, which is why I included the games in the I regret ever buying/playing these tier.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Quite high, I wasn't expecting this. Capcom needs to get out a sequel one distant day. Perhaps with a split-story, serious stuff for Amaterasu, more lighthearted stuff to wrap up the unfinished stuff from Okamiden. Although I'd rather Okamiden simply vanish out of existence.

I love Okami's unique gameplay, its story, the beautiful environments, and especially the music. Amaterasu is also a very likeable protagonist, even though, being a wolf, she's a silent one. I do prefer playing the HD remaster to the Wii version, though. I'm not the biggest fan of the motion controls.
I can't comment on Okamiden, because it never released where I live, so I never had the chance to play it.

A sequel of Okami would be cool, though. Or at least a revisit to that particular artstyle and gameplay.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

yup. Maybe it's me, but i prefer a predictable story with a good cast over a 'unique' Story with a cast i despise.

Good cast + unique is better though

That's why the games at the very top are what they are.


Off topic, I continued on in Mary Skelter. Turns out the character with my favorite design also has my favorite personality - she operates on Blue and Orange Morality, which is very interesting and lends itself to some funny interactions, too -, which means I'm opening the "Gretel best girl" club. Members: one. *starts crying*
She also wields a scythe in her library portrait, which... you know, is not a weapon I would have associated with that particular fairy tale, but hey. Details.
The story also starts to get really interesting at this point. Gretel dropped some major reveal bombs. I hope the game can keep this momentum up, because it's well on its way to becoming my third S-tier game (which would also be my own personal 10/10 club, I suppose).

Next mission is to investigate some rumors about a golden ball of hair that has been causing problems, apparently. Maybe a new character? We'll see.

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1 hour ago, Benice said:

I guess I'll try the game tiwr list.


  Hide contents

Mario kart Wii

Binding blade (fight me)

Radiant Dawn

Skyward sword

Sonic and all-stars racing transformed


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Sacred Stones

Twilight princess

Wind waker

Kirby' epic Yarn


  Hide contents

Kirby's return to dreamland

Smash 4


Sonic colors

Mario kart 8


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How to train your dragon

Sonic and the secret rings

Minish cap


  Hide contents

Bratz: The movie. (But it is game. And it is awful.)


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Brave: a warrior's tale

Nights: Journey of dreams

Genealogy of the holy war

Some others I can't remember


... I think I have bad taste.

Where's PoR?

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Just finished watching Godzilla 98. Man, what a shit show. Even with pretending it's a "standalone Zilla film", it was pretty bad. It's better than the first two Millenium Godzilla films and Planet of the Monsters but that's not really a compliment.

And as that makes the 15th movie i've watched in this marathon, time for my updated rankings


Also i found out the guy who directed Godzilla 98 had previously directed Independence Day and would later go on to direct 2012. Man, how the might have fallen.

17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

D-Tier to me means a good and enjoyable game that gets hampered by some major gripes I can't overlook, which fits my current thoughts on Xenoblade 2 perfectly.

I see. That's a pretty interesting way of describing D-tier. Cause for most people, D-tier usually means "bad but not the worst" so that's why i was confused.

4 minutes ago, Benice said:

Haven't played. Isadly do not have 95 dollars to spend on a game.

I'm guessing emulation isn't an option for you?

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

Ain't that illegal?

Emulation itself is legal. That's how services like the PSN, or VC, or eShop work.

What's illegal is acquiring ROM's, ISO's, etc. well, illegally.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Nobody's gonna bust down your door for emulating. 

Ok. I guess I could try, then.

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Emulation itself is legal. That's how services like the PSN, or VC, or eShop work.

What's illegal is acquiring ROM's, ISO's, etc. well, illegally.

Ah. Thank you for explaining.

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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I see. That's a pretty interesting way of describing D-tier. Cause for most people, D-tier usually means "bad but not the worst" so that's why i was confused.

That makes sense. No wonder you were confused.
I really should have added explanations for what each tier means. Oh well. There's always next time.

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Man, almost 100 USD for PoR?

I suppose I was lucky finding 20 USD used copies of the Tellius games years ago on Gamestop (then again, it was like 2009-2010 or so). Bought them still on time, then.

How much could I get if I sold them now. They should still be in decent working order, I think...

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28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also i found out the guy who directed Godzilla 98 had previously directed Independence Day and would later go on to direct 2012. Man, how the might have fallen.


Did Roland Emmerich just give up?


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16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Man, almost 100 USD for PoR?

I suppose I was lucky finding 20 USD used copies of the Tellius games years ago on Gamestop (then again, it was like 2009-2010 or so). Bought them still on time, then.

How much could I get if I sold them now. They should still be in decent working order, I think...

Actually, it's about 80-ish USD, but I'm canadian. We got a copy of RD for 120 CAD this christmas, and it wasn't even brand-new. (I'm the only one in the family who plays FE, but we're probably gonna play it as a family soon.)

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I can't comment on Okamiden, because it never released where I live, so I never had the chance to play it.

Oh. One of those no-Europe cases.

I can say you're not missing out on too much, it's very limited by being on the DS, Shinshu Fields is broken into several areas separated by loading screens for instance. The story is simple, a tad cute, and supposed to be heartwarming, but you could feel it falls flat. It's generally easy, and the new partner mechanic felt too random in combat, yet you're ranked on it for your Yen reward. No more dojo with Old Man Viewtiful Joe either.

My major nitpick with the story is (to speak of Okamiden SPOILERS!)...


...Chibiterasu time travels ~thrice, once to Shiranui's time at Orochi's lair, once to Orochi's lair in Ammy's time, and once to Ryoshima Coast aboard the Goryeo before the evil Sea Dragon showed up and sunk it IIRC. I shouldn't take these instances too seriously, but it all that time travel is a bit detracting from Okami's plotline.

The new penguin (IIRC) and whale brush gods, despite not being part of the Chinese Zodiac, are fine to me. I'm more mixed on Kurou, the hippie child Waka clone who, we can only guess because Waka and Ammy post-Okami's story never show up ingame, seems to have been created only to contain the final boss- the retconned origin of Okami's final boss- inside his body so it can be permanently destroyed, and Kurou dies with it.

Some bad stuff is hinted to possibly be happening on the Celestial Plain, but we have zero idea what it is. And Chibiterasu's best friend- a child Susano-lookalike whose actual parentage is unknown but suspect to be very important and powerful, leaves Chibi to seek out the truth on their own. Thus, both Ammy and Chibi were teased to have unfinished business.

One of the neat things in the game was a unique NG+ weapon that consisted of two black crystals floating around Chibi, shootable as homing projectiles. Charging the weapon caused it to cycle between emissions of fire, ice, and electricity, providing you with a permanent source of them for spraying enemies with via the Celestial Brush.


4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


This brought this to my mind:


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11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This brought this to my mind:


Iam concerned

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