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Alright, made it through Mount Magmageddon, and got the Circle of Fire. The boss fight went better than I expected. Despite only having 1/3 accuracy on the Magmen, my first casting of Snooze got two of them. After that it was just spamming Swoosh. Snooze began to miss more later on, but by that point they started going down.

That's one step done. Will go after the Circle of Water... some other day.

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My family and I have been replaying all of the Zelda games we own, aside from Minish cap, (since they don't like the GBA graphics) and Ocarina of Time, which we will get to soon. So I'd thought I'd give my thoughts on the games in the order we played them and rating them out of ten:

Note: The assistant character is the one who fufills the role of guiding Link, such as Navi.

Another note: Overall is not impacted by any of the other categories directly, just by how much I enjoyed the game.

Twilight princess:


Music: 5.5/10

Graphics: 7/10

Gameplay: 3.5/10

Story: 8/10

Assistant character: 10/10

Sidequests: 3/10

Temples: 4/10

Items: 6/10

Quality of Life: 6/10

Minigames: 8.5/10

Overall: Keep reading to find out!




It's a Zelda game, so it's got great tunes basically by default. However, there is WAAAAAY too much reuse of the same songs. As far as I recall, every single miniboss had the same theme, and there IIRC three or four until the final boss, (four if you count a joke part of one of the boss fights having a unique theme) different ones, and two of them are on one boss each. Every other boss had the same or similar theme.

And the boss themes are all quite similar from what I remember. However, several stellar pieces stood out; the fishing hole, hyrule field and some of the bosses had great themes.


Pretty good. The twilit look really cool.


Easy. Incredibly easy. Even with a hard mode it'd be easy. The one challenging part is the latter half of the cave of ordeals. There are some cool enemies,, but every single one of them is laughable. The way to beat the game is:

Does it have armor/a shield?

No-swing your sword twice and it dies without a fight.

Yes-Use the backslash a few times. It dies without a fight. This even works on the final boss, where you essentially spam back slash until you clip through his armor and hit him. And he can't hit you while you are doing it.

This game is just way too easy. I'll talk more about temples and stuff later, as this part is more referring to combat and non-puzzle difficulty.

I will say that learning how to fight as a wolf can have a steep learning curve, but Midna has an insanely powerful attack that essentially OHKO's everything. And fighting King Bulbin on the bridge can be tough.

(Rant below)


Darknuts (Yes, that is their name, but I shall refer to them as DNs, because Darknut sounds weird) were fun the first few times you fight them, but the game starts spamming you with them, and since the game doesn't have any mandatory spots where they are hard to fight, they lose their charm pretty fast. Same thing with bosses; you figure out the boss-the boss dies. Dark beast ganon is somewhat difficult, but the next phase of the fight, on horseback, tirivializes it as the boss has one reliable way to attack you, and it's incredibly easy to dodge, and if you swong your sword at the attack, they drop hearts so you're completely ready for the next phase.


Quite good. The villains are pretty strong character-wise, and Zelda's interesting. It's very unique and I liked the story a lot. Link is VERY boring in this one, though.


Assistant character:

Midna is a fabulous character, possibly my favorite in all of the franchise. She's funny, she's expressive, she's interesting, she's relevant to the plot, she is just all-around amazing. Midna makes up for the lack of expression in everyone else, because she's just so amazing. Absolutely carries the plot the whole game.


Side quests:

This game has quite a few long and tedious quests; the bugs, the poes, and not much else. (I have trauma from finding 59 out of 60 and spending three weeks looking for the last one.) I may have missed a few, but most of the sidequests just weren't that memorable or fun. There is a few redeeming ones, namely, Malo mart. Malo mart alone is a 10/10, but my poe trauma will not allow the sidequest to reach higher than 3. But seriously, do the Malo Mart quests. They're worthwhile.



I don't know why, but almost all of the temples felt identical in a way. It didn't help that the difficulty capped out on the fifth temple. Some of the temples were cool, unique and had good items. (More on that later)

Still, most of the temples were really easy, even without a guide; Forest and Fire temples, (understandable seeing as they're the first two temples,) Arbiter's grounds, city in the sky, temple of time, hyrule castle...Really, all of them except for the water and ice temples were easy. Don't get me wrong about difficulty being the only thing that matters: arbiter's grounds is an awesome temple, and several temples have cool puzzles and the like. Still, most of the temples in this game lacked the distinct feel the skyward sword or Wind waker ones gave.



Twilight princess had some very good, unique items. The spinner was amazing, and the boots were quite cool. However, as with many Zelda games, only three items ended up being more than situational: Bombs, arrows and the clawshot/s. The boots were a little too slow IMO, though. It was rather annoying to have to navigate a mini maze with them on.

Oh, and this game's iteration of magic armor was bad. Incredibly situational and mostly pointless. Still, the items in this game were pretty cool.


Quality of life:

Maybe I should have rated this higher, but considering how certain things were only doable at night, (mostly poes, but some quests too) it was REALLY annoying to have no way to pass time quickly; other games had sleep systems, music systems and other methods of passing time. This one didn't. Aside from that, pretty good. I have a few minor gripes, such as having to have two bomb bags if you wanted a different kind of bomb and having the outrageous rate of having rupees returned from that, but really a solid game in this way.



Twilight princess had quite a few minigames, and some very good ones. The STAR challenge was fun and difficult in a fair way, fishing was entertaining, and it was a pretty good way to waste some rupees, which you had lots of.



I have many gripes with this game, but Midna carried it. She absolutely saved the game for me, and the Cave of ordeals was satisfying to beat because it was actually hard. Some of the temples and items were cool and it was overall quite a good game, despite its flaws.

I beat this one without any game overs and finished nearly every side quest. (Again, we found 59 poes and couldn't find the last.)

Skyward Sword:


Music: 10/10

Graphics: 9/10

Gameplay: 10/10

Story: 10/10

Assistant character: 6.5/10

Sidequests: 9/10

Temples: 10/10

Items: 8.5/10

Quality of Life: 7.5/10

Minigames: 6.5/10

Overall: Keep reading to find out!





Amazing. Amazing in every way. It had a variety of tunes, unique themes, amazing sound quality...Just spectacular. The main theme of the game was amazing.



I like the lighter style, the art in it was stunning in my opinion. The temples were gorgeous, the overworld was pretty, and it wasn't too dark to see properly in the shadows, unlike in twilight princess.



Hot take: I love motion controls in this iteration; in most other games it was Figure out how to defeat x enemy-Enemy is toast, but in this game it's Figure out how to defeat enemy-Execute-enemy is toast. The controls are much better than people give it credit for, the generic enemies were actually not autokill, the game put in you many situations where generic enemies had the advantage- Masterfully done in my opinion. The bazaar was a really nice feature too. The difficulty wasn't just in the fighting; there were other aspects of the game that were challenging, such as the silent realms. The fights had so much variety and it was all in all an awesome game to play. I had so much fun in this game!



It's the start of it all, and they did an amazing job at telling a story. Girahim is the equivalent of Midna, (not in his role, but in how amazing he was) only a bad guy and he wasn't needed to save the plot; but still, he was so amazing. Best villain in the franchise by far in my opinion. Aside from that, I like the way it makes sense how it turns from the surface into Hyrule. The side characters and Link were all really strong in this game too; Groose is an awesome character and incredibly memorable, Scrapper is great, Link isn't a piece of cardboard with a sword this time and it was all in all just better that Twilight princess, which also had a strong plot.


Assistant character:

Fi starts out really boring, but she may grow on you as the plot goes on. She did grow on me, that's for sure. Nowhere near Midna and she states the obvious WAY too often, even in the mid and late game when you already know what's happening. Still, pretty decent later on.

However, she doesn't NEED to be Midna; she contrasts with the rest of the cast by being robotic and emotionless, at least at the beginning. Midna contrasts with the rest of the cast by having emotion and being expressive; Fi does what the game needs her to do.



This game managed to nearly avoid tedium in every side quest, although Batreaux's was quite long, but was interesting to do. Most characters on Skyloft had personality developed in one way or another and I loved that. The sky felt like a real world to me.



This game had the best temple design in the series IMO. Aesethetically and gameplay-wise, they were awesome. Every temple was memorable, and if I made a list of my five favorite temples, at least three would be from this game.



This game had several unique items, but more importantly for me, only a few were too situational; bombs and clawshots didn't dominate this game, which was really nice. The beetle is my favorite item in the franchise and it worked really well for the game.


Quality of life:

This game was pretty good and I think the problem about the size of the sky is way too overblown; Twilight princess' map was way larger and you can't teleport to large swaths of it ever and walking or riding a horse takes quite a while.

Still, the sky can take a while to traverse.



This game had fewer minigames and they overall weren't as good; the harp sidequest/game was fun, but otherwise the Minis weren't very memorable.


Overall: 10/10

My favorite game of all time by a long shot. The cast, the gameplay, the music, the art...I loved every single thing about it.


I'll do the other two games tomorrow.

Edited by Benice
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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I had no idea this existed, to be honest.

Your waifu loves you. Now I’m going to crawl over into this corner and laugh at the wall.

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22 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I had no idea this existed, to be honest.

Yeah, it's like some mobile app thing. I don't even think it's an actual game. 

I know there's a Compile Heart gacha game but unsurprisignly, it's Japan-only.

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Captain Jack Sparrow with the big brain.

Pirates of the Carribean is gonna be my next movie marathon. Though it's only been about a week since my last marathon so i'm not starting on that yet.

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I was going to finally play and finish DQIII lately. But like two days ago, because of a translation patch glitch the game deleted my file,  so... that sucked.
Maybe I'll just play a different one instead.

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There was talk of wallpaper making earlier so i made something nice


As much as a bastardization Godzilla 98 is, i had to be fair and include it here.

What do you guys think?

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I appreciate that Xenoblade is split into chapters now (technically it always was, but they weren't shown in-game until DE). If I recall, there are seventeen of them. Having just reached the Bionis's knee, my playtime at the end of each chapter was:

  • Chapter 1 (the intro): 2:16
  • Chapter 2 (the droid Mechon attack on the Wookiees Colony 9): 2:58
  • Chapter 3 (going through Tephra Cave): 3:48

I am also 2 hours and 26 minutes into Future Connected, following the first visit to Alcamoth.

42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What do you guys think?

I was going to comment on the abundance of Millennium designs, but I noticed it's because you included every different incarnation of Godzilla and not just several different designs. I made my own "Godzilla through the ages" last year and included 1954, King Kong vs., vs. Megalon (doing the tail slide of course), 1984, vs. SpaceGodzilla, 1998, 2000, Final Wars, 2014, and Shin.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Alright, so I finished Future Connected! Yay, me!

Nice. Now I finally have someone to discuss it with without fear of spoiling it (though discussions will still be kept in the spoiler tags).

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


that's fast.

were you playing 24/7?

Is this about Lightcosmo completing Future Connected so quickly? Cause if so, Future Connected is not that long at all. Even with all the side-content, it's only like 12 hours at most. The story itself is like, less than 10 hours.

36 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I appreciate that Xenoblade is split into chapters now (technically it always was, but they weren't shown in-game until DE).

Same though now that they are actually shown, I feel like the chapters aren't as evenly paced. It doesn't feel like the story is structured into chapters is what I mean.

And on a minor note, I do wish the chapters were properly named like in Xenoblade X and 2.

38 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I was going to comment on the abundance of Millennium designs, but I noticed it's because you included every different incarnation of Godzilla and not just several different designs

Yep. Originally, I was debating if I should just leave out either Godzilla 2000 or vs Megaguirus, because both movies use the same Godzilla design despite not sharing any continuity but I kept both of them after realizing that there are 12 theatrical incarnations of Godzilla (even if some do go over multiple designs), and even numbers are good. Well, technically, if you count the Godzilla clone/offspring in Planet of the Monsters, there's 13 incarnations but I left it out on account of that one not being the real Godzilla in the anime trilogy. It'd be like if i considered Godzilla Junior to be an incarnation.

42 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I made my own "Godzilla through the ages" last year and included 1954, King Kong vs., vs. Megalon (doing the tail slide of course), 1984, vs. SpaceGodzilla, 1998, 2000, Final Wars, 2014, and Shin.

If you don't mind, could you post it here? I'd like to see your version of it.

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That was...uh, interesting. I was playing through Ch. 20 of FE12 and beat it, only to find that the game suddenly went straight to the epilogue instead of moving into chapter 20x. I thought my game glitched or something. Apparently, if all the spheres are not collected as you progress the story, the game will end at Ch. 20 when you defeat Hardin instead of continuing. So I unintentionally got the bad ending. Surprising, to say the least.


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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is this about Lightcosmo completing Future Connected so quickly? Cause if so, Future Connected is not that long at all. Even with all the side-content, it's only like 12 hours at most. The story itself is like, less than 10 hours.


I thought he meant main game + expansion

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22 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

That was...uh, interesting. I was playing through Ch. 20 of FE12 and beat it, only to find that the game suddenly went straight to the epilogue instead of moving into chapter 20x. I thought my game glitched or something. Apparently, if all the spheres are not collected as you progress the story, the game will end at Ch. 20 when you defeat Hardin instead of continuing. So I unintentionally got the bad ending. Surprising, to say the least.



Do you have any earlier saves that might save you or no?

23 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I thought he meant main game + expansion


Considering he did mention he was doing a lot of sidequests, i actually am surprised he finished it so soon. Xenoblade games typically take me like two weeks to finish the main story while also doing sidequests (but not all sidequests) . But that's my experience.

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Just now, Armagon said:


Do you have any earlier saves that might save you or no?

Nope. No extra saves. I wanted to play through the Archanea games at least once through so I probably won’t be restarting to get the complete ending. I’d rather move to the Tellius games next.

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Well, look on the bright side. It was the ending intended to be seen first, so at least it can still give a satisfactory conclusion to the playthrough.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Nope. No extra saves. I wanted to play through the Archanea games at least once through so I probably won’t be restarting to get the complete ending. I’d rather move to the Tellius games next.

I see.

I still haven't played through all of Tellius (though i know what happens). I played PoR until Ch.7 because the USB my saves were on literally fell apart. The speed of the game is the main thing preventing my desire to return to it. I'm sure it's good but God, it's so slow to play. 

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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, look on the bright side. It was the ending intended to be seen first, so at least it can still give a satisfactory conclusion to the playthrough.

Yeah, at least I can say I technically finished the game.

Just now, Armagon said:

I still haven't played through all of Tellius (though i know what happens). I played PoR until Ch.7 because the USB my saves were on literally fell apart. The speed of the game is the main thing preventing my desire to return to it. I'm sure it's good but God, it's so slow to play. 

That’s been the biggest thing keeping me from continuing as well. The characters, story, music, setting, etc. are all fantastic, but the pace almost kills it for me.

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