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Me too; as much as I really do find the gameplay boring as heck, I can appreciate what they are doing to make the experience immersive; however, it's sort of like eating a meal and appreciating the textures and colors and presentation but not actually enjoying it. Still, earlygame maps are almost always boring, so I'll stick with the game.

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2 hours ago, Benice said:

However, I do like the pawn shop system and individual weapons; it makes things more interesting IMO.

This is something that hurts FE4 in my opinion. I don't get the point of it. The Pawn Shop is basically just trading but with extra steps and there's no reason for it to exist when trading normally is a thing in every Fire Emblem before and after it. If FE4 gets remade, replacing the Pawn Shop with normal trading would definitly be for the better. I've seen some people argue against it saying "it'd break the game because you can transfer crit rates or whatever" but cheese strats with trading has always been a thing and you can just tie the crit rates to the character rather than the weapon.

There's also individual money which is.........ehhhh, but the easy fix would just be to allow exchange of money between everyone and actually get to decide the amount. Or just have universal money.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


One of the finest conversation sprites ever created. So expressive.

I can tell by the face that Xiaomu knows what she's doing.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

A blonde Chinese woman?
Now where have I seen that before...
even though Xiaomu's character design probably came first.

Looked it up. Namco x Capcom: May 26th, 2005. Dynasty Warrios 7: March 10th, 2011.

So yeah.

But one of the characters is based off a historical figure so...

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is something that hurts FE4 in my opinion. I don't get the point of it. The Pawn Shop is basically just trading but with extra steps and there's no reason for it to exist when trading normally is a thing in every Fire Emblem before and after it. If FE4 gets remade, replacing the Pawn Shop with normal trading would definitly be for the better.

Well, it does give reason to feed kills to certain units so they can get items; but that's just my opinion; I like both systems. I do prefer the normal one, but I think that every other game using a different system than this one doesn't make one or the other inherently bad.

And really, in an FE4 remake, I'd like to have the maps be more engaging and just generally be a faster paced game. Trading and other stuff doesn't bother me as much.

Also, more often than not when someone dies it's because I can't find them on the map and forget about them.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's also individual money which is.........ehhhh, but the easy fix would just be to allow exchange of money between everyone and actually get to decide the amount

I mostly agree, especially on the amount of money part; it's really annoying for Dew to have to give someone 20k gold when they only need a tiny bit. I don't hate it, I don't love it, it's just part of the game.

Also, am I the only one who thinks that Sigurd is incredibly boring?

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Just now, Armagon said:

Looked it up. Namco x Capcom: May 26th, 2005. Dynasty Warrios 7: March 10th, 2011.

So yeah.

Thought so!

Just now, Armagon said:

But one of the characters is based off a historical figure so...

I have my doubts that the historical Wang Yuanji was actually blonde, though.

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Also, am I the only one who thinks that Sigurd is incredibly boring?

No, when I think of Sigurd, all I think is that he's the guy who married a girl he just met and became noble barbeque later.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

A blonde Chinese woman?
Now where have I seen that before...
even though this character's design probably came first.

It's hair dye! She bought it at the same late 100s-early 200s store as Guo Huai bought this:


Mr. *cough coughhh* looks badass for once, what a shame someone is about to murder him.


Speaking of characters made into blondes, I don't understand why Civ VI, a game that likes being historical-ish, turned Harald Hardrada of Norway from historically accurate blonde to brown, did the same with Pedro II of 1800s Brazil, and yet made Eleanor of Aquitaine blonde when paintings portray her as an amber.

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

Also, am I the only one who thinks that Sigurd is incredibly boring?

Ah, i see you're a man of culture as well.

One of the worst Lords in the series imo. 

8 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I have my doubts that the historical Wang Yuanji was actually blonde, though.

Appearently, blonde hair can be traced back to 11,000 years ago. Given China's geographical position, it's not out out of the question.


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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah, i see you're a man of culture as well.

One of the worst Lords in the series imo. 

Maybe I should post a poll to see who people think is the worst lord in the series is, character wise; it'd probably be close between Roy and Sigurd; but I do feel like Roy was a good character who wasn't well-written, whereas Sigurd feels like an FE1 character who causes a game over if he dies in the first generation; in an FE6 remake, I'd love to see his self-doubt be more prevalent, as I think that's supposed to be one of his flaws.

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4 minutes ago, Benice said:

Maybe I should post a poll to see who people think is the worst lord in the series is, character wise; it'd probably be close between Roy and Sigurd; but I do feel like Roy was a good character who wasn't well-written, whereas Sigurd feels like an FE1 character who causes a game over if he dies in the first generation; in an FE6 remake, I'd love to see his self-doubt be more prevalent, as I think that's supposed to be one of his flaws.

That would be interesting. For me it would be (as you mentioned) a tie between Sigurd or Roy, with Seliph only redeemed because he gets to end the game by getting justice for his father's death.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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As of today I'm finished with Future Connected. Hooray!


It was fun. Though there aren't any grand revelations of things we didn't know before (unless they're about future games, see below), it was still nice to get more content and explore a new location.

It was nice to get a story with Monado Boy and Bird Lady again, and Kino and Nene were likable and endearing. The latter two being Riki's littlepon was a fun addition, and it serves to make Riki more likable too because he's a good dadapon. I spent the last thirty minutes thinking that Tyrea would become playable at some point, since there are Quiet Moments between her and Melia, and then I thought she would be unlocked after beating the final boss. I'm still not sure how those moments are viewable if she never joins the party, but I'll find out eventually.

I get the impression that part of the reason FC exists is because Monolith wanted to include the Bionis Shoulder but didn't want to change the main game in a significant way. Thus, we get a separate story where the Shoulder is playable. It's fun to explore and is big enough to justify the plot being focused entirely there (and some of Alcamoth).

As for the second reason for FC's existence, the nature of the rift and the Fog King is never explained but I don't mind too much because they'll probably be important to the plot of the next game, whether it's Xenoblade 3 or X2 or whatever. And people thought Ontos was sequel bait... I was half-expecting Gael'gar to merge with the Fog King and become the final boss, but it turns out he's dealt with in a sidequest so at least he gets some conclusion. Maybe they should've had Mumkhar survive his apparent death and have him be a recurring antagonist.

As a side note, Shulk never says the word "Fiora" once throughout the entire plot. Are we sure this is the real Shulk?


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