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3 minutes ago, shezzy said:

Man in the high castle was very satisfying for me.

Long live grorious nippon.

No, no that one. Can't say I'm interested in it, either.

It was just a random one I read one day.

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Interesting one, Acacia.

A quick translation would be something like: "In real, factual history, Mexico was a monarchy twice. The first time from 1821 to 1822, with Agustin de Itubirde. What would have happened if he kept the power and Mexico grew until it became a global power?"

something like that

also it seems Colombia wants to contact Bolsonaro to overthrow Maduro fuck this country so much

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do latin america conservatives and even american politicians (trump, rubio) really think venezuela is a threat to anyone other than their own country?

like, rubio said maduro was a "threat" and a "very strong argument for military intervention". fuck, he gonna invade Kentucky tomorrow?

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i got no clue about american conservatives, but our demented right wing nutjobs are dead serious when they talk about venezuela. with the current immigration waves and xenophobic attacks, it just got worse


besides, with the russian equipment venezuela has, the best brazil could hope for is to buy tons of shit from the us, become its eternal slave and hope for a stalemate. there's absolutely zero upside in this conflict

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i have to wonder how they think that overthrowing a leader (bonus points for installing a fascist dictator via coup backed by US forces) would make a migrant crisis any better, even with the shitshow maduro is

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people believe PT was distributing dick shaped baby bottles in kindergartens

it's actually impressive how much shit people throw to the wall and how much of it actually sticks.

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Someone on an acquaintance's Discord posted in the venting channel to say goodbye before he gets shot in the head by "retarded" Bolsonaro supporters.

Bolsonaro is a bigoted tyrant and he got voted in because "everyone" in this user's country "were idiots".

This person wants to leave the country, but he's a kid, just like seemingly everyone in our community. We all seem to be either kids or adolescents. His parents can't leave the country right now.

If he were to die... I might not be outwardly sad. But I will feel a void. I will miss him. There will be a void in my heart that cannot be filled.

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It doesn't matter. If I lose someone I've been acquainted with, whether it be on the Internet or in real life... there will be a void. It took a while for me to get used to the death of my oldest cat Sootie. Even when an enemy of mine leaves, it would take me a long time for me to get used to it. Happened with a few people on my Discord servers, and even in real life. My pop died when I was around six, and a psychologist once suspected that that was a trauma that possibly triggered the mental chaos I have now. I don't want this Discord acquaintance of mine to die.

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32 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

hey @Nobody, I normally like this guy but his background on the election made me lol comparing lula to bernie,  it mIght make you laugh

Honestly, I don't even want to watch it to not get angry. I voted for Haddad without thinking twice and think he's a decent guy, but the workers party is one of the reasons that Bolsonaro won. You don't know half of what they did. Everytime something goes wrong, they blame everyone else, and they played the fear strategy and defamation campaign like no one else, before Bolsonaro did it. All the dirty tactics Bolsonaro did, PT did before him (but less effectively due to the lack of Whatsapp). They sabotaged everyone on the center left and center who weren't aligned with them. Remember Ciro Gomes? He's a center left politician, yet before the election PT did everything they could to sabotage his campaign. PT were very likely to win the state election in Pernambuco, but they made a deal with PSB, another center left party that dominated that state, that if they remained neutral on the national election (rather than support Ciro Gomes as they intended), they'd not run on Pernambuco and would support their candidate instead. They also convinced the centrão (a huge group of parties who will support anyone, will support Bolsonaro and would have supported Haddad had he won) to not support Ciro and go for anyone else instead. In the 2014 election, they played absolutely dirty against Marina, sending SMSs to people saying she'd end welfare (which makes no sense, she's center left), calling her a weakling, saying she'd had no support of congress and would be impeached (ironical, huh?) and that her policies would make foods vanish from people's plates. They also called people who predicted the huge crisis the country got in pessimists, and always denied it would happen when it was clear it was already happening, and are willing to throw the country's name in the dirt by pretending the 100% legit impeachment Dilma suffered (and i've read the law and the constitution article that specifically forbit the president of doing what she did) a "coup" or saying corrupt Lula was arrested for "political reasons", and also refused to announce Haddad as treir candidate until the very last moment, which made he start with a disadovantge as well.

Had PT not sabotaged Marina in 2014 or Ciro a couple of months ago, you can be sure we would be in a different situation now. A couple of months ago, when asked if the way they acted (pretending that Lula would still run for president) wasn't detrimental for democracy, their answer was that "it wasn't their responsability to keep democracy safe". They're disgusting, and there are few things that make me angrier than the left clinging to them. The center right also messed up badly, which destroyed the chances of them winning, but the killers of the rest of the center left were PT. 

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I'm not even talking about corruption, because i'm sure there are plenty of politicians and parties out there who are more corrupt than PT. The problem is that whenever a corruption scheme PT was a party of is discovered, they attack the investigators who found it, judges who judged it, the news media publishing it, it's not their fault, they're persecuted, etc. They never admit any wrong doing, and many people buy it. No one says Eduardo Cunha getting arrested was a coup or political persecution, Sergio Cabral getting arrested was a coup or political persecution, Paulo Maluf getting arrested was a coup or political persecution, Arruda getting arrested was a coup or political persecution, Garotinho getting arrested was a coup or political persecution, Gedel getting arrested was a coup or political persecution, or any of the many orther politicians who were arrested those past few year suffered a coup or political persecution, yet if it's a PT politician getting arrested, we're forced to hear that.

the mentality behind PT and their hardcore supporters is not much different from that of Bolsominions, their "masters" can do no wrong, everyone else and media are persecuting them and they're never wrong. Only difference is that Bolsonaro supports something much worse than PT does and PT did do plenty of good stuff on the first government on Lula, but they never admit that Dilma's was a public calamity. For them, and their supporters buy it, it's always everyone else's fault. If you're against PT, they say you hate poor people. It's not because of the recession their policies caused, it's not because of the fact they financed big companies through BNDES (a public bank) with extremely low interest rates while the population and small companies had to get loans at mich higher interest (which caused a huge debt and didn't help economy), it's not because they never admit they're wrong, it's not because of their dirty alliances with corrupt parties that have nothing to do with them, but whore themselves in exchange for public offices (said Centrão), it's not because of the corruption schemes they've been caught in but pretend they're the victims of. It's because you, in their words, "hate poor people".

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you are so easy to hook, line and sinker

But really, it's sad but all political parties pull the victim card and are extremely hypocritical when they are out of power. PT might be worse at it, but it's also because you've had a full frontal view of only them since you've been involved in politics I would imagine.

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No really, I want to get done with bitching about PT. They will be fierce opposition against Bolsonaro and that's what we need the most in the country right now. They're still the largest party in the chamber of deputies (even if they only have like 12% of sits) and will be important in stopping the fascist.

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