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Rate the unit, Day 7: Eliwood


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He's really not terribly useful for anything, but if trained at the same pace as everyone else, he won't suck enough to be a real liability. The Rapier is not all that awesome, but it does at least have more uses than Wolf Beil. I can't really give him a lower rating than I did to Dorcas, but he really doesn't deserve much higher, so 4.5.

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Eliwood eh?

He does have an incredibly slow start, however he does slowly pick up the pace with the help of supports and his Rapier. For earlygame, I'll give him 4.

Mid-game, he becomes more refined, can survive things, double, and can do some damage, if not kill things. 6 for midgame.

He can promote on chapter 26. From here, he gets his horse and promo gains, and he can set off with little fear of death, as well as a D rank in Lances so he can immediately begin using the Javelin for 2-range awesomeness. His Durandal can also knock some damage into the Dragon, as well as the morphs before Nergal and Nergal himself. 10 for lategame.

4 + 6 + 10 = 20/30 = 6.7/10

Raven's rating: 67%

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Eliwood isn't very good. In HHM his bad start is hurt even more by the fact more Pegasus Knights appear in the early game formations than the other modes, these extra Pegasus Knights don't really pose much of a threat to anyone Melee units not wielding swords. Basically everyone except Eliwood, Matthew(though with Lyn mode levels they are less of a threat),Serra and Rebecca. The same happens mid-game when Wyvern Riders start appearing and become a threat to sword users unless they have Lance Reavers.

The Rapier is probably the only good thing about him but with just 7 might and his mediocre speed and strength he's not going to be one rounding anything it's effective against until he's levelled up a bit. His growths eventually get him out of this hole(especially since you'll probably want him at 15+ before Four Fanged offense) and 7 move and lances after promotion is an advantage. Durandal is just too heavy for him in endgame giving him a 7 speed penalty, he can't really attack much with it unless he's not taking counters.


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Honestly... I'm surprised no one has mentioned Eliwood's Con issues after promotion. 13 AS with the javelin and 11AS with a Steel lance is pretty eh... and being screwed in one point of speed can only make it worse...

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Raven's rating: 67%

you're killing me man

Anyway, 6 from me. He's mediocre, but he has his strong points. Rapier is a decent weapon all-around, though much worse then Wolf Beil and Mani Katti, and he gets a horse. He's sword locked before promotion, though, which limits his potential.

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He has a terrible start, and his stats don't pick up for quite a while. He only has swords until promotion, and unlike Mercenaries or Myrmidons he has no real strong point. He doesn't get a promotion until either Chapter 26 or 28, and his stat gains from said promotion are mediocre at best. Also, he faces competition with Lyn for that Heaven Seal, and Lyn is an actually decent combat unit due to doubling everything, and the Mani Katti. Eliwood's Prf weapon is also far inferior to both the Mani Katti, and Hector's Wolf Beil. Even if it was useful, unlike Hector due to the fact this is Hector Mode, once that Rapier is gone, you're never getting another one. His stats are also totally at the mercy of the random number generator, meaning he can either be extremely blessed, or completely screwed. Also his low con means he faces massive speed penalties while wielding the Durandal, even though it barely matters as it is only avalible for the final chapter, although it may cushion his ailing Strength stat. His main redeeming factors are his support triangle with the other lords, and what he actually gets from his promotion - a mount, and ability to use Lances. However, it's towards the home stretch of the game and it comes at D rank, meaning it is unlikely he'll be able to use any weapon better than Killer Lances/Silver Swords by the Final Chapter. He also has a guaranteed deployment spot on certain maps, if that counts for anything.

Overall, he isn't exactly a bad unit, but is mediocre for most of the game, and seeing as how this is for efficiency the player will not be feeding him kills, unlike they may do in a casual runthrough. I give him a 4/10.

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He join very early, with a not-to-bad raiper,when he promotes, he can use lance, that's a good support,with horse, then in Eli mode, he's can easy conquer the gate more ( fuck, only in 3 chapters), in hec mode, with a horse, he can easily rescue some guys

Compares to paladin, he's nothing except shit laugh.gif

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