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the earth just happened to fall the exact distance from the sun to be able to support life. it was not too far so as to be too cold and it was not too close and too hot.

Well actually for that, this universe is absolutely huge. For something of that size, something had to turn out right in the end. Who knows, maybe more than the earth turned out this way. Actually I think they did discover something once really far away that was very similar to the earth. It's not all that improbable.

adam and eve were created on the 6th day. and the seventh day was after that. even if he was completed on the last year of the 6th thousand year day, adam still had 1000 more years to go. adam was to have lived 930 years, and would have died well before the actual fall of man. the thousand year day doesn't fit in with christianity.

I wasn't exactly saying that each day equaled a thousand years though. Just that they represented each step. But I was thinking that each day might've been a long period of time at least...

But yeah as I said, I hadn't particularly looked up anything to what I said XD And while I had read a small portion of the Bible before, I don't really remember much of it at all. So I didn't really know which day adam was made...

But fine I suppose if it doesn't fit, then it doesn't fit. Idk what else to say to try help.

Oh aaannnnd for the rest I don't even know much about at all~

So I have nothing to contribute to the rest

Edited by Freohr Abr Datia
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also here's a little anomaly for you to think about. Dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct by the time man came around right? then how does the bible have a record of an animal that much resembles that of a dinosaur?

the "behemoth" was a giant creature with a tail that sways like a cedar tree. it had incredibly strong bones and enormous muscles. (job 40:15-20) what animals in the world do you know of that fit that description? brontosaurus? and job is the oldest book in the Bible. how can it be that man knew about dinosaurs if they were lost and buried for millions of years?

Dragons sometimes have giant tails roughly like cedar trees. Are you contending that those exist too? It's possible that the behemoth is an imaginary creature.

Personally I believe in "god" and the only alternative explanation I can think of to explain some of the things I have experienced is a rather vast human conspiracy which, if it does exist, encompasses my life to an extent that it might as well be called god. However, the theory of evolution mostly seems to make good sense. The main thing I would be suspicious about, if it happened, is inter-species convergent evolution - if multiple organisms in the same generation mutated the same adaptations, that's a bit much to believe in without a guiding hand if it happened multiple times. Or any convergent evolution happening in close chronological proximity.

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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Dragons sometimes have giant tails roughly like cedar trees. Are you contending that those exist too? It's possible that the behemoth is an imaginary creature.

Personally I believe in "god" and the only alternative explanation I can think of to explain some of the things I have experienced is a rather vast human conspiracy which, if it does exist, encompasses my life to an extent that it might as well be called god. However, the theory of evolution mostly seems to make good sense. The main thing I would be suspicious about, if it happened, is inter-species convergent evolution - if multiple organisms in the same generation mutated the same adaptations, that's a bit much to believe in without a guiding hand if it happened multiple times. Or any convergent evolution happening in close chronological proximity.

since the word dinosaur was coined ca. the 19th century, they had to use other words. the only word that they could use were Dragon and behemoth. and the fact that it fits the description of a dinosaur?

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since the word dinosaur was coined ca. the 19th century, they had to use other words. the only word that they could use were Dragon and behemoth. and the fact that it fits the description of a dinosaur?

My point is that there's nothing to say that the description wasn't imagined.

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Also I suppose if you don't understand how evolution works, maybe I can try put some input, of what I know at least, into it...

Giraffes grew long necks because of tall trees. I think they said their necks used to not be so long? It's just that they ended up living in a place with tall trees. Some ended up having necks longer than others and they could survive better. Those who had shorter necks died off. Those with longer necks lived on, though probably off of shorter trees? But eventually their necks would get longer and longer because those with longer necks lived on. This continued happening until they got tall enough for the tall trees and could live prosperously.

That's why many animals could continue living on pretty well in the environment they're growing in because their traits have adapted to it. Adaption is evolution, I believe. Or maybe just a part of it?

There are some parts of evolution that still confuse me too, but there are just many fossils that we find that look like the same thing, but it turns out there are minor differences to them. And their ages are different.

And rock dating in itself has proven that the earth is much older than the Bible says it to be. So what does this mean for the days?

Fun fact of the day: Did you know people used to all have smaller feet? =o That's why in old old old buildings (like my old middle school that isn't a middle school anymore) stairs/steps used to be smaller. Now that our feet are growing stairs are built larger now. Growing feet isn't really necessary though so maybe we accidentally started growing that way? Idk...

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My point is that there's nothing to say that the description wasn't imagined.

they randomly imagine a giant beast that they had never seen before and it actually matched a description of an animal that lived before mankind existed? extremely unlikely to the point of being impossible.

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they randomly imagine a giant beast that they had never seen before and it actually matched a description of an animal that lived before mankind existed? extremely unlikely to the point of being impossible.

Giant tail and strong muscles and bones? Not exactly that great or close-fitting a description (heck, the muscles/bones part could have been pulled off an elephant)...is there more in the passage?

That's why many animals could continue living on pretty well in the environment they're growing in because their traits have adapted to it. Adaption is evolution, I believe. Or maybe just a part of it?

I'm pretty sure that Lamarckian adaptation is not evolution.

Fun fact of the day: Did you know people used to all have smaller feet? =o That's why in old old old buildings (like my old middle school that isn't a middle school anymore) stairs/steps used to be smaller. Now that our feet are growing stairs are built larger now. Growing feet isn't really necessary though so maybe we accidentally started growing that way? Idk...

Interspecies convergent evolution over such a short period of time makes almost no sense without a guiding hand...however, it's possible that this is an expression of potential growth as a result of better nutrition - in other words, older peoples could have grown just as large as we did if they had more to eat every day.

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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15 “Look at Behemoth,

which I made along with you

and which feeds on grass like an ox.

16 What strength it has in its loins,

what power in the muscles of its belly!

17 Its tail sways like a cedar;

the sinews of its thighs are close-knit.

18 Its bones are tubes of bronze,

its limbs like rods of iron.

job 40:15-18

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Sways like a tree

Built like a tree

These are different.

Not to mention, it could be a Hebrew metaphor or something, like feet = genitalia. The fact that we're dealing with translations always throws a wrench in the works.

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Gen 7:20 - Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

This is bullshit. Even if you ignore the fact that there is zero geological evidence backing it (and the fact that the earth was allegedly covered to the fucking brim with water), and even overlooking the absurdity of forty days and forty nights of rain covering the earth with water, there is no way for the writer to know if the mountains were covered. They didn't even know half the world.


God asked adam to name every single species in a single day. Every. Single. Species. And this is overlooking the rest of Genesis, because I'm a generous man.

And resurrection? Jegus.

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Thing is its open to interpretation and skepticism from others. For all we know it could just be a simple animal exaggerated to impress someone.

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Whats the context though? I went and read more of it, and apparently before that, Job seemed to be denying god or something like that. After a break god tells that story. It makes me wonder what kind of person would stand around the behmoth cause it sounds pretty dangerous anyway.

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But while I was thinking that, I was also considering how there are many many many religions and also many Holy Books out there. Man wrote those and who knows how much of what they wrote could possibly have been a lie? And if one of them was the true book, how could we know which one was?

Well you probably know the saying. Either one is right and all the others are wrong, or they're all wrong(when it comes to doctrine). (insert shrug here)

So after that I thought well maybe none of them are true, but there still is a god perhaps and the way he made everything was nothing like what people say. Maybe he made the animals through evolution and maybe he made the universe through the big bang, or any other way.

I typically don't worry about things like this, because it's not terribly urgent.

There is actually a lot of people that think that god actually made all of that happen. Of course I don't agree with the need for gods but atleast they don't go about denying evolution/big bang theory

I deny it, but not adamantly.

Evolution still doesn't make sense. I heard all you said. I understood it. but it still doesn't work. How did the big bang occur?

Somebody set off a hand grenade in a much larger universe.

also here's a little anomaly for you to think about. Dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct by the time man came around right? then how does the bible have a record of an animal that much resembles that of a dinosaur?

I don't think it does, but that's because Final Fantasy was the first time I got to understand the word 'Behemoth' and those were big 'furry' monsters.

As for Dinosaurs chillin' with man in the garden ... I seriously doubt that happened. You think it did? There's just no way the dinosaur extinction theory holds true? Since this is the Bible we're talking about, I don't think we should remain firmly grounded in the assumption that everything from verse 1 to the garden of eden happened in 144 hours.

as for the thousand year day,

adam and eve were created on the 6th day. and the seventh day was after that. even if he was completed on the last year of the 6th thousand year day, adam still had 1000 more years to go. adam was to have lived 930 years, and would have died well before the actual fall of man. the thousand year day doesn't fit in with christianity.

To be fair, nothing fits with traditional christianity, but you've got a point if we're assuming that day 1-day 7 were all the same length of time. Probably were but we really don't know for sure and I don't want to make a bunch of time period theories just to try and make something from thousands of years ago make sense.

Those who had shorter necks died off.


And rock dating in itself has proven that the earth is much older than the Bible says it to be. So what does this mean for the days?

Can somebody quote me a verse where the bible says exactly how old the earth is? I'm not trying to prove a point or be a dick here. I honestly want to know.

think of how a cedar sways. then apply that to the animals you know of. hippo? Elephant? their tails are small and move rather quickly. it fits better.

We have killed off ... a lot of species, so who knows if one of the big ones existed back then that doesn't today? Too lazy to research a point this small though so eh. Barring that, there's always the translation shenanigans.

except it supposed to be God talking to Job. telling him to look at it as an example. not hear about it because he's never seen it before.

My first thought was 'Job saw a dinosaur? Holy crap.', sorry :XD:

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Read the passage. think of what other animal it can match.

think of how a cedar sways. then apply that to the animals you know of. hippo? Elephant? their tails are small and move rather quickly. it fits better.

...jesus fucking christ

you are unbelievable

just ignore everything everyone said and make your point again

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