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Vegetarians are hypocrites


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Plants are living beings too, you know. Just because they can't react if you hurt them doesn't mean they can't feel it.

Yes and no. But vegetarianism is more efficient. If we eat, they first have to be fed plants or other animals which have to be fed plants first. And generally, about 50% of the energy fed to an animal is wasted on heat, which means that a maximum of the remaining 50% can be used to feed the human who eats the animal.

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Eat what you want, it doesn't affect me.



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when you think about it, humans only eat things that have been alive.

it's human to eat other organisms, and you miss out on certain nutrients/vitamin/whatever when you don't eat any meat.

other than that, I do think animals should be slaughtered without hurting them too much...

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what makes you think all vegetarians have that reasoning

what makes you think you are the one who is right

what makes you think plants can feel

what was the point of this topic

no shit, plants are living beings? holy fuck I never knew this wow.

Lol you always take everything so seriously XD

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when you think about it, humans only eat things that have been alive.

it's human to eat other organisms, and you miss out on certain nutrients/vitamin/whatever when you don't eat any meat.

other than that, I do think animals should be slaughtered without hurting them too much...


Lol you always take everything so seriously XD


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what makes you think all vegetarians have that reasoning

what makes you think you are the one who is right

what makes you think plants can feel

what was the point of this topic

no shit, plants are living beings? holy fuck I never knew this wow.

what are you some kind of faggot

Plants lack a nervous system.

Also, is there something wrong with being a hypocrite?

Oh, I see.

But they're still living beings. And they actually contribute to something (giving us oxygen). :awesome: So why not eat animals if plants are living beings as well?

Aren't you a vegetarian...?

I vaguely explained it to you before, but I'm not. I just don't eat much meat.

Yes and no. But vegetarianism is more efficient. If we eat, they first have to be fed plants or other animals which have to be fed plants first. And generally, about 50% of the energy fed to an animal is wasted on heat, which means that a maximum of the remaining 50% can be used to feed the human who eats the animal.

I see. Thank you. But that doesn't answer my question, sorry. :/

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what are you some kind of faggot

The best kind!

But they're still living beings. And they actually contribute to something (giving us oxygen). :awesome: So why not eat animals if plants are living beings as well?

We seem to have a surplus of breathable oxygen at all elevations at which humans live atm. So it's not necessary for us to maintain all the plants in the world to make sure we have enough oxygen (otherwise we'd be in trouble). Especially since most of the plants we eat are cultivated specifically for eating - it's not like we're overharvesting a naturally occurring resource. Well, from what I understand we overplant and overharvest here in the US, there's such a big surplus of food that a lot of it gets tossed out cuz we don't even have the storage capacity for it. But that's kinda beside the point.

If life is what you want to extend beyond all bounds, then you should probably live off of fruits and nuts and dairy products and shit. But if you value thought and capacity for feeling, then there's a perfectly good reason to eat plants while eschewing the consumption of animals.

The question I've always had is, do vegetarians think we should squander our beef cows and other meat-only-animals into nonviolent extinction?

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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I see. Thank you. But that doesn't answer my question, sorry. :/

Then it's basically this. everything eats something. Plants and some fungus I believe being the exception, because they live on inorganic material. Eating organics is just basic to animals, and if we animals want to live, it's just something we'll have to accept cause it's never gonna be another way.

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Yes and no. But vegetarianism is more efficient. If we eat, they first have to be fed plants or other animals which have to be fed plants first. And generally, about 50% of the energy fed to an animal is wasted on heat, which means that a maximum of the remaining 50% can be used to feed the human who eats the animal.

I thought it was only a 10% energy exchange between the animals, the rest is wasted.

The best kind!

We seem to have a surplus of breathable oxygen at all elevations at which humans live atm. So it's not necessary for us to maintain all the plants in the world to make sure we have enough oxygen (otherwise we'd be in trouble). Especially since most of the plants we eat are cultivated specifically for eating - it's not like we're overharvesting a naturally occurring resource. Well, from what I understand we overplant and overharvest here in the US, there's such a big surplus of food that a lot of it gets tossed out cuz we don't even have the storage capacity for it. But that's kinda beside the point.

If life is what you want to extend beyond all bounds, then you should probably live off of fruits and nuts and dairy products and shit. But if you value thought and capacity for feeling, then there's a perfectly good reason to eat plants while eschewing the consumption of animals.

The question I've always had is, do vegetarians think we should squander our beef cows and other meat-only-animals into nonviolent extinction?

We might not be pressed for oxygen, but the cutting of trees does reduce part of the carbon sink. Which is bad cause global warming stuff.

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Eat what you want, it doesn't affect me.



"So, guys, I want to take this occasion to say that I have become a vegetarian."

"Dude, we're in Lone Star. And we chose the restaurant together in the car. Did you really think this was the best time to announce your dietary revelation? Really?"

As for my position on the subject, feel those pointy teeth called canines in the front of your mouth. Those are not used to consume your average piece of lettuce or tomato. If you want to do it, go ahead; you're not hurting anybody (but maybe yourself if you're not smart about how you do it), but don't go about talking about how evil the rest of us are for actually eating what we were designed to eat. Believe it or not, most people are not appreciative of "meat is murder" slogans. Yes, we know we kill animals to eat them; this is kind of a given, and we're not retarded for not subscribing to your culinary ethos. No, we don't care, although I'd think most of us would appreciate humane treatment of slaughtered animals.

Tip: I hear that vitamin B12 is hard to get with such a diet.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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what are you some kind of faggot

Oh, I see.

But they're still living beings. And they actually contribute to something (giving us oxygen). :awesome: So why not eat animals if plants are living beings as well?

You see stuff like mangoes and Oranges? Yeah, those fruits we all love. Well, we're not killing the tree in the process, just taking its ripened flower.

I do believe animals should be killed humanely, though I myself don't particularly wanna eat 'em.

And so I finish with my vegetarian sentiments hurt. *sniff*

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How can they be killed "humanely"? It's a killing spree either way.

It does hurt to watch Animals like, slaughtered by oving the knife back and forth until they die. Like, one chop should do the trick. Because you know, in Islam you've gotta do that Hallal thing, but I guess that's another matter.

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How can they be killed "humanely"? It's a killing spree either way.

Yeah, basically what Marth says. It's what happens before they are killed. There are apparently some methods that aren't exactly all that agreeable to some people.

Another example is some people don't want chicken to be all crammed together for their time in the barn before they die. People would rather they live roaming a free field so they could at least have not felt so cramped in all of their life.

I never became a vegetarian though because I always thought animals would always get killed whether I ate them or not so I may as well take it. While I would appreciate better treatment of them (cause I care about aminals animals =3) I still don't think we'd ever get them to listen to us because to them what they do makes them pay less for raising their farm.

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I never understood why people feel the need to tell vegetarians that they shouldn't be vegetarians. Sure, there are a few assbutt types who try to guilt people for eating meat (coughPETAetc) but going and telling someone they should be eating meat if they don't want to is sinking to the same level of asshole as someone who tells you that you shouldn't be eating meat if you want.

Policing someone's dietary choices when nobody asked you is a jerk move regardless of whether it's anti-meat or anti-vegetarian.

(Full disclosure: not a vegetarian, though I am in favor of cutting back somewhat on meat intake for environmental reasons, and also so that the shitty conditions mass-produced meat animals are raised in can be improved. I have been given shit about being a vegetarian because I don't like the texture or flavor of most lunch meats, so some of the people who eat lunch with me go making assumptions based on my choice of sandwich, and then proceed to tell me why my choice of sandwich is wrong.)

Edited by Kiryn
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I never understood why people feel the need to tell vegetarians that they shouldn't be vegetarians. Sure, there are a few assbutt types who try to guilt people for eating meat (coughPETAetc) but going and telling someone they should be eating meat if they don't want to is sinking to the same level of asshole as someone who tells you that you shouldn't be eating meat if you want.

Policing someone's dietary choices when nobody asked you is a jerk move regardless of whether it's anti-meat or anti-vegetarian.

(Full disclosure: not a vegetarian, though I am in favor of cutting back somewhat on meat intake for environmental reasons, and also so that the shitty conditions mass-produced meat animals are raised in can be improved. I have been given shit about being a vegetarian because I don't like the texture or flavor of most lunch meats, so some of the people who eat lunch with me go making assumptions based on my choice of sandwich, and then proceed to tell me why my choice of sandwich is wrong.)

this was kind of out-of-the-blue considering all that was claimed was that vegetarians were hypocrites. nobody ever said they should stop eating only vegetables. soul's posts might've implied that, though. because he's stupid like that. c:

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Yes and no. But vegetarianism is more efficient. If we eat, they first have to be fed plants or other animals which have to be fed plants first. And generally, about 50% of the energy fed to an animal is wasted on heat, which means that a maximum of the remaining 50% can be used to feed the human who eats the animal.

It's actually MUCH less than that; 90% of the energy is turned to heat each transfer. So, if the cycle goes Plant-Animal-Human, the human would get 1% of the plant's original energy. But yes, 1% is worse than the 10% that plants would give, and plants are more energy and resource-efficient.

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