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..Did anyone else notice the Scarecrow had a gun?


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So I always have a couple movies I like to re-watch with friends and family around certain Holidays, and for Christmas I like The Wizard of Oz, especially since they air it rather frequently on certain networks.

Anyway, I was watching it with a friend tonight and saw something ridiculous in the Scarecrow's hand. At first I didn't think it was there and I was seeing things, but then it was in a couple more scenes. It happens right after they see the Wizard and are told to retrieve the Witch's broomstick. They're traveling through the dark forest and the Scarecrow is pointing and waving his gun around.

This is the best image on the net we could find of it.


What did he intend to do with it?? Was he planning on blowing the Witches' brains out? Why did the Lion have a net? Were they going to trap her in the net and then shoot her? This was seriously like, a childhood-altering moment for me. My friend and I couldn't stop making jokes about it during the remainder and after the movie, like when Dorothy at the end says she'll miss Scarecrow the most I said "She's only saying that because he's pointing it at her stomach".

I think it either ruined that part of my childhood or made it a lot better.

I know this HAD to have been floating around the net for a while, so maybe some of you already know, but it was seriously crazy for me and I had to make a thread.

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Yeah, that is pretty weird, but that actually reminds me of something about the movie that I find a lot more interesting!

You see, one of my friends recently watched it and for some reason did a lot of research about how in one of the versions of this movie, a hung Munchkin can be seen in the background in one of the scenes. Like, supposedly the movie caught the suicide of one of the actors on film and people didn't notice. My friend went as far as even showing me some videos on YouTube detailing this subject, and apparently in a later version of the movie, this Munchkin who was hung was replaced with a peacock.

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Yeah, that is pretty weird, but that actually reminds me of something about the movie that I find a lot more interesting!

You see, one of my friends recently watched it and for some reason did a lot of research about how in one of the versions of this movie, a hung Munchkin can be seen in the background in one of the scenes. Like, supposedly the movie caught the suicide of one of the actors on film and people didn't notice. My friend went as far as even showing me some videos on YouTube detailing this subject, and apparently in a later version of the movie, this Munchkin who was hung was replaced with a peacock.

That is possibly the creepiest movie trivia I've ever heard. Barring the death of Ducky's voice actor.

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The Scarecrow has to make up for his lack of brains with badassery. I hear the gun was actually supposed to be a water gun, but... who knows.

You see, one of my friends recently watched it and for some reason did a lot of research about how in one of the versions of this movie, a hung Munchkin can be seen in the background in one of the scenes. Like, supposedly the movie caught the suicide of one of the actors on film and people didn't notice. My friend went as far as even showing me some videos on YouTube detailing this subject, and apparently in a later version of the movie, this Munchkin who was hung was replaced with a peacock.

I've watched that scene quite a few times, and I find this extremely unlikely. The "munchkin" would have to be suspended by their waist with their legs and feet sticking out straight.

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The Scarecrow has to make up for his lack of brains with badassery. I hear the gun was actually supposed to be a water gun, but... who knows.

I've watched that scene quite a few times, and I find this extremely unlikely. The "munchkin" would have to be suspended by their waist with their legs and feet sticking out straight.

Yeah, I can't say that I'm certain about anything. That rumor definitely existed as far as I know, but I personally have doubt that it's true seeing as it should've been capitalized on and be brought into the more certain light. After all, it's dealing with a person's life, and I don't see how it could just be held a secret like that.

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I haven't watched this movie in at least 7 years. Why? Because there are so many mistakes and all-around mind-altering moments in the film, I figure I might just lose my childhood.

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Well here's something else I found for the suicide. The story behind the hanging figure being edited over the bird is a bit different from what the comments said in the other video I posted...

But whoever posted whatever crash had linked us to didn't have the full story, because there are two versions of this scene.

This guy's saying somebody, who wasn't part of the crew who made this video, had edited the hanging figure in himself. Something about how the original version has the crane in it.

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