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Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) And You!


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Oh no. That would be horrible. When stating our opinion about something that if passes is very inconvinient forever, we should totally care about if its inconvinent for short term.

In the next episode rest of the world surrenders to north korea because war would be inconvinient for short term.

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A longer, more widespread blackout might be of some use. I'm not sure about whether ACTA has much corporate sponsorship, but for the US bills which most certainly do, it would also be good to boycott those companies which support them for as long as possible.

Really we just have to raise hell until things improve.

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Hm. I think we need to make sure that everyone is aware this dumbass bill. So, I was thinking of talking to the creators of the following sites:





And other sites.

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Hrm, nice idea, but...

>Youtube is owned by Google, who is already doing their bit against this stuff.

>FF.net has potential I guess...

>...but good luck getting Facebook to answer you, let alone put anything on the site and...

>...Twitter has already thrown their lot in with the side for censorship, as seen by their censorship during the beginning of the Occupy movement and their recent official decision to support censorship.

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Hrm, nice idea, but...

>Youtube is owned by Google, who is already doing their bit against this stuff.

>FF.net has potential I guess...

>...but good luck getting Facebook to answer you, let alone put anything on the site and...

>...Twitter has already thrown their lot in with the side for censorship, as seen by their censorship during the beginning of the Occupy movement and their recent official decision to support censorship.

Geez, Twitter. What a disappointment.

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The only thing I got from the first internet blackout was trouble searching wikipedia. I didn't notice any inconvenience otherwise. We should black out Serenes Forest. Then I'd notice. And be glad.

I seriously doubt that the blacking out of a small time fan site like this is going to impact anybody's decision to vote against this bill.

By the way, what the SOPA and PIPA bills are really going to do is heavily restrict people's rights to free speech and expression, and millions, if not billions of people worldwide will suffer if this bill is passed, especially since they will be able to extradate people from anywhere in the world to the US. I mean, it'd be like Chinese Internet but on a GLOBAL scale. If they pass this bill, heads will roll.

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