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have you ever lost someone without ever telling them you really appreciated them, or maybe you did and they didn't understand it, or maybe you couldn't understand yourself? and you wish you at least understood yourself what it really meant to you because with that part gone it is really as if there's a hole there and people disregard this statement as cheesy but it really feels as if there's a hole in my psyche and I can't fix it because I already fucked everything up by being a competitive asshole, and this has happened perhaps around five times and might have happened again and I hate six, six is a terrible number, and talking to other people doesn't always help and yet you don't know any other way for help and you feel like a miserable pile of shit and you keep crying every ten minutes or every night and you can't sleep because of it and I keep hearing voices and jumping at my shadow and there is light dancing in through my window and it frightens me every time I see it, especially at the possible concept of apparitions laughing at my irreversible mistakes. I hear dissonant sounds, too, and they sound a little like music.

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oh and yes i miss erl

i never got to tell him that our friendship meant a lot

i don't know if anything means anything anymore.

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yeah and another thing i have such a hard time trusting friendships anymore. People are friendly at first and then they change and suddenly don't like you anymore andyou believe it's your fault when it was probably just them but it's hard to tell

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oh and i hate the word 'albeit.' it's so much harder to use than people make it out to be.

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Bizz, what makes you think everyone will dismiss that as cheesy? I don't think it's cheesy. I don't know what you're going through, and I'm not going to say something as unsympathetic as that, but I do understand what you mean about there actually being a hole left behind by people you lose.

I hope you overcome this, Bizz. Best of luck. If there's ever any way that I can help, I hope you'll tell me.

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Whatever you're going through, I hope you feel better soon... Just wanted to say that I do understand how you feel, at least partially. Things will get better, but we just have to endure. There are people you can talk to, for support or just a listening ear. Talk to them if you have to! Cheers =)

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Awwww Bizzy I'm sorry about this. Losses like this are always really hard to take =[ Especially if it makes you feel guilty. I feel like the situation I had been in was similar, but what you're going through is worse. I really really hope you can feel better! I'm not really too sure what to say...

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... oh

I didn't remember posting this until just now

I probably would have completely forgotten about it if I hadn't automatically checked my phone's history when I woke up. I didn't actually expect to get these kinds of replies, though... thanks guys ;~;

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I'm honestly scared at how bad my depression's been getting lately

It's bothering me that I feel this way for pretty much no reason ...

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I don't have Skype on this computer :c

I could install it for like five seconds and get on

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oh, thanks for editing your post instead of just posting a new post

I'm installing skype already ):

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I didn't actually expect to get these kinds of replies, though... thanks guys ;~;

You shouldn't be!! =/ Don't think that we don't care about you.

And don't forget that you still have friends on here to comfort you if you feel too upset/lonely~

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There's a lot of times I wonder if something I did in the past was a wrong decision that led me to do stupid things. and I usually end up making it a bigger problem in my head than it actually was and it haunts me. Stupid things I did from 8 years ago still haunt me because I made such a big deal out of it. But the way I get out of that is by looking to what else can come on the future. If they get mad at you and don't tell you what the reason is and try to fix it, that's their problem, not yours. There are others out there. better people. If you keep looking down and tracing your steps behind you, you'll never see the great things that are in the skies ahead of you.

Don't let it haunt you. and if the above posts prove anything, it's that you have good friends in the forest.

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oh and yes i miss erl

i never got to tell him that our friendship meant a lot

i don't know if anything means anything anymore.

Bizzu~ we share the same feelingsob.gif

its just that, he just stopped going online to SF because

he felt weird every time he signed in, like he didn't fit in or something along the lines

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