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Beowulf. In the desperate hope that he somehow recruits himself.

As Cam asked me to draft for him, he gets Johan. Leaving poor Jimjam alone in the woods.

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(Fury, Fee, Sety), (Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny), Levin, Fin, Claude, Daisy, Hawk, Trista, Asaello, Johan

Fury is Fury. Might take an extra turn or two gluing her to Claude, but Fee will make up for it. Oh, and Sety.

LEVINARTHUR YEAAAAAAAH! (Tinny? Oh, uh... *cleans bloodstain off sword*)

Levin is Levin.

Fin saves turns in chapter 7, I guess. Or chapter 2/3. Maybe.

Claude is staffbot, allows Sety to be staffbot, and allows Fee to be flying staffbot.

Daisy... free Holsety funds, I guess.

Hawk... *trollfais*

Tristan will be cannon fodder, glass-cannon epic bait.


Johan shall be murdered.

I'm a little miffed that Horace stole Laylea and Ares from me, but alas.

Edited by Camtech
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its still processing but whatever

11 turns, Noish, Ethlin and Sigurd all almost died because of bullshit 20ish hitrates (lower in Ethlin's case).

Noish got the speed ring, as it might make him not fail as hard as he usually does. I all of Sigurds battles since he ORKO's everything anyway.

SIGURD       11.15    42 19 02 13 14 09 14 03 SILVER SWORD(9), IRON LANCE, STEEL SWORD(16)
NOISH        04.90    34 11 00 07 08 04 09 00 STEEL SWORD(4), SPEED RING
ETHLIN       04.17    28 05 08 11 13 08 05 06 SLIM SWORD(3), LIVE STAFF

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Chapter 1, in 21 turns. Curse you Shin, Cuan would have helped with the last castle! but good luck getting him there in good health without Ethlin

SIGURD       17.33    48 23 02 17 16 12 17 03 SILVER SWORD(31), IRON LANCE, JAVELIN, MAGIC RING, SKILL RING
NOISH        08.29    36 11 00 08 08 04 09 00 STEEL SWORD, SLIM SWORD, IRON LANCE, JAVELIN, SPEED RING, 
DEIRDRE      05.54    27 00 16 09 13 06 03 16 AURA, SILENCE STAFF, CIRCLET
ETHLIN       09.06    32 07 08 12 15 09 05 06 SLIM SWORD, STEEL SWORD, RETURN STAFF, RELIVE STAFF
AYRA         08.40    34 12 00 19 18 03 09 01 IRON BLADE, IRON SWORD

Edited by General Horace
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Okay no more lazy updates

Chapter 2 - 30/66 turns

To Nodion

I could have done it two turns faster if Eva didn't have an annoying habit of surviving. Alas, I did not. I'm not going to miss that Knight Ring since everyone I care about in the 2nd gen already has a horse

To Heirhein

Lost another turn waiting for that dude with the Elite Ring to suicide onto Sigurd. Tasty Hero Lance get, also.

To Anphony

Diadora warps Sigurd over to Nodion while Fin runs the long way around. Diadora sticks a while longer to send Levin back to the home castle to intercept Fury. Fin finally clears the arena.

To Agusty

A couple things happen -

First, Sigurd gets a tasty critical on Shagaal, although an untimely great shield cost me another turn.

Next, Ardan receives the Pursuit Ring. That will be especially awesome on Levin and eventually Arthur.

Fury clears the arena, as well as Levin. Holyn can go suck a dick for all I care.

                  Lev  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Sigurd sigurdHorse 27   59  25   01   22   15+5 14   12+5 4+5
Fin    Lance Knght 14   41  14   01   14   13   15   09   00
Deidre Staffbot    In the kitchen
Fury   Peg Rider   9    33  11   01   13   19   08   10   09
Levin  Spoony Bard 10   37  03   13   12   20   09   05   09

Edited by Camtech
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And again, I guess. This is it for tonight though

Chapter 3 - Eltoshan's comeuppance - 24/90 turns

To... that first castle

Sigurd bumrush. Ayra talkie with Holyn, the whole shebang. Once Jacoban is nothing but a bloodstain, Sigurd buys the Hero Sword and Returns home.

To Silvail

I Levin'd Eltoshan because I can. Levin walls the Cross Knights surprisingly well, actually.

To Orgahil

sigurd stomps everything while claudebriggidtiltyu have trouble living

                  Lev  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES
Sigurd sigurdHorse 30   62  25+5 01   22   16+5 16   14+5 4+5
Fin    Lance Knght off into the sunset that is known as Lenster
Deidre Staffbot    In the kitchen
Fury   Peg Rider   10   33  11   01   13   19   08   11   09 (seriously, RNG?)
Levin  Spoony Bard 16   43  05   16   13   25   10   07   09
Claude Staffbot M  some kind of cheese, I think
Tiltyu ThunderMage lolatbaselevel

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cool story guys i hit the record button, I really did

then I went up to get a snack, and I must have hit stop recording

then I did the entire chapter

then i was about to seize

I saw Hypercam say "Start Rec." on it,

and I cursed profusely.

anyway, this is all I got for this chapter. 32 seconds.

so I'll tell you guys what I did instead.


Sigurd and Ethlin lead the charge, and with some clever positioning, Ethlin only faced attacks from axe dudes, and got to kill Phillip. Sigurd got a knight out of his way on turn 8 with the javelin, and he sibling crit the boss for the 9 turn seize. Ethlin didn't start the arena until here, because she had an easy first fight for the healing.

He then bought the Hero Lance off Fin, and used it to ORKO all the armours up north and he sibling crit the boss on turn 14, then he canto'd over towards Voltz, whom he left with 12 HP, allowing Ethlin to finish with the light sword Sigurd seized on turn 15.

Holyn meanwhile, bought the Shield ring off Sigurd (he convoy'd it after killing the boss) and headed north, where he ORKO'd all the mercs, with backup healing from Diadora, who died silencing the bastard with the sleep staff. However, things were still a bit cluttered when Sigurd got there (the mages especially were annoying) so there was a turn or two delay here. He seized here on turn I have no Idea. Oh yeah, Sigurd was returned home by Ethlin. I saved Lachesis, and Deirdre couldn't make it at the speed I was moving at anyway.

Sigurd finished his arena clear for healing, and went up north. The boss was forced to attack from range, and as a result, he did his silly running away thing. I got held up again on the javelin armours, since I didn't have Levin to clear them out.

He critblicked Shaggy on turn 27 EP, and seized on turn 28. Lachesis's fail guards took on Fury.

(11+21+28 turns)

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Chapter 3 post reserved here, don't worry, I actually got all of this one! I'm just gonna wait till tomorrow to post. 17 turn clear, with promoted Ethlin.

SIGURD       27.87    58 25 04 22 18 17 22 03 SILVER SWORD(65), SKILL RING, MAGIC RING, ETC...
NOISH        15.81    40 14 00 11 08 05 13 00 STEEL SWORD, SLIM SWORD, IRON LANCE, JAVELIN, SPEED RING, 
AYRA         18.45    42 12 00 23 20 03 11 01 IRON BLADE, IRON SWORD, HERO SWORD, KNIGHT RING
HOLYN        16.63    44 17 00 21 17 01 11 01 STEEL BLADE, IRON SWORD

Edited by General Horace
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