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Vicious Sal: Luke, Linde, Minerva, Cord, Barst, Wrys, Radd, Dolph, Macellan, Michalis, Bantu

MU: another cleric... sure!

Luke: Sure, Draug, luke, whatever, you even look similar. Will perform the exact same role.

Linde: Why u no Hammerne... Cleric --> Aurabomb

Minerva: You are awesome, and don't cost turns. Props, you'll be an asset.

Cord: That other guy that can fill my usual "warren" role. You be awesome.

Barst: Hey, more of the no turn costing awesome.

Wrys: I might even bench arran instead of having him become a valuable staffbot. Nah, scrap that, i'll use em both.

Radd: Why u no Caesar.... You'll be the exact same though.

Dolph: Tuna

Macellan: Salmon

Michalis: Uhhhhh.... 22 Speed is ok... What can you help with? you might need a warp use, that's not good...

Bantu... Might cost a rescue use, which is a death sin... Is recruitment forced? *Checks* Fyeah, rot in that village.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Because I am a fuck up, I forgot to write down stats for my dudes during most of the maps. Also my memory is pretty hazy on some of the strats (I did almost all of these back in like, January and shit.

Chapter 5


I arena Rody to level 12 and promote him, then I reclass him to Dracokinght. Arran is a Paldin, Gordin is a Cavalier.

I deploy Julian and on turn 1, he recruits Rickard. I position Rody, Arran, and Gordin so Julian doesn't get attacked. After this, Marth and MU and head south while Arran fights up in the north for a bit before heading back down. Rody takes care of the boss and the enemies heading in his direction. Turn 5 I seize.

Chapter 6


I arena Marth and MU I think. I can't remember what I reclassed Rody to, probably Hero or Berserker. That or maybe he just stayed Draco. Gordin was reclassed to Curate and Arran to General.

Anyway Mage MU and Rody slaughtered the enemies to the west (ilu resire) and I killed Samto once I got the door open. Arran took care of the mage in the east before blocking the southeast chokepoint and soloing the enemies there. Frey and Norne ran like bitches and cowered behind Arran. I got all the treasure, but I needed to spend a Rescue charge to get the Bullion. Turn 6 I seized.

Chapter 6x


Arena MU up to get a couple of levels and so she has B in tomes (Aura access). Arran is reclassed to Berserker and gets all the star fragments he can get. Rody is a Dracoknight.

Rody ORKOs Roro (who only does 2 damage to him, what a joke), Arran ORKO's the armor right near the starting position thanks to Steel Axe + star shards, Rickard and MU combine and kill the east figher, Gordin goes his max move and Rescues Marth, Marth seizes.

Chapter 7


Gordin was reclassed to...something. I don't remember. MU and others got some arena use in.

I was expecting Navarre to die since I was using him really aggressively but he lived. I got the Master Seal, the Bullion, the Wo Dao and the star fragments on the map IIRC. Feena wasn't rescued, she just helped Navarre kill everything with her dancing. Rody flew up and didn't take shit from anybody. I had Marth move his full movement and left nothing alive in his path. Feena being in the middle of the forest is what made this possible.

Chapter 8


I arena MU up a little more and promote her at level 15. Rody is reclassed to Berserker and Gordin is a cavalier again w/defense boosting shards to avoid being 2HKO'd by the snipers.

MU, Rody, and Marth take care of the paladins, turn 2 Sheeda recruits Roger and runs away, Gordin goes his max move, Feena provides assistance with getting Marth up there as well, Rody and MU also go up. Turn 3, Gordin recruits Jeorge who KOs a Sniper, MU and Rody attack a couple of the generals, and Marth seizes.

Chapter 9


A 5 turn of this map is impossible if you recruit Etzel, which I do obviously because he is l33t. Roger and Gordin are arena'd up some, Roger is a Pirate and Gordin is a hunter (Gordin sux bad speed terrible), Rody is a Dracoknight and MU is a bishop.

Pure Waters and Barriers are awesome and I make use of them on Marth and my other dudes. I kill the thief staff person and take the boots w/MU, who gives them to Marth. I take care of the dracoknights by turn 2. Rickard gets the star orb fragment, I recruit Etzel by I think turn 3, I recruit Minerva by turn 5, and everyone kills some mages. Rody is a god, he kills Yodel and everyone else like its nothing, MU rescues Marth and he seizes on turn 6.

Chapter 10


MU is reclassed to Sniper, I arena Roger and Gordin some more, Etzel is reclassed to Sage IIRC. Anyway he uses the thief staff both times, MU and George ORKO the bishops near the start, Marth w/assistance from Feena kills the mercenary. Arran and Merric combine on on Shaver Mage and Rody OHKOs the other. Roger and Gordin gain EXP elsewhere IIRC. Thanks to Feena, Marth is able to reach the throne on turn 2. Merric died and not a single fuck was given that day.

Chapter 10x


I promote Gordin and Roger, w/Gordin reclassed to Hero.

Marth and the others gain some Exp on nearby Roros and Rody ORKOs the real Roro on turn 1, being a boss like that. Next.

Chapter 11


I struggled for a long time on this map, but then I settled for the 7 turn rather than the 8 turn. MU is a bishop, Roger is a draco, Arran is a Draco, Horace is a Sniper who I arena a level for. Gordin is a Swordmaster (rofl 18 speed). Marth gets the speedwing and Robe and w/Devil Sword can ORKO wyverns. Etzel is still a Sage.

Rody, Etzel, and MU all take care of west wyverns. Rody just flies around murdering everything while Marth, Etzel, and MU make their way steadily towards the gate. Arran and Rickard collect items. Jeorge, Horace, Gordin and Roger head east. I use my last Rescue charge by turn 8 so Marth can seize and I collect an Energy Drop, a speedwing, an Angelic Robe, and a Dracoshield from the desert ground.

Chapter 12


Fuck this map I hate it with all my being. Anyway Horace is relcassed to Berserker, Marth IIRC gets the Dracoshield. Arran is reclassed to Sniper and this is his last map. MU is relcassed to Sage, Etzel is reclassed to Sorcerer, Roger is reclassed to General.

Turn 1, Rody ORKOs the Fire Dragon and sits on the fort, provoking Darros, the Levin!Swordmaster to move and summoning the back reinforcements. MU ORKOs the other Dragon. Everyone advances w/Marth sitting on a fort. The Tomahawk Brigand suicides onto her on EP. Jeorge baits the Tomahawk brigand and a Fire Dragon of the reinforcements, MU sits back in range of only one of the wyverns w/Resire and same w/Etzel but w/Excalibur. I recruit Darros around turn 2 or turn 3, but I do know that I get him once the wyverns are dead. The north reinforcements appear on turn 3. Gordin, Arran, Jeorge and another loser kill the back reinforcements and sit on the forts in the center because I'm paranoid that they'll come out. When I reach the northern forts, I have Jeroge sit on the middle fort, Rody and Marth sit on the forts west of those, Roger on the rightmost fort, and Horace on the leftmost fort. Turn 8, the third wave of fire dragons are dead and by turn 9, everything on the amp is dead and Marth seizes.

                               HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Other
Marth    17.79   Lord           42  15    0   17   21   19   12    1   C Sword    
Rody    12/12.18 Dracoknight    43  22    1   24   23   24   19    4   B Lance, D Axe
Gordin  15/4.51  Swordmaster    38  18    1   20   19   12    9    3   C Sword
Arran    9.74    Sniper         32  11    1   16   14    5   10    3   B Lance
MU      16/7.49  Sage           39  12   15   24   21   18    4   13   B Tome
Feena    Who Cares
Etzel    9.48    Druid          32   2   12   14   15   10   10   13   B Tome, D Staff
Roger   13/5.49  General        41  17    1   11   15   11   22    3   B Lance
Horace   5.47    Berserker      32  17    0   10   17    7    9    0
Jeorge   7.99    Sniper         33  13    1   15   15    6   14    3
Darros   Base
Rickard  ROFL

Chapter 13


Roger is reclassed to Dracoknight, MU and Etzel are reclassed to Bishop, and Darros is reclassed to Swordmaster and given a Wyrmslayer. Marth gets the Energy Drop, Roger gets the speedwing, and MU gets the Spirit Dust.

Turn 1, Marth goes north to the river and uses a Pure waater. Feena dances and Marth ORKOs the Dark Mage while positioned so Feena is safe from the tomahawk brigand. Roger OHKOs the other Dark Mage and Rody heads north, killing the Tomahawk brigand. MU ORKOs the Ice Dragon nearby, and Jeorge and Darros deal with the eastern enemies. The rest deal with the western ones. I kill a thief who loots the Wyrmslayer chest. Turn 2 EP, Rody ORKOs the wyverns and on turn 3 gets healed. Turn 3 PP, everything nearby the starting position is dead, Rody, Marth, and Roger take care of the west wyverns, and from then on they advance. I play it safe and also I want to get Feena up to be on the fort so Marth can seize on the same turn Rody ORKOs the boss. I succeed in this endeavor on turn 6.

                               HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Other
Marth    19.40   Lord           44  19    0   18   21   21   14    1   C Sword    
Rody    12/14.05 Dracoknight    43  22    1   26   23   26   20    4   B Lance, D Axe
Gordin  15/4.71  Swordmaster    38  18    1   20   19   12    9    3   C Sword
Arran    9.74    Sniper         32  11    1   16   14    5   10    3   B Lance
MU      16/8.69  Bishop         39  10   16   25   21   19    4   18   B Tome
Feena    Who Cares
Etzel    9.93    Bishop         32   1   11   14   15   10    9   16   C Tome, C Staff
Roger   13/6.10  Dracoknight    34  17    1   13   20   11   17    3   B Lance
Horace   6.27    Berserker      33  18    0   10   18    7    9    0
Jeorge   8.36    Sniper         34  14    1   16   15    7   14    3
Darros   3.48    Swordmaster    Base
Rickard  ROFL

Chapter 13x


Rody is reclassed to Paladin and given a Javelin. MU is reclassed to Sage. Everyone stays the same for the most part.

ROFL Kleine gets killed on the turn 1 EP by BROdy. What a noob. He pretty much solos most of the far east side, Darros and Marth are pros, and MU and Gordin handle the north side. Everything's dead by turn 2.

                               HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Other
Marth    19.73   Lord           44  19    0   18   21   21   14    1   C Sword    
Rody    12/14.76 Paladin        45  21    1   26   23   25   18    7   B Lance 
Gordin  15/5.04  Swordmaster    39  18    1   21   20   12    9    3   C Sword
Arran    9.74    Sniper         32  11    1   16   14    5   10    3   B Lance
MU      16/9.04  Sage           40  12   18   26   22   20    5   14   A Tome
Feena    Who Cares
Etzel    9.93    Bishop         32   1   11   14   15   10    9   16   C Tome, C Staff
Roger   13/6.10  Dracoknight    34  17    1   13   20   11   17    3   B Lance
Horace   6.27    Berserker      33  18    0   10   18    7    9    0
Jeorge   8.36    Sniper         34  14    1   16   15    7   14    3
Darros   4.03    Swordmaster    40  14    1   19   20   10   13    3
Rickard  ROFL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finished the draft. Unfortunately I forgot to record the stats of my units for every chapter but I did get stats for the end of the game. Sorry guys.

Chapter 14


Rody is still a Paladin, Roger is a Paladin, Arran is a Dracoknight, MU is a Sage. I arena up Athena to level 15.

Roger and Arran go west to get rid of the Warp Staff thief and to take care of the Ice Dragon (Arran soaks a hit so Roger can avoid a counter). MU w/all magic boosting shards ORKOs all ice dragons, all Dark mages, and OHKOs thieves. Xane imitates Rody. Everyone braves the north side. I get Marth to the spot on turn 3, then I have him rush over to the throne. I get the Again staff and 6 turn this map.

Chapter 15


Roger is reclassed to Warrior, Darros/Gordin/Rody are all recalssed to Dracoknights. I arena Athena some more then Master Seal her. Horace is reclassed to General.

Gordin and Darros ORKO the ballisticians and Rody ORKOs the Killer Bow Sniper. Everyone else heads east. Roger is a boss here, he can deal damage to all enemies on the map w/Hand Axe. Everyone mops up. Marth solos the Armor and ORKOs the Sniper next turn. I mostly have Marth use his full move and I curse Feena's durability and 6 move getting in the way. I seize on turn 7.

Chapter 16


Darros is reclassed to Paladin

This strategy I figured would have me take 3 turns, but luck was with me and it only took 2. I positioned my units close to the throne room. Darros chased after the thief and critblicked him on turn 2. After this, MU opened the Rescue staff chest (using up my last Thief staff use), Rickard opened the door, I killed everything in my way to the throne and the Fortify Bishop and I seize with Marth.

Chapter 16x


Darros is reclassed to Hero and holds the Starsphere, MU is reclassed to Sniper, Rody is reclassed to Bererker and given a Strength bond. Roger is reclassed to Dracokinght.

Roger ORKOs the left most Bererker, then Darros chips the other with the Hand Axe. MU trades with Darros and takes the Starsphere. Feena dances her and MU ORKOs the upper right berserker with the Killer Bow. Rody then moves up in front of the Swordmaster and takes the Starsphere and finishes off the berserker Darros left behind with a hand axe. Marth then ORKOs the last Berserker. On the EP, everyone suicides onto Rody, ending the map. Katarina died and not a single fuck was given that day.

Chapter 17


MU is reclassed to Sage, Roger is reclassed to Paladin, Horace is reclassed to Berserker, Gordin is reclassed to Sniper.

Rody and Xane rush forward killing nearly everything in their path. On turn 1, Roger is warped near the Rezire Thief and ORKOs the Sniper before killing the thief next turn (it may have been the other way around, I forget). Marth visits the village and I get the Seraph Robe, which will be vastly useful to Horace. MU uses Rescue on Marth who then helps Rody and Xane in killing everything and then seizes after Sheema dies on turn 6. I really hate how bad Feena's move is and how there's only one pair of Boots but oh well. She was still useful in this map.

Chapter 18


Rody is reclassed to Dracoknight I think. I forget my other reclass choices, it's been awhile since I did this map. I do remember making Gordin a swordmaster and Horace a Berserker and he gets the Seraph Robe.

Marth moves enough so he can be danced by Feena and can visit the village. Gordin ORKOs a Paladin who can attack Feena, everyone heads east except Athena, who grabs the Arms Scroll. I then Rescue Marth next turn and proceed to nuke everything until Marth can seize.

Chapter 19


Rody is reclassed to Paladin, Roger to Berserker, Horace to Paladin

I played this very conservatively. Everyone rushed ahead, and I managed to have Rody and Xane reach the forts by turn 5. I fight off the reinforcements as such that I could keep everyone safe. By turn 9, I was able to ORKO the boss and seize the map. I didn't bother getting Roshea and as a result, Vyland and Wolf. I forgot to kill Wolf, so I missed his Dracoshield.

Chapter 20


Rody is given all orbs and the Devil Axe. MU is reclassed to Bishop.

I warp Rody to Hardin and he critblicks the guy. I then Rescue with MU. Frost Rescues Midia. I then collect the chests on the path to the throne room except for the Again Staff, which I didn't realize until later.

Chapter 20x


Rody is reclassed to Paladin.

Argh! This is a horrible map! I use my Pure Waters and try to play it safe. People kill shit in their way. There's not much to say here. Sorry.

Chapter 21


Gordin is reclassed to Sniper

I still play conservatively. Xane and Athena go towards the upperleftmost part of the map to grab the Talisman and visit the Secret Shop. Rody gets Warped to the Meteor Druid near the village after I thin the herds a little. I then visit with Marth, MU rescues and I seize by turn 9 after visiting the secret shop.

I buy all the energy drops, all the speedwings and 1 dracoshield.

Chapter 22


I feed Gordin, Darros, and Horace speedwings, Horace, Marth, and Roger get the drops, and Gordin gets the shield. Gordin is reclassed to Swordmaster and has enough Sword rank to use the Brave Sword.

Not very hard, I just played it a little safe is all. I basically just rushed and tried to kill all the Glower and Meteor Sorcerors before they could nuke me.

Chapter 23


MU reclassed to Sage

I am scared of Meteor Druids and people ORKO the ones on the side. Not much else to say here. MU baits Gharnef out after being equipped w/Rezire (so she can survive enemies), then she and Etzel combo on him. Marth then seizes.

Final Chapter


MU is reclased to Sage, I use an Arms Scroll on Roger and reclass him to Sniper, I reclass Darros to Berserker and Speed Bond him, and I reclass Rody to Berserker.

I try to clear out enough enemies so Roger can kill Elice. MU, Etzel, and Frost warp Sirius (armed with Again), Julian, and Minerva over. Maria heals Marth, Marth critblicks Medeus, making the Again Staff unnecessary.

I could've one turned this if I had Merric left alive and a Rescue charge left but oh well.

Final Stats

                               HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Other
Marth    30      Lord           54  24    0   25*  25*  27   18    2   A Sword    
Rody    12/20    Berserker      51  26    0   24*  28*  22*  18    1   B Axe, A Lance 
Gordin  15/16.20 Swordmaster    48  22    1   25   30*  17   14    3   C Sword, B Bow
Arran    9.74    Dracoknight    28  12    1   13   13    5   13    3   A Lance
MU      16/20    Bishop         49  12   20   26*  25*  21    5   21   A Tome, C Staff
Feena    Who Cares
Etzel    16.26   Bishop         33   1   12   17   18   13   10   20   B Tome, B Staff
Roger   13/14.93 Sniper         45  23    1   20   27   15   17    3   B Bow, A Lance, C Axe
Horace  13.39    Swordmaster    41  22    0   25   27    9   11    0
Jeorge   9.52    Sniper         35  15    1   16   16    7   14    3
Darros   6.12    Berserker      55  26    0   18   25   18   17    0   A Axe
Rickard  ROFL
Athena   19/6.74 Swordmaster    41  18    0   24   24   15   12    7   A Sword
Xane     Who Cares

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just noting that I finally got a new computer (Lost another one, yep.) and that I WILL make this draft my priority once I download another copy of the game.

Naturally, I have to restart, but that's a minor inconvenience at this point.

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My MU:

Using the image from that previous run: ^_^


Not noting down stats during prologue.

Prologue-1: 4/4 turns.

5-point level up for Eclipse that goes Mag-Spd-Lck-Def-Res? I'll take that with kisses, thank you. A good start, and amusing that Eclipse didn't proc her 80% HP growth and procced her 5% Def growth instead.

Prologue-2: 3/7 turns.

Luke and Rody suicides and gets torched, and Eclipse procced ANOTHER Def point. <_<

Prologue-3: 3/10 turns.

No level-ups in this level, but all four people are on the verge of leveling.

Prologue-4: 3/13 turns.

Eclipse procced her 5% growth Def for the THIRD time in a row. Ryan got pretty good levels, since I also fed him Athena, while Rody got one that made me wish I had drafted him.

Prologue-5: 2/15 turns.

Once again no levels, though again my drafted people are on the verge of leveling.

Prologue-6: 2/17 turns.

Good levels for everyone, and Ogma got smoked. :3

Prologue-7: 3/20 turns.

Nothing of note except that my team is proccing Def like crazy. Caeda procced Def twice in a row. Ryan thrice in a row. Eclipse (who REALLY has no business proccing def with her 5% Def growth rate) procced def FOUR times out of five. <_<

Prologue-8: 3/23 turns.

Ryan started the chapter with a beautiful 6-stat level by killing a thief. Caeda and Eclipse both got good levels, though Marth got crap for exp due to the need to speed-run this chapter.

Chapter 1: 4/27 turns.

Ryan is a ridiculous beast. He downright massacres anything in his way to Lorenz, then made way so that Eclipse can roast Lorenz till he's well-done. Arran nabs the Bullion and does random crap including poking Lorenz.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		6	26	8	0	10	10	9	8	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3
Eclipse		Mage		8	22	5	9	10	12	9	6	4
Ryan		Cavalier	7	24	10	0	9	12	6	13	0

Chapter 2: 6/33 turns.

Managed to pull Lumel earlier than the other 2 dracos. Chose to let the thief get away (not like I got an early Lady Sword user anyway). Warren got to ate all three Dracos, and he loved it.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		6	26	8	0	10	10	9	8	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3
Eclipse		Mage		8	22	5	9	10	12	9	6	4
Ryan		Cavalier	7	24	10	0	9	12	6	13	0
Warren		Hunter		4	23	9	0	6	10	2	4	0

Chapter 3: 6/39 turns.

Screw Julian and Bord. Both are ignored. Arran rushes the ballista then rapes some cavaliers (Matthis included) then cleans the Dracos on the mountain with Palla's aid. Eclipse Nosferatanked 3 of the dracos then rushes the boss to roast him. Ryan and Warren ate the remaining Dracos. Eclipse is turning out into quite the monster.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		6	26	8	0	10	10	9	8	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/4	24	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Mage		11	24	5	11	11	15	10	6	5
Ryan		Cavalier	8	25	11	0	10	12	6	14	0
Warren		Pirate		6	25	12	0	4	12	3	6	0

Chapter 3x: 6/45 turns.

Arran charges to save Wrys. The rest mops up. Ryan has OMGWTF Defense.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		7	27	8	0	11	11	10	9	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/4	24	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Mage		11	24	5	11	11	15	10	6	5
Ryan		Cavalier	9	26	12	0	11	12	6	15	0
Warren		Pirate		6	25	12	0	4	12	3	6	0

Chapter 4: 3/48 turns.

Yummie rescues Marth. Eclipse blows the Armorslayer thief to smithereens. Arran goes to weaken the bossman for an easier kill. Regular 3-turn strat.

Ryan gets arena'ed and promoted. He is utterly ridiculous.

Marth and Warren and Caeda also gets some arena lovin'

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		11	30	12	0	14	13	13	10	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	25	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Mage		12	25	5	12	11	15	11	6	6
Ryan		Dracoknight	17/1	37	21	1	19	17	10	22	3
Warren		Pirate		10	29	14	0	7	14	4	7	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	9	21	10	2	11	20	17	10	6

Chapter 5: 5/53 turns.

Caeda kills Rickard, Ryan clears the boss area then goes to murder the dracos up north. Everyone else gets the north enemies, including one of Jeorge's pals. Marth rushes to seize.

Eclipse gets arena'ed and promoted. Killing machine, anyone?

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		11	30	12	0	14	13	13	10	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	25	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Sage		16/1	34	10	16	15	16	13	7	9
Ryan		Dracoknight	17/3	39	22	1	21	18	10	24	3
Warren		Pirate		10	29	14	0	7	14	4	7	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	10	22	10	2	12	20	17	11	6

Chapter 6: 6/59 turns.

Marth gets the star shard then gets rescued by Eclipse, while Ryan cleans the road with some help from Arran, who opens the door. Caeda massacres some mages and bishops on the right side of the map, while Eclipse, Warren, Norne, and Arran held off the reinforcements. Ryan murders the entire throne room, boss included, allowing Marth to seize without worry.

Warren ate a Secret Book.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		12	31	13	0	15	14	14	11	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	25	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Sage		16/1	34	10	16	15	16	13	7	9
Ryan		Dracoknight	17/5	40	24	1	23	20	11	25	3
Warren		Pirate		10	29	14	0	7	14	4	7	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	12	23	12	2	14	20	19	11	6
Norne		Myrmidon	5	20	6	0	12	16	6	5	0
Wendell		Bishop		??/7	26	1	6	5	13	4	5	10

Chapter 6x: 2/61 turns.

No rescue staff used in this chapter costs me an extra turn. Every enemy including Caesar and Radd dies.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		12	31	13	0	15	14	14	11	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	25	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Sage		16/2	35	10	17	16	17	14	8	9
Ryan		Dracoknight	17/6	41	24	1	24	21	11	25	3
Warren		Pirate		10	29	14	0	7	14	4	7	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	12	23	12	2	14	20	19	11	6
Norne		Myrmidon	5	20	6	0	12	16	6	5	0
Wendell		Bishop		??/7	26	1	6	5	13	4	5	10

Chapter 7: 5/66 turns.

Navarre decided to be cooperative and blicked one thief after another, making chasing them much less of a hassle (not that it mattered much with Ryan on the way). Caeda and Ryan wipes out the thieves, while the rest massacres the dragon and the incoming enemies for sweet exp.

Warren gets arena'ed and promoted.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		12	31	13	0	15	14	14	11	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	25	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Sage		16/2	35	10	17	16	17	14	8	9
Ryan		Dracoknight	17/7	41	25	1	25	21	12	25	3
Warren		Horseman	15/1	37	16	1	17	16	6	11	3
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	14	25	13	2	16	20	20	12	6
Norne		Myrmidon	6	20	7	0	13	17	6	5	0
Wendell		Bishop		??/7	26	1	6	5	13	4	5	10
Feena		Dancer		1	16	2	0	2	13	8	5	0

Chapter 8: 3/69 turns.

Regular 3-turn strat. Caeda crit-blicked (unnecessarily) Jeorge for the finish.

Name		Class		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		12	31	13	0	15	14	14	11	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/5	25	11	1	12	12	4	12	3
Eclipse		Sage		16/2	35	10	17	16	17	14	8	9
Ryan		Dracoknight	17/8	42	26	1	26	22	12	25	3
Warren		Horseman	15/1	37	16	1	17	16	6	11	3
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	16	26	15	2	18	20	20	13	6
Norne		Myrmidon	7	21	7	0	14	18	6	5	0
Wendell		Bishop		??/7	26	1	6	5	13	4	5	10
Feena		Dancer		2	17	3	0	3	14	8	5	0

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Guys, just noting, I finished, I'll try to get the logs up ASAP, since I also got my room as in apartment. So my life got less hectic. Just got home from NZ, and yeah, I will have time. Time to write.

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