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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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Songbird's impartial she's agree with anything you'd say. Hell I'd bet you she'd eat a shovelfilled with dirt if you told her it tasted like chocolate (sorry song I just wanted to use the first name that came to my head)

Lol. That's one of the funniest things I've heard you say.

+ 50 cool points for Serene/Zelika.

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Lol. That's one of the funniest things I've heard you say.

+ 50 cool points for Serene/Zelika.

A good number of us already said that we are reading it and like it but if we have nothing to say then we wont say anything. I've updated my story before getting any posts about the previous chapter. Im just writing to write a random story to kill time. Not for fame....(not accusing you of it or anything......)

But you can do one thing to make the story better:


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Lol. That's one of the funniest things I've heard you say.

+ 50 cool points for Serene/Zelika.

Thank my quote keeping skills

You know I wish MaSu was here, he'd help me dig half a hole, well maybe a fourth, no he'd just use the shovel twice and use it to eat oatmeal. Hell on second though I don't wish MaSu to be here

Edited by Zelika
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*Eats a shovel filled with dirt.*

...It doesn't taste like chocolate...:(

And by the way Lyle, just because some people don't write many comments doesn't mean they don't like it! And some people still have to read the update, so they've yet to comment. So don't lose faith! =D

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I would be labelled as a spammer if I posted "Good" or something along those lines every episode.


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Sorry let me redo my Songbird dirt line

Serene: Songbirds impartial she'd do anything you'd say

Songbird: Yeah

Serene: Hell she'd even eat a shovelfill of dirt if you told her it tasted like chocolate

Songbird: No

Serene: So that's where you'd draw the line

Songbird: No it's not true that it taste like chocolate, is it.

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I don't think Masu's gonna like this one. I kinda got carried away.....

New episode: From the desert to the forest.

*The group is all awaken and organized. Damon is about to open the portal.*

Damon: Okay, this is gonna be different from how you guys experienced it. This is gonna be an instantaneous teleportation to another plane. Everyone here?

Bianchi: Anyone who matters.

Arc: Er. We should probably make sure...

Kiryn: Well, if you’re not here state you name.

Damon: .___________.

Kiryn: What?

Fireman: I’ll tell you if everyone’s here for 2000

Kiryn: <_< Jerk.

Songbird: Fireman, stop being like that.

Knife: It’s in his blood.

Princess Kilvas: Can we leave now? Please?

Damon: Well..while everyone was being stupid, I collaborated that everyone is here. Now. *He taps the air.* After you all. *They all walk through the portal. Princess is the last and she hesitates for a second.* Something wrong?

Princess Kilvas: ...No. Nothing....

Damon: Um....

Princess Kilvas: What?

Damon:*His eyes are tearing.*

Princess Kilvas: !!! What?!?!

Damon: My....

Princess Kilvas: *Her heart starts pounding.* !!!

Damon: ...foot....you’re standing on my foot...

Princess Kilvas: Eh?!? *Blushes.* Oh! Er. Sorry.

Damon: *Massages his foot.* I don’t wear shoes you know! That hurts!

Princess Kilvas: I’m sorry!!! *She bows.*

Damon: Eh? You don’t have to do that...

Princess Kilvas: I’m really sorry!

Damon: <_< *Forces her up. Their eyes meet. His are serious.* There’s no one alive that has to treat me with that much respect.

Princess Kilvas: .....

Damon: Now hurry up. They’re probably all worried.

Princess Kilvas: *She walks through. She instantly finds herself in a jungle. Everyone else is looking around.* Wow. What a place.

Damon: *Pops in behind her.* Well, let’s get moving shall we?

Songbird: Where exactly are we going?

Damon: Beats me.

Bianchi: Sounds like fun! :lol:

Knife: We’re all dead aren’t we....?

Fireman: I’m sure we’ll be fine.

*A strange creature hangs from a vine and screeches in Damon’s face.*

Everyone: O_o

Damon: <_< *His faces forms into a gruesome form and he howls at the creature which runs off wimpering. Damon’s face returns to normal.* Shall we?

Princess Kilvas: O_O

Damon: Something wrong?

Princess Kilvas: .....no......

Kiryn: What are we looking for?

Damon: Lyle of course. Or someone who knows something about him.

Arc: <_< What’s the likelihood of that happening here of all places?

???: Hello. What do we have here?

*They all turn to see a man in a ship captains uniform behind them.*

Damon: Hello..Who’re you?

Arcturus: I am Arcturus. And I know who you are Damon.

Damon: Hm? I’m flattered. I guess....

Arcturus: I’d be more worried than flattered if I was you.

Arc: You’re outnumbered. We have the edge.

Arcturus: How do you know I came alone? And besides...*Grabs Songbird and puts a blade to her throat.* I have a hostage.

Everyone: !!!

Songbird: Ngh!

Arcturus: Now, if you’ll all drop your weapons?

Fireman: Drop yours. *He appears behind Arcturus and holds Baselard to his throat.*

Arcturus: Well played my shadowy friend. *He lets go of Songbird and drops his dagger.* However, again, I’m not alone.

*Within seconds Fireman is hurled against a tree by a shadowy assailant.*

Songbird: Fireman!

Fireman: Urk....I’m fine.

Arcturus: Thank you Lea.

Lea: *A woman in a ninja outfit stands next to him.* You need to be more careful Arcturus. Next time the blade against your throat might be mine.

Arcturus: How aggressive...

Lea: Still, your hostage idea was a good one. However, we’ll wait for now. *She teleports out of the plane.*

Arcturus: If you see Lyle, tell him we said hello. *Teleports.*

Bianchi: !!!

Damon: See? Told ya?

Songbird: *Runs over to Fireman.* Fireman! Are you alright?!

Fireman: Urgh. That was stupid of me....

Kiryn: We should get him some help.

Bianchi: I knows a few healing spells!

Fireman: Um....I’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep.

Damon: Well, I doubt we’ll find anything else here anyway. *He opens a portal. Everybody come through.*

*Knife and Arc help Fireman through. Songbird looks to Fireman sorrily. Bianchi walks through sulking. Princess Kilvas looks at Damon and turns away. Kiryn waits.*

Kiryn: Boy. Everyone seems depressed and all.

Damon: No kidding. Hey, do ya think we forgot someone?

Kiryn: No. Why?

Damon: Just thinking.

*In the plane of Trigun.*

Branded Blade: ......You’ve got to be kidding.....Assholes....*A portal opens behind him.* Hm? AH!!! *A hand grabs him and pulls him through the portal.*

*Back into the jungle.*

Damon: Nope. Nobody I guess. After you miss Kiryn.

Kiryn: Thank you. *She walks through. Damon follows.*

*The all end up in a snowy city. It’s quiet and tranquil. There’s a soothing aura in the air.*

Knife: This place is much preferable to a desert or a jungle.

Damon: Oh! I’ve been here before. Follow me. This is where the inn is.

*They open the door. The inkeep greets them and Knife and Arc help Fireman up the stairs. Songbird follows after them. The rest sit at a table. Kiryn and Damon are the only ones who aren’t sulking.*

Damon: ........So......

Kiryn: ....Yeah.....

Bianchi: ....I wonder what happened to Lyle.....

Princess Kilvas: *Lost in her own thoughts.*

Kiryn: Bianchi...

Bianchi: *Breaks out in tears.* Why?! Why did he leave!?!?!

Damon: O_o Er...

Kiryn: *She comforts Bianchi. Then sends Damon a look that says exactly: “I’ve got this, just follow my lead.”* Bianchi, I’m sure Lyle is fine. And I’m sure that once we find him again he’ll come right back to you.

Bianchi: But!

Damon: That guy was talking as if he knew Lyle, but didn’t know where he was. If I know Lyle, he’s still alive and probably better off than most of us are.

Bianchi: *Calms down.* But why would he leave in the first place?

Kiryn: .....

Damon: To protect you.

Bianchi: Huh?

Princess Kilvas: *She perks up at this as well.*

Damon: To a guy like Lyle, the most important thing is you. He’d never allow you to suffer unless the only other option was to bring you even more harm. Those guys we met were probably targeting him. He probably wanted to get away from you to prevent you from being harmed. There must be more than just those two. Lyle probably couldn’t take them all. And once they were done with him....

Bianchi: So....So I let him down by coming here......

Damon: No. You haven’t been harmed yet right? And if anyone tries to, I’ll beat the shit outta them. I’ll make sure you all stay safe if I have to kill everything in sight.

Kiryn: ._. Not exactly comforting, but I guess you mean well....

Bianchi: ......Okay.....

Damon: Psht. Don’t be so passive. Where’s the Bianchi we all know?

Bianchi: I think she needs a nap. *Smiles.* Thanks Damon. You’re a good person.

Damon: Hardly.

Kiryn: I’ll help you to bed Bianchi. *The two of them exit. Leaving Princess and Damon alone.*

Damon: Well, here we are again.

Princess Kilvas: .........

Damon: ......Why so quiet?

Princess Kilvas: ...........

Damon: Um.....Princess?

Princess Kilvas: ......Damon.

Damon: EH!? Er..yes?

Princess Kilvas: What are you?

Damon: Huh? Haven’t you heard it enough? I’m a Demonic-

Princess Kilvas: I don’t mean that. I mean....are you that perverted guy who is bloodthirsty, or are you the guy you were two minutes ago when talking to Bianchi?

Damon: ..........Why does it matter?

Princess Kilvas: It does. ......It matters a lot. *She places her hand on his.*

Damon: O_O Er— Um....I mean. *He regains his composure and grins.* You know, perhaps we could share a room tonight Princess.

Princess Kilvas: Stop that. Be yourself. *She moves in closer.*

Damon: Er.....Um....Uh...*He tries again.* NICE BOOBS?!?!

Princess Kilvas: *She kisses him.* (I’m sorry Masu....But I can’t do this anymore....)

Damon: Mmmm!!! *He pushes her away after a while.* Wh-wh-wh-wh-what about Masu!?!?!

Princess Kilvas: .....Things haven’t been going well with him...and....when you act like you really are, then I can’t imagine a better guy.

Damon: Princess. This is who I am. Everything you see. It’s all a part of who I am. I’m not gonna stop being a bloodthirsty killing machine, or a sex-starved animal, or the nice guy you’ve fallen for. That’s just a piece of me.

Princess Kilvas: ....Damon....

Damon: ....What?

Princess Kilvas: *She kisses him.* Come with me....

Damon: Er....where?

Princess Kilvas: You’ll see.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Drifting along.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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And yay! Now everyone knows Damon's a good person! Though...ouch...*can already feel Masu's pain.* D:

*Already building bomb shelter from Masu's fury.*

Well, I said I would develop on Masu and Princess' relationship! don't kill me until the story is finished!

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I sense much conflict approaching (well, duh.)

And how'd Fireman get pwned?

Good episode.

Fireman got caught off guard. by another ninja lady. Plus, he hit a tree. Normally, that would kill someone.

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Nice chapter. I can't help but feel I'm being left behind as payback for that comment I made to Zero. Meh. Keep it up.

Lol. Nah. I have too many people in that group, so I decided to give you another semi-plot. But whateves.

No one in this will die without their death being seen at that moment.

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Lol. Nah. I have too many people in that group, so I decided to give you another semi-plot. But whateves.

No one in this will die without their death being seen at that moment.

I know. I just like to think of it as a running gag of sorts.

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Hmm well its understandable. I am annoying and probably get on her nerves anyways. good chapter lyle! *laughed his ass of at Branded's part*

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0_0 Uh...Wow...nice chapter! Intresting twist..

Eh? What Comment?

Back when he was ignored he asked us why and I replied by saying, "You guys hear something?"

...Needless to say, he was not amused.

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0_0 Uh...Wow...nice chapter! Intresting twist..

Eh? What Comment?


you can send me any complaints via Pm.

In fact, you can all send me suggestions and stuff if you want. I can gaurentee that I won't use 99% of them, but hey, it'll make you feel better about yourselves, who am I to stop you?

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you can send me any complaints via Pm.

In fact, you can all send me suggestions and stuff if you want. I can gaurentee that I won't use 99% of them, but hey, it'll make you feel better about yourselves, who am I to stop you?

*doesnt understand a damn thing he said in this post*

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If you have any comments or concerns that you wish to adress to me only, Pm me.

Ah okay. But what does anyone have to be concerned about? Its your story.

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