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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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New Episode: Reuinions.

*Princess holding cell.*

Zeek: Ah. It seems it’s over.

Princess Kilvas: What’s over? Are my friends okay!?

Zeek: No, you’re other friends are about to start fighting Despuidad by now. I’m talking about Damon and Cornelius.

Princess Kilvas: What happened?!

Zeek: Well, it’s over. I’d hate to be the one to tell you this, but Damon Feath Settrock.....is dead.

Princess Kilvas: What? .....YOU LIE!!!

Zeek: Don’t get me wrong, Cornelius is near death as well, but he’ll pull through. Your friend however is ‘d’ ‘e’ ‘d’. Dead.

Princess Kilvas: NO!!! HE CAN’T!! *She starts crying.*

Zeek: *Looks like he feels the Princess’ pain. For a minute he loses his freakish stature* ....Princess....

Princess Kilvas: *Still sobbing.*

Zeek: ......*Regains his composure.* Well, your other friends will be here soon. No need to worry. I’ll keep you safe for the time being.

Princess Kilvas: DAMON!!! NO!!!!

Zeek: *Winces.* Must you shout?

Princess Kilvas: *Sobs.*

*Hallway. Arc shoots several arrows at Despuidad, Who spins his spears to block the attacks. Raven comes up and slashes at Despuidad’s side.*

Despuidad: *Blocks it.* You who have little control over his skills are not even worth piercing. *He pushes Raven back and blocks another several arrows from Arc.*

Arc: Shit. Hold this for me will you Kiryn? *He gives her the bow he was using. He then takes out the bow Damon had given him.*

Masu: He let you keep it? Asshole....<_<

Arc: *He shoots several lightning bolts at Despuidad.* Take this!

Despuidad: Fool. *He twirls a spear as if to block them again, but instead it sends a shockwave through his body.* RGH!

Arc: Raven! Now!

Raven: Got it! *He takes his blade and aims for Despuidad.*

Despuidad: *Uses his other spear to impale Raven.* Fool!

Raven: Urk!

Fox: RAVEN!!

Arc: No! *Shoots more arrows at him.*

Despuidad: *Dodges them. He tosses Raven down and heads for Arc.*

Arc: Shit!

*Out of nowhere, Despuidad’s spears are blocked by two swords. The person looks over his shoulder to face Despuidad.*

Lyle: Lyle Dayek. The Dual-Wielding Noble of the Demonclaw Syndicate. Prepare to die.

Bianchi: LYLE!!!

Despuidad: Lyle Dayek.....

Lyle: How’s Raven doing Rauz?

Rauz: *Hunched over Raven’s body.* He’s injured, but I’m already working on healing him.

Despuidad: Hm. Lyle Dayek and Rauz Chisean. I’d like to think I’m strong enough to take on two members of the Demonclaw Syndicate. But I’d rather not try it at this point. We shall meet again. *He warps out.*

Lyle: Hm.

Bianchi: *Rushes over to Lyle.* LYLE!! *Hugs him. In tears.* Why!? Why did you leave?!

Lyle: Why did you come after me?

Bianchi: Because I love you!

Lyle: .....That’s why I didn’t want you to come with me. I didn’t want you getting hurt. Any of you.

Fox: *Rushes over to Raven.* Will he be alright?!

Rauz: Yes. But he’ll recover more quickly if someone can help me heal him.

Songbird: I can help.

Fox: I’ll help to.

Rauz: Good.

Kiryn: Wait. You’re Rauz Chisean? But the books said you were dead.

Rauz: Don’t believe everything you read. Also, this is no time for introductions.

Masu: Right! We have to find the Princess!

Lyle: Okay. Masu, Arc and I will go and find Princess. The rest of you stay here. Got it?

Bianchi: Lyle....

Lyle: I promise I’ll come back. Then I’ll explain everything once we get out of here. Okay? *He kisses her.*

Bianchi: ...Okay....Be safe.

Lyle: I promise I will. *The three of them run off.*

Rauz: .__. Sap.

Bianchi: Well, that’s why I love him. *She sits.* Will Raven be alright?

Rauz: I’m working on it. The Necronomicon isn’t really a book of healing.

*They all go wide eyed and scream.* : THE NECRONOMICON?!?!?!?!?!?

Rauz: Ugh.....<_<

*Entrance. Cornelius stands using his sword for support.*

Cornelius: Damn demon. *Kicks Damon’s corpse.* Lay your hands on me? *kicks him again.*

Despuidad: *Warps in.* You alright Cornelius?

Cornelius: Despuidad?! What are you doing here?! You should be guarding-

Despuidad: Celestire saw to it herself that Viki was moved. After that, I went to clean up the stragglers you let pass.

Cornelius: You didn’t end up killing any of them though.

Despuidad: True. But a member of the syndicate was killed. This was a success. We didn’t lose anything.

Cornelius: What about Zeek?

Despuidad: What about him? The hostage is no one important, and Zeek is expendable. We have lost nothing here. Though you seem to have had a brush with death.

Cornelius: He caught me off guard. I’m in no position to fight though.

Despuidad: We’re leaving.

Conrelius: One thing first. *He picks Damon’s body up. Then stabs the corpse in the stomach. The corpse has no response.*

Despuidad: Thinking he’ll come back from the dead?

Cornelius: ....Just making sure. You can never tell with the syndicate. *Spits on Damon’s body one last time before warping. Despuidad warps as well. Leaving Damon’s corpse alone on the floor motionless except for the wind blowing his hair.*

*Princess’ holding cell. The door bursts open.*

Zeek: Phew. Only three of them. I might be able to win. I’m Zeek by the way.

Masu: Princess! *He takes a few steps forward.*

Zeek: *Points a finger at him.* Wait! *He uses his pitchfork to swipe the ground. He then lights a match and lights the pitchfork on fire.* Take one step closer, and this place goes ablaze.

Masu: You-!

Zeek: Save the name-calling.

Princess Kilvas: Masu!!! *Upon seeing him she remembers what she did to him. And is now torn.* (Masu....he came to rescue me. I’m so sorry.)

Lyle: Arc...can you snap those ropes with an arrow?

Arc: Yup.

Lyle: Wait till I give you the signal.

Zeek: Woah woah woah! Wait a minute. Let’s all calm down for a second. *lights another match.* We wouldn’t want things to get too heated up? ......Sorry. That was a really stupid joke.

Lyle: What are you stupid? You’d die to!

Zeek: Heh.

Princess Kilvas: That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him!

Lyle: Surrender her and we’ll let you go. No battle.

Zeek: Well that’s too simple. Plus, I’ve kinda grown attached to the Princess. I like her.

Masu: RRR!!!!

Lyle: Masu. Calm down. If that’s the way you want to be. Arc.

Arc: *Shoots an arrow. It cuts the rope holding Princess to the roof. Lyle quickly grabs her and gets a top of the table.*

Lyle: There. Now you have no leverage Zeek.

Zeek: Please, call me Kaito. *He drops the match.*

Lyle: Shit!!!

*The floor sets ablaze. Masu and Arc step back out of the room to avoid the fire. Zeek gets covered in flames and starts screaming in agonizing pain.*

Princess Kilvas: Lyle!

Lyle: Good to see you to Princess!

Masu: *Holds his hands out.* DOUSE!!! *A rain-cloud washes away the fire in a path. Lyle takes Princess and jumps out the door.*

Lyle: Are you okay Princess?

Princess: Yeah....*Lyle sets her down. The three of them look back on Zeek who is still howling in pain as the flames engulf him.*

Lyle: Don’t watch.....*He slams the metal door closed.*

Masu: Princess! Are you okay?

Princess Kilvas: Quick! Damon! We have to go to Damon!

Masu: ......

Lyle: Why? What’s happened?

Arc: He was in a battle with this Cornelius guy.

Princess Kilvas: Zeek! He said Damon was killed!

Lyle, Arc and Masu: !!!!

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: The sun rose. And it was mourning.

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Ooh! Nice! Poor Zeek. :(

I like the title for the next episode!

Notice I never said he was dead.....

Thanks. I tried to make it all poetic and crap since it's probably going to be an emotional chapter.

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I know. XD

*needs to work on her story*

Do you need me to help?

I remember you saying you wanted me to. Correct me if I'm wrong and full of it.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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No, you're right. I'll PM you (amd Masu) the chapters I have now when I get the chance.

I look forward to reading it. Especially after all the stuff I've made you read.

Well, not really make, well kinda.....

Well I owe you for plenty.

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Zeek is too pwnage to die.....yet. And damn I was hoping that we would fight zeek since the original team MAL was back together just like in The Quest for Holy Hikari!

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*FEELS A PANG IN HER HEART AT THE MENTION OF DAMON'S DEATH.* lieslieslieslieslieslieslieslies ;______;

I want to tear Cornelius bit by bit for spitting on him. D:

Also, Zeek iz a vry gud speelier. ‘d’ ‘e’ ‘d’ lolololol. And he better not be dead, Lyle. You've torn my soul enough with Damon's death.

AND AWESOME. LYLE RETURNS WITH RAUZ. Lol at the running "Necronomicon" gag.

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New Episode: The sun rose. And it was mourning.

*Damon’s body lays motionless. The sun begins to rise in the plane. It’s light shining on everything but him. A body in the shadows. A demon in the dark. Footsteps are heard, running toward him. But the body does not respond. The Princess runs to his side. Tears streaming down her cheeks falling upon his face. Yet still Damon refuses to react.*

*Graveyard. Lea sits on a tombstone, awaiting orders.*

Lea: What could she possibly want....with a person who’s been dead for 50,000 years.....?

Celestire: *Warps in.* Good to see you followed orders Lea.

Lea: My lady. *She bows.* Did things go as planned?

Celestire: Well enough. Damon Feath Settrock is dead. And we lost nothing but Cornelius’ battle prowess for the time being. He’ll recover soon enough.

Lea: I see.....And what exactly are we doing here?

Celestire: *Takes out a Vial.* See this liquid? To a living being it is quite deadly. Just a drop can cause a vile painful death. However, to the dead. It’s a chance at a new life.

Lea: How?

???: It’s the zombie venom isn’t it?

Lea: What happened to you?! And why are you here!?

Zeek: *His body is partially covered in burns. He sticks his pitchfork in the ground and leans on it.* I just thought I’d stop by.

Celestire: Zeek. I heard you met a fiery end. I didn’t believe it, but you seem far too calm for the injuries you must have sustained and the pain you must have felt.

Zeek: Please, call me Carter. And I didn’t feel a thing. *Scratches his nose.*

Celestire: I see. Well your partially correct. However, we modified the venom so that it would bring dead corpses back to a conscious life. *She takes the cork out.* Please Lea, stand back. I wouldn’t want to accidentally spill some on you.

Lea: How do we know that Thaxadillus will listen to us? There’s no guarantee that he won’t just decide to attack us.

Zeek: Don’t worry Lea. I’ll keep you safe.

Lea: I’d rather die.

Celestire: I’ve already made preparations. I don’t just throw caution to the wind when I decide to do something drastic. *She pours the liquid onto the grave.* And so, as the demon falls, the dragon awakens.

Lea: ......*Nervous.*

Zeek: *Grinning like an idiot.*

*The old enemy base. The whole group looks mournful. Princess is at Damon’s side, Masu watching her. Fox is supporting Raven. Lyle looks around the battlefield.*

Lyle: Hm. No other corpse. That means whomever did this to Damon is most likely still alive.

Rauz: Good.

Masu: *Turns to Rauz.* Why is that good?!

Rauz: It’s not often I get to use some of the Necronomicon’s more vile spells. It’d be nice to have a practice dummy.

Lyle: We don’t let those who murder our friends off easy.

Masu: .....

Fireman: *Walks over to Princess. First he talks to Damon.* You know. This is why I ask for money in advance. *He closes Damon’s eyes.*

Princess Kilvas: *Through her tears.* How can you say something so cruel?!

Fireman: He asked me one thing before we left. To tell you he said thanks.

Princess Kilvas: For what?

Fireman: He didn’t say, so I can’t be sure. But I think, that he knew he wasn’t going to outlive this. And I guess he wanted to thank you, for making his last hours alive special. For a brief moment, he thought he found someone he could be with. *he refers back to Damon.* I’ll just consider this a last request rather than a job Damon. *He gets up and walks away. He grabs Songbird to comfort her as he walks by and sees her crying.*

Kiryn: Man.....

Arc: .......

Masu: *Snaps. He storms over to Damon’s body. Lifts it up.* YOU—

Princess Kilvas: Masu!?!

Masu: HOW COULD YOU!?!?!! *Punches Damon’s face.*

Princess Kilvas: What are you doing!?!?!

Lyle: Masu! *Walks over.*


Princess Kilvas: ...You....knew?

Masu: *Crying himself now. Punches Damon again.* YOU BASTARD!!! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF HER!!! *Punches Damon a third time. Lyle comes up and grabs Masu.*

Lyle: Masu! Stop!

Masu: *Drops Damon. Struggles against Lyle’s grip, until he spots Princess again.* Before we left..*He swallows.* Before we left, he told me what happened. If you love him......then fine....but I wish you could have told me.*Shakes off Lyle. And walks away.*

Princess Kilvas: Masu....*She starts crying again.*

Lyle: *Comforts her.* It’s okay.....I promise you....I’ll make things right....

Bianchi: Lyle....

Lyle: Can you take her?

Bianchi: Sure. *She holds Bianchi in Lyle’s place.*

Lyle: *Picks up Damon’s body. Walks over to Rauz. Opens a portal.* This will take you all back to Flanoir. We’ll be right with you guys. Then we’ll explain what’s going on. In the meantime we’re going to give Damon a proper burial.

Bianchi: Lyle! But-!

Lyle: I promise I’ll come back and explain everything.

Bianchi: Okay....

*Rauz opens a portal. Lyle and Rauz walks through.*

Princess Kilvas: ........

Arc: We should get going. This place isn’t safe.

Bianchi: You ready Princess?

Princess: Yeah...

*Planar Sphere of Maximus. The only artificial Planar Sphere. Lyle, Rauz, Kenpachi and Yachiru are looking over the grave of Damon.*

Lyle: Hard to believe he’s actually gone....

Rauz: I’m half-expecting him to jump out of the grave.

Yachiru: *Looks mournfully at Damon’s grave.* Damony....

Kenpachi: He was fun. Strong. I can’t wait to see him again when I die.

Lyle: True. This is only a temporary goodbye isn’t it?

Rauz: Not to temporary I hope.

Lyle: If these guys get their way, we’ll see Damon again soon. But I’m not going out without taking at least three of them with me.

Kenpachi: You sure you don’t want me to kill em all now?

Rauz: The last thing we need is the remaining syndicate members in one place. I have a hunch that they’re gonna pull something big. Something to distract us while they re-group and reform their strategy.

Lyle: Let’s not forget they have Viki. That gives them leverage.

Rauz: They need her alive as much as we want her alive. They won’t kill her unless they’re backed into a corner. And we’re nowhere near that point right now.

Lyle: Got a plan?

Rauz: Yep. But we have some explaining to do first.

Lyle: I hope this goes well.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: The Deal.

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Dunno. It looks like they're not even on right now.

Well I haven't seen them comment since before everyone got back together.

sorry I've been busy. Good part though

Well I've known you've been reading it.

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Well I haven't seen them comment since before everyone got back together.

Well I've known you've been reading it.

Yeah but I always comment after reading

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Has everyone read the previous chapter? I don't want to start working on the next chapter till everyone has read it. So no one gets left behind.

Eh, we're good. Just keep up what you've been doing.

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Dude just keep going while you can. If you already have the idea then I say go ahead before you forget it! (It wont kill anyone to click on the previous page) and as always, not everyone posts if they have nothing to say (says me for the 5th time)

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So im replaced by Damon AGAIN?

*leaves and separates himself from everyone*

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