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Favourite name to use


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I usually do female characters if there's a choice. I feel weird if I use Males after a while...

If I don't name them after myself, I'll go with Shrooms. If it has to be a male, I take a lot longer to decide. I have a list of boy's names that I usually go through.

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I have some sort of naming scheme when it comes to games like Pokemon. Usually I name them after food, and on my last run I named everyone after some kind of sword.

I might name them after SF members on my next run.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I always use the names Kuki(kinda obvious) or Sona while playing as a female character.

Sometimes in games where you can only be male, or games where they have attractive looking guys, I'd just give them a random name and go with it.


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Fenrir is something that I often use. Dave or other things used as similar to Dave. IE "The King Dave" I used "TheJinjer" for a while on various stuff. If I want to do something original and new I will just go through google to find a badass name. If my character is a girl, I just go searching around for a name I like that means something cool.

I think some girls may go by Raven =o

But I think it usually depends most on how someone would look at the name XD Like if they'd find Raven to be a strange name for a girl and hard to envision or whatever.

That's SO Raven bitches! Just ruined that name forever for anyone who didn't notice.

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Famov, Famor, Famwow, Famtastic, Famazing, and occasionally Duff Ostrich

Integrity for men, Integritina for women.

I almost always choose male but I have been known to use the name Famovina on female toons.

If I'm trying to pretend I have some class, I will go for names with historical or mythological significance. I had an Icewind Dale party all named after figures from the French Revolution.

Edited by Duff Ostrich
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For characters that are defined enough by their given name, like Link and Isaac, I just leave them with that name. For other games, like Pokemon, I almost always go by Othin.

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Sometimes I use my username. Otherwise I have a small pool of names that includes Randy, Magnus and Isaiah (as well as other generic boy's names).

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