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Favourite name to use


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Not sure about where I should put this, and I asked a mod who didn't know either ;):

Basically, in any game where it asks you to name your character, what do you typically use? I use female characters since I'd rather not look at a male for 100+ hours if I can help it, so I often name her Chloe. Probably after Chloe Sullivan, but I didn't like her character that much so I think I just like the sound of the name.

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I named my Persona 3 dude DouglasJ Falcon, my commander Shepard Doug, and my Persona 4 dude Dovahkin Naruhodo. Pretty much everything else is Mike or Sun. I am an artist

Or Liam, my first name.

Hey, that's the name of a cousin of mine. You don't know any Mikes in your family, do you?

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Integrity for men, Integritina for women.

If I'm trying to /srs, I have a small pool of names I choose from. Paul as a catch-all every-rpg-ever name, Vifur Danvil for the odd time I need a dwarf of some kind, and Branimir for any particularly masculine fellows. My women are almost always named Serena in this latter case.

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Ein or Fia with Rose as their last name if I can give them one.

Although on my first playthrough of Nocturne I used my real name which made kicking Lucifer's ass all the more satisfying.

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If the character has a canon name, I tend to let them keep those.

However, when there is none or I decide not to use them, then it's basically my real name for males, and for females it's usually Karen or Sophia.

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I've started to just use Momo for everything. It's fun cause it goes for either gender.

I use female characters since I'd rather not look at a male for 100+ hours if I can help it

That's a pretty creepy way to think about it.

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More often than not, I go with either Phoenix or my legal first name which will someday be Phoenix :P: . If I don't go with either of those, I'll try to pick something that I feel fits for that character(if they're female for instance), or just go with whatever the default name is.

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I have a mental list of stock names, and I use those where it suits the character in question. If I'm guaranteed they won't have a personality I don't choose, I'll often go with my real name. My main reason for not identifying as the protagonist all the time? Marche.

Always a girl named Yuri. If there's only a male option, then default name cause I hardly care what a guy's called.

If no default male name, then I get stumped.

Yuri is a masculine Russian name, so go with that.

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If the profile will likely be online, or the character name is irrelevant, I tend to use Esau, or Edom, or Seyr, all different names for the same biblical figure. If it is profile-only, and offline, I tend to use my first name (Kyle). If it is relevant, and roleplaying or personality will be involved, I attach a name to them that at least attempts to signify their qualities. If the character has a given name, I tend to keep it, especially if it is voiced. If the name is excessively stupid, however, I will change it.

I would die a horrible death before ever using numbers, unnecessary stupid names surrounded by symbols or characters (xXxSephirothxXx, NarutoD.Kurosaki_420, etc.), or pointless throwbacks to memes.

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I generally have 2 ways of doing it if character is male.

A) Sho because I use it in just about anything I do on internet and it has stuck on me

B) My second name with certain little tweak to make it flow with English. And I used it way before I started playing FE so it has nothing to do with Marcus (yeah thats right, my second name is Markus so I use character named Marcus

If its female

A) Im just lazy and name it Sho anyway

B) I feel lulzy and name it Shonana

C) I feel boring and go with the default

D) I go with the easy way and name it Sakura or Marcy

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If a male, Faolan or Finbar or Nate/Nathan and once used Lawliet (which I used in pokemon and I named the rival Light, I forget what inspired this...)

For female, Freohr or Eithne. That's all really...

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when male, whase. obvious enough.

when female, Hera. it's the name of the main character of my story.

I only pick female when it's one of those games where you always stare at the character's...behind..

or when dialogue changes, in which case I'll likely play both genders.

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Lumi or Camilla for female, Noctian for male.

Lumi's, well, duh, Camilla's an amazon-ish chick from the Aeneid with neither a too long of a name nor a really weird sounding one (sorry if I offend any ancient greeks here), and Noctian's just a character I made for DoF and I don't have really that many male names I can pull off the top of my head.

I play female more anyway, unless the male character's either really hot or the only option.

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If a character has an official name, I sometimes use that. Or at least a kind of one. Like Persona 4, I call him Souji Seta (although game-wise, he is technically nameless).

For males... Lux or Evan. I know, original.

For females... Lara, Fleur, and once I named one Kylie, I think.

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If a character has an official name, I sometimes use that. Or at least a kind of one. Like Persona 4, I call him Souji Seta (although game-wise, he is technically nameless).

That's after Soujiro Seta, right? XD


I usually use the names Mr Bucket or Mrs Buckette, Severian, Mhoram, or Karsa, or Maira if it's a girl. Also I very occasionally use the name Gro for guys and Mevrian Daha for chicks.

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My first name- Kang all day every day. If in the same series, I try to do some correlation. Like the hero from Dragon Warrior I name Kang, but I name Prince Midenhall of Dragon Warrior II Kang Jr.

I rant about this in my Dragon Quest LP marathon

/shameless self-advertisement!

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