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Uncaring Night

Defeatist Elitist

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Tamara fires a shot from her bow at the creature, but the dim night hasn't helped her, and the arrow misses narrowly. The golem howls and swings its fists again at Matthis, and again the Paladin deftly deflects the blow with his shield, as he and Sternblade dodge swipes from the mass of creatures around them. Moments later, Dwayne looses a shot, but, distracted by a fly near his face, he launches it just wide of his target.

OOC: Tamara misses with a 10. Dwayne misses with a 4. Every single hit roll this round was terrible. What the christ.

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Frustrated at the terrible hit rolls, though not the enemy's, Sternblade tries his luck YET AGAIN and attacks that stupid golem, even though he's stupid himself.

Hit Roll: 15 + 7 = 22

Damage Roll: 1 + 2 = 3 + 5 = 8

OOC: I hate these terrible damage rolls I'm getting. 8(

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Stella fired another shot at the flesh golem.

Roll 1d4+1=1,1=2

OOC: 7 uses left. Ugh damage rolls with a level one Magic Missile :x

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Tamara, gladdened to see some actual blood oozing from the creature (something she never thought she'd think), fires another arrow, hoping to bring the beast down.

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Dwayne fires in turn, this time not so much to help to go for the kill as to prove he can hit the bloody thing.

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Tamara fires another arrow at the golem, though it flies wide, while the golem itself swings a fist at Sternblade, winding the Barbarian. As the remaining creatures close in, Dwayne's arrow flies toward the golem, striking it in the neck.

Suddenly, the golem spins about, flailing wildly, scattering the surrounding zombies and beginning to wade out into the crowd, still flailing its arms.

OOC: Tamara misses with a 10, the Golem deals 11 damage to Sternblade, and Dwayne hits the golem with a 19 and deals 9 damage.

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Sternblade's sword bounces off a plate on the creature's hide, reverberating in his hands. The creature seems to pay no notice to it.

OOC: You guys can act out of initiative order now, you're not really in any danger unless you actively head into the zombies (in which case, better stick to initiative I guess).

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Stella fires once more at the flesh golem, wondering how many more shots it will take before the beast finally falls.

Damage roll:


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"Steady, steady! The thing won't likely be stopped like this, but we might not have to!" Dwayne calls out to the party while retrieving his spyglass for a closer look at the golem.

"I've never seen any beast take this much, but I have seen them go feral, usually in desperation. If that's what's happening, it may do a bit of work for us!" Dwayne grimaces as he looks on.

"And please fall when you're done," he mutters to himself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Dwayne watches the creature through his spyglass, he sees it lashing out willy nilly, carving a path through the throng of creatures, apparently headed away from the wall. The zombies are still packed around the wall, but they are largely milling about, or smacking the wall uselessly.

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Sternblade attacks the creature again with grand vigour, roaring furiously, determined to hit the foul beast and do some serious damage this time.

Attack: 17 + 7 = 24

Damage: 6 + 6 = 12 + 5 = 17

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