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Anyone here played this? Fire Emblem Tactics Online, a PvP FE game over at FEPlanet.

I used to play it. Then I took a "completely lost interest" in the knee. Because it stopped getting updated. The person who made it left. And shows no signs of returning.

I'm not asking for everyone here to go there and kickstart the game by playing it. The flood of new players would be nice, but will ultimately lead nowhere.

Instead, I'm asking for someone to somehow take control of the game. Fill in the admin void that the creator left empty. Because without updates, it'll keep stagnating until there's nothing left.

Kind of a shame to see it rot, with all the work put into it. I don't wanna see it die.

It needs to live on, somehow.....

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Once SaS got the thing running, it overtook the forums, which were already dying. SaS was showing some interest in pokemon stuff too and started hanging elsewhere. The forum had previously degenerated into factions, killing most of the social interactions and fun posts. I'm surprised FETO is still running. I thought it would have combusted years ago--I haven't been on FEPlanet since... '08, at the latest.

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from what i hear, FETO was the cancer that killed FEP?

also have you ever tried to talk about FE on that place? its tough to keep something flowing.

It was pretty good back when I hung out regularly there. That was years ago though. It was dead before FETO--the body just hadn't rotted to completion. FETO was just a strange roomie never left the house, and hung around while the body finally disintegrated.

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*insert Pokemon music here*

The likely time you'll be seeing fair amounts of people is since you're in the same timezone as I do, is morning to afternoon; then go midnight haunting for extra lulz of luck.

Then let's PWN and dominate it like the plague before, I miss the old Wen Yang age days of Summer 2011.

*shot shot shot*

P.S I have seen your deck, you like Mage girls! Wait a minute... All of your units are chicks! O_o

Edited by Icicle Spear
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I'm pretty sure a lot of the FEPers have tried that. Sounds like SaS won't let anyone take over.

I do wonder why you think updates are essential. Is there something you think is a problem, or do you just want there to be new things?

Edited by Kay
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I do wonder why you think updates are essential. Is there something you think is a problem, or do you just want there to be new things?

From what I know, the remaining FEP'ers are doing some fun member-hosted events; and for the extra bits, also bringing in the splicing competitions and creating a sprite shop and request corner.

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I do wonder why you think updates are essential. Is there something you think is a problem, or do you just want there to be new things?

New things would be nice. Hell, I'll settle for the return of tournaments. I liked those.

And as for my army there, meh. On the off chance that I decide to play FETO again, I'll probably ask for a reset and start over.

Question is, will anyone answer?

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Now, since SaS is not around; resets are unlikely... but however, we just made new squads and whatsoever to start back to scratch and that's what us remaining SF'ers are doing.

P.S You'll see me, Kay and eclipse frequent the place, either poke any of us three for a battle to get you back into business; however it depends on the timezone though.

Is this the return of the Serenes Invasion? I only played around to TROLL like an idiot XD

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Ah, FETO. I remember its inception way back when. I never really enjoyed it, and to be honest, I still don't. For some reason I just never got into it.

As for Jeff, I didn't even realize his Fire Emblem interest existed outside of Makalov and Oliver anymore. GTS+, and especially GPX+ are taking over his life. Although GPX may take FETO's road soon enough. Raven's gonna kill me.

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SF couldn't revive FEP or FETO even if we wanted to. The only reason SF is still alive is because we were already by far the most popular FE website and forum. We have taken a hit in activity just as much as the other FE websites have, the only difference is that we had the activity to survive while they all died (and their remaining members moved to SF, if they weren't here already).

Fact is the series is dying, and with that the interest in FE-related websites and forums. If we didn't have such a strong community presence and the best mainsite among the fanbase I doubt we'd be half as active (It's "cool" among people from former FE communities and currently inactive ones to hate on the SF community, but you guys stood the test of time where no other forum could :P:.) as we are now. In any case, point is, while it might not seem like it we are also experiencing a decline in activity as each year passes. It isn't sharp, but it is apparent in the forum statistics. The result would be the exact same. Maybe 3 years ago, but now we are just a sickly person holding out for a series revival :P:. Here's hoping IS and Nintendo get off their butts and give us the new flagship title.

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Eh who knows. If it's not translated then that would make it rather problematic since 3DS games are region locked which greatly limits imports for this game when you compare it to Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. Both of those also had emulators available that's need much to be played, the same can't be said of 3DS.

Put simply, if this does not get translated, it'll probably end up like SRW's OG series with a quickly diminishing fanbase

As for FETO, I think I might've tried a pretty early version of it. Didn't like it and don't hear much of it either.

Edited by Sirius
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Fact is the series is dying,

This is news to me :o A brand new Fire Emblem was released just last year--a brand new one not even a full-year later is coming out on the 3DS! And the gaps between releases were pretty standard for games, as far as I've known. If anything, it's picked up a violent velocity compared to the series early life--out of the two decade existence, the latter half has spiraled more games, more often, and made them more available.

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This is news to me :o A brand new Fire Emblem was released just last year--a brand new one not even a full-year later is coming out on the 3DS! And the gaps between releases were pretty standard for games, as far as I've known. If anything, it's picked up a violent velocity compared to the series early life--out of the two decade existence, the latter half has spiraled more games, more often, and made them more available.

That says nothing for the series' fanbase and SF's userbase in particular (NA and EU) :P:. The last flagship title we got was in 2007 (SD was a remake, but that's still 2009 even if you want to count side games). Five years ago now. The series' buzz and popularity in NA has dwindled due to poor release schedules and lack of new content. SF itself is a prime marker for it; we are the leading FE fansite (and the only active one because all others have died..that doesn't just happen for no reason) in our regions. If our activity is down, then it's a fair bet that interest in the series here is too. People don't have much to talk about because they have not given us much to talk about...so less people are talking about FE. It is on a downslope.

Edited by Tangerine
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SF couldn't revive FEP or FETO even if we wanted to. The only reason SF is still alive is because we were already by far the most popular FE website and forum. We have taken a hit in activity just as much as the other FE websites have, the only difference is that we had the activity to survive while they all died (and their remaining members moved to SF, if they weren't here already).

Fact is the series is dying, and with that the interest in FE-related websites and forums. If we didn't have such a strong community presence and the best mainsite among the fanbase I doubt we'd be half as active (It's "cool" among people from former FE communities and currently inactive ones to hate on the SF community, but you guys stood the test of time where no other forum could :P:.) as we are now. In any case, point is, while it might not seem like it we are also experiencing a decline in activity as each year passes. It isn't sharp, but it is apparent in the forum statistics. The result would be the exact same. Maybe 3 years ago, but now we are just a sickly person holding out for a series revival :P:. Here's hoping IS and Nintendo get off their butts and give us the new flagship title.

Wait, it's cool to do what? I never encountered that in my years on FEP. Hell; we loved Serenes. Best site to get information on any random crap you need to know about the series. Of course, due to that nature of FEP by that point, it could be that one of the other two main groups was hating on SF without me ever encountering it (more on that below).

Anyway, I think I'll clarify and expand upon some of what has already been said here. The original question has been mostly answered, but, seeing as I was actually an RP moderator/admin on FEP up until a few months ago, I feel like I'm in a pretty good position to explain this in a little bit more detail.

So, as has been mentioned before, the creator and maintainer of FETO, SaS or Jeff or whatever you want to call him, eventually just stopped coming onto FEP. SaS, you see, was not only in charge of FETO. He was also the site's root admin and the guy paying for the server space (which he has never stopped doing, which I guess we had to be grudgingly thankful for despite everything else). After he left, we (the collective staff of FEP) became pretty much powerless for fulfil a lot of technical functions that only a Root Admin could perform -- this included anything to do with FETO or anything else that required us to have access to the "guts" of the site. What was left of the administration, which eventually just boiled down to me, the leader of the site's other big RP, and Crimea River -- the sole remaining admin who had any sort of activity -- tried on multiple occasions to get ahold of SaS to make Crimea a Root Admin or something. Eventually, we outright tried offering to buy the site from him. Every attempt to contact the guy about anything FEP-related results in him completely ignoring you or even blocking you on whatever site or messaging service you try to talk to him through. So, it's not just a case of the one running it leaving and no one being willing to take on the responsibility; it is literally not possible for anyone else to take it over, short of recreating it and hosting it elsewhere or hacking his account.

Additionally, calling FETO the "cancer that killed FEP" is unfair. Someone above mentioned that the site broke down into factions; that's completely accurate. Basically, FEP just became this really, really polarised place full of elitist and exclusionary attitudes, and that is the cancer that killed the site. There were the FETO players, the regular forum goers, and the roleplayers, and none of these groups really interacted with each other in any positive way. It was all of our faults, really; the regulars liked to act like the RPers and FETOers had "taken over" the forum as they whittled down to this increasingly jaded and irreverent core group, the FETOers probably just thought we were all stuck up jerks because they were kind of treated like imbeciles by the rest of the forum (they tended to be pretty young and use poor grammar/spelling), and we roleplayers completely ignored any other portion of the forum's community because we as a collective had this sort of insufferable holier-than-thou attitude. Also we were such horrible gossips that we were always plagued with really awful internal drama (which caused headaches for me constantly until activity slowed down a lot). But, none of it really matters, now; regular discussion is all but dead, the roleplays have slowed down to a crawl, and FETO is shedding members at a pretty alarming rate.

Kind of sad, now that I can take a step back and look at the scope of it. And I do regret leaving the other two admins holding bag when I stepped down. But, my god, am I glad to be free of that broken mess of a site.

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I never thought FETO killed FEP. In fact, I don't really think FETO's effect was that much on FEP from what I remember of it. FEP died because Jeff quit and went on to GTS+ which, as of what I remember, is still running smoothly. All of FEP's old people are either there or here, or disappeared. In fact, I think half of the FEP admins are staff at GTS+.

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Wait, it's cool to do what? I never encountered that in my years on FEP. Hell; we loved Serenes. Best site to get information on any random crap you need to know about the series. Of course, due to that nature of FEP by that point, it could be that one of the other two main groups was hating on SF without me ever encountering it (more on that below).

Honestly? Back when FEP was actually alive and kicking I don't think this was as apparent of an issue. Back then there were several forums who were relatively large, so there wasn't just one forum you had to visit if you wanted any activity; there wasn't a single specified target for wannabes to whine about. Though none even close to as large as SF was at its peak (2009 + 2010), and I suspect that contributes to it as well (The "omg it's popular it must be crappy" crowd). You'd think there would be more of it then, but for the most part it was just really kiddy stuff apart from the forum merge from what I hear.

I don't think it would be a good idea to name the other FE sites & forums that do this, but there are several FE forums with memberbases consisting largely of people who harbor a certain disdain for SF's community. Elitism and user segregation is common in the FE community (as it is common in day to day life), no matter which website you find yourself on. There are groups of people on SF who do the same thing you are describing people did on FEP (gossiping drama queens, elitists, you name it), the difference is that our active regular members vastly outnumber them, so it is unable to really materialize as a major problem.

I've had my moments of frustration with the SF community myself, considering my obligation to sort out its problems. But for the most part they are a good bunch of rascals :P:.

Edited by Tangerine
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