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Shinori-Somewhat strange, I wish you would post some opinions in this thread, I can't figure out where your mind is.

Now interestingly, before you voted Shinori, supposedly to "break a tie", votals were Creeper (4) and Shinori (3)

**Prevent a tie

I voted with the expectation that Obviam would unvote(He appeared to be online and I told him that his vote wasn't necessary anymore)

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*reads Strawman's vote*

The flaw in this is that Slayer told you who he targeted, so what's stopping you from being the hooker, or telling the hooker to target him? I could very well vote you for the same logic. However, I want to hear what Slayer has to say to that PM I sent him first.

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##Vote: Kaoz

His Shinori vote is just too random for me to believe. Would like Kaoz to come in and explain himself.

I explained it in the post I voted for him. I freely admit that the reasoning wasn't the greatest, but as you might recall, I also explained why I thought all the other lynch targets were bad ideas. He just seemed like the least bad one, in other words, if everyone else had a X% or less chance of being mafia based on what they did, he had a X+1% chance.

But looking back at it, I have my own suspicions, including more reason on WHY he voted Strawman. I didn't like the Shinori lynch any better than you did, so I didn't vote. I tried to stop it with a Creeper Lynch, but you all decided the announcer was more fun to lynch.

Because we all knew that he was the announcer, given that he claimed at a reasonable time to more than one person... oh wait, he didn't.

Next, since you two apparently believe that lynching the inactive guy would have been a much better idea, mind explaining that one to me?

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Next, since you two apparently believe that lynching the inactive guy would have been a much better idea, mind explaining that one to me?

I have a few qualms about everybody, and Creeper was the highest on my list. Obviously if he hasn't really done much, and since he's new, he's not said stuff because he is being explained things from his scumbuddies, and is letting them do the talking.

That and voting Slayer on the nightphase is an OBVIOUS scumslip

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Kaoz-Very reserved and thoughtful. Wouldn't concede any information. Null read.

Rein-Hasn't contributed a whole lot since subbing in, but neutral, regardless.

Kay-Ehh pretty typical playing from Kay, not sure what to think

13th-Sheepish, makes himself scarce, and still hasn't PMed me. Color me suspicious.

Daigoji Excellen-Seems...townish?

[spoiler=Excellen]05:10:01: <Excellen_B> Sup Core05:10:05: <Excellen_B> Claimtome!05:10:18: <Diavolo> Okay05:10:24: <Diavolo> no05:10:53: <Diavolo> Are you reaction testing or being serious?05:10:53: <Excellen_B> Y so mad, bro?05:10:56: <Diavolo> or joking?05:11:01: <Excellen_B> I am serious05:11:03: <Excellen_B> unfortunately05:11:10: <Excellen_B> You have a shinori vote to your name05:11:11: <Diavolo> Give me good reason to05:11:46: <Excellen_B> You have a seemingly random-ass shinori vote to your name05:11:49: <Excellen_B> AKA hello scum05:12:03: <Diavolo> I've already explained my shinori vote05:12:18: <Excellen_B> Yea and even for that point in the game it was bullshit

Balcerzak-Reserving judgement until he does something

The Creeper-Still not doing anything, nor does he plan on doing anything. I wonder why he was so insistent that he not be subbed out.

kirsche-Where did you go? Neutral imo.

SlayerX- Neutral-townish. He's pretty vague at times, but I think he has good intentions.

eclipse-Seems townish to me, although one could argue that Clipsey is always townish

Cap'n Flint-Haven't seen him lately, he appears neutral for now.

Strawman the DucksawDucky-I'm kind of suspicious, the way he conceded Slayer's night action so easily. I might be able to evaluate him better if I knew Slayer's role.

Obviam-Seems pretty careless imo, he comes on periodically to post his opinions and generally insult people, but he hasn't been much of a contributor.

Iris-She has disappeared lately, I think she's sick?

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Well, chess club yesterday so no mafia, and I come back to a practically deserted thread.

First things first, excellen, asking core to claim is stupid and honestly makes me wamt to vote you. There were many reasons to vote shinori yesterday, after he role fished and just did a few weird things. He wasn't confirmed scum, but he was the best we had, given the solid information available, which is about as content filled as today's.

Second, lynching lurkers is stupid. Lynching active lurkers isn't. Watching people read the thread then not posting is just frustrating.

The flaw in this is that Slayer told you who he targeted, so what's stopping you from being the hooker, or telling the hooker to target him? I could very well vote you for the same logic. However, I want to hear what Slayer has to say to that PM I sent him first.

This response gives me tonnes of paranoia. Yes this is true, but you haven't really slain the argument, or really dismissed it. You've simply said "well the same coudl be said of you as well", which is a typical scum response to an argument that they believe they can't appear town against. And I KNOW you're smart enough to realise the hooker could randomly target people and that the basis of strawman voting you is an incredibly dangerous and risky assumption. Not dismissing it makes me feel that it might have been the right one.

As such, due to the fatc that I disagree with a strawman or kaoz lynch, I'm going to:

##Vote: Eclipse

Also requesting phase extension due to allow more discussion.

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Parents mix up pirating with

Transalation patches of games that are not in english.

Get a phone with a browser.

And get a laptop.

Lol, I'm in a similar boat.

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Also requesting phase extension due to allow more discussion.

Considering I need more subs and would prefer to have them before they miss too many phases, too...

The phase has been extended by 12 hours. It now ends on Friday, February 10th at 12pm GMT.

That means you've got 17 hours and 45 minutes left this phase. Use them well.

Also, votals:

[2] Strawman: 13th, Excellen

[2] Eclipse: Strawman, kirsche

[0] Kaoz: Excellen

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##Vote: Excellen Browning

I will switch my vote to Shinori if it is to avoid a tie. Creepah may be an asshole for not being active, but that's not enough to warrant a lynch for me and Shinori is acting kinda scummy.

Here you say exactly what Kaoz, core and strawman were saying, but now you vote them. You've had a complete turnaround.

I am still suspicious of eclipse for that weird post of hers, but this is just too much of a contradiction.

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