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For killing my favorite character, everyone has been godkilled. The end.
Don't your favorite characters in the game if you have objections to them dying


Edited by Dirk Strider
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Hence the "don't do it if you have problems with it"

Yes for the most part I like what I put in my games, no I don't have a problem with them dying in the fictional setting of a game on the Internet :P

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Since not everyone visits IRC and Raymond left before he could answer me: Do you guys want me to do the update, or would you rather wait up to 2 days for Raymond?

Edit: If 6+ players would rather I update, I will

Edited by Paperblade
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Blitz has been killed. He was:


eclipse is also silenced. She can't talk to you. Deal with it.

It is now Day 5. Day 5 ends whenever Raymond says it does.

Also all results are out. If you felt you should have got one and didn't talk to me/Raymond.

Edited by Paperblade
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Alright, I'm back, sort of.

Huge thanks to Paperblade for doing the update! He's kinda been co-modding anyway, so just consider him co-mod now, I guess. :newyears:

Current votals:

[3] Kaoz: Core, Excellen, Slayer

Phase ends on Wednesday, February 22nd at 12am GMT (46 hours in total).

29.5 hours left.

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