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Touhou Mafia


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And thanks Bal.

[spoiler=we were even planning for night contingencies](06:21:09 PM) Kaoz: do me a favour and think about whether Slayer could screw with our planned actions in some way, shape or form... if yes, we block him, if no, we block Excellen

(06:22:01 PM) Balcerzak: If Core targets whoever we're targeting with the kill, wouldn't they both be driven the same place, and still have the same effect regardless of who they actually aim for?

(06:22:13 PM) Kaoz: that's what I'm thinking

(06:22:20 PM) Balcerzak: I would assume doc protect on the bp would stll count, and bp would stay bp

(06:22:27 PM) Balcerzak: so it doesn't matter if Iris gets hit

(06:22:29 PM) Kaoz: but I fear I'm forgetting something, so I wanted to ask someone else

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First of, congratulations to the mafia for winning.

The overall theme of the game was information warfare. Of course, that happens in every game of mafia to some extent, but this game had an even stronger focus on it - most of the town's roles were info roles, and all of the mafia's roles were meant to deny the town that precious information. As the town lacked an actual cop and had a lot of weaker info roles instead, the town was expected to get their act together, make use of OC and combine their results to catch the mafia. This never happened.

Anyway, onwards to the actual roles!

The mafia consisted of the following five roles and people:

Dear Kaoz,

you are Alice Margatroid.


You're one of the few people who live withhin the Forest of Magic. You're a magician known primarily for your skillful work with dolls, which you utilize in pretty much every way imaginable. You're also a loner, though you seem to get along rather well with Marisa... ...most of the time.

You're often portrayed as having a crush on Marisa, to the point of stalking her. However, you've noticed that she's is not the only one to hide interesting secrets from you...

At night, you may reply to your role PM with one of the following:

- "Night X - Stalking <USER>". You will stalk <USER> and find out about all their secrets, allowing you to determine their role PM.

- "Night X - Crafting a doll". You will spend the night crafting a doll, which you can then use for other purposes.

- "Night X - Sending the doll to stalk <USER>". You will send your doll to stalk <USER> and find out about all their secrets, allowing you to determine their role PM. The doll won't be detected by anyone attempting to do so.

- "Night X - Sending the doll to kill <USER>". You will send your doll to explode near <USER>, killing them. This will replace the mafia's normal night kill and destroy the doll, forcing you to make a new one if you want to use it again. The doll won't be detected by anyone attempting to do so.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if your team gains uncontested control over the lynch.

Stalker/Ninja combination. The idea was that the mafia would have to decide between having a stalker or a ninja that only works every other night, as using the ninja-kill required a phase of preparation each time. This role was to counter the Tracker and Watcher, as well as to allow the mafia to target specific roles if so desired.

Dear JB Naglfar Balcerzak,

you are Eirin Yagokoro.


You're not actually native to Gensokyo, but a Lunarian coming from the moon. You're a genius of medicine, able to create a cure for absolutely everything. You're also the one who created the Hourai Elixir, though even you needed help from Kaguya to do so.

Usually, you spend your time working as Gensokyo's premier pharmacist. For this conflict, however, you have decided to make use of the... ...other part of your knowledge, and give your unsuspecting customers poisonous drugs instead of helpful medicine.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Poisoning <USER>". You will give <USER> poisonous pills instead of their usual medicine, which will gradually incapacitate them:

- The first pill will prevent <USER> from successfully completing their night action; they will instead spend their night at home in an attempt to recover from their "sickness".

- Two pills in a row will additionally silence <USER> for the following day and night.

- Three pills in a row will finally kill <USER>.

The pills must be given in consecutive nights for the effect to accumulate. Allowing the recipient to recover for a night will reset the pills' effects to the first stage.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if your team gains uncontested control over the lynch.

A slightly buffed roleblocker, but otherwise pretty standard fare. It hasn't actually been used to its full potential (extra kills for scum = awesome), but a roleblocker's a roleblocker, so what have you.

Of note is that this hook was stoppable by both doc variants (Reimu and Patchouli), mainly in order to stop the effect from accumulating to a kill.

Dear Obviam Ether,

you are Hina Kagiyama.


You're a goddess of misfortune. Unlike what one might expect, however, you use your powers not to spread misfortune, but to absorb it from others. Your intentions towards humans are generally good, and while you try to scare away strangers from the Youkai Mountain, you mainly do it to prevent misfortune from befalling them.

This hasn't changed... ...much. However, you've been known to accidently leak your collected misfortune upon others if they're in your vicinity for too long...

If someone not allied with the mafia visits you at night, misfortune will befall them, causing all their active abilities the following night to fail.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if your team gains uncontested control over the lynch.

A kind of very nerfed PGO. I wanted to give the mafia a passive role that would potentially have some use for them while not being a counter to only a very specific role (bulletproof) or broken (mayor), so I came up with this role. However, no-one ever actually targeted it, so it was never used.

Dear Proto Rein Proto,

you are Nitori Kawashiro.


You're one of the Kappas living on the Youkai Mountain. Your own personal ability is to control water, but most people actually remember you for something that all Kappas are good at: your engineering skills.

Among one of your more popular inventions is your "optical camouflage suit". It seemed to be useless during the events of Mountain of Faith, but you've improved it since...

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Giving Camouflage Suit to <MEMBER>". <MEMBER> must be a member of the mafia, and can be yourself. You will take your suit from whomever had it before and give it to <MEMBER> instead. If you are tracked while doing this, you will be seen visiting both the previous holder and the new recipient.

The suit will start out equipped on yourself. If someone dies while holding the camouflage suit, their role PM will not be revealed. However, you only have one such suit, so if you want to re-use it afterwards, you will have to take it from the deceased mafioso first, retroactively revealing their role PM to the public.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if your team gains uncontested control over the lynch.

A weird variant of a tailor/janitor, designed to slow down the town a little in case they were doing well. However, due to the restrictions, using it while the tracker and watcher were still around would've been very risky in the unlucky event that Nitori was to be tracked, so the mafia never actually moved it, and due to the mafia never getting caught, it was never used.

Dear 13th Prims,

you are Sakuya Izayoi.


You're the Chief Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. This is especially noteworthy because you're supposedly human - and a human loyally working as a maid for a vampire is all sorts of strange. While there are some theories being thrown around, your past is mostly shrouded in mystery, and it appears that you intend to keep it that way.

Not only are you very proficient with knives, you also possess the ability to control time. Most commonly, you either use this to attack intruders with a wall of knives or to do lots of maid work in a very short time. And who says that maid work is useless in this conflict?

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Removing all traces of <USER>'s body". If <USER> dies that night, you will use your abilities to hide their corpse and clean up the site of crime, preventing their role PM from being revealed to the public; only you and your allies will know it.

After a successful use this ability can't be used again for the following two nights.

You are allied with the mafia. You win if your team gains uncontested control over the lynch.

Fairly standard janitor variant. I gave it the ability to be used more than once in order to give the mafia some incentive to keep their janitor alive, but forced the waiting period because allowing two jans in a row would've been too much.

Core, the one independent role this game had, unfortunately failed to fulfill his win condition.

Dear Diavolo,

you are Reimu Hakurei.


You're the sole shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine, which is responsible for watching over the Hakurei Border that keeps Gensokyo isolated from the outside world. You're frequently called upon when there's an indicent to resolve, and as a result know nearly every individual living in Gensokyo.

More often than not, a party is held at your shrine after you resolve an incident. While this is enjoyable and all, you're the one who has to clean up afterwards, and you're really sick of that. As a result, you'd prefer if there just weren't any such incidents to begin with - thus, you'll do everything you can to stop this conflict from actually going anywhere if you can help it.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Protecting <USER>". You will protect <USER> from all lethal actions that night and will additionally attach a lucky charm to their back that'll protect them from being lynched the following day. <USER> will be unaware of this, however, and the charm will break prematurely if you vote for your target at any point during the day phase. You cannot target yourself.

You are indifferent in this conflict. You win if your abilities successfully prevent two deaths.

I didn't want to give the town a doctor in order to discourage the simplest kind of town leader strategies - but why not make it neutral? And that's how I came up with this role. An SK would've screwed with the balance too much, and I feel that survivors are incredibly boring to play as, so that's why I made this: a neutral doc that can side with either the mafia or the town, and screw over both in order to fulfill his own win condition. Playing as this role still required to either not draw too much attention on either side, or gather enough trust to warrant protection. Core did the latter. He tried to screw with clipsey's kill to win, but the mafia repeatedly interfered with that by hooking her, so he ended up never actually getting his second success.

And then the town. Sadly, they were too busy jumping at their own throats, allowing the mafia to basically do nothing all game and get away with it. The town consisted of the following 11 roles:

Dear eclipse,

you are Patchouli Knowledge.


You're a Magician living at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and are one of Remilia's friends. You spend most of your time in the library reading books, to the point of neglecting to take care of your health. This often comes back to bite you when trouble arises, as your asthma often prevents you from successfully reciting your more powerful spells.

Your preferred type of magic is any kind of elemental magic - usually, your spells involve either Fire, Water, Wood, Earth or Metal. This gives you a lot of flexibility.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Casting <ELEMENT> Magic on <USER>", where <ELEMENT> is one of the following:

- Fire: Kills <USER>.

- Water: Protects <USER> from all potentially lethal actions for that night.

- Wood: Protects <USER> from all non-lethal actions for that night.

- Earth: Allows you to determine <USER>'s alignment.

Due to your poor health, you can only recite each spell once. You cannot target yourself.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Standard JoAT. The thing is that Patchouli had the town's only alliance check, so she was supposed to get the town going early on in the game - either by clearing a townie or by lynching a mafioso early. Had she targeted the indie doc, the inspection would've failed (with flavor implying that trying to target him would always fail) in order to allow her to use it again next night. However, I made the mistake of not outright stating that this inspect was 100% accurate, so this didn't get anywhere until D2.

Patchouli also had the town's only doc protection, and the game's only safeguard, but everything but the inspect was basically just a bonus for staying alive.

Considering the importance of this role for the balance of the game, this was the only role that I specifically picked a skilled player for instead of letting the RNG decide. Clipsey had requested to be town before the game, so naturally she was my first choice.

Dear Creeper Snike,

you are Rin Kaenbyou.


You're a Kasha, and one of Satori's pets. Your job is to carry corpses to the former Hell of Blazing Fires to regulate its heat - however, you're not above turning someone into a corpse just so you can carry them away in your cart.

You're notorious for using the spirits and zombie fairies accompanying you to attack intruders, which can be very difficult to dodge. Thus, you're actually much more intimidating than one might think when first seeing you.

At the end of each night, if nobody interferes, you will summon a number of zombie fairies equal to the amount of players who died that night. Due to how intimidating they make you look, each zombie fairy increases your vote's worth by one. However, you have to do your job, so you'll take them to the Hell of Blazing Fires the following night, meaning that your voting power will not accumulate.

If you are attacked at night while at least two zombie fairies are with you, they will shield you, allowing you to survive. This will destroy them, however, and you won't be able to summon more zombie fairies at the end of that night.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Conditional multi-voter / BP. This role was designed to slow down the mafia's progress in case they were doing well, effectively delaying the effects of the mafia's kill regarding the lynch votes by a phase. The BP was mostly to weaken the impact of a vig misfire a little bit, though it would also have worked had they actually hit mafia, giving the town a nice little advantage. Sadly, the BP part never got into play, as there never was more than one kill a night (although people tried, all of those kills were stopped).

Dear Excellen,

you are Sanae Kochiya.


You could be considered a shrine maiden for the Moriya Shrine, though you're not a normal human - you're actually a descendant of one of the two goddesses residing there. You're not even native to Gensokyo, and only recently moved there, so you're not yet very familiar with everything going on there. In particular, you're not very fond of most Youkai's eating habits.

You have the power to create miracles, though what exactly is considered a miracle is pretty vague. Thus, it is difficult to judge how powerful you actually are.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Dreaming about <USER>". By the end of the night, you will suddenly know whether <USER> has any active abilities or not. Should you ever die, a miracle will occur and the role PM of the last <USER> you chose to dream about will be publically revealed. You can target live and dead players alike.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

An oracle with a little twist; considering that oracles are basically just vanillas until they die, I decided to add a tiny bit of info to it and allow it to determine whether people had active abilities. Not very useful, but I imagine it's better than being completely unable to do anything while alive. The oracle was one possible way to find out what the janned roles were, if so desired, although it likely wouldn't have been worth it to waste this only other "inspect" on something like that.

This was a non-visiting role (mostly for flavor, but I believe it's the same in epicmafia), explaining why it couldn't be tracked.

Dear Flint,

you are Koishi Komeiji.


You're Satori's younger sister, and also of the species sharing the same name (Satori). Unlike your sister, you tried to avoid the hate and dislike she receives by sealing away your mind-reading third eye. However, this backfired, and you gained an even greater ability upon doing so - the ability to read and manipulate people's subconsciousness. You also became much more carefree as a result, however, and thus no longer mind as much. You now spend much of your time wandering around aimlessly.

However, being able to read people's subconsciousness obviously has some benefits, too. Sometimes, it reveals intentions that would be quite useful to know...

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Reading <USER>'s subconsciousness". You will learn what <USER> planned to do that night, though you will not know to whom or whether they succeeded.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Nerfed rolecop. Instead of a complete role PM, Koishi only learned what her target did that night, but neither their alignment, nor passive abilities, nor what other abilities they might have had (JoAT). Alice's ninja-kill would have given her a useless report (doll is sent to do something). This role was mostly there to help verify people's claims and figure out fakers.

Dear Slayer,

you are Yukari Yakumo.


You are a Youkai with power over boundaries of all kinds. Knowing this, one would assume that it's your job to maintain the barrier isolating Gensokyo from the outside world, but you're just too lazy to do so and thus gave that task to Reimu instead. You're capable of pulling off quite convoluted schemes, but... ...most of the time, you're just sleeping.

The manipulation of boundaries can be utilized for quite a number of things. Among the most useful ones is the transportation of people (such as yourself), which you make quite extensive use of.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Create a gap in the boundary in front of <USER 1> and <USER 2>". Anyone visiting one of your targets that night will be redirected to the other, but otherwise complete their actions normally. As you only want to redirect people, not completely mess up their actions, you can only target living players.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Town driver. In hindsight, I should've handpicked a skilled player for this role as well, as town drivers are likely to mess up the town more than to help it if used wrong, but alas, what's done's done. Would've made a nice combo with Mokou, and was an almost guaranteed way to counteract the poison kill, but otherwise of situational use only.

Was a non-visiting role (and therefore untrackable) for flavor reasons. In hindsight, that was a stupid idea and caused unnecessary confusion withhin the town, which I'm sorry for.

Dear Strawman,

you are Satori Komeiji.


You're of the species sharing your name (Satori), and you're Koishi's older sister. The third eye positioned over your heart allows you to read people's minds, which you are generally hated for - isn't the thought of being unable to hide your thoughts from a stranger scary? The only ones that like you for this ability are animals - of course, as unlike nearly everyone else, you can actually understand them.

However, while you're widely hated for your abilities, reading people's minds does have some practical use. Not only can you turn their own weapons against them, you can also tell in advance what they're going to do next.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Reading <USER>'s mind". You will learn whom <USER> intended to visit that night, but you will not know whether they actually arrived there.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Tracker with a twist; it ignored redirections, allowing Satori to always know the intended target (possibly catching scum in contradictions), but making it harder to verify the driver claim. However, she just so happened to target mostly untrackable roles all game, meaning that when she caught Prims in a lie N3, no-one actually paid much attention to it anymore.

I should've made the non-visiting active roles trackable regardless of their flavor (or at least clearly state that they're non-visiting roles), it was a stupid idea that I'm sorry for.

Dear Kay,

you are Marisa Kirisame.


You're one of the few humans in Gensokyo that are quite capable of defending themselves. In fact, you might quite possibly be one of the strongest humans in all of Gensokyo, second only to Reimu. You currently reside in the Forest of Magic, where you also run a general store named the "Kirisame Magic Shop". Your activities are quite varied - you're known for resolving incidents in Gensokyo just like Reimu, you often hang out with her at the Shrine, you spend a lot of time honing your magic, and you like to "borrow" things without asking their owners for permission.

You often are somewhat condescending, and you're known to be a bit of a sore loser. You're also known for relying on sheer power to the point of nearly breaking the Spellcard rules. Who cares about rules anyway? This conflict? It'd be much quicker to just resolve it using danmaku and spellcards as usual!

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Unleashing Master Spark on <USER>!". You will use one of your spellcards to kill <USER> with a giant laser beam. However, you only brought three spellcards with you, so use them wisely.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Standard vigilante. The town's main way of dishing out justice to the mafia without having to rely on the lynch. However, the town never really got their act together, so except for one shot that clipsey asked her to make to verify her role, she idled to avoid misfire.

Dear kirsche,

you are Aya Shameimaru.


You're a Tengu working as Gensokyo's resident reporter, and you're known to write slightly exaggerated news articles about what happens in Gensokyo. There's hardly anyone you haven't interviewed yet, and you're not above "interviewing" someone against their will.

You're very quick, and able to hear and see things from very far away. Combined with your camera, this allows you to take pictures of people without them even noticing you if you really want to.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Taking a picture of <USER>". You will photograph <USER> from far away, and anyone visiting <USER> that night will be visible on the picture. Additionally, you won't be detected by others.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Standard watcher, but untrackable for flavor reasons. Again, it was a stupid idea and I should probably have given her some other quirk instead, or maybe none at all.

Dear Iris,

you are Fujiwara no Mokou.


You were once human, but have become immortal after drinking the Hourai Elixir. You've been living in the Bamboo Forest of the Lost for quite a while now, acting as a guide to humans who got lost in the forest. However, you don't talk very much.

While you're still capable of being injured and feeling pain, your injuries heal significantly faster than anyone else's, and no matter how often you're "killed" and how much your body is destroyed, you'll always regenerate. You're not particularly fond of the idea of living forever, though.

You are immortal, and thus cannot be killed at night. If you are lynched, you will also survive, but with severe injuries - any further attempts on your life will then force you to withdraw from the game to recover.

Furthermore, you are completely immune to illnesses of any kind.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Deathproof until lynched, then vanilla townie. In hindsight, being completely bulletproof to any number of kills until lynched probably was a bit overpowered, but it was somewhat of a compensation for the fact that the town didn't actually have a doctor and would've made a nice combo with Yukari had they known about each other. Aside from that, her deathproof-ness allowed for a very agressive playstyle and would've been a great way for the town to get their act together, but it was never used.

Dear Rapier Haze,

you are Kogasa Tatara.


You're a Karakasa. You're essentially an umbrella that has been left alone for so long that eventually, the wind swept you to Gensokyo and you came to life as a Youkai. Your current occupation is to scare and surprise people, but you're not very good at it, and so you've recently been spending a lot of time reading up on classic ghost stories to improve your scaring technique.

This conflict, however, might be a better opportunity to improve your scaring technique than reading ghost stories. What better way to surprise people than by playing pranks at night?

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Imitating <USER>". <USER> must be a dead town-aligned player whose role PM has been revealed in public. You will then study up on what <USER> used to do before they died and replace this ability with theirs. That's certain to surprise people!

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Town-restricted amnesiac. Kogasa was meant to be a backup for the town's important info roles (especially the JoAT had it died early on) so that the town's info network wouldn't die so easily. Unfortunately, it never got a chance to get used. Haze wanted to copy the announcer with it, which would've been kinda hilarious. ;/

Dear Shinori,

you are Lunasa Prismriver.


You're a Poltergeist not originally native to Gensokyo. You and your sisters were originally created by Layla Prismriver, but she has long since died. You and your sisters are occassionally seen giving concerts, though it isn't actually known what you spend the rest of your time doing. Your instrument is a violin, and you're capable of playing it without physical contact.

You've become seperated from your sisters during this conflict, and lost track of whether they're even still here. However, you currently don't have anything better to do, so why not give a few concerts while you're at it?

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Broadcasting: <MESSAGE>". Your <MESSAGE> will anonymously be posted together with the end of night update for everyone to see.

Additionally, you come around a lot and overhear a lot of chatter from the people attending your concerts. You will receive a more-or-less useful piece of information about the game at the end of each night.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Announcer with some info tidbits added, because announcer by itself is kinda lame. The info gained was pre-determined:

N0: # of townies

N1: # of mafia (implying the existence of a neutral by extension)

N2: # of idles that night (unlikely to do anything significant, but could've caught a scum contradiction in some off chance)

N3: # of remaining players with an active night action

N4: Total number of failed kills up to that point, N4 included

N5 onward: Number of players visiting Lunasa that night (untrackable ones excluded), and player name if only one did.

Was intended to be one of the possible ways for the town to get its act together, but alas, Lunasa was lynched instead.

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Wait, we won? That's odd, we were certain that we would only fulfill our condition after Core did his thing and got himself a win...

Err... in that case, I apologize for all of us, Core. The plan was to joint with you, I guess me and Kaoz misunderstood our wincon.

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As zak said, we never intended to doublecross you, Corey, and we wanted you to win. I'm sorry that the game had to end like that, but had the game been allowed to continue, we would have let you win. Snike wouldn't get his doublevote, so we'd still control the lynch.

Also, I remember telling Kaoz on Night 0 that Fujiwara no Mokou might be in the game as a Bulletproof. It was the most fitting role from all the Touhou characters.

Anyhow, the game was pretty nice, and I actually really liked my role and thought it was a pretty cool idea. It's too bad it was never used and none of us ever died. btw RAYKITTY~, if you don't mind me asking, where did you find all those fanart?

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Congratulations to the mafia.

It would have been nice to see more of the roles in action. Still, I really like the design of this game, Raymond. Thanks for hosting it.

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btw RAYKITTY~, if you don't mind me asking, where did you find all those fanart?

I got the pictures I used from TVTropes, but I'm pretty sure you can find the non-official art used on sites like... actually, is mentioning a NSFW site by name (without a link) grounds for a ban already? ...the rules aren't clear on this, so I'm not risking it.

Anyway, I know where to find the original picture of Koishi, for example, so yeah.

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Spreadsheet of the game. Contains all night actions, as well as some other small tidbits.

I'm not going to post a summary of the game; you can see most of what happened and you can check the night actions in the sheet. You can post your thoughts throughout the game yourselves if you want to.

Some general thoughts though:

- People are way too afraid of making mistakes. Being cautious is good, but being paranoid of everyone to the point where you completely miss the point of OC isn't. Besides, you learn through mistakes, not through completely avoiding any situation where they could even make a mistake. Furthermore, even mistakes can offer valuable info - you just need to make the best of what you've got to work with.

- A lot of people here on SF in fact don't even seem to know how to properly play mafia. They rely way too much on their role abilities instead of making proper use of their two most important weapons - talking and lynching. Role abilities are an important part of a good strategy, but barring sheer luck, no strategy can work without any sort of communication.

- If this game is any indication, don't ignore someone just because they're inactive. Prod them to do something. Sure, it isn't unheard of townies to be inactive as well, but allowing the mafia to scumlurk almost all game and still not receive any attention is a bit pathetic tbh. At least force them to work for their victory.

Onwards to the awards!

Town MVP: eclipse. While she did make some mistakes, she was one of the few townies who actually tried to get things going behind the scenes.

Mafia MVP: Kaoz. While he claims to not have gone all-out at the beginning, he was responsible for the planning behind most of the mafia's movements. His scumbuddies got more involved with things near the end of the game as well, but Kaoz was the only one to "exist" throughout the entire game, even though he was quite distanced as usual.

Game MVP: Blitz. He was able to name the entire mafia except for one member correctly, for quite possibly the simplest and yet most correct reasons. Being Blitz, he didn't really act on it much, but that alone was impressive enough to deserve Game MVP imo, especially considering that the rest of the town seemed to think that paying attention to the inactives was unnecessary.

Funniest move: Haze, for trying to copy the announcer role in an attempt to surprise everyone with a sudden announcement later in the game. Would've been hilarious, but he died before he got a chance to actually do it. =/

Luckiest player: Obviam for literally doing nothing all game (well, until he was subbed out) and getting away with it.

Unluckiest player: A lot of players were pretty unlucky in this game, but I think this one's going to Core for repeatedly getting screwed out of his win by the mafia's hook.

Greatest WTF: ...why did I need 7 subs for a 17 player game

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Also, Kaoz insists that I declare Core winner as well, so consider him to have won as well if it makes you feel better.

Really, next time I'll go with win conditions that cannot be misinterpreted no matter how hard you try. <_<

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I asked Paper to do some in-depth player analysis; though if he isn't going to do so, I suppose I can go over what happened once more and give a rough analysis myself. That'll take a while, though.

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I guess Core can "win" in the sense I "won" FE10. Not that I really care if he's independent, but I think that lack of subtlety in the end shouldn't be rewarded like that.

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Core can win because he fulfills his wincon before we fulfill ours, I'll gladly demonstrate again why the game should have gone on if I have to. Whether you think he should win or not is completly irrelevant.

Actually I will just put it here I guess:

First of all, our wincon again:

You are allied with the mafia. You win if your team gains uncontested control over the lynch.

Then two things Raymond told me:

The town doesn't lynch at night, so that point is entirely irrelevant.

[17.02.2012 16:21:41] Kaoz: do vote modifiers like Mayor count for our win condition or is it only number of players?

[17.02.2012 16:23:27] Raymond: Yes, they are counted against your win condition.

So if, for example, it was 2 mafia against 1 townie and 1 doublevoter at day, you would not yet win.

From that I can gather that the numbers only matter during the day and can be ignored for the night which means I don't have to waste time thinking about when exactly Snike loses votes (except for where it says he loses them during the night, in other words they're still there at the end of the day... although the wording of that ability is quite unclear and could definitely be interpreted to suit either side). If you look at the numbers, it was 4 Town (including 1 Doublevoter), 5 Mafia and 1 Third Party, in other words from our perspective the vote count was 5-6 as worst case scenario, hence no lynch control.

You guys then made the argument that it doesn't really matter seeing as regardless of what we do during the night, we definitely gain lynch control as soon as the next day starts. Taking aside that that still means it's only the next day and the night should be counted, you also neglected the possibility for us to simply not have lynch control at the time the day starts. As requested by Raymond, here's a possibility for that to happen that doesn't involve illogical play on our part:

-we kill X

-we block someone other than Slayer

-Core protects someone other than X

-Slayer drives X and one of us

That results in 4 Town (including 1 Doublevoter), 4 Mafia and 1 Third Party, which is pretty far away from "uncontested lynch control" with a 4-6 from our view. So the last thing remaining is that I have to show it was an actual possibility for this to happen... I'll start with why we could have blocked someone other than Slayer.

The reason for that is pretty simple, we were reasonably sure of his role, and a Driver couldn't mess with our plan unless Core betrayed us, whereas we still had two variables in Excellen's and Iris's roles which we had some info on, but nothing really solid. If you don't believe me that we entertained the possibility, iirc Bal posted it before, but here's the log again:

chaosmaster1991 (01:21:09): do me a favour and think about whether Slayer could screw with our planned actions in some way, shape or form... if yes, we block him, if no, we block Excellen

Bal (01:22:01): If Core targets whoever we're targeting with the kill, wouldn't they both be driven the same place, and still have the same effect regardless of who they actually aim for?

chaosmaster1991 (01:22:12): that's what I'm thinking

Bal (01:22:19): I would assume doc protect on the bp would stll count, and bp would stay bp

Bal (01:22:27): so it doesn't matter if Iris gets hit

chaosmaster1991 (01:22:29): but I fear I'm forgetting something, so I wanted to ask someone else

The only thing left is why Core wouldn't target the same person as us, and the reason for that would simply be paranoia. Maybe he would think we wouldn't hold up our end of the bargain for whatever reason and comes to the conclusion he should try to draw the game out if possible. You could argue this as illogical play on his part, but seeing as I provided a possible reason, this should be acceptable.

I will admit that the shown possibility is rather unlikely, but it exists and that's what matters.

As a result, the game should have continued which would most likely have resulted in Core's win, as well as ours.

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I guess Core can "win" in the sense I "won" FE10. Not that I really care if he's independent, but I think that lack of subtlety in the end shouldn't be rewarded like that.

What need is there for subtlety when we've reached the point that we no longer need blend in? When the mafia find themselves in a position where bull-rushing the lynch will win the game in 99.9% of scenarios, why would they not do it in the sake of subtlety?

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