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Touhou Mafia


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My internet disconnected yesterday and I haven't been able to come online ever since. I'm posting on a cyber cafe right now. Since I have no idea when the network will be restored, I want to request being subbed out.

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Oh, right. I was gonna post this AFTER Day 1 ends, but if I'm going to be subbed out, I might as well do it now.

1. Diavolo - He hasn't posted much, and most of it hasn't been very productive. The only relevant thing he said was that Mafia doesn't want a No Lynch and his only vote was on me for pressuring on Slayer. I barely talked to him on IRC and there was nothing special. I need to talk to him more, or he needs to post here more, for me to form an opinion.

2. Kaoz - Barely said anything noteworthy in the thread, with his last post being his only game-related post. I talked to him a few times on IRC though, and he seemed to be quite active, trying to extract info. Seems Townish, but with someone like Kaoz, I doubt I'd find any indication of his alignment from playstyle alone.

3. Luster Purge - Hasn't posted much in the thread, because he doesn't like talking about pointless Day 1 rubbish. He only talked about stuff that stood out for him in the thread, like Slayer claiming Roleblocker while Kevin's action failed, Slayer saying that it was a joke, and the Iris-Kirsche contradiction. He was an idiot that took Slayer's obvious joke seriously enough to inquire about it. Also has been talking in IRC but keeps disconnecting on people because of bad internet.

4. Kay - Hasn't made a single post in the thread. And I haven't talked about Mafia at all on IRC. I think she's extremely busy or something

5. 13th - RAYKITTY~ needs to update the OP with his new name, because I got no results when I first searched. Anyways, he made a few nice posts, like inquiring about all the votes, and he apparently tried sending a bunch of PMs when none of them made it. I did find it odd how he said that there wasn't much possibility for Haze to have a lack of info, but I don't know what to make of it. Then voted for Creeper for being completely inactive. I haven't talked to him on IRC, but I discussed Touhou Mafia a little bit in the spreadsheet for our next Mafia. Nothing special there either.

6. Daigoji Excellen - His only relevant post is voting for Blitzy for suspicious rolefishing. He seems to be more interested in private conversations though. My only private conversation with him, though, was explaining what Touhou is, which has nothing to do with this game.

7. JBCWK/Naglfar - I talked to Joshaymin a bit on IRC, but he didn't say much. He was then replaced by Naggy, whose only relevant post was noticing the Iris-Kirsche contradiction. He seems to be busy with Kamen Rider's postgame though.

8. The Creeper - Has yet to make a post. I never saw him on IRC either. I'm actually wondering whether he even remembers that he signed up for this game...

9. Kirsche - He said he was roleblocked on N0 and later confirmed that it was a Roleblocker that stopped him and even later explained how he confirmed it. Then came the whole Kirsche-Iris contradiction, which he explained as being an error in his time judgment. Honestly, I doubt he would really say what he told Obviam if he was truly aware that his Iris conversation wasn't that long before. It would have been stupid for him to lie and claim that he hasn't talked to anybody, so I'll accept his explanation. He also opposed lynching Blitzy, knowing his roleclaim, and instead voted for Obviam

10. SlayerX - Supposedly claimed Roleblocker, and sought counter-claims, but later revealed that it was a joke. He had no intention of outing the roleblocker at all. He posted his thoughts on players here. I still need to talk to him more on IRC though.

11. Rapier/Haze - Domu wanted a No Lynch before he subbed out. Haze was not happy that Domu left no info behind for him to work with, and voted for me because my taking Slayer's vote seriously was the only thing that was odd. He insisted on lynching me and found the Kirsche-Iris thingy stupid.

12. eclipse - Most active poster after Slayer. Sent a public message to the Cop and gave talked about what the Cop should be doing, and also called out to several people to talk, like me, Shinori, Kirsche, Naggy, and Creeper. Criticized 13th for being a Master Sheep. She posted a lot and seems to be contributing more than most people. She hasn't actually posted her opinions much aside from this and this. She also voted for Blitzy for suspicious rolefishing.

13. Shinori - Voted for Clipsey! and then unvoted, later explaining that it was a pressure vote. He also publicly brought up the possibility of two Mafias. And seemed to find something odd about Iris's logs and then unvoted. Doesn't talk much in the thread but very active in IRC.

14. Iris - Like Shinori, she seems to prefer IRC as well. She voted for Kirsche because of that contradiction but she let it slide after hearing his explanation.

15. Cap'n Flint - Voted for Domu because he supported No Lynch and then unvoted, possibly because Domu isn't there anymore. He supposedly claimed to Kirsche privately. He's been quite active on IRC, actually.

16. Strawman - Hasn't said much, aside from objecting to Domu's No Lynch, and being unsure about Slayer's claim being a joke. He was against the Proto lynch because he made the same mistake I made in thinking it was a serious claim. Also voted for Iris because it seemed suspicious that her only relevant post was an attack on someone else (Kirsche).

17. Obviam - Objected to Domu's support for No Lynch, then proceeded to criticize many people and brought out the log with the Iris-Kirsche contradiction. Started the vote on Proto for posting idiotically, and then voted for Kirsche for that contradiction. He posted his thoughts on more posts but didn't unvote Kirsche. He commented on other peoples' thoughts on players and posted his own. He was also active on IRC, even though he didn't seem willing to share anything.

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I think I still see a tie and it's almost phase end. If I counted right it's currently between Proto and Creeper. While you could argue my ragging on Proto is rather empty, I personally think the votes on Creeper are even more devoid of substance.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Proto again for now. This probably won't change unless there's yet ANOTHER phase extension (a whole extra 24 hours in the first place seems a bit ridiculous given the intended length of the phases).

If you people want to quit voting for a bunch of random people or actually start voting if you're not, and override my vote, you're welcome to. Otherwise I disclaim liability for my absence.

And quit tying the damn vote!! Inappropers chucklefucks.

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I think I still see a tie and it's almost phase end. If I counted right it's currently between Proto and Creeper. While you could argue my ragging on Proto is rather empty, I personally think the votes on Creeper are even more devoid of substance.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Proto again for now. This probably won't change unless there's yet ANOTHER phase extension (a whole extra 24 hours in the first place seems a bit ridiculous given the intended length of the phases).

If you people want to quit voting for a bunch of random people or actually start voting if you're not, and override my vote, you're welcome to. Otherwise I disclaim liability for my absence.

And quit tying the damn vote!! Inappropers chucklefucks.

Obviam, lynching someone who can't come online to defend themselves is no good. Wait until his sub has something to say, why don't you?

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Kaoz-My first reactions to him are that he seems pretty reserved and don't contribute a whole lot. Not scummy though.

Luster Purge-I thought his reasons for voting Slayer were off(Not that he didn't recognize the joke, I'm questioning the logic behind the vote), and I thought his activity level was strange, but it was his internet disconnecting.


13th-Seems really sheepish, doesn't have many individual ideas. He is slightly townish, imo.

Daigoji Excellen-Seems pretty scarce, but that's just as much my fault as his. I need to talk to him.

Naglfar-See above

The Creeper-nonexistent

kirsche-Fairly productive and isn't waffling as far as I remember, so I guess slightly townish.

SlayerX- Neutral-townish. Seems eager to gather info.

Haze-Townish for now due to Rapier's suggestion of a NL.

eclipse-I'm reading normal Clipsey and not Scum!Clipsey

Shinori-Somewhat strange, I wish you would post some opinions in this thread, I can't figure out where your mind is.

Cap'n Flint-His interest in the numbers is pretty strange. The numbers are pretty irrelevant on D1, and we have more pressing issues.

Strawman the DucksawDucky-Neutral

Obviam-More consistent contributions would be cool, but he seems pro-town.

Iris- Also fairly neutral.

With that, I think I'll ##Vote: Blitz. I don't believe he has made any contributions towards the lynch, and I don't like that.

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Obviam, lynching someone who can't come online to defend themselves is no good. Wait until his sub has something to say, why don't you?

He had all day to defend himself.

Though I suppose if I'm going to give Haze a chance I should give whoever comes after Proto a chance too...

##Unvote, ##Vote: The Creeper (was that the other one?).

I still think Haze or Proto's future replacement should be under scrutiny though.

Gurren Lagann time. No more interruptions

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Good job contradicting yourself, Obviam.

Why are you so worried about whether the vote is tied when there are still several hours left in the phase? Let the discussions continue, don't cripple them.

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Diavolo - Slightly townish.

Kaoz - I haven't noticed him doing much.

Luster Purge - Misinterpreting Slayer's post seems reasonable to me. I don't understand why people are voting for him over that.

13th - is relatively quiet. I assume he's talking to people more in PMs. I haven't gotten one from him.

Daigoji Excellen - doesn't exist.

Naglfar (JBCWK) - again, not very active.

The Creeper - doesn't exist.

kirsche - He sounds very slightly scummy, but I'm not quite sure why.

SlayerX - Neutral.

Haze - Townish.

eclipse - Townish.

Shinori - Waffling. IMO, slightly scummy.

Iris - Slightly townish.

Cap'n Flint - should not dare people to vote for him. Neutral.

Strawman the DucksawDucky - Stop being timid. Neutral.

Obviam - is talking and talking and talking and it's mostly all filler and insults. The relevant stuff doesn't sound entirely consistent. Stop padding your posts by mooning over Eclipse and calling everyone names and let's see how much you have to say then.

##Vote: Shinori

Stop trying to look good. Decide on your opinion and stick to it.

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Does anyone know votals? Obviam is making me paranoid of a tie :/

I think I'll ##Unvote:Iris, ##Vote:Shinori. Yes, a vote I don't oppose. He voting has been erratic and without reasoning in the thread. Whenever anyone slightly disagrees with him he switches his vote again. It looks a lot like you're just trying to find a vote that will make the least amount of people mad at you/make as many people agree with you, not like you are actually using those votes to try and lynch a scum.

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@Kay: I will PM you in the morning. I am currently sitting here doing last-minute checking the game. I blame having to go crossstate for a wedding because the bride was someone who had this crush on me for my lack of posting.

Anywho, this game has some minor things I notice, but nothing major. Just a few minor quirks I notice every time. Including the fact Blitz and Shinori don't use almost any grammar. But nothing major from a game standpoint.

Now, on the Creeper thing. I have some qualms about this.

Let me reference a PM I had with him.

Just going to quote his only important reply.

His other reply was when I asked him if he needed any help on the basics of the game. Fun fact: He thought we were picking at random, and also didn't know how to vote.

I won't be here today or on sunday.



I have this idea....

But, I'll be busy tomorrow, and on sunday, I'll be on a train with no internet.

What do I do.

I don't want to be kicked out.

Now, clipsey, when was he arguing about LTC?

And because I keep meaning to do this, my thoughts.

1. Diavolo: Strikes me as neutral, but he always does it seems. I voted him because he hadn't been on much. Expect a PM from me within 2 days. I don't send them all at once, as I think that may have incited the idiocy.

2. Kaoz: Honestly strikes me as slightly townsided. Some minor qualms about his style, but that is all.

3. Luster Purge: Sorry about your net, Broto. Honestly seems pretty towny to me. But still a little scummy for pushing on Slayer, even if he missed the joke.

4. Kay: Yo Kay. I don't have enough opinion. Expect a PM tomorrow.

5. 13th: Has been missing due to life. Starting with internet, then moving on to having to go to a goddamn wedding. Super Bowl was not as big a thing, but I still did it instead. Sorry, but the Patriots are my number 3 team I like. Won't miss a game for the world.

6. Daigoji Excellen: Hi. Nothing I can say about you.

7. Naglfar: I have nothing I can say. I haven't gotten much opinion. Post more.

8. The Creeper: Hey. Stop being a contradictory piece of crap and post, lazybutt.

9. kirsche: Confuses me with his contradictions. Pretty scummy, IMO

10. SlayerX: Roleblocker, huh? JK, but still. Neutral

11. Haze: Haze, I apologize for accusing you of being quiet. I will PM you tomorrow as well.

12. eclipse: Hi clipsey. Quite townish, IMO.

13. Shinori: You. I don't know. Makes me extremely suspicious.

14. Iris: Expect a PM tomorrow, kinda towny person.

15. Cap'n Flint: Blitz, why are you obsessed with numbers?

16. Strawman the DucksawDucky: Hi Strawman. The last person I need to PM still.

17. Obviam: Stop calling names and layering your posts with so much unneeded fluff.

So I will PM you people I said tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on how school goes.

Also, Raymond, I do have to tell you something.

Do not expect much from me Feb 9 and 10. I am going out of town again, as my dad graduates Police Academy.

Yeah. Tis a good thing to be doing that. It finally might increase his paycheck, maybe even allow us to improve the internet some more.


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[3] Creeper: eclipse, 13th, Obviam

[3] Shinori: eclipse, Kaoz, Kay, Strawman

[2] Flint: eclipse, Excellen, Diavolo

[1] Obviam: kirsche

[1] Proto: eclipse, Obviam, Haze, Diavolo, Obviam

[0] kirsche: Obviam, Iris

[0] Iris: Strawman, Shinori

[0] Naglfar: eclipse

[0] Diavolo: 13th

[0] Haze: Flint, 13th

[0] Kay: kirsche

[0] Eclipse: Shinori

[0] Strawman: 13th

Edited by Diavolo
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Photo Notifications On Cap'n Flint

Last Read: Today, 06:14 AM

Photo Notifications On The Creeper

Last Read: Not yet read



creeper didn't even read the PM I sent him through SF


if you don't want to play, get a sub

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Photo Notifications On Cap'n Flint

Last Read: Today, 06:14 AM

Photo Notifications On The Creeper

Last Read: Not yet read



creeper didn't even read the PM I sent him through SF


if you don't want to play, get a sub

Why are you voting him? Do you think he's mafia because he hasn't shown up? Or are you pressuring him so close to phase end when it's apparent he won't show up anyways.

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I am not obsessed with numbers, I just can't find a better topic and most people here tend to not talk without a topic which is very silly and that is what I was using to break the ice.

and it isn't useless info if you put some thought into it.(obviously it is only useful near endgame)

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Why are you voting him? Do you think he's mafia because he hasn't shown up? Or are you pressuring him so close to phase end when it's apparent he won't show up anyways.

no I don't, I want him to sub out first

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##Vote: Shinori

Looks like sheeping, but I've been thinking his activity was strange for a while now. It looks like either Creeper or Shinori will be lynched, and I'd obviously prefer Shinori to be lynched.

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Diavolo - Don't know you.

Kaoz - Apparently this guy also brought up numbers?

Luster Purge - Having no internet sucks. See no reason to lynch this person before he's subbed

Kay - Talked to her, seemed evasive

13th - Doesn't exist

Daigoji Excellen - Hello, me

Naglfar (JBCWK) - Seen him post once or twice, not on IRC

The Creeper - doesn't exist and this pisses me off, because he has been on SF

kirsche - Went fishing for night targets. Am holding it for his usual Kevin-ness for now

SlayerX - Doesn't exist

Haze - Maybe we should talk some more?

eclipse - Being herself - neutral

Shinori - Also brought numbers into the game. And pressure votes for information this early in the game? What do you hope to achieve?

Iris - Talked and neutral, though I felt she's a little evasive

Cap'n Flint - Brought up numbers to me, which simply isn't interesting outside the world of theoretics.

Strawman the DucksawDucky - Didn't reply to my PM yet. Disappointed.

Obviam - is Obviam

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Kaoz - A bit suspicious. I think he did something contradictory a bit ago?

If you can spot anything, please point it out for the rest of us.

Now then...

1. Diavolo - neutral

3. Luster Purge - as mentioned before, I disagree with the reason he originally got votes, on the other hand he didn't do a great job at defending himself either... not really leaning either way here

4. Kay - neutral

5. 13th - seems to play more reasonable compared to other games, otherwise not much of an opinion yet

6. Daigoji Excellen - neutral

7. Naglfar (JBCWK) - didn't see much of him yet

8. The Creeper - didn't see anything of him yet

9. kirsche - neutral

10. SlayerX - could be a bit more relevant in thread

11. Haze (Rapier) - leaning slightly towards town, simply because I don't think Domu would have the guts to argue for a NL as mafia, although maybe I'm underestimating him

12. eclipse - active as usual, got nothing solid that would indicate her alliance though

13. Shinori - didn't change much from when I voted him

14. Iris - neutral

15. Cap'n Flint - apparently doesn't look to good to a number of people, didn't talk to him yet though

16. Strawman the DucksawDucky - seems to have rather solid opinions which is nice

17. Obviam - seems to be one of the more active in thread people, only really notable thing was the delayed accusation

I'll leave my vote where it is for now, simply because Shinori still looks a bit worse to me than everyone else.

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Given a choice between voting some dude that isn't here, and some other dude that I asked to do something about his own lynch, and didn't. . .


##Vote: Shinori

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