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[FE8] Ingame and CC


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Here goes~!

Prologue - 2/2

Eirika always wants a free level of offense.

Chapter 1 - 5/7

I probably could've done this in four, but then Franz wouldn't have gobbled so much experience. Gilliam managed to sneak in some action. Let's see if I can get a good count on the next chapter (my senses say no).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       3.84  17   5    8   10    7    3    2
Franz     Cavalier   3.10  21   8    5    7    4    6    1
Gilliam   Knight     4.45  25   Base everything

Chapter 2 - 5/12

Gilliam gets the Red Gem, then Franz drops him somewhere relevant. Vanessa grabs Ross so I can have him go shopping. He also got a little bit of experience under his belt, too.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       5.31  18   6    9   12    8    5    3
Franz     Cavalier   3.65  21   8    5    7    4    6    1
Gilliam   Knight     4.84  25   Base everything
Ross      Scrub      2.55  16   5    2    3    9    3    1

Chapter 3 - 7/19

Had to burn a RN to make sure that Eirika didn't eat a 32% at the beginning of the map. After that, it just got worse. I recruited Colm because he kept dying (really). My highlighted restart is one where one of the Hand Axe bandits hit everything (including Eirika, twice). Ended the map with Eirika and Gilliam at 1 HP each.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       7.30  20   7   11   14    8    6    3
Franz     Cavalier   4.73  21   8    6    7    4    6    1
Gilliam   Knight     5.91  26  10    6    3    3    9    3
Ross      Scrub      4.08  18   7    3    3   10    3    1

Chapter 4 - 8/27

It's two over the ideal turn count. Gilliam doesn't care.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       9.96  21   8   11   14    9    7    3
Franz     Cavalier   6.69  22   8    6    8    5    6    2
Gilliam   Knight     7.67  28  11    6    5    3    9    3
Ross      Scrub      6.59  20   7    4    4   11    4    2

Chapter 5 - 10/37

I don't care if this is way over what I'm supposed to do. I got a full Killing Edge, a Guiding Ring, and good stats for Ross (four straight levels with Skill).

Chapter 5x - 9/46


(am I doing it right?)

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      12.99  23   8   13   16    9    8    4
Franz     Cavalier   8.82  24   9    6    8    6    6    3
Gilliam   Knight     8.16  29  11    7    6    3    9    3
Ross      Scrub     10.00  24  10    8    6   13    4    3
Natasha   Cleric     1.77  Base everything
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier   6.82  25   9    7    8    6   10    2

Chapter 6 - 5/51

Well, that was fun. . .

Eirika stood on the fort with the Armorslayer, and pwned a bunch of things, then made her way to the boss. Everyone else did their best to keep things off of her. I got what I needed via Killing Edge.

I deserve an award for this Franz.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      14.99  25   9   13   16   10    9    4
Franz     Cavalier   9.84  25   9    6    8    6    7    3
Gilliam   Knight     9.79  30  12    7    6    4   10    3
Ross      Pirate     1.27  26  12    8    7   13    5    3
Natasha   Cleric     2.47  18   2    4    8    7    3    6
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier   6.82  25   9    7    8    6   10    2

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Chapter 7 - 5/56

I had to keep resetting until Eirika stopped blocking things with her face. Ross ferried Franz over, too, for not that much effectiveness. I missed the Pure Water.

Chapter 8 - 11/67

I had to be careful with Gilliam, because he'd die to the knights in the treasure room, because he's frail like that. Finally got Kyle, and that makes me insanely happy. Also got the Robe (courtesy of the Chapter 3 key). Gilliam is rocking hard.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      17.32  27   9   15   17   12   10    6
Franz     Cavalier  12.18  27  11    6    9    7    7    5
Gilliam   Knight    13.17  34  15    7    8    4   11    4
Ross      Pirate     5.11  27  15    9    7   13    6    4
Natasha   Cleric     3.92  18   3    4    9    7    4    6
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier   8.02  27  10    9    8    7   10    3

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Chapter 9 - 15/82

Gilliam promoted, because Franz is bad and Kyle wasn't ready.

So what do you get when your units are doubled/made of paper/can't get to where they need to? THIS. But I got the Rapier and Amelia, and Franz doesn't suck quite as hard. Instead, Kyle thinks he's Ross, and Eir is tankier than Franz. . .and Gilliam is faster than Franz.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      19.10  28  10   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Cavalier  13.87  28  12    6   10    7    7    5
Gilliam   G. Knight  2.15  38  17    8   11    5   14    5
Ross      Pirate     8.88  29  16    9    8   13    6    5
Natasha   Cleric     5.49  19   5    4    9    8    4    7
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier  11.50  30  13    9    8    8   10    3
Amelia    Scrub      1.85  Tower, here I come

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Chapter 10 - 11/93

Guess what Eir with a crit couldn't do, thanks to her Strength and the bloody throne? That took an extra turn. Keeping everyone alive was FUN, because Amelia was 2HKO'd by bandits. I reset once because Franz died to a 27% attack.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  11   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Cavalier  15.18  30  14    7   11    9    8    6
Gilliam   G. Knight  3.02  39  17    8   12    6   14    6
Ross      Pirate    10.34  30  17   10    8   13    6    7
Natasha   Cleric     6.66  19   6    4   10    9    5    7
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier  12.75  31  14    9    8    8   11    3
Amelia    Cavalier   3.58  25   6    8    8   13    5    6
Gerik     Mercenary  Base everything
Tethys    Dancer     You're nearly out of Elixir

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Gogo Eclipse!

You deserve a trophy!.

And crush the rest!

And rexbolt/tie/beat Haarace :P:!!!

I just realized that getting Franz+tana/cormag is almost impossible.

Since most drafters aren't THAT daft.

I've got my fe6 LP and my fe9 instant win/draft and my fe10 backlog and fe7 draft.

My hands are full.

Thanks for shadowing/taking over for me, Eclipse.

I'll get to this once at least 3 of my fe10 drafts are done and when my fe6 jokes are funny.

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BTW, if anyone wants to take over my team, go ahead.

Due to hating CC and the Dracozombies

I was begged to participate.

Sounds like you gave up your team to me! Anyway. . .

Chapter 11 - 13/106

I have no idea how Horace does it so fast. Maybe it has to do with being able to kill things on EP. Even with my party splitting up, it took a while. Kyle and Amelia cooperated, so whee.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  11   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Cavalier  16.95  31  14    7   11   10    9    6
Gilliam   G. Knight  4.82  40  18    8   12    7   15    6
Ross      Pirate    12.53  32  19   10    8   14    6    7
Natasha   Cleric     8.73  19   7    4   11   10    5    8
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier  14.49  33  15   10    9   10   11    3
Amelia    Cavalier   6.90  27   8    9    9   16    5    7
Gerik     Mercenary 12.51  34  14   13   13    8   12    4
Tethys    Dancer     2.30  19   1    2   12   11    6    5

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Yeah, obviously, your situation is a lot different than a normal draft.

But in any old draft, an insta-crested Gerik has no issues ORKO'ing stuff on this map with a hand axe, he just has hit issues on the Mauthe Dogs, but everyone has hit issues on them.

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Even those Gargoyles/Deathgoyles? IIRC, those things are a pain to kill.

Chapter 12 - 13/119

Another slogfest, but my units finally cooperated. This would've helped seven chapters ago!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  11   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Cavalier  17.78  32  15    8   12   11    9    6
Gilliam   G. Knight  5.46  41  19    8   13    7   15    6
Ross      Pirate    13.65  32  19   10    8   15    6    7
Natasha   Cleric    10.16  21   8    6   13   11    6   10
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier  15.39  34  15   10    9   10   11    4
Amelia    Cavalier   7.42  28   8   10   10   17    5    7
Gerik     Mercenary 14.36  36  15   14   14    8   12    4
Tethys    Dancer     3.61  20   1    2   12   12    7    6
Saleh     Sage       2.26  31  17   19   15   11    9   13

Chapter 13 - 2/121

Turn 1: Natasha Barriers Saleh, who then murders the armor, who is then danced by Tethys, who then parks himself on a fort and sets an arrow guy on fire. Gilliam puts himself into boss range and uses a Pure Water. Kyle and Franz kill stuff north, and Gerik does the same south. Amelia and Ross pull Tethys to safety. I pray.

Turn 1 EP: Everything runs into Saleh, and he dodges most of it. He kills everything except a random unpromoted horse (his Fire broke) and two of the promoted units (the third one ate a crit).

Turn 2: Thanks to Saleh's efforts, the way is clear, so I have Amelia kill an archer for giggles. Kyle and Franz finish cleaning the north, Gerik kills the other arrow guy, and Tethys dances for Eirika. Horseslayer + Rapier x2 + Fire ends the map.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  11   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Cavalier  18.05  33  15    9   12   12    9    6
Gilliam   G. Knight  5.46  41  19    8   13    7   15    6
Ross      Pirate    13.65  32  19   10    8   15    6    7
Natasha   Cleric    10.50  21   8    6   13   11    6   10
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier  15.76  34  15   10    9   10   11    4
Amelia    Cavalier   7.85  28   8   10   10   17    5    7
Gerik     Mercenary 14.77  36  15   14   14    8   12    4
Tethys    Dancer     3.81  20   1    2   12   12    7    6
Saleh     Sage       4.46  32  18   20   15   11    9   15

Chapter 14 - 17/138

Franz promoted, and not much changed.

The reason why this took so damn long was because Franz was doubled at stupid rates against Carlyle, and Saleh's hit rates were abysmal (and Eir's damage output was stupid). In return, I cleaned the damn palace out (I WILL need that money). I also got to go shopping for a Knight's Crest, a Physic, a Killing Edge, and a Killer Lance. I'm not inclined to promote Natasha yet, but it's an option.

Gilliam's Speed has nearly caught up with his Defense. Saleh, marry me~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  11   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Paladin    1.88  35  16   10   13   12   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight  7.18  43  20    9   14    7   15    8
Ross      Pirate    14.90  33  20   11    8   16    6    7
Natasha   Cleric    13.13  21  10    8   15   12    6   11
Ephraim   Lord       6.06  25   8    9   12    9    9    2
Kyle      Cavalier  17.45  36  15   11    9   10   11    4
Amelia    Cavalier   9.03  29   8   12   10   18    5    7
Gerik     Mercenary 16.34  38  17   15   15    9   12    5
Tethys    Dancer     5.51  22   1    2   14   14    7    7
Saleh     Sage       6.95  33  20   20   16   12   10   16
Rennac    Rogue      1.02  You need a better sword

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He misses the gargoyles with a hand axe, and nobody can ORKO that Deathgoyle, I was referring more to all the bonewalkers and floating eye things along the way. He can get the Gargoyles with a steel axe though, and if you have him go east, he can OHKO (albeit at bad hitrates) Mauthe Dogs as well.

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Chapter 15 - 12/150

Update later. I'm pissed enough to start punching walls.

Feel a bit better now. Chocolate does that to me. Promoted Gerik to Hero.

Gilliam went kinda northeast, to draw all the flying things. Rennac and Eir went west to take care of the sword guys. Saleh started southeast, then cut back across the desert to go north to take out Caellach, then went back all the way south to help take out Valter. Kyle, Franz, and Gerik went due south to kill the group there, with some Ephraim assistance. Amelia was booted in favor of Tana and Colm, because I can't get the Silver Card otherwise. Managed to snag the Body Ring (Duessel), Killer Bow (Ephy. . .), Silver Card (Colm), Metis' Tome (Colm), Swiftsoles (Colm), and Warp (Rennac).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      20.00  26  11   16   18   13   12    8
Franz     Paladin    2.97  35  17   10   13   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight  8.49  44  20    9   14    7   15    9
Ross      Pirate    15.67  34  20   11    8   17    6    7
Natasha   Cleric    14.35  22  11    8   16   12    6   11
Ephraim   Lord      16.10  33  11   14   17   15   13    3
Kyle      Cavalier  18.76  37  16   12    9   10   11    4
Amelia    Cavalier   9.03  29   8   12   10   18    5    7
Gerik     Hero       4.78  43  20   19   18   11   15    8
Tethys    Dancer     6.62  23   1    2   15   15    7    8
Saleh     Sage       8.73  33  20   21   17   13   11   16
Rennac    Rogue      3.18  30  11   18   19    7   11   11

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Chapter 16 - 11/161

asdf. ASDF. This chapter was a pain. But it worked out somehow. Promoted Natasha before the chapter started, Kyle mid-chapter (when he hit level 19), and the twins at the end of the chapter. Metis' Tome to Amelia and Body Ring to Saleh.

Everyone that wasn't a suicidal turquoise-haired dude went towards the throne. Said suicidal dude found a nice forest to camp out in. Things got hairy once I hit the trigger point. I had to bait carefully, or someone would die. Gilliam can take hits, but things go downhill if he has to tank siege tomes. I used Warp to get Rennac close enough to steal the Red Gem (Natasha's good, but she couldn't warp him to the treasure room). Orson died to two Excaliburs and an Iron Axe.

WTF @ Eirika being about as defensive as Gilliam.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    1.00  33  13   18   19   13   15   13
Franz     Paladin    3.57  36  18   10   14   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight  9.35  45  20   10   14    8   16    9
Ross      Pirate    16.54  35  20   12    8   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     1.95  25  12   10   17   12    8   13
Ephraim   G. Lord    1.00  39  14   20   20   17   17    8
Kyle      Paladin    1.93  40  17   13   10   10   13    5
Amelia    Cavalier  11.96  31   8   12   11   20    5    7
Gerik     Hero       6.85  45  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer     7.75  24   1    2   16   15    7    9
Saleh     Sage      10.26  35  20   21   17   14   11   17
Rennac    Rogue      4.16  30  11   18   20    7   11   11

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Everyone that wasn't a suicidal turquoise-haired dude went towards the throne.

I take it that the "suicidal turquoise-haired dude" is Ephraim?

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Yep. I wasn't sure whether you meant "suicidal" as in "the person's in-game character" or if said character was just suicidal on your current run. XD

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Chapter 17 - 2/163

The atrocious turn count in the previous chapter allowed me to get Saleh to B staves. This is important.

Ross took a vacation. Myrrh came out and didn't level. She got a Seraph Robe, too.

Eph grabbed Natasha on turn 1, gratefully got a Barrier, was danced, then dropped Natasha somewhere relevant. Gerik hacked at the stump. Myrrh baited something. She nearly died, but whatever.

On the next turn, Eph was warped near the boss, and attacked. Saleh was in range to Physic him because he forgot how to dodge a 50% blast. Myrrh ran away, while Gerik did some self-improvement. Amelia failed.

During EP, Eph ate a Swordmaster critical and a Fenrir, but thanks to Saleh, he held on with 2 HP. He countered to end the map.

Why the hell does Ephraim have four more Defense than Strength?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    1.00  33  13   18   19   13   15   13
Franz     Paladin    3.57  36  18   10   14   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight  9.35  45  20   10   14    8   16    9
Ross      Pirate    16.54  35  20   12    8   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     2.37  25  13   10   17   13    8   13
Ephraim   G. Lord    2.28  40  14   20   20   17   18    8
Kyle      Paladin    1.93  40  17   13   10   10   13    5
Amelia    Cavalier  11.96  31   8   12   11   20    6    7
Gerik     Hero       7.35  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer     7.95  24   1    2   16   15    7    9
Saleh     Sage      10.56  35  20   21   17   14   11   17
Rennac    Rogue      4.16  30  11   18   20    7   11   11

Chapter 18 - 8/171

The usual experience shoving, with Amelia finding a way to kill eggs.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    3.05  34  13   19   20   14   15   14
Franz     Paladin    5.23  38  18   11   14   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight  9.35  45  20   10   14    8   16    9
Ross      Pirate    17.62  35  20   12    9   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     4.34  26  13   11   17   14    9   14
Ephraim   G. Lord    3.95  41  15   21   20   18   18    8
Kyle      Paladin    3.31  42  18   13   11   10   13    5
Amelia    Cavalier  14.03  32   9   12   13   22    8    8
Gerik     Hero       7.35  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer     8.65  25   1    2   17   16    7    9
Saleh     Sage      11.86  36  20   22   18   14   11   17
Rennac    Rogue      4.96  30  11   18   20    7   11   11
Myrrh     Manakete   5.90  28*  7    4    7    4    8    8
Syrene    Wings      3.88  27  12   14   15   12   11   13

Chapter 19 - 1/172

Energy Ring to Natasha, for Warp.

Saleh torches, Tethys dances, Saleh Rescues Ephy, Natasha Warps, Ephraim smacks Riev around until he gives up.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    3.05  34  13   19   20   14   15   14
Franz     Paladin    5.23  38  18   11   14   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight  9.35  45  20   10   14    8   16    9
Ross      Pirate    17.62  35  20   12    9   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     4.76  26  15*  11   17   14    9   14
Ephraim   G. Lord    4.99  42  15   21   21   19   18    8
Kyle      Paladin    3.31  42  18   13   11   10   13    5
Amelia    Cavalier  14.03  32   9   12   13   22    8    8
Gerik     Hero       7.35  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer     8.75  25   1    2   17   16    7    9
Saleh     Sage      12.13  37  20   23   18   15   11   17
Rennac    Rogue      4.96  30  11   18   20    7   11   11
Myrrh     Manakete   5.90  28*  7    4    7    4    8    8
Syrene    Wings      3.88  27  12   14   15   12   11   13

Chapter 20 - 6/178

This chapter can bite me. I had to smack Riev around with Siegmund, because Ephy's majorly Strength screwed, then rescue-redrop with Syrene. Myrrh eventually walked up, hit the boss, then Ephraim finished him. Everyone else tried to gain some experience, with mixed results.

No stats, because stupid me felt like completing the game.

Final - 2 + 2/182

Part 1: Natasha warps Myrrh on Barrier, she dodges stuff. Next turn, I warp Ephraim, who kills an obstacle so Myrrh can run up to Lyon and kick his face in. On EP, Lyon suicides into her.

Part 2: Myrrh + strength-screwed Ephraim can't do enough damage for Eirika and Saleh to finish, so I delay a turn. On the bright side, I got some experience for everyone else.

Stat update after I verify my turn count.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    5.10  36  13   20   21   16   16   15
Franz     Paladin    6.36  39  18   11   15   13   11    7
Gilliam   G. Knight 10.09  46  21   10   15    9   17    9
Ross      Pirate    18.62  35  20   12    9   17    6    7
Natasha   Bishop     7.39  28  17*  12   19   15   10   15
Ephraim   G. Lord    9.32  47  17   25   24   22   20   10
Kyle      Paladin    4.35  43  18   13   11   10   14    6
Amelia    Cavalier  14.97  32   9   12   13   22    8    8
Gerik     Hero       7.60  46  21   21   19   12   16    8
Tethys    Dancer     9.75  26   2    2   17   17    7   10
Saleh     Sage      13.20  37  21   23   19   15   11   18
Rennac    Rogue      6.44  31  11   18   21    7   11   12
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  46* 20   16   19   10   20   12
Syrene    Wings      4.80  27  13   14   16   12   11   13

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